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Leading matter and Dunedin Notea are crowded out this issue. Tub Minister of Public Works left Lawrenco yesterday afternoon by the 2.50 train. OWING to Thursday next being race-day Mr John Thompson's usual stock sale will commence at 11 a.m. sharp, instead of 1 p.m. l Tbe rainfall in Lawrence for the month of December, aa gauged by Dr Newell, was 2*4Gio. The total rainfall for tbe year was 30 57in. MX John Nash, well-known in this district, has taken over the Royal Hotel, Temuka, and entered into possession a few days ago. COLONEL BEYON, a Queensland officer, has been commanded to accompany the Duke of York on the divisional staff during his.Australian tour. There were four patients in tbe Lawrence Hospital last evening — three males and one female. One patient was admitted during the week and none discharged. WELLINGTON defeated Auckland at cricket by an innings and 13 runs. Scores ; Wellington, 397; Auckland, 2(52 and 122. Wet weather interfered with tbe game. THERE are 200.000 influehzt patients in New York, 100.000 in Chicago, 70,000 at Cleveland. Tbe weather is mild. President M'Kinley is amongst ihe patients. Cassell'S Popular Educator ia now within the reach of all ; it is given away free with tbe fragrant " Book Gift " Tea. The steamer Wernetb Hall, which sailed from Lyttleton on Tuesday for Durban, took a cargo of 110,992 801 b bags of oats, shipped at Ojmaru and Lyttelton. The body of E. A. Burton, missing since December 20, baa been discovered in the bush in tbe Mount Eden (Auckland) district, with hia throat cut. A razor was found close to the body. OWING to the high prices ruling for fat stock at present the butchers in Dunedin and suburbs, and also at Port Chalmers, have decided to again raise tbo cash price of meat. Why cook badly ! You can obtain a splendid large edition of Mrs Beeton'a Book on Cookery free by using the famous' " Book Gift " Tea. Mb Burnett, the inspecting engineer of the Railway department, left Wellington on Tuesday to examine the big embankment between Ranfurly and Wedderburn tbat has been oausing considerable trouble of late. The weather of late has been very unsettled and a good deal of rain has fallen throughout the district, the last few days beiog in addition exceedingly cold for tbe present season of tbe year. A Meeting of tbe non-commissioned officers of the Tuapeka Mounted Rifles is to be held in the Volunteer Hall, L%wrenc>, on Tuesday evening for the purpose of forming a class, fixing the night of meeting, etc. A FIRE broke oot in an asylum at Rochester! New York State, containing 175 orphan?. The boiler exploded in one of tbe wings, and blocked the outlet. Many wore suffocated or. stunned. Ia jumping from the windows 28 perished and 30 were injured. A writer in tbe "Otago Daily Times" complains at tbe authorities allowing youths under 20 years of ago to form part of tbe sixth contingent. He fears there will be little chance of those returning when the climate and hardships they are going to have proved too much for full-grown men. Ouu Waitahuna correspondent writes :— "Fat lambs are in good demand. Several buyers have been through tbe Wattabuna district purchasing them. Mr S. Oorry, after picking out between 40 and 50 of the beat of bis ewe lambs for breeding purposes, sold all the rest at lla per head." To The DBA* I—A1 — A rich lady, cured of ber Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholson's Artificial E*r Drums gave £5,000 to bis Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the E»r Drums may have them free. Address No. 719 d, Tbe Nicholson Institute, liODRCOit, Gunners bury, London, W. A NOTICE appears in the 'Gtzette 'stating tbat new by-laws bave been made for regulating the admission of persons to railway platforms. Under this by-law it shall not be lawful for any person to be upon a railway platform 15 minutes before or after tbe arrival or departure of a train unless holding an admission, ticket, for which 2i will be charged. The agents of the .Stock department in Otago and Southland are buying qp horses for the sixth contingent. Owing to the fact tbat tbe country was heavily drawn on last year for horses of tbe typo required for mounted infantry work, a little difficulty is being experienced in getting good, aound animals for the purpose. Recently, we ("Bruce Herald") are informed, a farmer, of Clarksvilie, unwittingly despatched one of hia horses with a pea rifle. Ib appears he was out shooting, and the trigger of the rifle would not act; after a little experimenting, tbe cartridge, our informant states, suddenly exploded. The bullet entered the animal, which was standing near by, and it expired in a very short time. ■At tbe Auckland police Court James Miller appeared to answer a charge of having murdered hia son, Herbert Edward* George Piper. Accused, who locked ill, appeared with bis throat bandsged. The Crown Prosecutor, in ontlining tbe facts, stated that on December 3 accused cut the child's throat and inflicted wounds on himself. He admitted the offence to the neighbours, and after being treated at tbe hospital was arrested on a charge of murder. After hearing the evidence prisoner was committed for trial. How seldom it is one comes across a really good vegetable medicine ! Yet there now seems to be one in the market, ia tbe sbape fit IMPEY.S " MAY APPLE." This excelienfc * preparation, judging from tbe numerous testimonials we bave seen, has achieved wonderful results in tbe cure of indigestion and various liver complaint*. , It ia reassuring also to find tbat its proprietor plainly states upon every bottle' the . nature of the ingredients of wfeioh the speoi* j i $c v composed. ;

The annual meeting of those interested in Jtbiiele Commonage, which was to have >ecu held in the Land O3i<p on Wednesday ivening, was postponed until tliia (Saturday) iveniug at ibe same hour and place. Ax tba Qnfvnsiown races on Thursday, Vlr A. Nayior's Eitella won tbe Hack R»oe 15 soys., five furlongs), and paid a dividend •>f i 124 4>, tbe owner holding tbe only ticket. Red B.uner won Iho Cup, Hezel being the :.nlv other aUrier. There w»s no investment on tbe machine for tbo race. Owing totbe'argo number of bookmakers present, only £747 wbb put through ibe nwohine. Tub police made a big raid on sly grogsellers in Balc'.utha on Wednesday morning. Eleven pltin-clotbes constables entered tbe district on bicyclea. Five places were entered, «nd Urge quantities of grog were found in etch. The names of the owners of the premises are :— Vial, Railway Hotel ; Bain, Farmers' Arms ; M'Donnell, Criterion ; Allen, Crown ; Marshall, Lemon factory. It is rumored that a simultaneous raid was made at Tapanui, Owaka, Clinton and Kukerau. As Tuesday's express was travelling between Takapau and Waipnkarau a prisoner made a sensational escape. Constable Baker was escorting Harry Whisky from Dannevirke to Napier in a second class carritge, when tbe prisoner made a sudden jump through the open window, and landed cloar of the train, whioh could not be pulled up for a distance of about two miles. Tbe escapee at first laid still where ho had fallen, and was seen to crpep into the furze. Steps were taken to effeot a recapture, but have not bo f»r been successful. Ax a meeting of the Christchnrch Charitable Aid Board on Tnesday, correspondence from Drs Clayton (the board's medical offioer), Frengly,and Symesrevealed a terriblecase. A female in tbe city is supposed to be suffering from leprosy. The Chairman stated tbat tbe case had been nnder the board's relief for some years at an annual cost of £60, but there was now a suspicion of leprosy. He bad directed the attention of the hospital authorities to the case, but admittance was refused. Drs Clayton and Symes diagnosed the case as lupoid ulceration and lupus of a very virulent form. The matter is to be laid before Dr Maaon, Government health officer. Splendid books suitable for Xmas presents for boys, nicely bound and profusely illustrated, are given away, free, with tbe fragrant " Book Gift " Tea. The ordinary meeting of the Land Board, held in Dunedin on Wednesday, was attended by Messrs W. Dallas (in the chair), J. Duncan, and H. H. Kirkpatrick. John Macdonald was granted an occupation lease over 50 acres on run 199E, Teviofc district, at a rental of Is per acre. The resolutions d«olaring the holdings of the following forfeited were rescinded, arrears having been paid :— H. J. and C. Hansen, J. Murray, J. M'Kny, A. E. Spain, James Hore, T. Spain. The offer of James Burke for tbe crop of ryegrass seed now growing on sections 16 and 17, block 14, Pomahaka Downs estate, was accepted. A petition was received from miners at Table Hill requesting that sections 13 to 17, block 7, and 18 and 21 block 5, Table Hill district, be withdrawn from sale under pastoral license.— Request complied witb. Fok some months great -quantities of slime have been apparent in Tasman Biy, and thia slime proved highly fatal to b'sb. Of late it has been less apparent in this vicinity, but reports just in from Golden Bay sate that it is proving increasingly fatal to fish. The captain of the Lady Barkly reports that ia steaming from Collingwood to Takaka, and thence to Separation Point, he passed.tbrough slime and dead fish tbe whole way, the fish being so close together tbat they were not a footstep apart. He observed hapnka, hake, schnapper, k*wai. cod, herrings, gurnard, and other fisb. Tbe beacbes of golden Bsy are strewn witb dead fisb in places to a depth of 3ft, and such is tbe stench that some Battlers comtemplate leaving their borne for a time. At West Wanganui the beaches are strewu with flounders and other fiab. Captain Stevens says the waters are thick witb slime, and appear a beautiful green by day, while at night they are like liquid fire. Those who ere accustomed to journey to Millers Flat by the east or back road will remember a rude timber cross on the road, stdn on which the following words were painted :— " Underneath lies somebody's darling." The meaning of the legend and the explanation of the cross in such a place is that many years ago tbe body of a man, apparently youn?, was found in tbe Cloths, and identification being impossible and no one claiming the body,it was laid under the ground here by (be miners who put the cross over the spot with the inscription referred to. The cross is now in a state of decajr'and no doubt would soon disappear and with it all trace of the unknown underneath it. Oabis way down country recently, Mr A. Mills, our local Slock Inspector, noticed this and took Ijie opportunity of mentioning it to a number of persona and suggested that something of a more permanent form should be put up to irark tbo location of the grave. The result is th»t a subscription has been started witb the object of obtaining a simple marble slab on which will be inscribed the original words placed on tbe cross. This will prevent tbe tffacement of a pathetic incident -of the early days. Why spell indifferently when you can obtain a copy of Webster's Dictionary free with the fragrant " Book Gift " Tea. A SAD fatality accurred at Mabeno on Sunday evening, Mr Burton (rabbit and stock agent-, and a son of Mr A. H. Burton, Dunedin) losing bis life by a fall from bis borse. Mr Bnrton, who had only one arm, bad two horses in a paddock at Mabeno, end in the evening took one down to water. Tbe horse had a strap round its neck, and on returning Mr Burton mounted it, with only tbe strap to guide it. Tbe animal started off at a trot, broke into a gallop, and then began to pluage. When on tbe road it unseated its rider, who was thrown violently on his head. With only ore arm he could do nothing to break his fall. The'unfortuna ! e man's skull' was fractured, and be lay unconscious. Medical assistance was quickiy forthcoming. Dr MAdam went , out from town, but tbe injuries received were beyond medical skill, and Mr Burton died on Monday morning. It was not deemed neceato hold an ir quest, and the remains were taken on to Dunedin for burial. — " North I Otago Times." A MEETING of ratepayers of Gibriels Kiding was held iv Beaton's Assembly Boom, Blue Spur, on Wednesday evening, to take into consideration the state of the main road leading up Gabriels Gaily. A largo number of ratepayers present. Mr John Uren, who occupied the chair, said the meeting was convened for tbe purpose of considering the deplorable state of tbe Gabriels Gully road and tile best means of getting it put in a . passable state. Messrs Varcoe, McHattie, i McFarlano and Rev. J. G. Ellis spoke on tbe question to tbe effeot that seeing the County i Council bad made the road some 16 years ago and bad maintained it ever since, tbat it was, in their opinion, tbe bounden duty of tbat body to still keep it in repair. The following resolution was carried unanimously ; — " Tbat the meeting appoints deputation to wait on the County Council at ha first meeting and lay before them tbe state of the road and ask them to repair tbe same and put it in a passable state, the deputation to consist of Messrs Varcoe and McHattie as representatives on behalf of tbe ratepayers and Mr J. C. Browne on behalf of tbe carriers." It was also resolved that the deputation report tbe result of their interview as soon as convenient. Sander and SONs'*Eucalypti Extract.— Under the distinguished patronage of his Majesty tbe King of Italy, awarded diploma at tbe International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Acknowledged by Medical Clinics and Universities all over tbe globe. That the crude, resinous oils, which are now foisted upon the public under the name of Eucalypti Extracts, may not be mistaken for oar Pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract, we state :— lt is proved by tests made by tbo Medical Clinics of the Universities at Bonn and Greifswald (Prussia), tbat only products tbat are saturated with oxygen and freed of acids, resinous and other substances adherent to primary distillation, will develop the curative properties possessed by tbe plant. All crude oils, or so-called Eucalypti Extracts, which are used for mechanical purposes only and abandoned long since as an internal medicament, are discernabie by s— 1 — Their deficiency in pungent odor (which our product, the only 'genuine Eucalypti Extract, develops most freely through its surplus of oxygen). 2— Their alcoholic, thin, and mobile appearance,jbeing reduced in specific density, through tbe presence of acids. 3— Their taste, tho result of the contracting tendency of resins and tannates. To avoid the appalling consequences resulting from their application ip eronp, bronchitis, diphtheria, dy sen try, internal ih'y flammation, etc., insist in getting Sander and Sons' Pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract, aud be safe

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4821, 12 January 1901, Page 2

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