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HOLLO WAY'S PILLS To Purify the Blood. These Pills have been placed by the com' mon consent of mankind at the head remedies for removing obnoxious poisons from the blood, and cleansing all the tissues of the body. They have saved thousands year after ysar from falling a sacrifice to the effect of dyspepsis, dysentery, diarrhoea, constipation, liver complaint, &c, a fact attested bi myriads of witnesses. Excessive weakness and debility, the warnings of decreasing organic energy and vital decay, are restored and re-animated with vigor and healthful action in every organ throughout the system, by the restorative and exhilirating influence of this medicine. Indigestion, wilk languor and wan of energy When taking 'hese Pills, rub Holloway's oelebraten Ointment over the pit of the Btomaoh, and over the regions of the liver to the right side under fhe ribs, and you will soon experience » change tor the better in your digestion, spirits, appe'ite, strength, and energy. The improvement, i bough it may ba gradual, will be thorong • and lasting. Drnnsti. The efficacy of ETolloway's Tills in dropsy is extraordinary. They act with such peculiar effect upon the system, that the fluid arising from this direful disease are imperceptibly carried off and prevented from any further accumulation. The sufferer regains a buoyancy of spirits and rejoices in a completely renovated constitution ; but it is indispensably necessary that the Ointment should be most effectually rubbed into the complaining parts. Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels. Those who suffer from bile and liver complaints, Bhou)d try the effects of this valuable remedy, a" evr doses of which will make the sufferei feel elastic and vigorous, removing all impurities, giving a healthy action to the liver j if bilious attacks be allowed to continue, serious casualties may arise, and the sufferer consigned to a bed of sickness. In all disorders of the kidneys, the ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back once or twice a day j and the Pills act ing in unison, will cure any complaints, arising from these organs. Puffy — Shortness of Breaih with Weakness Very bad symptoms, which if not correoted may tend to some serious disorders of the heart, or other vital organs. Eat moderately of solids, take six Pills nightly for some little time : take plenty of fresh air with moderate exercise, and the human machinery will be quickly restored to health and vigor. Complaints incident to Children. All complaints of children may soon be cured if care be taken to purify their blood, correct the action of the liver, and cleanse the stomach and bowels ; a few doses of these famous Pills will immediately have the desired effect, particularly if parents be careful n not allowing them to eat of things which they know would be injurious to themselves Holloway's Pills are the best remedy hno>wn inthe world for the following diseases :—: — Auge Female Irregu- Scrofula, or Asthma larities King's Evil Bilions Com- Fevers o all Stone and plaints kinds Gravel Blotches on Gout Secondary the Skin Headache Symptoms Bowel Com- Indigestion T ic-D oul o uplaints (Inflammation reux Colics iJundice Tumors Constipation Liver Com- Ulcers of the Bowels plaints Venereal Af» Consumption Lumbago fection Debility Piles Wortns of all Dropsy Rheumatism kinds Dysentery Eetention of Weakness of Ffltsipela Urine wh a t c v er J Sore Throats cause,

BARRON GARDNER (late of Suffolk street, Pall Mall, London. Kngland), Specialistin Diseases of Genito-Urinary Organs and Nervous. System. Consult him on Nervous Debility, Fhysicall Kxbaustion, the Indiscretions of Youth, Seminal Losses, Spermatorrhoea, Skin, Venereal, and AllikH Disorders. Barron Gardner has made these diseases a lifelong study, and he has had the very gaosts practical advantage of a very large Private Practice* extending over a period ol 30 years. OonsultaJribD r l<) a.m to 9 pm.-The GARDNER BCLHffiTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTES (a few doors aboxu the Palace Akating Kink), Moray place, Dunedink. 9my A WONDERFUL MEDiCiNE. BEECHAM'S PILLS ujf^lT^i*. Ar , c . o^versaUy jf%. \J*i a j&l admitted to be ffl* >?-*■ w °rtb » Guinea a f£// \f A Poxfiorßiliouaand /QO/ \lfl \ Nerv ° us Disorder* l.w, / \ \i\ sue * ■ as Wind and I /PATENT r l imaeh, Sick Head. aU2\ —...._, W/MClie, Giddiness, ifM PILLS, /fi? l 7. ulness and Sw « v i'y-*\ __ Its I Ji^g »fter Meala, \vH\ """""■• l " //*?Jj Dizziness ana Y^aV /<£?// Drowsiness, Cold V^VWv >w/ ! Chills, I'lushings of V%>^<nS/^ ™ c ? "" of Ap * /Sny^ petit*. • .w».ness of ]3rc i 3 i-. sir. cjjßjil ness, . f: i ;y and €l|yfr Blotcr of. th» Si- in i k turned Sleep, Frightful Dreams, »nd a' \f~wjus and Trembling Sensations, &o» Thi .-t doso will give relief in twenty minut< ss. Every sufferer is earnest 7mv ':i \ r tr-.-cme box of these PiUsandtheyn ill U . \-iov\k _cad to be WORTH A GUINEA A HGSC. For females of all ages, these Pills >xto invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring abo ufc all that is required. Ko female should be wit hout them. There is no Medicine to be found c qual to Beecham's Pilli for removing any obstr action or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each b ax, they will soon restor* females of all ages to a ound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who hay» tried them, and found, the benefit* which art ensured by their use. oJi 01 " i? ™ e&k A Ston l a **« Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act lik* magic, and a fewdos n will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in th« human machine. 11 >ey strengthen the whole muscular system, re store the long lost complexion, bring back t ha keen edge of appetite, £ v£ 1 X! lse i m , t0 aoti °n Tritb. the rosebud of health the whole phy: ticai energy of the human frame. These are Facts testified continually by members ot all cl asses of society and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated iS.BBECHAirs PHJ,S htve theZargiH Sale of any Patent 1 tfidtefou! in the World. Beecham's Magic Cdugb Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronuhial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightnesa and Oppreesion of tbe Chest, Wheezing, &c, ijbese PiUs etand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deKS5J£° P fttient of rest. Let any person giva BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent Cough, will in a short time bo removed. , Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens. Lancashire, England, in boxes Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. each. Sold by all Druggiste mad Patent MtfTicino Sealers everywhere.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1682, 12 April 1890, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1682, 12 April 1890, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1682, 12 April 1890, Page 6