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jaOELQWAY'S PILLS '.t .: '?°. ?J*T*/y, th * Mood. These Pills ,nave been placed by the common consent of mankind' at the head of all remedies' for removing 'obnoxious poisons) from the blood, andrcleansing all the tiisueai,e body.. They have saved thousands year after year from falling a sacrifice to ihe' effect' of dyspepsia, dysentery, diarr,hCß»; conatipationjiver complaint, &c, a fact attested bi myriads of witnesses. Excessive weakness and debility, the warnings of decreasing organic energy, and vital decay, arerestoreel and . re-animated with vigor and healthful action in every organ throughout the systemj-by the restorative/ and pxhi}irating influence of this 1 medicine. , . , ftemidU Complaints I.'1 .' All disorders of the sex, and diseases of every crisis perilous to the life 'ana health of woman, youthful or. aged, married or single may be radically and quickly cured without sik or trouble by a few'ddieiof tbfese Pill's taken according to the printed directions. Indigestion, wUh'languorandwanof energy.' When taking these Pills, rub Holloway's celebrated Ointment over the pit of the stomach', and over; the regionsof the liter to the 1 right side utiddr the jribs, and you will ' eopn, experience ja change for the better in yovt ,d^gesopn I ,sp^r.its, ) appetite, strength, and onirgy. ' The improvement, thoughjU may be gaudal, will be thorough and lasting. Dropsy. efficacy of Holloway's Pills in dropsy is extraordinary. They act with ach pecus liar , effecjt upon 1 the system, that the fluid-, arising frpm this direful disease are.impers fep'tibly carried off and' prevented from anycurther accumulatioh. The sufferer rinagea ,buoyancy of. spirits and rejojeeain a completely renovated constitution ; but it is iudis-pensably-nedessary that tile Ointment should be most effectually rubbed into the,complaining parts. Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels. Those who' suffer from, bile and liver' complaints, shotdd, try ;t|he effects of this valuable remedy, a, few; doses, of which, will make tha sufferer feel elastic and vigorous, removing all ; impurities, "giving; a) healthy/ ftbtip'nj to the liver ; if bUiouVatta'cks be allowed to continue, ,'seripus t/ oaßaa^^e,s may .arise^aqd.fjhe,, sufferer consigned- to. .8, bed of sickness. In all disorders of the kidneys, the ointment shonld b,e we}\ rubbed into.^he.smajlof, fhe back^bneeor tvrice,,*. day .; and the' Pills act ling "in : unison. Vui cure any complaints, iarism^rrom'thWdf^an^.' "' , Puffy^lfaoftnes'sofßreaihiiuiih Weakness Very' bad symptoms, which' Jf nob corrected r may tend to some serious disorders of tha .heart, pr other yUalorgani- < Eat .moderately'.,of soljds,, take six P^lls nightly for some little: ' time Y take plenty of fresh air with moderate exercise, and the' huiflan machinery will be quipkly restored to health and.nrigor;- , Complaints .incident to Children,^ , All complaints of children, may soon, be cured if care betkken to 'purify theu blood,' correct %tio action: of the liver,, and .cleanse the stomach and boweh jj a few „d,oscs of these famous' Pills will immediately have the deiired effect, particularly if parents be careful n not allowing them, to* eat; of, things which they know would be injurious to themselve Holloway's Pills arethe best remedyknown in the world for thefollowing diseases :—: — Auge Female Irregu- Scrofula, or Asthma ."'"iaritles/ • f ' 'King?* Evil Bilions Com- Fevers of all Stone and plaints kinds Gravel < Blotches on Gout • > Secondary the Skin Headache Symptoms Bowel Corn -Indigestion Tic-Doul,o.u-plaints Inflammation - reux > Colics Jundice. Tumors Constipation Liver Com- Ulcers of the Bowels plaints Venereal Af* Consumption ' Lumbago fection Debility Piles ' Worms of all Dropsy Rheumatism kinds jDysentery Retention of Weaknessfrom 'Eryqipela Urine wh a t c ye r Fts , Sore Throats cause, , ■ '■ OLD ENGLISH ■ they cool and purify trie Blood, brace up tht Nerves, and restpri&.ta Health. They curs Indigestion I ,' Headache, Llvar Complaint, Gout, Rheumatism, &o. .A mild but effectual aperient In short, they artf averywher'o recoentzed as tha BEST*TAMILY MEDICINE; «fdUChmUts,prict\t.\\A., b. M..ait4it.M.per»o«v GRATEFUL— COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. • " By a thorough, knowledge of the natual laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the find 'properties of. well-selected, cocoa Mr. Epps has provi3ell our breakfast 'tables with a delicately flavored beverrfgia which may save us many heavy. .biljs. It is by the judicious use of sueh 1 Articles <of diet that i constitution maybe gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tondenoy to disease. Hundreds' of '•'- subtle nialadies arc floating around us ready tor attack wherever there is a weak poifat. We may escape many a fatal shaft "by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure hlqod,and, »' properly .nourished Frame,"T-r" Civil Service Gazette;." Made 'simply with boiling . water or milk. Sold only in'packets or tins labelled JAMES- EPP.S * CO, ; , , . HOMffIOPATHTC, CHEMIST, , LONDON. 4hQ-rSPF®S CBOGOLATEiESSENCS, f for Afternoon use.' LO N j)" ON HOT, E (Obrner of Princes and Jetty-streets), Dukbdin T. CORNISH, Proprietor, Begs to notify'' to r his' 'up-country friends, and the public generally : that he 'has leased the above HoteL ; Parties paying him a visit will find every comfort and convenience. Good accommodation for Boarders within five minutes walk of the railway station. Wines, Spirits, and Ales of the choicest brands. Bhiubds, Bath-boom, &oj

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Tuapeka Times, Volume 27, Issue 950, 27 June 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Tuapeka Times, Volume 27, Issue 950, 27 June 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Tuapeka Times, Volume 27, Issue 950, 27 June 1883, Page 4