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President : Mr J. C. Brown. Vice-President : Mr F. Oudaille. Stewards: Messrs S. P. Craig, M. Fraer, W. Barron, W. Willis, R. Webb.F. W. Wedlake, F. Browne, W. Tolcher, and J. Tucker. Judge: J. C. Arbucklo. Hon. Treasurer: Mr A. Foster. Clerk of Course: Mr A. Sim. Clerk of Scales \: Mr J. Mitchinson. Starter : Mr Hush Craig. Official Timekeeper: Mr F. W. Wedlake. Handicappcrs : Messrs G. Dowse and W. H. Taggart.

The first meeting held under the auspices of the Tuapeka Jockey Club took place on the Lawrence racecourse on Thursday last, and in every respect may be pronounced an unqualified success. The weather was simply delightful ; the racing, although the fields in every instance were not so numerous as could have been desired, was exceptionally good ; and the turn-out of spectators was larger than the most sanguine member of the Club expected under the circumstances, taking into account that so many of the residents of this and the neighbouring districts are employed at the present time in carrying on harvest- work, and could not afford the loss of a fine day to engage in pleasure* seeking. As it was, there were from 800 to 900 people on the ground ; and it can truly be said that the gathering was a representative one, for pleasure-seekers were present from all parts of the Tuapeka electorate, and there were also visitors from Roxburgh, Tapanui, Milton and elsewhere. The Club are, therefore, to be congratulated on the success which has attended their first meeting. No doubt an effort will be made to hold the next meeting at an earlier and more convenient date — say, either in the month of December or January. If this be done, and a more attractive programme prepared, so as to induce owners at a distance to nominate good horses, a still more successful meeting may be looked forward to; for there cannot be the least doubt that the public generally in this district are partial to horse-racing— more so, perhaps, than to any other kind of sport. The arrangements made by the stewards were very complete : each officer was at his post and did not neglect the particular" duties assigned to him. The course was in very fair order, when it is taken into account that the weather lately has been so unfavorable. Before another meeting takes place, doubtless the Club will be in a position to put the track in first-class order. It is satisfactory to record that no accident of any kind occurred during the day either to the horses engaged in the different events or to their riders. It was about 1.20 p.m. when the firat race —the Maiden Plate— was started. Six horses came to the post, but Land Leaguer (a four-year-old) had everything his own way and was never asked to gallop. The finish in the Novel Race proved a very close and exciting affair, Sir William just raauaging to pull it off, after a game struggle with Edaluciss, by half-a-head. The District Handicap proved an easy win for Blackboy, who won in a common canter. Ace of Clubs pulled off the Trot, although if Evangeline had been pushed towards the finish the result would have been different owing to the Ace's unfortunate habit of bolting where the crowd is assembled. The Hack Race turned out to be a hollow thing for Marksman, who took both heats without the least trouble. On being submitted to auction at the close of the race, Marksman was knocked down for £17 10i to Messrs M'Donnell Bros., who thereupon entered him for the next event— viz., the Open Handicap, which had been substituted for the Tuapeka Jockey Club Handicap. The Open Handicap brought forth a field of four, and singular to relate this event was pulled off by Marksman (who had won the Hack Selling Race a few minutes previously) in very good time, although opposed by Sir Audley, who had been specially reserved for it. The Hospital Race was won by Sir William ; and the Consolation Stakes fell to the lot of Sir Audley. The totalisator owned by Messrs Mason and Roberts did not do a great deal of business : only £277 was passed through it, for the afternoon. Two reasons may be given for this total being so small— (1) The bulk of those assembled on the ground were unacquainted with the principle on which the machine was worked ; and (2) the rate at which tickets were issued (viz.. £1) was too high : if 10s had been charged instead of £1 a much larger amount would have b«en invested. The biggest dividend (£7 14s)

was paid on Marksman's win in the Open Handicap, the dividends paid on the other events ranging from £1 Us to £2 17s. The gentry known aa " the talent " were not conspicuous by their absence at this the Club's first meeting : several of them appeared to do capital business, for the British public, as a rule, are not slow to learn the in§-and-outs of the only " true j and legitimate" game played on the course. A lot of business was done at Mr Webb's booth, and Mrs Silk was not idle in supplying refreshments, j^jufnded^ will be found a detailed acconnFbf tW different events :—: — MatdiH» PiiliJß, 'of, ISsdvs.— For all horses , that have fever won over £5. Weight for age. Distance, l\ miles. Mr T, James's b g Land Leaguer, 4yr«, 9st (M. MLiren) 1 Mr J. Henderson's b m Little Duchess, aged, 9at 31b (Sharp) 2 Mr Thos. Hewitt's g g Tui, aged. 9sfc 3lb (Newman) 3 Mr Browne's b m Little Maud, s£re. 9ai 31b 0 Mr P. Roger's b m Runaway Girl, aged, 9st3lb •-.. , .» 0 Mr J. Lorimer's b m Nellie, aged, 9at 3lb ... 0 Mr Johnson's Earl of Lynne (9st 3|b) was scratched. A capital start was effected, all^he horses being despatched on very even terms. Passing th 9 judge's stand for the first time, Tui led the way, with Nellie in close attendance, the others being a length or two behind Nellie. The same order was maintained until the coalpit hill was reached, when Land Leaguer, followed by Little Duchess, came up with a rush, and, rapidly overhauling the leaders, had fully a dozen lengths to the good before entering the straight. From this out, the result was never in doubt : for Land Leaguer came away full of running and won in a common canter by at least fifteen lengths. Little Duchess ran into second place, Tui, who followed, being half-a-dozen lengths in the rear. The others passed the stand in straggling order. — Time, 3inin 7^sec Of £27 invested in the totalisator, £9 was on the winner : dividend, £2 14s. NoTKi-RAC* (Handicap), of-25iovs.— The winner to be sold with all his engage. m«nts, and the proceeds of the sale to go to the funds of the Club. Distance, 1-J miles. Mr T. Dwyer'a eh g Sir William, aged, 7 B t (B. Fmnegan) 1 Mr A. Gray's g m Edalucisa, aged, Bst2lb (A. White) 2 Mr H. Craig's b g Dalesman^ Mr A. M'Pheraon's Marksman (Bst 2lb) was scratched. A good deal of fiddling occurred at the post owing to Dalesman being very fractions. On the fall of the flag, Mr Craig's horse rushed away with a strong lead, Edalnciss coming next, with Sir William a length or so behind. On rising the turn above the coalpit, Sir William deprived the gray mare of second place : Dalesman still continued to increase his lead, and was fully a dozen lengths ahead when passing the judge's stand for the first time. Bounding the coalpit turn, Sir William and Bdaluciss got within a length or two of Dalesman, who was then evidently in difficulties ; and before the recreation ground was reached, Sir William rau into first place, with Edaluciss lying on his quarters, Dalesman having fallen back hopelessly beaten. From this "out, a most exciting race ensued between Sir William and Edaluciss : the riders of both horses settled down to their work in real earnest, the whips were , freely applied, and everyone expected that a dead heat would be the result. Sir William, however, just managed in the last stride or two to gain a slight advantage?!^ judge's decision being—" won by half-a-head ! " Mr Dwyer's win was a very popular one. —Time, 3min 3£sec. Sir William was purchased by Mr M'Pherson (on behalf ofMrDwyer) for £7 10s. £68 was invested in the totalisator, a dividend of £2 12s being paid on Sir William. - District Hahdioa*, of*2osovs.— For horses within the Tuapeka County only. Distance. 2-milei.;^ ■■' - Mr D. H. Mervyn's b g Blackboy, syre. 93t 71b (F.Guy) 1 Mr H. Craig's b nr Mabel, aged. 6s 10. b (W. Sharp) 2 Mr Jaa. Henderson's b m Little Duchess, aged,6 3 tlolb . V (H. Taggart) 3 MrT. Hewitt's g g Tui, aged, fat 101 b ... 0 Sir Audley (Bst 121 b) and Edaluciss (Bst 21b) were scratched. Before the flag fell, Tui took a stiff gallop of a mile and a-half on his own account, and a start was made before he was brought back to the post: Little Ducbes3 lead the way for a mile at a rattling pace, Mabel being at her heels and Blackboy a dozen lengths in the rear. Passing the stand for the second time, Mabel was on even terms with the Duchess, the black horse, who was hard held, being still several lengths behind. Coming round the coalpit turn, the three horses were together; and before the recreation ground was reached, Blackboy was four lengths in advance of Mabel, who had defeated Liitle Drochess and was running very gamely. On entering the straight, Blackboy increased his pace and passed the judge's stand an easy winner by a dozen lengths. Duchess was about eight lengths behind Mr Craig's mare. — Time, 3min 55sec. [The time recorded has been called in question by 4 several sportsmen.] The sum of £41 was invested mi the totalisator — £21 being on , Blackboy : dividend, £1 153. Handicap Time Tbot, of 15aov«.— No weigh under 10 stone, saddle' or harnes optional. Distance, 3- miles. Mr L. Little's b r Ace of Cluba, aged (scratch) "' (M'LareD) 1 Mr J. Milrose's b m Evangeline, aged (7sec) • f (Bannatyne) 2 Mr M. Fraer's b m Nellie, aged (22sec) (W. Fraer) 3 Mr B.} Craig's b m Maori, aged (30sec) 0 Mr E. E. Marryatt's b m Polly, aged (35sec) C Mr ßobt. Ross's ehg Shanghran, aged (3s3ec) C Mr H. Craig's b g Wairuna, aged (7aec) ... 0 Wairuna, who was fancied by a large number of the r% knowing ones," took a fit of Bulkiness, andcould not be induced to start, and in consequence was never in the race. From the start, it was evident that the money would be a gift .either to Ace of Clubs or Evangeline, who both trotted splendidly. The Acs, who had a slight lead, broke off the course near the stand in the third round, but being brought round quickly was soon alongside Evangeline, the pair keeping step together until the straight was reached, when the Ace improved his pace and had half-a-dozen lengths to the good before coming to the stand, when he again broke off. He was, however, brought quickly round and just managed to pass the post half-a-length in advance of Evangeline. — Time, lOmin 2£sec. £2.4 was invested in the totalisator, giving a, dividend of £2 8s on Ace of Clubs. Hack Sbmino Race, of lOsovs. — The winner to be sold for £15, and any surplus to go to the race funds. No weight under 9 stone. Mile heats. Mr A. M'Pherson's Marksman (M'Laren) 1 Mr T. Hewitt's Bones (Newman) 2 Mr H. Craig's Dalesman (Austin) 0

Both heats were won easily by Marks--man. Dalesman did not show up in the second heat. The winner, on being submitted to auction by Mr Arbuckle, was purchased by Messrs M'Donnell Bros, for the sum of £17 10s— benefiting the Club to the extent of £2 10s.

Of £23 invested in the totalisator, £13 was on the winner (Marksman), a dividend of £1 lls being paid. Opbit Hakdioap (to all comers), of 20sovs. , —Three horiei to start or no race, Di?.

tones, Ii miles. Messrs M'Donnell Bros.' g g Marttj&itii&st Mr H. Craig's b m Mabel. 6st 101 b (T«Rgart) 2 Mr D. H. Mervyn's b h Sir Audfey. 9<t '{F. Guy) 3 Mr A. Gray's g m Edaluciss, Bst 0

Blackboy (lOst 101 b) did not accept. The flag fell to a splendid start : Mabel cut out the inside running at a flicking pace, attended closely by Sir Audley, the two greys lying a few lengths behind. Rounding the coalpit hill for the second time. Marksman drew up gradually, overhauling Sir Audley and keeping Mabel company for a few strides, he then assumed the lead, and, although pressed hard by Mabel, won comfortably by two lengths. Sir Audley did not appear to run very kindly. — Time, 2min 58|secs. £43 was invested in the totalisator, of which £5 was on Marksman, giving a dividend of £7 145. Hospital Raob.— The rider of the winning - horse to be presented with a whip, and the secoud with a pair of spun. Distance, 1 mile. Mr Dwyer's Sir William 1 Mr Wallace's Venus 2 Mr Henderson's Unknown 3 Only the above three came to the post. Sir William won easily by two lengths. — Time, 1 mm. 58secs. The sum of £13 was invested in the totalisator— £7 being on Sir William. A , dividend of £1 13s was paid. ConsoliAtion, of lOaovs. — Distance, Ii miles. Mr Mervyn's Sir Audley, Bst 71b (F. Guy) 1 Mr Craig's Mabel, 7st (Taggart) 2 j Mr Henderson's Little Duchess, 7st ... 0 , Mr Hewitt's Tui, 7st 6lb 0 Mr F. Browne's Little Maud, 7st 0 Mr J. Lorimer'a Nelly, 7Bt 0 i An indifferent start took place owing to the restlessness of some of the horses. Mabel occupied premier position on passing the judge's stand for the first time, Sir Audley being second and Duchess third. Mr Mervyn's horse came to the front before rounding the coalpit turn, and from this out held the race on his terms, winning comfortably by two lengths. — Time, 2 mm. 35secs. Of £45 invested in the totalisator, £14 was on Sir Audley, on whom a dividend of £2 17s was paid. The above report would be incomplete were we not to add a word of praise in recognition of the excellent way in which Mr H. Craig fulfilled the office of starter : it is sufficient to say that only one false start occurred, and that not a single complaint passed tho lips of any of the jockeys at the manner in which Mr Craig conducted his duties.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XVII, Issue 1028, 29 March 1884, Page 2

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TUAPEKA COUNTY JOCKEY CLUB RACES. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVII, Issue 1028, 29 March 1884, Page 2

TUAPEKA COUNTY JOCKEY CLUB RACES. Tuapeka Times, Volume XVII, Issue 1028, 29 March 1884, Page 2