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Betty Whittaker (Avonside) —Betty’s I second motto is a splendid one to lolluw. Doving thou gilts, Stariand niece.'—A.H. Mary Murphy--Polly would have lOuKt-a very nautMome in colour, Mary, wouldn’t lie Jolly days.—A.H. ARan Elliott trfurunui) —The wee verse was yune nice, Allan. Hove to Hazel .Evans (Halswell)—Can you cheerio.—A.H. Shirley Baker (Linwood) —A handsome card from Hinwood. Now which of all the Valentines shall 1 choose, 1 wonder?—A.H. Doreen Welsh (Ashburton) —It is indeed a golden rule to follow. Doreen, and J am glad so many Starlets realist its worth.—A.H. Ray Baker (Linwood) —However do my fetarlets think of such pretty ways to mount and paint their pictures’? Another lovely card.* —A.H. Betty Ross (Pororari) —Hello. Betty! It was a pleasure to have your little note.—A.H. .Dorothy Dobson (St. Albans) —So glad you will be at the picnic dear. Can you skate?—A.H. John Ross (Pororari) —A great many would be helped by heeding that motto, John. Cheerio and love. —A.H. Marie Johns (Timaru) —Patch looked a really nice pet, Haurie. 1 liked your New Zealand Valentine card.*—A.H. Anonymous—Thank you to the sender of dolf s frock and photograph of Princesses. Hove.’—A.H. Patsy Donnelly (City)—Try to cultivate an interest in the subjects you dislike and they will become a pleasure, Patsy. A bright, pretty painting.—A.H. Kola Tonks (St. Albans) —Thank you for the little wise sayings, Nola; they are a help aren’t they?—A.H. Alan Welsh (Ashburton) —One more good motto! Cheerio and love from*— A.H. Bona Peters (Hlnwood) —How is mother now, Rona ? Your writing is neat, but difficut to read in pencil. Love.—A.H. Raymond. Glenn (Westport)—l expect you had some blackberry pies, too? Your motto was a good one.—A.H. Sidney Sullivan (Waimate)—Thank you Waimate worker. You are a “Good Scribe ’’ to-day.—A.H. Thelma Palmer (Westport)—You did really well with your exhibits, didn’t you? Love and happy days.'—A.H. Myrtle Glenn (Westport) Are you fond of fancy work dear? We enjoyed reading your budget.—A.H. Phyllis Stewart (Kumara) —Perhaps Summer likes your side of the Alps best this year, Phyllis. Joyous yishes from Starland.—A.H. Evelyn Jury (Chaneys)—Greetings from the Birthday Elf, Evelyn. Dicf you have a party? Hove.—A.H. Clifford O’Connor (Kaiapoi)—Quite a number of members chose that motto, Clifford. Pleased with your painting.'— Ngaire Barnett (St Albans): How nicely you shaded your effort, Ngaire! Hove, and try again.—A.H. Ina Koatten (Elgin)—Quite a large budget, Ina! Marks are gained only when contributions appear in print in the page. Hove.—A.H. Sylvia Lucas (Hillsborough)—More marks for neatness. Starlet. That’s the way!—A.H. John Wood (Fendalton)—You may send any drawings you wish, John. Use only one side of your paper for all work. Cheerio.*—A.H. Lila Soatten (Elgin)—l especially liked your tiny picture this week, dear. Hove to you.—A.H. Glyn Hardy (Jacksons) —A hearty welcome to a merry little friend. Glyn began his letter with: “Hollow! Aunt Hilda,” but I am not a bit hollow. Ha! Ha!—A.H. Muriel Collison (Papanui)—Yours were the first white haired Valentine folk to arrive and they delighted us in Starland.—A.H. Betty Franklin (Spreydon)—Carry on little artist trier. You have won a mark to-day.*—A.H. Lilian Hardy (Jacksons)—Joke Box considered your second motto was the best. Of course, lie would! Ha! Ha! —A.H. Idris Hardy (Jacksons) —We are pleased to lipar of the comforts awaiting the white rat. Lots of love—A.H. Iva Franklin (Spreydon)—Very nice, work indeed, Iva, and how smoothly you applied the gold paint!—A.H. Dorothy Stanton (Addington)—The completed picture was attractive, Dorothy. Cheerio and love.'—A.H. Daphne Dickie (Rotherham) No the drawing will not be printed now dear. card was charming in its simplicity. Love.—A.H. Dorothy Hawes (New Brighton—Be sure to always read the conditions of a competition before entering, dear. The marks were for the longest and! best telegrams. Love.—A.H. Olive Gill (Merivale)—l hope you can come to the picnic, Olive. We had a jolly time last year. Keep on.—A.H. Jack Payne (Woolston)—An excellent beginning-. Jack. Keep on now and good luck.*—A.H. * Kathleen Few (St. Albans)—Cheer sprites to you, little Starlet. A very neat letter.—A.H. Leslie Frazer (Linwood)—Will you use ink when you write again, Leslie? Love la *4 H >r ttie te^esram competition. Brenda Payne (Woolston)—Just the motto I would expect you to have, Brenda. Thank you for your delightful Valentine card. Love.—a.H Frances Taylor (Merivale): Thank you very much for the plant. I shall love growing it. Your card was a bit over-decorated, dear.—A.H. Monica Hickland (City): Monica worked hard to make her card, and has gained a mark.—A.H. Alfred Taylor (Merivale): Quite well dory*, Merivale entrant. Carry on.— Marie Hickland (City): Yes, and the water should consist of kindness and tolerance. Marie. Love to you.—A.H Lois Poulsen (Avonside): Welcome, tiny newcomer. A card for you soon.— Jack Lange (Papanui): Some marks t°-day for a Papanui nephew. Cheerio. Raymond Lewis (Aranui): Thank you for your promising efforts, Raymond, welcome in as a Circle member!— Allan Retallick (Sumner): Ha! Ha! Such a merry one for Mr Jokey. Love to the sender.—A.H. Frank Lange (Papanui): I could guess the second riddle’s answer, Frank. A neat little budget.—A.H. Nancye Bell (St Albans): Thank you for your prompt return of the receipt Nancye. Love from A.H. Buau Retallick (Sumner): Ever such a charming Valentine, Euan. I liked the artistic way you placed the hearts. Love.—A.H. Grace Taylor (Fendalton): Joke Box wonders how you could possibly manage to do such a topsy-turvy trick! Ha! Ha! A pretty Valentine card.— Lisle Ireland (Bromley): Good boy to paint for us, Lisle. It was a nice study, wasn’t it?—A.H. Emma Poulsen (Styx): How jollv it will be when you have a reply from your distant penfriend. Love to you. Emma.—A.H. June Clark (Spreydon): Yes. I can see how hard you tried to be neat, June. Next time colour in all of the picture.—A.H. ? ? ? : No name to a letter and poem on blue notepaper. Love.—A.H. Mervyn Saunders (Greymouth): Look for your name among those of the week’s artists. Mervyn. Love.—A.H. Eileen Hcllyer (Opawa): Did you enjoy painting all the tiny hearts and ribbons, Eileen? Love from A.H. Ruby Maffey (Woolston) : Certainly. Ruby, and a very happy welcome to you.—A.H. Edith Worroll (Richmond): Such dainty work, Edith and you certainly know how to mount.—A.H. Hazel Dick (Sumner): You will soon be glad to wear the juniper and tammy, I think. A mark for you.—A.H. Robs Hollobon: No address, Ross? Pleased to receive more of your efforts. —A.H. Coral Robinson (Upper Riccarton): A pretty idea. Coral, but it was spoiled by the seccotine you used. Keep on.— A.H. Peggy Taylor (ZUbimie): Hurrah! A nice motto from Kilbirnle. Has Peggy’s cooee prize arrived?—A.H. Wgaire Guy (Spreydon): We should like you to be there at eleven o’clock. Ngaire. Yn u won the Circle Artist mark easily!—A.H. Teddy Saunders (Greymouth) s Your painting showed promise, Teddy, and I hope you will keep at it. Cheerio.— A.H. Lloyd Barnes (Templeton): Sorry your telegram was too late for the coni- , petition, Lloyd. A painting mark!— 1 A.H. Doreen Banks (Hornby): Another unusual Valentine mount; the pink paper gave the effect of lace, Doreen. Love.— I A.H. j

Ora Parker (Linwood): You ought to find «ooking very Jolly and interesting. . Thank you for the motto.—A H. Violet Lyes (Lower Xokatahl): Sorry your entry came too late. Starlet. Try again and always send your entries by Wednesday of each week.—A.H. Kathleen Turner (Merivale): Yes, Mondays for visiting, dear. A splendid “follow on” and dainty card.—A.H. t ? ?: Now who could have sent th® green and pink Valentine? Love—A.H. Betty Blakeway (St Albans): It would he much better to paint every piece of the pictures you attempt, Betty. Neat work—AH. Roy Elliott (Kurunul): Almost a Laurel, Roy. but a few smudges J«*» prevented your winning it. Love.—A.H Elaine Barnett (St Albans): Well done, <st Albans artist. Love from A.H. B. Stevenson (Hornby): Your contributions will all be welcome. Starlet. The picture girl's skin was much too pink to look natural.—A.H. Edith Worrall (Richmond): Very well done. Edith. Congratulations!—A.H. Dorothy King (City): Ycr. quite all right, Dorothy, and some lovely work can be done with crayons. Love and sunny thoughts.—A.H. Rita Burrowea (Linwood): Win many more yet, Rita. A nice budget this week. I«ove.— A.H. Betty Franklin (Spreydon): It would be better to just mount your work with paste. T think, dear. Camp holidays are always jolly, aren’t they? Love. — A.H. Ngaire Guy (Spreydon): “Handy Fingers ’’ Circle will have a rest this year. Ngaire. but if you wished you could work for us at home. Excellent painting.—A.H. Peter Chapman (Sydenham) t Questions to answer' Visiting hours are from 3 p.rn. to 4.30 p.m. on Mondays and entries for the Comic should reach Starland on Wednesday of the following week. We have no stamp circle now. Peter. Good work.—A H. Wola West (Kumara): I should like to see you win one, too. Nola. Have a good try!—A»H. Joan M’Vinnle (ZJnwood): A happy welcome back. Joan. Bo glad to receive your pretty painting.—A.H. Harry Cooper: You omitted to write your address on your entries. Harry. Good boy to try, though!—A.H. Linley Taylor (Fendalton): The coo-ee verse came too late, dear—after my call had been answered by many. Love. —A.H. Lydia Laraman (Rakala): Oh, dear! What can have happened to summer this year? I was charmed by your sweetly pretty Valentine, Lydia.—A.H. Sybil Ricketts (Linwood): We shall inquire about a pe/ifriend for you. Sybil. Love and happy thoughts from A.H. Harry Rouse (Ross): Mr Weather Clerk still doesn’t know whether or not to give us summer, does he? Cheerio, Harry.—A.H. Kathleen Douglas (Fendalton): Tell me all about the picnic when it is over. Kathleen. wishes to you.—A H. ? ? ?: Who sent the poem about school written on mauve notepaper? Love to this forgetful one.—A.H. Albert Rouso (Rosa): Is your foot quite better now. Albert? Colour all of a picture each time you paint. Love.— A.H. Joyce Martin (Boa): Delighted with your budget. Joyce. What an expensive telegram, though. Ha! Ha!—A-H. Ursula Fentiman (Bnumerton): Will post, dear. Love and happy days.—A.H. Jean M’Callum (Kokatabi): Thank you for a pretty story, Jean. Telegram arrived late. Love.—A_H. Clyde Young (Blackball): How easy it will seem using a new brush. Clyde. Cheerio and glad thoughts.—A.H. Keith M’Governe (Richmond): Joan. Judith and Te-ence may also be Starlets if you wish, Keith. A hearty welcome. •—A.H. Scott Young (Blackball): How is school again, Scott ? Carry on.—A.H. Wilfred Lang (Stockton Mine): What a good, neat budget. Wilfred. Yes, the new heading is popular.—A.H. Lionel M’Governe (Richmond): Greetings from the Circle, Lionel. Write soon.—A.H. Sydney : A telegram to “ Sir Samuel Smith.” Who sent it, I wonder? Love.—A.H. Roland M’Goveme (Richmond): Can you find your name among those of the welcomed new members? Love and cheerio.—A.H. Joyce Keys (City): Two marks for a city worker and love from A.H. Marie Ebblewhite (Stockton): That is the right spirit. Marie! Keep on.—A.H. Bvelyn Getley (Westport): Evelyn's letter was very bright and chatty. Joyous thoughts from Starland.—A.H. ? ? ?: A telegram signed by ’* Sandy Simon.” Who sent it to Starland?—A.H. Doris Sheriff (Prebbleton) : Yes. keep on and you will soon notice a big improvement in your efforts. Love from A.H. Kellie Woolhouse (Lower Xo kata hi) “Telegram arrived too late, Nellie—competition closed.” Ha! Ha! Love to yoi\—A.H. Gwyneth Cross (Warepa): Yes, the new marks scheme is most popular, and is attracting all the plodders. Lots of love.—A.H. Patricia Cromble: We must have your address and birthday date, little friend. Send them soon. Love.—A.H . Mrs M. R. Bramley (Beckenham): Pictures may be coloured in any way Starlets wish. We are happy to enrol Rona. Best wishes.—A.H. Bert Youngman (Inchbonnie): Yes. 1 have seen the lovely lake and it is one of my very favourite spots, Bert. Neat writing.—A.H. Alfred Preston (Worth Linwood): Three marks for original printed poems and one mark for copied printed poems. Yes. we still enjoy being as busy as possible. Love.—A.H. Rona Bramley (Beckenham): Welcome, Rona! 1* shall look forward to some colour work from you.—A.H. John Floyd (Reefton): I wonder how long it will take to fill your book, John? Cheery wishes from A.H. L. Preston (Worth Linwood): “Ply Away ” was too well known to usa In

our page, Starlet. I shall love to have a letter each week.—A.H. Marjorie Crosier (St Albans): Thank you*. Marjorie. I thought perhaps the Forgetful Elf had something to do with the unstamped letter. Love.—A.H. Mary Murphy: Glad to have Mary’s poetic effort, and bright painting.—A.H. Jean Currie (Bnrwood): We greatly enjoyed your newsy letter, Jean. Drawing shows distinct promise, but is not of enough general interest to print. Love.—A.H. Bess Ford (City): How are you getting on now. dear? 'Tis Jolly to see your name in the page again.—A.H. Enid Robinson (Richmond) t Are you settled again at school now, Enid? The neat poem was welcome, but could you use ink next time? Love.—A.H. June Kennedy (Linwood): The knowledge required to gain that certificate is handy to have, June! Each time you win a mark clip your name from the page.—A.H. Worma O’Hallo ran (Woolston): But you managed quite well, dear though a paler background would have made an improvement. Try oftem—A.H. Phyllis Johns (Prebbleton): Have advertised for you, Starlet Were you sorry to say “ good-bye ” to the Holiday Sprite? Love.—A.H. Patsy Phillips (Sydenham): Yes. one mark, little worker! What a nice motto your’s is—A.H. Celia Elliott (Hnranai): Another late telegram arrives! Celia managed it well, too.—A.H. Zara Bashford (Hornby): The measles meant another holiday then, Zara? Ha! Ha! Quite better now?—A.H. Eileen Smith (Opawa): A chapter for our serial from Opawa now. Thank you. Eileen. Keep on.—A.H. Ronald Smith (Opawa): A big welcome, Ronald. We shall be happy to have any work you send.—A.H. Walter Toon (Ladbrooks) : Very daintily coloured. Waiter, and effectively mounted. Carry on.— A.H. Daphne Dickie (Rotherham) : A sweet poem from Rotherham to remind us how near the autumn is. Lova to Daphne.—A.H. Billy Pearson (Greymouth): Both good mottos to follow,' Billy, and they should help you through school.—A.H. Donnie Pearson (Greymouth): But ♦he pies and jelly were worth all the discomforts? Ha! Ha!—A.H. Claudia Harris (St Albans): Good girl! We were very pleased to receive your effort.—A.H. Douglas Webb (Sumner): Thank you for your good entry Douglas. I am glad to hear your news. Love.—A.H. Mary Molloy (Kotuku): We are used to Starlets having little rests from writing. Mary. Welcome back, and ohee» days. A.H. Pepper (Papanui): Good girl trying. I’aphne. It was a pity mount your attractive pic>U'V_H. RLawrencs (Fen^lton): You are the sB niece to enrol with the new entry T* rm, Joan. A special welcome! —A.H.

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Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20233, 17 February 1934, Page 18 (Supplement)

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AUNT HILDAS LETTER-BOX. Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20233, 17 February 1934, Page 18 (Supplement)

AUNT HILDAS LETTER-BOX. Star (Christchurch), Volume LXVI, Issue 20233, 17 February 1934, Page 18 (Supplement)