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Friendly Society Jottings

Friendly Society Jotting's. Lodges requiring reports of their meetings to appear in this column on llnirsdays are requested to forward them to “Inner Guard,’’ care Kditor, “ Star,” before noon on 'Wednesday. LODGE CALENDAR. M.U., 1.0.0 JP. 'v Thursday, June 2—Loyal Riccarton. Monday., June 6—Loyal Addington, Loyal Benevolent, Loyal Leeston. Tuesday, June 7—Loyal Kaiapoi visit D.G.M. and presentation of District Testimonial to Brother A. E. Brown, 1.P.D.G.M.) Wednesday, June B—Loyal Perseverance. Thursday, June 9—Loyal Papanui, Loyal Sister Pearce. A.O.F. Monday, June 6—Court Star of Canterbury, Court Papanui. Court Ashburton, Court Victoria, Court Pride of Rangiora. Tuesday, June 7—Court Pride of Courtenay, Court Thistle of the Forest, Court Star of Belfast. Wednesday, June B—Court Star of Dunsandel, Court Star of Rakaia. H. Monday, June 6—St Mary’s, St Matthew's. I. Monday, June 6—Lily of the Valley, Hope of Christchurch. Wednesday, June B—Sumner Pride Juveniles, Lily of Sydenham. i.O.XL.— Thursday, June 2—Linwood Juveniles, Hope of Richmond. Saturday, June 4—Philipson Juveniles (executive’s visit). Triumph Tent (Tfmaru). Whakaroa Juveniles. Monday, June 6—Star of Woolston. Tuesday, June 7—Enterprise, Star of Brighton, Sunshine Juveniles, Hope of Addington. Wednesday, June B—Riccarton. Thursday, June 9—Philipson (dance in aid of unemployed members). X.0.0.F Monday, June 6—Waimakariri, Loyal Waimate, Washington, Edith Cavell. Tuesday, June 7—Star of Sydenham. Golden Link, Waitea. Wednesday. June B—North Canterbury District. Templeton, Daphne, Naomi, Sunshine. Thursday, June 9—Victoria, Waihi (Geraldine).

1J.A.0.Z). Saturday, June 4—Hope of Amberley. Monday, June 6—Pioneer, Mistletoe, Acorn, Star of Ashburton, Bud of Hope. Tuesday, June 7—Hope of St Albans, Anchor, Timaru, Trafalgar, Olive Branch. Wednesday, June B—Oak of Sydenham, Ellesmere, Lily of Richmond, Ivy. 17.PJS. Council. The quarterly meeting of the Council was presided over by Brother H. M’Caw. Brothers F. E. Talbot and H. E. Smith reported on the steps taken to secure medical officers for New Brighton district. The matter had received careful consideration, and Drs Stevens and Glasgow had made application to the various lodges to be placed on their medical lists for New Brighton members. Matters which were left to the executive included consideration of a U.F.S. church parade and the reduction of fees charged by medical officers. During the evening Brother C. A. Bascand (1.0. R.), who was present by invitation, explained very fully the aims and objects of the recently-formed Dominion Friendly Societies’ Council (with headquarters in Wellington), and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. TJ.F4S. Dispensary Quarterly Meeting. The importance of the meeting was evidenced by the fact that sixty-one delegates were present, with Brother A. L. Gourlay in the chair. The agenda paper included reports on the cash sales, prescriptions and hospital bed scheme (reported in last week's columns), which were adopted, and after discussion it was resolved that the levies should continue as heretofore. The vacancy on the board was keenly contested and resulted in Brother M’Farlane being elected. A great deal of interest centred round the proposed alteration to Rule 9, and a considerable amount of discussion ensued, which was ended by the rule being deleted, and the proposed alteration substituted. A special general meeting was then held to confirm the resolution, and Rule 9 now reads:—“ Seven members of the board shall form a quorum. If any officer or member is absent from two consecutive meetings of the board, without an apology sufficient in the opinion of the board, or ceases to be a delegate from his branch, his seat on the board automatically becomes vacant. Should any vacancy occur in the officers or Board of Management such vacancy may he filled temporarily by the hoard till the next meeting of the committee.’’ X.O.Z&. On June 15, the Provincial Council will pay an official visit to the Ark of Refuge Tent. The Provincial Council will meet on June 17. Philipson Tent.—The Chief Ruler (Sister Coton) presided over the meeting at which the election of officers took place, as follows:—Chief Ruler, Brother J. L. Martin; Past Chief Ruler, Sister Coton; Deputy-Ruler. Brother Lasserve; Levite, Sister L. Spencer; Assistant-Levite, Brother Brown; Guardian, Brother Withell; secretary, Brother A. Martin; treasurer. Sister R. E. Martin; steward, Brother Paterson: auditor. Brother Bayliss; Press reporter, Brother Jackson; pianist. Sister E. Judkins; trustees, Brothers Ball, Judkins and Forsey. Sister Dell tendered a report on the Juveniles, for which she was thanked. The matter of transfers to the Brighton Tent was left in the secretary’s hands. Brothers Martin and Paterson reported on the meeting of the. Provincial Council, and Brother Forsey reported on the meeting of the New Zealand Alliance. Considerable discussion took place on the initiation competition. Arrangements were reportefi to he well in hand for the dance to be held next meeting night, and it is anticipated that the unemployed members' fund will be considerably assisted from the proceeds of the dance.

Pride of Christcdiurch Tent.— Sister E. Smallwood, Chief Ruler, presided over an attendance of about sixty members. Two new members were initiated into the Tent. Apologies for absence were received from Brothers C. H. Bascand and A. Wilson. Juvenile reports by Superintendents Sister E. Smallwood and Brother J. Jackson showed a still further increase in membership. Sister Smallwood also reported on the juvenile initiation competition held at the Y.M.C.A. on Saturday last, stating that the Opawa juveniles were successful in winning the Bunt Cup. Sister G. Bunt reported on the visit to Brighton Tent’s social. A report of the Enterprise Tent’s anniversary was given by Sister E. Smallwood. Brother Robson reported on the meeting called in

connection with the centenary celebrations of the alliance movement. It was resolved that as the 1.0. R. movement was so closely connected with the temperance cause, it should give the New Zealand Alliance its assistance in commemorating the centenary. The report of the Friendly Societies Council was given by Brother W. D. Bunt. Brother Xuttall reported that he was unable to attend the meeting of the Band of Hope Union and he suggested that at least two more delegates be elected to attend the monthly meeting of the union. Sister E. Smallwood and Brother J. Wilson were elected representatives. The election of officers resulted as follows: Chief Ruler, Brother W\ D. Bunt; Deputy Ruler, Brother W. A. Bascand; secretary, Brother C. H. Bascand (reelected); treasurer. Brother F. Robson (re-elected); levite, Sister E. Musgrove; guardian. Brother A. Wilson: assistant Levite, Sister Mason; cash steward. Brother Speirs (re-elected): auditors. Brothers J. Jackson and H. Calvert (reelected); juvenile superintendents, Tawera Tent, Brothers J. Jackson, J. Armstrong and R. Anstiss (re-elected). Whakaroa Tent, Sister E. Smallwood, J. Wilson and A. Wilson (re-elected); assistant secretary. Sister G. Bunt (reelected); supporter to D.R., Brother S. Holland; Press reporter. Sister M. Anstiss < re-elected) ; pianists. Brothers W Connor, W Cray and Sister A. Pj croft (re-elected). The installation of

. the secretary, assistant secretary and J levite was held over until next meeting, i Sister G. Bunt, Prov Chief Ruler, installed the newly elected officers; Brother T. Nuttall acting as installing levite. A vote of thanks was accorded the Prov Chief Ruler for installing the officers. The Past Chief Ruler. Sister E. Smallwood was also thanked for the way in which she had conducted the meetings for the last six months during her term of office as Chief Ruler of the Tent. The social portion of the evening was spent iu games and community singing. It was announced that at next meeting the Pride of Christchurch Tent would be visited by representatives from . the Philipson, St Albans, Richmond and New Brighton Tents. A.O.F. No. 4 district P.C.R.’s Court.—C.R. Brother L. Gillespie presided, there being fifty present. Besides the members of No. 4 district there were present representatives from No. 3 district, including members from Court Queen of Canterbury (ladies’ Court), Court Star of Canterbury and Court Thistle of the Forest. An interesting discussion took place on the subject of consolidation of funds, and useful information was received from Brother Macfie, secretary of the Otago united district. A motion I was carried to the effect that the execuj tive of the Canterbury district should be | recommended to make inquiries with a view’ to adopting the scheme. An invitation from Court Victoria, Kaiapoi i (ladies Court), to hold the next meeting I in their Court was accepted. U.A.O.D. Royal Arch Chapter, No. I.—Candidates for the Past Arch Charge Ritual Competition are busily engaged in preparing for this important event. Mistletoe Lodge will hold a short meeting on June 20 to enable the competition to be held in Ridgely Hall on that date, and according to the number of entries already stated, there will be a heavy night for the judges.

Presentation to P.G.P. Brother M. O’Donoghue.—A most representative gathering of Druids from the central lodges met at the Lily of Richmond Lodge room to participate in a social evening and presentation to P.G.P. Brother M. O’Donoghue. The visitors included the Orand Lodge officers, Brother E. R. Warren (Grand President), Brother C. I. Barnes (Grand Guardian), Brother F. E. Talbot (Grand Secretary), Brother J. T. Collins (Orand Treasurer), Brothers Bickett and Blogg l Past District Presidents), and Brother Owen (A.D. Ivy of Linwood Lodge). The Grand President, in returning thanks for the hearty welcome, expressed the pleasure it afforded him and his officers to be present, and presented Brother O’Donoghue with a Past Grand President’s jewel on behalf of his fellow lodge members. Other visitors spoke in appreciative terms of the good woi'k done by Brother O’Donoghue in his lodge and as an executive officer of Grand Lodge. Brother O’Donoghue thanked the members of the lodge for their gift, and said he hoped to continue his efforts whilst located in South Canterbury. A social hour was spent with music ard ■cards.

Ellesmere Lodge.—Brother C. F. Witty presided over the half-yearly meeting. An invitation was accepted from the Loyal Leeston Lodge to a card match on June 6. Brother W. H. Fussell reported that arrangements had been made by the social committee for a band for the social and dance on June 9. The following officers were elected:—Arch DFuid, Brother A. J. Hall: Vice-Arch-Druid, Brother W. H. Fussell; secretary, Brother H. Quartermain (re-elected for the sixtieth time); treasurer, Brother H. T. Fussell (re-elected for the thirtyeighth time). Five candidates were initiated, and two applications for membership were received. ’Lily of Richmond.—Arcli Druid Brother Davie presided over a large gathering of visitors and members. The election of officers resulted as follows; Arch Druid, Brother Lindsay; Vice-Arch Druid, Brother Clarkson; secretary, Brother J. Jackson: treasurer, P.G.P. Bother R. H. Parker: minute secretary, Brother Lake: Arch Druid’s bards, Brothers Moody and Davis; Vice-Arch Druid’s hards, Brothers Burrows and Hayes: inside guardian, Brother Porter; outside guardian. Brother Westwood. Royal Arch Druid Brother T. Moody reported that Brother Clarkson (a member of Lily of Richmond Lodge) won the Arch Druid’s Charge in the Ritual Competition and Brother Lindsay secured third place. At the conclusion of the business the lodge adjourned for the entertainment of visitors.

Olive Branch.—A.D. Brother Bannerman presided over the half-yearly meeting, w’hen the nomination and election of officers took place as follows:—A.D., Brother J. Wastney; V.A.D., Brother A. Johansen: secretary, Brother R. Roberts; treasurer, Brother J. Keene; minute secretary. Brother J. Clegg; A.D. Bards, Brothers M. Eaton and A. Scott; V.A. Bards, Brothers J. Eaton and C. Kelly; inside guardian, Brother W. Oldfield; outside guardian. Brother F. Freeman; auditors. Brothers N. Clegg and A. Scott; social committee. Brothers W. Oldfield, C. Kelly, A. Johansen, A. Scott, I*. Stiles and M. Eaton. The installation of officers will take place on June

X.0.0.T. Lily of Sydenham (Juvenile Temple). —The Chief Ruler, Brother T. LeComte, presided over the meeting on Wednesday, when eighteen new members were initiated, and nineteen proposed for next meeting. The District Deputy (Sister Mrs Glen) was reported to be ill, and Sister J. Brayne was deputed to visit her on behalf of the Temple. Greetings were received from lodges in England, Ireland, Wales, India and Sweden; also from Endeavour Lodge (Auckland). The superintendent (Sister J. Brayne) reported that the Temple would meet weekly as the membership had reached fifty. The formation of club and dumb-bell classes was reported on by Sister Brayne and Brother A. Rennie, and it was stated that Brother C. Buekett had promised to supply an instructor. At the close of business a pleasant hour was spent in games.

X.0.0.F. Ridgely Lodge.—Bro E. Braggins, N.G., presided over a good attendance. The secretary was instructed to send a letter of sympathy to Sister Were and to P.D.D.G.M. Brother J. M’Cullough in the loss of his brother. The North Canterbury District and Degree Lodge meets on Wednesday, June 8, to confer the second degree. The application of Dr W. E. Stevens, of New Brighton, to be placed on the lodge’s medical list was granted. The Social Committee reported that a lantern lecture by Brother Williams would be given next lodge night, June 15, and it was resolved to invite members’ wives, their adult children, lady friends and members of other male lodges of the order in the district. Brother L. Bierman reported on the U.F.S. Dispensary, and announced the election of Brother J. M’Farlane to the Dispensary Board. It was decided that the team hold a practice on Sunday, June 11, at 10 a.m. Washington Bodge.—Brother Hardmar, N.G., presided over the quarterly meeting when Dr Stevens’s application as medical officer for New Brighton was approved. Notice of the postponement of the Grand Master’s visit to Canterbury until .July was received from Grand Lodge, which also conveyed congratulations to the lodge on its success in winning the ritual competition. An invitation from St Patrick’s branch (H.A.C.8.5.) to a social evening on Monday was accepted. X.0.0.F., M.TJ. Loyal Benevolent Juveniles.—N<.G. Brother LeComte presided over the summoned meeting, at which the following officers were elected:—G.M., Brother LeComte: N.G., Brother L. Tanner; V.G., Brother A. Jackson; elective secretary, Brother Dickson; warden, Brother Ewart; guardian, Brother Allen; R.S.N.G., Brother Smith; L.S.N.G., Brother Hegarty; R.S.V.G., Brother Jackson; LS.V.G., Brother Winter. Loyal Volunteer juvenile members assisted in the installation, and were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. It was decided to place the name of Brother Hocking on the merit board, and to held a lodge of instruction next meeting night, with a quoits match to follow. Loyal Phillipstown.—N.G. Brother Le Breton presided and welcomed the District Grand Master, Brother Holsey, D.D.G.M. Brother S. Geary, committee of management, and officers and brethren of lodges throughout the district. The D.G.M., in the course of his address, stated that the North Canter-

bury District had a surplus of £10,539 at last valuation (four-year period), as against the previous valuation of £SS97. Membership had increased by 32S for the same period, arid the average earned interest was 51 per cent. The total value of sick funds stands at £63,905. Other matters of interest to Oddfellows were dealt with by the G.H. At the conclusion of the lodge business responses to tlie fourth sentiment were made by representatives of Loyal Sister Pearce, Kaiapoi, City, Benevolent, Perseverance, Addington, Volunteer, Progress, Riccarton, City of Norwich and Loyal Past Grands’ Ijodges. Loyal City of Christchurch. —N.G. Brother N. Carson presided, and sick pav £7O 15s 6d and general accounts £BSB 19s 7d were passed for payment. Drs Stevens and Glasgow were appointed medical officers for New Brighton district members. Brother A. L. Winter reported on the U.F.S. Dispensary and hall committee. The election of officers resulted as follows: N.G., Brother W. A. East: T.P.N.G., Brother N. Carson; V.G., Brother C. J. Chi vers; elective secretary, Brother T. Wood: R.S.N.G., Brother B. West; L.S.N.G., Brother S. Agar; R.S.V.G., Brother E. Tomlinson; L.S.V.G., Brother P. Anderson: warden, Brother H. Hayden; guardian, Brother I. Carson; lecture master, Brother W. J. Roberts. The installation was carried out by the installing officer, Brother W. J. Roberts, who was assisted by Brothers West and Page as conductors. Brothers N. Carson, O. Anderson, E. Tomlinson. R. Ayrey and A. J. Shearman were elected the social committee. Responses to the fourth sentiment were given by Brothers Scott (Albion Lodge, Dunedin), Maginness (Loyal Addington) and Ward (Ashburton). Loval Sister Pearce. —N.G. Sister Exton presided at the summoned halfyearly meeting. Officers were elected as follows; N.G., Sister I. Le Comte; I. Sister Exton; V.G., Sister J.

Vincent; elective secretary, Sister Jean Houghton; warden, Sister L. Wilson; R. Sister O. Le Comte: L.S.N.G., Sister M. Le Comte; R.S.V.G., Sister Gourlay; L.S.V.G., Sister Smith: conductors, Sisters Lucas and Weavers. Sister Cribb, P.G., officiated as installing officer. It was resolved to enter for the district ritual competition. Loval Progress.—N.G. Brother H. P. Parsons presided over the quarterly meeting, and extended a hearty welcome to visitors from Loyal Oaniaru and Loyal Addington Lodges. Reports were tendered relating to the U.F.S. Dispensary meeting, and the forthcoming ritual competitions, and it was decided to enter for the competitions. It was announced that the next lodge meeting (June 13) would commence at seven o’clock to enable the officers and members to attend the official visit to the Loyal City of Christchurch Lodge. The election of officers resulted as follows: N.G., Brother W. G. Trott; V.G., Brother S. Hammersley; elective secretary, Brother J. G. Small: 1.P.N.G., Brother H. P. Parsons; S.N.G., Brothers J. Forbes, P.G., and Cannarcl; S.V.G., Brothers J. Daurant and Glackin: warden. Brother P. Guy; guardian, Brother R. Mathews: conductors. Brothers E. Crawford ant J. Lee. The lecture master, D.D.G.M. Brother S. J. Geary, installed the various officers, who responded to the congratulations of the installing officer. Loyal Waikari. —N.G. Brother F. Trounce presided over the half-yearly meeting, when the district officers paid a special visit to the lodge. The election of officers was as follows: N.G., Brother Hiseoek: V.G., Brother A. Atkinson; elective secretary, Brother A. Woodall; warden, Brother J. Brown. The Grand Master (Brother Cooke) installed the newly-elected officers, and Brothers Jennings and Golding acted as conductors.

Loyal Ohoka. —N.G. Brother W. G. Mayer presided over the quarterly meeting, at which it was resolved to present a framed certificate to the retiring I.P.N.G. (Brother F. Heald) and to place his name on the merit board. Brother H. Lucas was re-elected captain of the team to represent the lodge in the M’Phail Cup card tournament. The election of officers took place as follows: N.G., Brother T. Power; V.G.. Sister R. Heron; 1.P.N.G., Brother W. G. Mayer; elective secretary, Brother A. G. Church: R.S.N.G., Brother F. Heald; L.S.N.G., Brother R. Chamberlain; R.S.V.G., Brother H. Lucas: L.S.V.G., Sister G. Howard; warden, Brother T. Lewis; guardian, Sister J. Howard.

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Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 470, 3 June 1932, Page 4

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Friendly Society Jottings Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 470, 3 June 1932, Page 4

Friendly Society Jottings Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 470, 3 June 1932, Page 4