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Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is everywhere recommended as the best remedy for the cure of scrofula, scrofulous and cancerous humors, chronic catarrh, eczema, boili, pimples, sores, and all disorders originating in impure blood. It neutralizes and eliminates the acids that cause rheumatism, gout, and dropsy. It regulates the liver and kidneys. gives tone to the stomach, increases the appetite, aids digestion, Cures Dyspepsia, and makes the wealc strong. No other blood purifier is composed of such carefully selected, highl) concentrated, and skilfully united ingredients. For nearly half a century this preparation has, in both hemispheres, been the standard tonic and strengthening medicine. It Is universally approved by the medical profession, and benefits the enfeebled system at all seasons of the year. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Made by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell,Mass.,tr.S. A Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Vendors. Cures others, will cure you The Sufferer's Best Friend, Alt Disorders affecting the Liver, Stomach, aad Howels. These Pills can be, confidently recommended as the most certain remedy for indigestion, flatulency, acidity, heartburn, colic, constipation, and all the many maladies resulting from disordered stomach or bowels. These Pills are alteratives and strengtheners of the stomach. They may be taken under an; circumstances. Weakness and Debility, Nervous Irritability. The wholesome effect exercised by theie admirable Pills over the blood is like a charm in dispelling low spirits, and restoring cheerfulness. Their mild aperient qualities well fit them for a domestic medicine, particularly for female* of all ages and penods oflife. To Regain Health, Strength, . * and Vigour. • Whenever persons find themselves in that state termed a " little out of health," it is necessary that Holloway's Pills should be perseveringly taken, as they not only rid both solids and fluids of all morbid matters, but regulate all disordered actions, and thoroughly strengthen the frame. Chronic Coughs, Colds, and Asthmatical Affections. These Pills, assisted by rubbing Holloway's Ointment very effectually twice a day upon the throat and chest, will be found the most effective remedy for all pectoral diseases. This treatment has proved wonderfully efficient in not only curing chronic coughs and colds, but asthma of many years standing. Eolloway'" Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: — Ague Female Irregu- Rheumatuat Asthma larities Scrofula Bilious Com- Fevers of mil Sore Throats plaints kinds Stone and Qtvni Bowel Com* Fits Secondary rhdnti Gout Symptoms Hoiio Headacha Tic-Doloreux fonstipatioti «IJ Indigestion Tumour* th= Bowtja ' Inflammation Ulcers Consumption Jaundice Venereal AmO> Debility Liver CM* tions Dropsy plaints Worms of all Dysentery Lumbago kinds Erysipelas Piles The Pills aad Ointment are Manufactured only at 78NewOzford8t(late633OzfordSt.)London; And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directions for use in almost every language. CW Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is n<* 68S» Oxford Str«et,Londen,th«y are spurious. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by >^w w£i4 >^^. thousands to bo Jx.*£i^ ~~**C*7*K. worth a Guinea a ftk^f £ A \.l^ Box for bilious and #*D/ T&J v» \ nervous disorders, /.>'/ / '" \ x vA 6u 9 n as yr^ n^> an^ B'ifl 1> A m'*7 r XT»T< wVI pain in the stomach. I / PA.L JiM 1 \ f \\ sick headache, gid |f| rtn I r mi diness, fulness and \>i\ rlkLdi IPii swollingaftermeals lVr\\ - , „ IS I dizziness and drow ' /EJm s ' ness < c °!d chills, V^j\. yJvM flushings of hent, VS^. loss of a PPe tite i B C< ty'^r shortness of breath, W&ik^Zr costiveness, scurvy, blotcheuontheskin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervoua and trembling sensations, &c. The .first dose will give relief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of coses, B very sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA. A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No females should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAiI'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all agSft to Bound and robust health. , For a/ weivk stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like " MAGIC," and a few doses will be fbund to work wonder* upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore 'the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health' the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are "FACTS'* admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; .and one of the best guarantees' to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COTTGHPILLS As a remedy for Coughs In general, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness »nd Oppression of the Chest, Wheeling, 4c, theso Pills stand unrivalled; and anyone labouriogunder any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove that they'are the best ever offered to the publio fo.r Asthmatic and Consumptive Coujriu, floarseness and Oppression of the Ohest. They speedjly remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give Bexoiux's Cough Pills a trial. The most jjolent Cough will in a short tone be removed. C A Cavtiok.— The public are requested to 'notice that the words "Beecham's Pimb, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills. Tf not on they are a forger*". Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helen*, Lancashire, England, in boxes at Is. ljd. and fc. 9d. each.— Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughput the Colonies. N.B.— Full direction**** given with each oob

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1869, 6 February 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1869, 6 February 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1869, 6 February 1892, Page 4