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SPECIALLY AUTHORISED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND : Messes P. HAYMAN AND CO., DunediD, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland The above carry a complete Stock of H. E. KUGELMANN & CO.'S Standard Herbal Magnetic Remedies, Which may be obtained from all Chemists and Storekeepera all over the Globe, LOCAL AGENTS— Messrs F. Oudaim,e, J. Harhop, and G. O. Tatlob, Lawrence; Meßsre W. Auld and A. Garden, Waitahnna; Messrs F. W. Knight and Co., Waipori ; Mr Henderson, Beaumont ; Messrs Maokat Bbos , Roxburgh ; Mr Brazil, Ettrick ; and Mr Kemp, Bald Hill Flat, rnHESE UNRIVALLED HBRBALTMEDICINES are universally acknowledged to be the ■ •!> best in the world, They are quite different to all others known, being absolutely uosur- ! passed in their universal excellence. They are absolutely specific for thoße complaints for > which they are specially prepared, and are free from poisons and all mineral drags, and are quite pleasant to take. JDHE BALSAM OY PAEADISE FOE ALL LUNG- AND THEOAT DISEASES. such as Bronohibis, Asthma Wheezing, Coughs, Colds, Fog Fever, Sore Throat, Bleeding from the Lungs, Tightness on the Cheßt, Inflammation of Lungs, Collapse of the Air Cells, Induration of Lungs, Congestion of Lungs, etc., etc. It is the only medicine known to mankind that will completely cure Consumption in its early stages. It is oomposed of choice fruits, flower seeds, gums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates and fattens the weakest constitution, alike of young or I old. We sold OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES during the first five years that we introduced this marvellous and elegant remedy, and that, too, WITHOUT ANY ADVERTISING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant to taste, and causes an immediate improvement in all who take it. Sold in bottles at 2a 6d, 4s, 6a, and 10s. "THE BOOM OE THE COMING- CENTUEY," ITZ^H. E, Kugleman's Electric Essence. — An external remedy for all pains or acheß, Nothing like this has ever been known, and nothing else will ever equal it. If you have a rheumatism or gouty pain that you do not care about, obtain a bottle of thiß Electric Essence and it will make you happy. Use it for sprained backs, knee joints, all swellings, dropsy, back ache, sciatica, neuralgia, weak spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness, crampß, quinsy, mumps, diphtheria, croup, and for all pains and aches. Never be without it for snake bite, and all bites of insects or stings, and for burns, cuts, and scalds. Sold in bottles only, price 3s 6d and 7s, H. E. KUGELMANN'S EYE OINTMENT & ANODYNE EMOLIENT. This is undoubtedly the finest Pharmaceutical product of the centnry. An immediate cure for chilblains and frost-bites. Nothing hitherto known can compare with this Ointment for. its marvellous excellence, elegance of combination, and superior effectiveness. It will care all eye diseases, as Sun Blight, Sandy Blighc, Watery Blight, Matter or Humory Blight, Inflammation of Eyes and Lids, Chronic Opthalmia, and all and Every Eye Disease ; and as well it is the best and nicest thing possible for Fly-bite, Mosquito Bites or Stings of Scorpions, Centipedes, Spiders, etc., 'and for Sore Throats, Coughs, Mumps, Quinsy, etc. It is simply splendid. All weak and nervous persons should use it to rub well in down the spine and on the Stomach. We guarantee that all who nse this once will never be without it. Read Descriptive Handbook for further notice. This ointment usually cures blight in a few hours, also whitlows and boils and painful breasts in two or three hours. Sold only in jars at 2s 6d and 5s each. ! H. E. KUGELMANN'S HERBAL MAG-NETIC OINTMENT. This unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the beßt ointment ever elaborated for curing old sores, bad legs, ulcers, fistulas, piles, bleeding piles, eruptions of the skin, broken chilblains, cuts, wounds, etc. etc., etc. In jars at ls, ls 9d, 2s 6d, and ss- each, H. E. Kugelmann s Children s Vital Essence, — For all the ailments of infancy and childhood. A real children's friend. See our Handbpok. Price, 2s 6d and 5s per bottle. THE HERBAL MAG-NETIC TONIC LIVER AND STOMACH EESTORER. For all liver complaints, biliousness, jaundice, congested liver, enlarged liver and spleen, langour, drowsiness, pains between the shoulders, chronic indigestion and all stomach complaints, heartburn, flatulency, sour stomach, vomitiug of food, loss of appetite, sick headache, nervousness, nervous debility, prostration, and the convalescing stages of all acute diseases. Bead our Descriptive Handbook for all information relating to this splendidimedicine, Sold in bottles at 53 and 10a each. THE NATURAL ELECTRIC BLOOD PURIFIER. This medicine has no equal for all blood skin diseases, perfectly free from mercury, arsenic, and all mineral drugs, and does not contain any sarsaparilla or yellow dock. Never fails to cure the worst forms of scrofula, scurvy, eczema, itch, ulcers, abscesses, sore legs and breasts, cancer, lupus, physical debility, decay of bones, waßting and withering, and all diseases having their origin in the blood. It will work wonders in every case without exception, — See Handbook, Prices, 4s 6d, 6s 6d, and 12s 6d each bottle. THE FLUID HERBAL LIFE. This is the soul of plants, and absolute specific for chronic neuralgia, faceache, toothache, tic doloreux, swollen face, gumboil, and earache. It can be completely relied upon to cure quicklyjand permanently any of these troubles. See Handbook. Price, Is 9d and 3s per bottle, HEEBAL MAGNETIC LIVEE PILLS. •USThese Pills are unrivalled, and supeiiftr to all others for all liver troubles, biliousness, costiveness, giddiness, indigestion", wind, and heartburn. They are composed solely of the vital properties of herbs, are coated and tasteless. Iv glass bottles, at ls, Is 9d, and 3s each. These should be kept in every house, aB they are a sure cure for numberless ills. THE CHILDEEN'S VITAL ESSENCE. Thiß is a liquid food medicine, prepared and adapted exclusively for permanently removing the ailment 8 and diseases of infants and children in every country and climate. It gives life, energy, flesh, bone and muscle to the frail and wasted infant, and will restore the health, vitality, vigour, and plumpness of the weak, diseased, or sickly child. Being pleasant to take, it is readily taken by all. Sold in two sizes uuly, price 2a 6d and 5s each, with our guarantee attached, without which it cannot be genuine. IHERBAL MAGNETIC ASTHMA CURE. This unrivalled herbal compound is undoubtedly the best inhalent in all Asthmatical complaints and Difficult Breathing, as Dry Asthma, Humid Asthma, Spasmotic Asthma, Nervous Asthma, Bronchitis, Wheezing, Tightness on the Chest, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds in the Head, &c, &c. Sold at 3s 6d, 63, and 10a. HERBAL MAGNETIC SNEEZING POWDEE. This is a most useful little Remedy of very uniform and positive character. Ib has been devised and used for many years for Colds in the Head, Catarrh in the Nose, Hay Fever, Ozena, Nasal Polypus, and all obstructions in the Nose or Nasal Passages, Sold at 2?, ss. H. E. KUGELMANN AND CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers of Electric and Proprietary Medicines, Distillers of Essential Oils and Medicinal Liquors, etc., etc., 4th AveDue, New York City, U.S.A. Australia!. Head Office and Warehouse : 172 and 174 William-streer, Melbourne, Viotoria. Plantations and reducing establishment at " Mount Paradise," Gembrood, Gippsland,

Established 1814, JOHN HADDOIST AND CO., " WHOLESALE AND EXPOET STATIONERS AND COLONIAL MERCHANTS. Sample Books with Terms on Application. Visitors to England calling upon us wil) receive every attention. London office fo: "The Australasian Federal Directory" and the Tuapeka Times. Bankebs :n: n City Bank, Limited, Ludgate Hill Branch, 3 and 4, Bouveire-st, Fleet-st,London, E.G. GRATEFUL— COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. | "By a thorough knowledge of the natual laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa Mr. Eppn has provided our breakfast tablei with a delicately flavored beverage which may »aye us many heavy doctor*, bills: It is by he judicious use of sucn articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until ifcrong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. W e may escape many a iatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti fied with pure blood and a properly nourished f r ame."— " Civil Service Gazette." Made simply with boiling water or milk; i d £lb p aokets by grocers, labelled thus— JAMES EPPS & CO. HOMffiOPATHIO CHEMISTS. LONDON, ENGLAND^ T AWRENOE RAILWAY TIME TABLE JJ Distance UpiTrains 1 2 T J a.m. p.m. Lawrence ... 6.30 2.50 3 Forsyth ... * *2 7 Waitahun ... 70 3.2 9 Johnston ... * * 12 Round Hill ... * * 14 Manuka Greek ... 7.40 4.3 17 Mount Suart m ?, 4.1: 19 Glenore ... * * 22 Olarksville ... 8.9 4.32 24 Milton... 8.17 4.40 Distance Down Trains, 1 2 From — a.m. p.m Milton... ... 10.35 7.0 2 Olarksville ... 10.43 7.8 5 Glenore ... * * 7 Mount Stua. . 11.5 7.3 10 Manuka „. 11.16 7.4 13 RcundHill „. * * 15 Johnson ... * * 19 Waitahuua ... 11.55 8.20 Forsyfh ... # / » 24 Lawrence m / ,60

MRS LOUISA HAWKINS' FEMAXB FILLS, 3s 4d and 5a Box, are invalaable; no irregularities or obstruction can re* Bist them. &frs HAWKINS' STEEL and PENNYROYAL PILLS, 3s «d Box, ssfe and reliable; indispensable to Ladles. NOTB.— Either sent by post free from observation on reoeipt of price in Stamps or Postal Note.— Address— Mm L. HAWKINS, 94 George street, Dunedin. 8.-ADVIOE FREE; aend 2d Stamp m for reply. SKIN, SCALP, 1 BLOOD DISEASES, DISFIGURING HUMOURS, IRRITATING ERUPTIONS, ULCERATED LEGS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, And LIVER COMPLAINTS Cored by CERTICURA REMEDIES. N.B. — Prepared only by the Certicura Remedy Company, London and Dnnedin. /"^ERTICURA Ointment, ls «d, 9s 6d, and 3s \y 6d per pot ; Certioura Blood Cleanser, 4s 6d per bottle; Certioura Lotion, 3s 6d per bottle ; Certicura Liver Pills, Is 3d per bottle ; Certioura Oil, 2s 0d per bottle; Certicura Healing Soap^lspercake^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SCROFULOUS ULOBBS. I have infferad from Sorofnloiu Uloert on my body until Iwusmm of corruption. Everything known to the medical faculty wu tried in vain. I became a mere wreck; at tlmei ooold not lift my hands to my head, oonld not tarn In bed. I heard of the Certicura Bemediei, wed them and wai perfectly cored. O. Hajuhks, Chrittoboroh. ■ Dbab Sib,— Pot many yean I was laid np with lores all over my body, and fonnd no benefit from doctors' treatment, After taking three bottles of Certicura Blood Oleanier, and ming Certicura Lotion and Ointment for two months, I returned to my work, and have been well ever since.— H. B. 0., Gore Dlstrlet. N.B.— Certieora Remedies are sent post free to any address on receipt of price in Stamps or Postal Note.— Address, C. W. HAWKINS. 94 &EORGE .STREET, DUNEDIN. CAUTION.-JToJSS For either of the "Certicura" Remedies, see that the Bison with the registered word "Certioura" printed on its body is on each article, without which they are frauds and counterfeits. LOST VIGOR RESTORED! T^TERVOUS DEBILITY, Premature DeJ3I clire, Seminal Weakness, Indiscretions, and Excesses positively cured with Certicura Nerve and Brain Remedy. N.B.— One month's treatment sent Pott Free on receipt of 5s in I Stamps or Postal Note. Address— O. W. HAWKINS. H«hdirt,M Georg* •toM*,DuA« jdlfc. .. , LII , , - , -. -

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1671, 5 March 1890, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1671, 5 March 1890, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Tuapeka Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1671, 5 March 1890, Page 6