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DONAGHTS BINDER TWINES ailuiuiiiuuiiimuiiiiuuuuiuitumuiiiiiiitiiiiumiuiuiitiiutiiiiuiiiiiiitiiuiiuiuiiuiiiii THE FOLLOWING ARE OUR VARIOUS QUALITIES :— No. 1 PEI2E MEDAL MANILA No. 2, MIXED TWINE (MANILA AND PICKED NEW ZEALAND FLAX), No. 3, NEW ZEALAND FLAX. All these Twines are specially prepared by our [mproved Heckling, Drawing, and Spinning Machinery, which cost over £20,000. They are all Double Reeled, and tested by the Patent " Check Nipper," so as to ensure regularity in strength and evenness. We put out Six Hundred and Sixty-five Tons Last Season, All of which gave entire satisfaction. Absolute reliance can be placed on its working in any Machine without Breakage' or causing any stoppages whatever. In consequence of the extended area of crop, there will be a large demand this Season. As Twine deteriorates if kept over one season, we do not make more than we have Advance Orders'for. Farmers are, therefore, advised to GIVE AGEITTS THEIR ORDERS EAELT! "** SO AS TO EIJSURE GETTING OUR TWINES. * iiniinuiuitiiiinnnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHH"iiiiiiiiiiinni EVERY BALL OF TWINE HAS THE COMPANY'S TICKET ON IT SPECIFYING THE QUALITY. 'tinimtiiiuiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiittiiuitntmiiiitiiiiiHiiiitiiuitiiiiuiiiimmiiiuuiifiiui M. DONAGHY and COMPANY, Otago Steam Bope and Twine Works, Dunedin. COBB AND OO.'S LIVERY STABLES VfATTHEWS & CHALMERS, LAWRENCE. Si COAOHBUILDERS, GEOEGE WALKER, ___ , -~- WHEELWRIGHTS AND GENERAL PKODUCE ANI) GENERAL W^ Z^XI^CL 52 BLArKCMITHB, MJkKGHANI, section with the CoacLing Business, every " Boss PLACE, LawbenOE. Colohsat and WHiTBHAVBir-STRB-TS, attention will be given to the Management of Lawbbnoh. jih e stables, which will be undei? the imaae- ORDERS EXECUTED FOR diate Buperrision of Mr Craig. BUGGIES, STATION WAGONS, AND! GKW haß made arrangements to have a / SPRING CARTS. onitant supply of Kaitawoata Coal on Horses, l^ggies, spare Coaches and X earns available. Carriers' and American Waggons. oand for sale. Having added to his business plant a Horses Broken to Saddle and Harness — Road, Farm, and Tip Drays — all sizes. earn Engine and Circular Saw, he is now ™* - B™"*™ of having them properly __ M 5 broien. Mining Tools, Agricultural Implements prepared to supply Fikbwood cut in short H.CRAIG AND CO., >Bngths, or to cut it by the load in lengths Proprietors. [orseshoeikg, &c. to suit his Customers. H. C. and Co. have obtained the Hearse At Moderate Prices, Orders entrusted to him will be punctually *fely built by Mr Mean, senr., and are pre- — ~~ - , , pared to let • out on hire at very moderate . JOHN THOMPSON QOUTH BRITISH FIRE AJtfD MARINE liISWAy '^^^im AUCTIONEER, & INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW |Hj|^£i_y>rVp7r C Laxd and Estatb, Loan, and ZEALAND. - pjfcttf Q_> -*• ■*-'-**.>»> i^ MOTIB^,.?^"S?So AOBNT> o.p ite i ...""rei,ooo,ooo illg^fc^^^B With unlimited liability of Shareholders. WM^^^^^^^^^^^ W$ Norwich Union Insurance Co. The Company is a thoroughly local insti- H fi^^^^^p i ' standard Fire and Marine Inaurance Co. tution, with more than 900 shareholders, all " |^^B^^ v i^^W ' Austrian Mutual Provident (Life Assur- esident in the Colony. || jP^^R^PA i PenSnt Building Society of Otago Kre Marine Riskß taben at lowest || B^^fe Standard, Fidelity and Guarantee Society current rates. I 111 I b^S^^ 5 •^^^- i CT RK I All business connected with Ap Ucations i^^JZ^SZf! § "SS°-^^S *or Assignment or Exchange of Agrieul- BBp^Mii-iHlJlgteMEß||@| tural Leases; Applications under Deferred ■ Payments; Mining Leases or Claims; {irvi/n ATVIT» STTVPP TXT A TPTTPH Upking of Crown Grants, &c.,'nu.ckly and WUljlJ bi fi VJiJi WAloHi!ib I COLOMBO, CAI.CIUTTA I cheaply transacted. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES l.Pfe-* M ° PRtNCESSIDUMEDIN^p^J Loans gegotiated.-Money Invested. AN D T.^ V OU N G'S ~" JC ABBUOKLE 1 Ui 88 Prutobs-strbbt, Punbdin. JOSEPH E6GLESTONE, • . U CARPENTER, JOINER, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL COM- In order to keep pace with the present XJPHOLSTERER, PICTURE-FRAMER, &0., MISSION AGENT, competition in trade, and to meet the R nfln PT_ nw t,awhwvob Lawebnob. depressed times, G. &T. YOUNG some BB ° SS P^ E^^ BBNOB ' ."" three months ago made large and genuine j, c. begs «. draw attention to his large Agent for National Fire Insurance Co. reductions in the prices of their Gold and an a varied selection of Pictures, Mouldings, Agent for Mutual Life Association of Aus- Silver Watches. Every watch was re- &0., which are sold at lowest rates. tralasia duced in price, both gold and silver. The Agent for Mr William Reid, Bwdsman and falue th now offer is exceptional. Furniture of all descriptions made to order. Nurseryman, Dunedm f G> & T YO UNG have in stock Ladies' Agent for Messrs H. Crai and Co. s Mail ftnd Gents , Go , d ftnd gilyer Wat(jheß of Turnery-work executed on the preraiseo. LineofOoaobes^^ every deßCriptioDj mci nc i u di ng ChronoAuction Sales of Furniture and General Goods g /apbs. Independent Centre Seconds, UNDBBTAgiNO Oondttotbd. _ Wld in Saleroom, or on vendor's Adjusted Half Chronometers, Keylesa fl _t__Av^w premises. Lever and Geneva Watches, in hunting MWftBT. Monthly Sales of Stock held at Lawrence -«d open-faced cases. They would call Saleyards. special attention to their new Gold Half 9Bmß___-*^s^-S^' Land and Mining Applications attended to Chronometer Watches, which are unsur- 1 ~ "^^ on moderate terms passed for correct time-keeping, and are HAT)!) i\TTI fl/") Q Advances made on Wool consigned for sale not more liable to derangement than an \J \J jj JJ £L 111 1 \J \J U< k3 Dunedin or Londo ordinary Lever. TELEGRAPH LINE OF Hides, Sheepskins, or Rabbitskins for- In pection Reskcitullt Invitbd. __. -, „ «^.« T -r-r-« warded to Dunedin for sale without charge. ROYAL MAIL COACHES — ~ Gr. A ™ o^ oTJ]SrG ' Lawrence iHh ACANUFACTUBrnG JEWELLEBS. Thy^ 0^ AIBXANDKA J3S? CTICAL WATCH & CLOCK MAKEES, T oSSSS* THOMAS DWYER 88 Pbikces steeet> Dunedin. Abbowtown QttbbnbtowbBUtataS «?!_.^m_2^l__?_ !»»---» -.Taomr _»(»--«,. _-_-__U I__i nform thepublic that he hasaccommo- rpHE MERCANTILE AND BANR- „. . ,n , _. ._, . daidon for horses second to none in Otago, 1 RUPTCY GAZETTE OF NEW Oo ° b and Oo - 8 J-^graP ll Itme of with a groom in attendance night and day. ZEALAND Mail Coaches leave Lawrence for the Beau- ! -. ,-o . (with which is incorporated the "Weekly mont Teviot, Alexandra, Cromwell, Arrow-Firrt-ilasß double and Single Buggies. Advertiser"), • ' ' Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses PUBLISHED EVEET SATUEDAT MOENING, town, and Queenstown every Monday, Wedneson hire. p «*• t < T>-,? On ca IX^ ! o_ Tk/r . da y> and I^day, reaching Roxburgh the •a *_« vT i Purticulars of Bills of Sale, Stock Mortgages, ' ' J B s Howes oarefullv broken to Saddle ■ Liens on Wool and on Crops, Bailments! same day, and Queenstowa the foUowing auu. Harness^ Affidavits of Satisfaction, Bankruptcy evening. Passengers leave Dunedin by the BLACK -CLOUGH SAW MILL durtagSch^eek? 1801191 ' 868 ' **" & '^ B.lsa.mtrainjleaTeQueea B town on same days TUAPEKA WEST. Als^ carefully-revised Share and Produce at 5 a.m., reaching Roxburgh at 8 p.m., and TOES TiSON l^_"__-_- U th. OSS^SSS&iZSaSX^S. "■*•--—' '.^P—.foUowin g Lr^ZT^T^T _ &^?=-K__£_*sf °' her *SLb. 800^ 6 oaoe lor^n SM that he h_**U kinds of Bmldrag Material in Absolutely Indispensable to thb Safbtx -„-,, iw»u6«" t ook whic%illbesoldatthe lowest possible „, M «/«f Jjumm. «d Paroels:-Bookmg Office-N.Z.Expr,s * v m: v •« o. ji- j 4. Terms: jßl7s6d(_acludipgDigestTl per annum, Oo'b Office, Manse-slreet, Dunedin. 1 ate. for cash Timber will be delivered -t strictly payable in at^ance. „ , ' p ,' T Soapeka Month week!-. Fi-ee Sample Copies obtainable roicuthe Pro- Bad Ofloai-Ped-street Lawrence —I- , prietors B. T. WHEELfIR & CO., H. CRAIG & CO., Po»lelf Addren Tuapek* Wesi Dunedii? Proprietors.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1870, 13 February 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1870, 13 February 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1870, 13 February 1892, Page 1