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The ordinary meeting of the above-named body was held in the County Chambers, Lawrence, yesterday afternoon. Present— Crs Bennet (Chairman), Edie, Henry, Inglis, Knight, Livingston, Michael, Oudaille and Sim.


, - The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.


The inward correspondence was dealt with as follows : —

From David Barclay, farmer, on betfaif of a I number of settlers at Tuapeka West, asking for a re-consideration of a petition sent to the Council some months ago with reference to repairs to the road on the east bank of the Clutha River. It was said the road wris now almost impassable for a distance of about 20 chains below Barclay's, and would become much worse if rain set in. The cutting of a ditch and putting in of two small culverts to take away the water was all that was required, and the writer stated his willingness to plough out the ditch free of cost, which was the chief part of the labor involved. — Cr Henry moved : " That the surfaceman for the riding attend to the request." — Agreed to.

From J. A. Eirke, on behalf of several settlers in bis district, asking what amount of thirds of the land revenue had been spent in the Greenvale survey district, and where between Ist January, 1887, and 26th October, 1895.— Cr Edie said the thirds and fonrths of the land revenue generally came to the Council in sums varying from 5s to 7s each section. Whenever these accumulated to £10 or £12, he endeavored to get the money expended to some advantage to the settlers. He moved : " That Mr Eirke be informed that the money had been expended on roads within the district, and had also been approved of by the Land Board."— Carried.

From G. W. Adams, secretary of the Crookston cemetery trustees, notifying their recommendation of Mr Charles Cassidy, of Heriot, for appointment as trustee of the cemetery vice Mr Thos. J. Collins, resigned, and asking for the Council's approval of same.— Received.

From the Under-Secretary Mines Department re Millers Flat bridge. He wrote that a subsidy having been authorised to the extent of £5,650, being one half the lowest tender for the bridge, the tender should be accepted if the Council was prepared to fioxl its moiety. — After some discussion, it was resolved that the Government be again written to, asking them to accept the lowest tender for the construction of the Millers Flat bridge, in terms of the resolution passed at last Council-meet-ing, and failing this that the Government be asked to prepare modified plans of the bridge to come within the moneys available for the work.

From John Pearson, Waitahuna, on behalf of self and party,askingthat the road situated between Waitahuna main road and Greenfield be taken off their hands, and that some person authorised by the Council should be asked to pass the same.— On the motion of Cr Oudaille, it was resolved to accede to the request. .From Messrs Scott and Blackmore Bros., contractors, Waipori, claiming £40 extra on contracts No. 414 and 415, Waipori -Lawrence toad.— Beferred to the Engineer for report. From William R. Moore, Berwick, asking | that the Council should do something towards j improving the state of the track leading from ' his homestead to Berwick. He stated the roadline was on the boundary between the two counties, and the Bruce County Council were willing to co-operate in the matter. — The clerk of the Bruce County Council wrote stating that the road on the boundaries of the counties in Waipori survey district was very much in need of repairs, and asking the Council's co-operation in effecting improvements. To obviate the necessary reference io each Council before anything could be done to the road, the Bruce Council proposed that in future the road be divided into two equal lengths, the Bruce County managing the lower portion and the Tuapeka County the upper, the dividing point proposed being near to where Mr W. R. Moore's road leaves the main ridge.— Mr Moore, who was in attendance, said the ruts on the road were very deep and dangerous, and required immediate Attention. He paid rates to the Bruce County Council and also to the Tuapeka County, part of his land being in Waitahuna riding, but the road that required most attention was in Waipori riding. The Bruce County Council was agreeable to apportion the road, each County to give attention to its particular portion. He would prefer if the Council could agree to this, as the land funds thirds and fourths could then be expended.— Cr Enigbt moved: "Tbat this Council expend £10 along with Bruce County Council in the repair of the road, half the amopnfc to be charged to Waitahuna riding ; the Chairman And member to meet the engineer of the Bruce County and endeavor to arrange the portion of road that each Council is prepared to look after."— Carried.

From W. Quin, Tapanui, stating that James Muir parted with a see&ra for which he was rated some time ago, and ihat Thomas Courtenay, the owner of certain land, had disappeared. To recover rates the section would have to be sold.— Received.

From John Eady, puntman, Millers Flat, pointing out that on account of the low state of the river the punt could not, be worked frith wet ropes la frosty weather, and it was consequently unsafe for heavy traffic. Better *Ef lwaoes were asked jor>— Res.eiyed.

From William Dowdall, Berwick, calling attention to the dangerous state of the track from Berwick to the upper end of his ran. It was on the boundary between the two counties, but he understood the Bruce County Council would co-operate with the Tuapeka County Council to improve it. He hoped that something might be done this winter towards filling in the ruts and clearing off the tussocks and scrub on the road line. — It was resolved to inform Mr Dowdall that the Council intends to take steps to repair the road.

From A. and E. Fowler and others, Tuapeka East, asking that temporary repairs should be effected on the Ross Gully road, some of the holes in which were dangerous. If the Council would in the coming summer undertake to repair the road permanently, they would put on, at least, three teams, providing the Council put on the same number and supplied the necessary men for filling and spreading the stone, which is available all along the road. — Cr Henry moved : " That the surfacemen be instructed to attend to the worst portions of the road." — Carried. From Creighton Reid and eight other Tuapeka residents, asking the Council to get the Rankleburn road surveyed at once, as the weather was favorable for the work, and it would supply very necessary employment for a number of men. — The clerk explained that, on the assumption that £400 had been voted for the necessary work on this road, he had written to the Government requesting that it be put in hand with the object of providing employment for those out of work. A reply had been received from the Government stating that there was no such vote available. —The Chairman said he had applied to the | Government to have a sum plaaed on the Estimates to complete the road.

From the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, stating, in reply to a memo, from the Council, that inspection of slaughterhouses and also dairies rested with the local authorities, but under the Dairy Act inspectors had been appointed, and they were now busy making an inspection. As, however, it might be some time before one of them could visit the Tuapeka district, he suggested that the Council should appoint some one under the Public Health Act to make an inspection.— Received.

From Wm. F. Smyth and nine others, Wetherstonesjurging the necessity for immediate repairs to the road on the west side of Wetherstones Flat. About fifty yard 3of gravel, of which there was plenty in the vicinity, would fulfil all requirements. — Cr Michael moved : " Tbat as soon as the weather permits, the road be attended to." — Carried.

From Murdoch Gillies, Tapanui, notifying that he had sold section 16, block xin., to John Dickison. — Received.

From the Inspector of Permanent Way, Milton, re drainage at Forsyth station, asking the Chairman to meet him on the ground to inspect the drainage of the approach to the station yard. — Left in the Chairman's bands.

From the Land and Income Tax Department, forwarding a circular giving information as to the legal formula necessary to be followed when levying rates in the district. — Received.

From H. Crossan, secretary of the Beaumont Cemetery Trustees, stating that, in accordance with a communication received from the Council, the following gentlemen had been ap* pointed trustees at a meeting of the residents — viz., Messrs W. Cumming (chairman), H. Crossan (secretary and treasurer), Wm. Phillipps, Jno. Johnston, Geo. Welsh, Andrew Donaldson, and Alex. Borthwick. — Received.

From the Controller and Auditor-General, returning the County balance-sheet for the year ended 31st March, 1896, to which he had certified. — Adopted.

From Mrs Rae, Raes Junction, drawing attention to the fact that the bridge on the road leading to her property needed attention. — The Chairman said that the bridge led into Mrs Rae's private property, and it did not come within the Council's province to repair it. — Letter received.

From Adam Stevenson, Beaumont, offering to buy the road through section 28, block 1., Crookston, if the Council would consent to close the same. If the road were opened it would prove disastrous to his property, and in the event of the Council consenting to close it, he would be willing to bear a portion of the cost. — It was resolved to inform Mr Stevenson that the Council had no power to close the road.

From William Kell and ten other settlers of Clarks riding and Waitahuna West district, asking that repairs be effected immediately to the Poison Creek road on the Waitahuna West side. The petitioners pointed out that plenty of rock was available at the foot of the hill, and the expense would not be great to rubble the worst portions of the road.— Cr Livingston was aware that the road was very bad in the winter time, and he had made up his mind to have it attended to in the spring. He moved: "That the petitioners be informed that their request will be attended to in the spring." — Carried.

From W. T. Hazlett, Dunedin, complaining of the action of the puntman at Millers Flat in refusing to put him across the river on Sunday, the 3rd inst., although he offered to pay the puntman and as many men as he required to help him. — Left in the hands of the Chairman and Crs Edie and Inglis to deal with.

From the secretary of the Waitahuna Farmers' Club, forwarding a resolution by the Club to the effect that if it was the Council's intention to purchase poisoned grain this season for the destruction of small birds, the club would respectfully suggest that it should be supplied as early as possible during the severe weather. — It was resolved, on the motion of Cr Oudaille, to purchase £9 worth of poisoned grain for distribution in the various ridings.

From James Paterson, punt man, Rankleburn, complaining tbat Mr C. Mullins, of Tuapeka West, forcibly took possession on the 12th ult. of the punt, and broke open the lock with a steel-bar, with the object of crossing the river. It was his (Paterson's) dinnerhour, and he stated in his letter to the Council that he had refused to take Mr Mullins across till he had had his dinner: hence the dispute. Complainant asked the Council's protection for their property. — The clerk was instructed to write to Mr Mullins requesting him to replace the lock and likewise caution him not to repeat the offence, otherwise legal proceedings would be instituted.

From Geo. Bennet, dredgemaster, Millers Flat, pointing out that owing to the shallow* ness of the river, he had been unable to remove tailings so as to relieve the working of the punt. — The Chairman said he had got a legal opinion bearing upon this matter, in which it was held that the Otago Dredging Co. were responsible for the silting up of the punt site. The directors, however, were anxious to meet the Council fairly, and would continue to carry on dredging with the object of leaving the ferry in the same state as it was prior to the silting-up. From Robt, GUkison, Clyde, stating that he had beeu appointed delegate to represent the Vincent County Council. at the County Conference at Wellington, opening 00 tbe 19th inst., and he would like to meet the local County's delegate (if they decided to appoint one) on the way through and confer with him, the interests of both counties being, in hjs opinion, almost identical. — It was resolved to inform Mr Gilkison that the Council had appointed tbe Hon. W. J. M. Larnach as their delegate, and' that Gr Qudaille and the County clerk would meet him on his arrival in Lawrence and confer with him in , reference to County matters. From the Clutha County Council, stating that the bridge over the Pomahaka River at Eelso is not Jit for traffic and a new bridge is required, and asking what contribution the I local Council would make towards the con- ( Btruction of a new bridge.— Received. I THE TUAPEKA MOTJTH PUNT.

M. Paterson, engineer of the Clutha County, wrote stating that on bis visit to the Tuapeka

g Mouth punt on the 30th ult. the contractors k were not there, and he had heard they did 1. not intend completing their <jontraot. It was 0 absolutely necessary, in his opinion, to y lengthen the landing jetties to 26ft and to let a the beams into the sides of the pontoons, so d that when the*land ends were resting on the r roadway, reduoed to a grade of lin 8, the 1 pontoons would be level. ' The caulking of - the pontoons should be attended to, as the c seams or joints above water were open, and c high winds might cause the punt to fill and sink in the absence of the puntman. In the 1 event of the contractors not proceeding with 1 the alterations required, the Council should f take over the contract and finish it. a It was resolved, on the motion of Cr Living- . iston, seconded by Cr Edie : "That Mr Tyson f be notified to complete his contraot for the ; punt, on the lines of Mr Paterson's letter, I within fourteen days, failing which the work I be carried out by the Council."— Carried. I THE CHjUBMAN'S BEFOBT. i The Chairman submitted the following ) report:— , . I have the honor to report as under for the • months of April and M*y ;— i. fioad Lawrence Town Boundary to Tuapeka Plat ' Hotel.— £soo worth of- bluestone -mntal will be laid s on this road, ths same having been commenced and ; road cleaned with, grader. • Should the weather per- , mit, this work will be completed at an early date. Contract No. 412 '(Dusky Road) will be finally > completed in about a fortnight. i A quantity of timber has been used in road repairs near the Island Block and at Tallab urn. Footbridge over Waipori-Birer.— This bridge has 1 been erected by day labor, old iron railway rails and ' timber being used in construction of same. On the main road -passing .through Beaumont Biding, urgent repairs have been made by coating 1 same aud filling holes with maintenance gravel. Attention has also been giv«n to various roads in the sercroi ridings in the County, in addition to, tbe main road repairs as stated aWe, The report was read and received. ACCOUNTS. The accounts for the months of April and May, amounting to £1,179 12s 6d, were passed for payment. ( SMITHY WORK. Mr S. Aitchison's tender for smithy work at Heriot was accepted. CHARITABLE AID. It was resolved to recommend that Andrew 01am, Waitahuna Gully, receive 3s per week relief allowance. WAITAHUNA BOAD. Cr Livingston moved : " That three trucks of bluestone metal be procured to fill up the holes in the main road from the Lawrence town boundary towards Moore's Hill, Waitahuna Road." — Carried. GENERAL BATE. . Cr Edie moved and Cr Oudaille seconded : " That a general rate of |d in the £ on all rateable property in the County be struck as formerly."— Carried. CBAWJFOBD'S CONTRACT, BANKLEBDBN BOAD. , Cr Livingston moved : " That the clerk be instructed to write to the Minister of Land 3 asking him to pay the wages due the workmen who had been employed on the contracts, which had not been completed, held by Mr Crawford on the Rankleburn road ; same to be charged against the balance of the money (about £80) due on the contract." — Carried. BOADLINBS TO BE CLOSED. It was resolved that Mr W. T. M'Farlane's request, preferred at last meeting of the Council, to have a roadline in the Tapanui district closed, be complied with, the written consent of the adjoining landowners having been forwarded. It was resolved to grant the Roxburgh Amalgamated Sluicing Co.'s request to close the roadline through section 30, blook 1., Teviot, and to have same shown on the Crown grant of the Company's claim; the cost to be borne by the company. EVENING SITTING. On resuming all the members were in attendance. A RESOLUTION RESCINDED. It was agreed that the resolutions passed at last meeting of the Council re levying toll on the Rankleburn and Tuapeka Mouth punts be rescinded. THE MILLERS FLAT PUNT SITE. It was resolved that consideration of Macdonnell and party's application re Millers Flat punt site and Otago Dredging Co.'s claim be postponed till the Supreme Court appeal case has been heard. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BILL. The Council went into committee to consider the Local Government Bill.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4351, 13 June 1896, Page 3

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TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4351, 13 June 1896, Page 3

TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4351, 13 June 1896, Page 3