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Public Service 'and Senior Free Place. LIST OF PASSES. The following list contains the names of the Canterbury and West Coast candidates, arranged in order of merit, who passed the Public. Service Entrance Examination: — 4, Barry, W. L., Christchurch; 10, Potter, R. 8., Christchurch; 34, Bradwell, C. R., Christchurch; 38, Watson, C. S., Christchurch; 39, Anderson, Marjorie J., Westport; 52, Richards, Eva E., Christchurch; 52, Wilson, R. C., Hokitika; 60, Kay, R. A. L., Greyniouth; 61, Baggott, S- G., Christchurch; 70, Wakelin, L. W., Fairlie; 76, Phillips, Margaret A., Grey mouth; 78, Douglas, Lucy, Christchurch: 83, Thomson, Heath A., Greymouth; 84, Walker, G. A., Christchurch; 91, Whitmore, Ngaire J-. Christchurch; 95, Hazeldine, Grace, Westport; 99, M’Keown, W. T., Christchurch; 103, King, N. E., Christchurch; 105, Robertson, June E., Timaru; 107, Wellwood, Betty N., Christchurch; 112, M’Cann, N. S. H., Christchurch; 118, Boniscli, J. P., Westport; 121, M’Wlia, P. D., Westport; 124, Cretney, W. E., Ashburton; 124, Keating, J. J., Greymouth; 129, Carroll, P. J., Greymouth; 129, Darrock, Karine M., Timaru; 136, Chapman, N. H., Christchurch; 145, Bellamy, Teresa C., Greymouth; 149, Hunt, A., Greymouth; 153, Robertson, B. H., Christchurch; 159, Stratton, D. H.,

Christchurch; 160, Baigent, P. F., Ashburton; 161, Nuttail, Adela D., Christchurch; 170, Goulding, Rita M., Christchurch; 174, Gilbert, G. R., Westport; 174, Walker, Margaret J., 186, Hutton, K. E., Christchurch; 192, Andrews, Alma R. f Christchurch; 196, Ellis, A. L., Timaru; 198, Thornton, R. C., Timaru; 200, Kiely, W. R., Greymouth; 203, Barr, Caroline J., Christchurch; 204, Neely, W. G., Christchurch; 204, Waterston, Helene H., Christchurch; 211, Dawe, R, W., Christchurch; 214, Paul, Johanna C., Greymouth; 215, Hayes, G. L., Timaru; 220, Adams, W. F., Christchurch; 227, Bradley, W. T., Christchurch; 231, Greenwood, H. H., Greymouth; 238, Campbell, Mary M., Timaru; 238, Stewart, A. F., Greymouth; 243, Erikson, N. A., Greymouth; 244, Smith, A. G., Christchurch; 251, Menzies, F. 8., Westport; 258, M’Diarmid, 8., Greymouth; 263, Hodgson, Hazel C., Westport-; 271, Davey, W. E., Timaru; 272, Milne, L. W., Rangiora; 278, Vincent, G. S., Christchurch; 282, Coates, C. J., Rangiora; 282, Keating, E. A., Greymouth; 293, Maher, Mary T. f Westport; 296, Reynolds, W. A., Hokitika; 302, M’Guire. Rita E„ Greymouth; 302, Parks, F., Christchurch; 305, Beban, Maureen, Greymouth; 306, Parsons, J. D. Rangiora; 309, Parker, G. M., Timaru: 315, Newman, L. L. E., Christchurch; 324, Pendrigh, S., Christchurch; 331, Fitzgerald, E. J., Reefton; 341, Adank, Florence M., Westport; 341, M’Namara, R. J., Timaru; 349, Kennett, A. M., Rangiora; 359, Clarke, Mary M., Timaru; 367, Hounsell, Jean V., Christchurch; 367, Werner, S. H., Greymouth; 373, Hatton, Violet V., Westport; 375, Protheroe, A. G., Ashburton; 375, Spark, A., Greymouth; 392, Keith, M. H., Greymouth; 398, Spence, D. J. f Hokitika; 401, Nolan, Brenda L., Christchurch; 417, Francis, W. M’K., Rangiora; 424, Gardiner, A. H., Greymouth; 424, Knibb, H. G. W., Timaru; 430, Curtis, A. J. R., Greymouth; 430, Hill, A. E., Greymouth; 435, Reedy, M. T., Westport; 436, Shepherd, Bertha E., Rangiora; 449, O’Connell, Mary E.,’ Greymouth; 453, Harvey, E. A., Christchurch; 453, M'Donald, Mari A., Hokitika; 453, Yde, Hazel M., Christchurch; 459, Britton, F. A., Christchurch; 465, Claxton, Annie M., Christchurch; 471, Eathorne, G. 8., Christchurch; 476, M’Brearty, J. J., Christchurch; 476, Ward, Joy L., Hokitika; 481, Feek, Mavis J., Christchurch; 481, Wyber, J. F., Fairlie; 489, Fraser, G. C., Timaru; 492, Daley, Margaret H., Christchurch; 498, Harris, G. F., Timaru; 500, Ormandy, E., Christchurch; 504, Houston, Dals3 r , Timaru; 504, M’Sherry, Teresa A., Greymiuth; 508, Milne, Gwenyth W., Timaru; 515, Nunes, R., Christchurch; 521. Dick, Winifred M., Fairlie; 532, Dickson, M. C., Christchurch; 546, M’Lauchlan, K. R., Greymouth; 546, Harrow, K. M., Timaru; 557, Connors, B. F., Greymouth; 568, Marshall, M., Greymouth; 568, Murray, Coila E., Timaru; 676, Suckling, F. G., Christchurch; 591, Gennon, Agnes M., Westport; 594, Gilbert, G. P., Greymouth; 602, Conhors, Mary, Greymouth; 602, Grigor, W. C., Christchurch; 609, Underhay, Joan M., Christchurch; 612, Evans, H. J., Reefton; 612, O’Loughlin, P. J., Rangiora; 612, Rossitor, R. S., Christchurch; 626, Ayres, C. C., Rangiora; 626, Florance, Jean M., Christchurch; 631, Pipe, W. H. C., Christchurch; 655, O’Carroll, J., Christchurch; 662, Ruane, M. J. J., Christchurch; 671, Mooney, W. R., Christchurch; 680, Archer, A., Westport; 691, Smith, Aileen E. 8., Christchurch; 698, Southward, J. L., Christchurch; 700, Macdonald, Ellen M. T., Fairlie; 703, O’Malley, Mary T., Westport; 705, Galbraith, J. R., Christchurch; 705, Knight. C. L., Christchurch; 705, Logan, Anna I. M., Christchurch; 709, Laing, Stella N., Grevmouth; 711, Craig, J. R. D., Fairlie; 711, Musson, S. A., Greymouth; 726, Hurley, J. J., Christchurch; 731, Rollerson, Iris J., Reefton; 744, Kennedy, C. P., Christchurch; 746, Best, B. A., Christchurch; 749, Densem, L. S., Christchurch; 761, Crisp, J. R., Christchurch; 761, Eves, O. G.. Christchurch; 761, Skelton, Emily D. Christchurch; 766, Knox, B. H., Ashburton. Senior Free Places. The following is a complete list, In alphabetical order, of Canterbury, South Canterbury and West Coast candidates who, jn the Public Service Entrance and Intermediate Examinations of November, 1931, satisfied the requirements for a senior free place:— Adams, W. F., Christchurch; Adank, Florence M.. Westport; Anderson, Marjorie J., Westport; Ander3on, N. J., Christchurch; Andrew, J. R., Reefton; Andrews, Alma R., Christchurch; Archer, A., Westport; Ardagh, Ann P., Christchurch; Austin, D. F., Christchurch; Ayers, C. C., Rangiora; Baggott, S. G., Christchurch; Ballantyne, Estelle M., Westport; Barr, Caroline J., Christchurch; Barron, Eleanor J., Christchurch; Barron, Margaret P., Christchurch; Barry, AV. L., Christchurch; Beattie, W. S., Timaru; Beban, Maureen, Greymouth; Beck, A. P. t Christchurch; Bellamy, Teresa C., Greymouth; Bertram, Cecelia R., Christchurch; Best, B. A., Christchurch; Bonisch, J. P., Westport; Bowles, J. V., Timaru; Bradley, W. T., Christchurch; Bradwell, C. R., Christchurch; Britton, F. A., Christchurch; Brooke-Taylor, Margaret, Christchurch; Brosnahan, E. J., Christchurch; Cameron, M. A., Christchurch; Campbell, Mary M., Timaru; Carroll, P. J., Greymouth; Chapman, N. H., Christchurch; Clarke, Mary M., Timaru; Claxton, Annie M., Christchurch; Coates, C. J., Rangiora; Coe, L. C., Christchurch; Connors, B. F., Greymouth; Connors, Mary, Greymouth; Craig, J., Westport; Craig, J. R. D., Fairlie; Crisp, J. R., Christchurch; Crowley, J., Reefton; Curtis, A. J. R., Greymouth; Daley, Margaret H., Christchurch; Darrock, Karine M., Timaru; Davey, W. E., Timaru; Dawe, R. W., Christchurch; Deane, L., Christchurch; Densem, L. S., Christchurch; Dick, Winifred M., Fairlie; Dickson, M. C., Christchurch; Dodge, Yvonne H., Christchurch; Doell, Una K., Christchurch; Dougall, W. K. L., Christchurch; Douglas, Lucy, Christchurch; Duffy, Lucy A., Greymouth; Eathorne, G. 8., Christchurch; Edwards, O. G. R., Christchurch; Ellis, Alexander Leslie, Timaru; Erikson, N. A., Greymouth; Evans, H. J., Reefton; Eves, O. G., Christchurch; Feek, Mavis J., Christchurch; Finlay, Maureen, Greymouth; Fitzgerald, E. J., Reefton; Florance, Jean M., Christchurch; Francis, W. M’K., Rangiora; Fraser, G. C., Timaru; Galbraith, J. R., Christchurch; Gardiner, A. H., Greymouth; Gennon, Agnes M., Westport; Gilbert, G. R., Westport; Gilbert, G. P., Greymouth; Gillooly, Margaret, Greymouth; Gough, M. W., Greymouth; Goulding, Rita M., Christchurch; Greenwood, 11. H., Greymouth; Grigor, W. C, Christchurch: Gunn, Ursula M., Christchurch; Hall. Clara A., Timaru; Harris, G. F., Timaru; Harrow, Kennedy Mayo, Timaru; Hartnell, L. D., Christchurch; Harvey, E. A., Christchurch: Hatton, Violet V., Westport; Haughey, Mary 1., Christchurch; Haughev, Winifred K., Christchurch; Hayes, G. 1.. Timaru; Hazeldine, Grace, Westport: Helme, J.. Christchurch; Hill, A. E., Greymouth; Hitt, W. 8., Christchurch: Hodgson, Hazel C., Westport; Hounsell, Jean V., Christchurch; Houston, Daisy, Timaru; Hunt, A., Greymouth; Hurley, J. J., Christchurch; Hutton, K. E., Christchurch; Isherwond, E., Christchurch; Johnson, Catherine V., Timaru; Kay, R. A. L.. Greymouth; Keating, E. A., Greymouth: Keating, J. J., Greyniouth: Keating, T. C„ Greymouth; Keith, M. H., Greymouth; Kennedy, r. P., Christchurch; Kennedy, J. B. Christchurch; Kennett, A. M., Rangiora; Kiely, W. R., Greymouth: King, N. E. Christchurch; Knibb, H. G. W., Ti-

maru; Knight, C. L., Christchurch; Laing, Stella N., Greymouth; Lewitt, M. J., Christchurch; Logan, Anna I. M-, Christchurch; Lyttle, A. E., Christchurch; M’Brearty, J. J., Christchurch; M’Cann, N. S. H., Christchurch; M’Cormack, J. N., Christchurch; M’Diarmid, 8., Greymouth; Macdonald, Ellen M. T., Fairlie; M’Donald, Mari A., Hokitika; M’Gahey, Margaret A., Christchurch; M’Gavin, Mary A., Hokitika; M’Gavin, P. P., Christchurch; M’Guire, Rita E., Greymouth; M’lntosh, J. H., Timaru; M’Keown, W. T., Christchurch: M’Lauchlan, K. R., Greymouth; M’Namara, R. J., Timaru; M’Sherry, Teresa A., Greymouth; M’Wha, F. D., Westport; Maher, Mary T., Westport; Marshall, M., Greymouth; Martin, G. M., Christchurch; Menzies, F. 8., Westport; Millard, H. W., Christchurch; Miller, Elizabeth, Timaru; Milne, Gwenyth W., Timaru; Milne, L. W., Rangiora; Mooney, W. R., Christchurch; Morrison. A. R., Timaru; Moseley, J. E., Westport; Murphy, J., Westport; Murray, Coila E., Timaru; Musson, S. A., Greymouth; Neely, W. G-, Christchurch; Newman, L. L. E., Christchurch; Nolan, Brenda L.f Christchurch: Nunes, R., Christchurch; Nuttall, Adela D., Christchurch; O’Carroll, J., Christchurch; O’Connell. Mary E., Greymouth; O’Loughlin, P. J., Rangiora, O’Malley, Cecily, Christchurch; O'Malley, Mary T., Westport; Ormandy, E., Christchurch; Owens, Joan E., Christchurch; Parker, G. M., Timaru; Parks, F., Christchurch; Parsons, J. D., Rangiora: Paul, Johanna C., Greymouth: Pavelka, Ethel F., Christchurch; Pedder, W. R., Hokitika: Pendrigh, S., Christchurch; Perry, E. H., Christchurch; Phillips, Margaret A., Greymouth; Pipe, W. H. C., Christchurch; Potter, R. 8., Christchurch: Price, F. 8., Christchurch; Protheroe, A. G., Ashburton; Raymer, Ivy J., Westport; Read, Elsie T., Timaru; Reedy, M. T., Westport; Reynolds, M. M., Christchurch; Reynolds, I W. A., Hokitika; Richards, Eva E., Christchui’eh; Robertson, B. H., Christchurch; Robertson, June E., Timaru; Robinson, G. A., Timaru; Rollerson, Iris J., Reefton; Rossiter, R. S., Christchurch; Ruane, M. J. J., Christchurch; Ruane, T. A., Christchurch; Ryan, Mary T., Westport; Scott, F., Christchurch; Sewell, M. J., Christchurch; Shattock, E. H., Christchurch; Sheehan, P. J., Timaru; Shepherd, Bertha E. Rangiora; Simpson, J. C., Christchurch; Skelton, Emily D., Christchurch; Skjellerup, Winifred E., Christchurch; Smith, Aileen E. 8., Christchurch; Smith, A. G., Christchurch; Smith, J. R., Reefton; Southward, J. L., Christchurch; Spark, A., Greymouth; Spence, D. J., Hokitika; Stewart, A. F., Greymouth; Stratton, D. H., Christchurch; Suckling, F. G., Christchurch; Sutherland, F. D., Christchurch; Taylor, R. W.. Christchurch; Thomson, H. A., Greymouth; Thornton, R. C., Timaru; Tisch, I. C., Christchurch; Townsend, Patricia A., Christchurch; Tuck, H. N., Christchurch; Underhay, Joan M., Christchurch; Vincent, G. S., Christchurch: Wakelin, L. W., Fail-lie; Walker, G. A., Christchurch; Walker, Margaret J., Christchurch; Wall, Marie F. M., Christchurch; Ward, Joy L., Hokitika; Ward, Theresa D.,

Christchurch; Waterston, Helene H., Christchurch; Watson, C. S., Christchurch; Wellwood, Betty N., Christchurch; Werner, S. H., Greymouth; Whitmore, Ngaire J., Christchurch; Wilson, R. C., Hokitika; Wood, J. E. R., Tiuaru; Wright, Mary L., Christchurch; Wyber, J. F., Fairlie; Yyde, Hazel M., Christchurch. A CORRECTION. In the published list of successful candidates in the Training College entrance examination, the name of Miss Edna Jean Burt, who obtained a full pass, was inadvertently omitted.

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Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 326, 20 January 1932, Page 4

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EXAMINATIONS. Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 326, 20 January 1932, Page 4

EXAMINATIONS. Star (Christchurch), Volume XLIV, Issue 326, 20 January 1932, Page 4