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Motorists are now Coveredl The Christchurch “Star” NEW Train Fatality Benefits raised £2OOO up to £SOOO paid in respect of one accident to train, steamer or passenger lift Liability for any accident ranges from — £SOOO to =?njani PRESENT POLICY HOLDERS Please cut out these new conditions and attach to your Registration Certificate—not necessary to reregister. Ranging from - - % \ m The Prudential Assurance Company Limited one of the largest organisations of its kind in the world, with assets of over £219,000,000, is at the back of -the “Star” in this policy, as sufficient guarantee that all claims will he promptly met and PAID IN FULL. No need to re-register if you already have a Certificate. You are fully covered provided you take the “Star” regularly. Benefits Greatly Extended to For the third successive year the '‘Star,’* Christchurch, offers FREE to its registered readers Accident Insurance benefits relieving them of the financial worries following untoward mishaps. These benefits, originally very liberei, have been extended from time to time. To-day we announce further extensions of a most important character, making our policy so valuable that none, however wealthy, however humble, can afford to be without its protection. The payment for fatal accidents to passengers on train has been raised from £IOOO to £2OOO. Husband and wife are BOTH covered, and in the event of fatality of this kind involving both, their dependants will receive £4OOO. The liability in respect of any one railway steamer or lift accident has been raised from £IOOO to £SOOO. And —This is of vital importance in a country where the motor has attained a popularity only beaten by America; the New policy includes the motorist within its ample scope. £250 will be paid in the event of the reader being killed in a motor car in which he or she is driving or being driven for pleasure, or to or from work. This applies to all private vehicles, but the car is mentioned first because of its immense popularity. All former benefits remain. Read them, then sign the coupon. It only costs a halfpenny stamp. r The Full Benefits of the Christchurch “Star** Free Accident Insurance. I THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY * LIMITED, of London , Local Office, Fred G. Dunn , 118 Hereford Street , Christchurch , will, subject as I hereunder pap to anp Registered Reader of the “STAR” Christchurch , or to the legal personal representatives of such registered reader . J The definite sums as mentioned below will, subject to the conditions of the insurance, be paid by The Prudential Assurance Company, Limited, to the Legal Personal Representatives of any person killed, or *• the person injured; provided (a) that at the time of the accident the person so killed or injured is a duly Registered Reader of the “STAR,” Christchurch; (b) that he was travelling as a fare-paying passenger if* one of the undermentioned vehicles in the place regularly provided for the sole use of passengers; and (c) that notice of claim be sent to the Christchurch Office of the Company at 63 Cathedral Square, within seven days of the accident. This insurance applies only throughout New Zealand. It applies only to Readers over the age of 17 and under 70 years (except in the case of Benefit No. 20), and shall hold good during such continuous period as the Reader shall receive the Newspaper under this subscription or order (including any days during such period on which the Newspaper is not issued, but not beyond midnight on 30th day of June, 1930. The WIFE or HUSBAND of a Registered Reader permanently residing with him or her shall, subject to the age limits mentioned above, be deemed to be a Registered Reader for the purpose of this Insurance. The sums payable are as follows, subject to the maximum liability as hereinafter stated in Benefit C of the Conditions:— (1) f the Reader shall be killed by accident to a RailZrfal/UU way Passenger Train. (2) PI AAA Reader shall be killed by the wrecking of any Z)luUll Passenger Steamer of an established line of Steamers between Ports in New Zealand. (3) (1 Ann the Reader shall be killed solely and directly by XrJLI/UU accident to a Passenger Lift in which the Reader is travelling as a Passenger, provided that the Reader be not a Lift Attendant, or engaged in construction or repair, or be otherwise attending to the Lift or Gear in connection therewith. (4) Pnr A if the accident is to a Steam, Electric, Cable or Horse Tramway Car, or to an Omnibus, Cab, Motor Car or Ferry Boat (in every case plying for Public Hire, and being duly licensed and driven by a Licensed Driver). (5) POf A should any such accident referred to in (1), (2), X/DU (3) or (4) not prove fatal, but result in the loss of both arms,-or legs, or an arm and leg, by actual separation at or abova the wrist or ankle, or the irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes. (6) PI AA for the loss by such accident of one arm or one leg, hI UU or the sight of one eye as aforesaid. (7) PI CA if the Reader shall be killed by being struck or run X 1 DU over while walking or standing in or upon a Public Highway by any Public or Private vehicle. For the purpose of this Insurance, “Public Highway” shall not in any circumstance be held to include Private Roads, Steamer Wharves, Railway Stations, or any property or place not at all times open to the free use of the public. (8) Pj AA should any accident referred to in (7) not prove AfiUU fatal, but result in the loss of both arms or legs, or an arm and leg, by actual separation at or above the wrists or ankles, or the irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes. JOT A for the loss by accident as mentioned in (7) of one XDU arm or one leg, or the sight of one eye as aforesaid. (10) accidentally drowned while, as a pastime, boating on or bathing in the sea at any seaside resort, or in any river or in any public swimming bath) provided that the Reader be not a professional swimmer or boatman, and, also that in the case of boating, the boat be not a passenger steamer, and proof satisfactory to The Prudential Assurance Company, Limited, of death by drowning shall be furnished within seven days. (11) ,£? IC A if the Reader shall be killed by accident, whilst J” taking part as an amateur in any game of Football, Cricket, Golf, Tennis, Hockey or Lacrosse on any recognised playing ground, provided that the game in which the accident occurs is held under the control and by the authority of an incorporated association or club, and in the case of Football, Cricket, Hockey or Lacrosse that the Reader is a duly registered player according to the rules of the association concerned. (12) PI CA should any such accident referred to In (11) not A'J.slU' prove fatal, but result in the loss of both arms or legs, or an arm and leg by actual separation at or above the wrist or ankle, or the irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes. 03) for the loss by such accident of one arm or one leg, or the loss of sight of one eye, as aforesaid. (14) t * l ° ea< * er shall be killed or dies as the direct XuDU result of injuries received by reason of the burning of the building in which such Reader resides or works and in which the Reader shall be at the beginning of the fire. (15) *f the Reader shall be killed by an accident happenXmDU ing to a private horse-drawn vehicle or private motor car or a sidecar attachment to a motor cycle in which he or she is being driven solely for pleasure, or, provided he or she is the owner thereof, and is a duly licensed driver, whilst driving such horse-drawn vehicle or motor car solely for pleasure, but in both cases, including journeys to and from the Reader’s usual place of business or to and from a railway station en route to or from his or her usual place of business ..(not including business journeys, but including qualified members of the Medical profession whilst making professional calls). £1 CA the Reader shall be killed as the result of an vU accident to a bicycle, tricycle or motor cycle which 06) the Reader may be riding upon a public thoroughfare solely for pleasure, but including journeys to or from the Reader’s usual place of business (not including business journeys), provided that such Reader is a duly licensed driver and is not at the time of the accident exceeding the speed limits or committing any breach of the By-lawa governing the particular public thoroughfare on which the accident occurs. Nor shall the Reader be riding on a pillion and/or riding or driving a cycle or motor cycle carrying a pillion rider. Note: The Reader is NOT covered whilst indulging in a racing contract, speed trial or track riding. (17) £lO above the ankle oi or collarbone. if any of the foregoing fatal, but shall result in the arm above the wrist, o: HOME ACCIDENTS. accident* shall not prove the fracture of the leg shall cause a broken jaw if the Reader shall be killed ss the result of (18) _ accident in his or her private dwelling-house, flat or rooms, such address being the address registered on the Reader’s Certificate of Registration, or in his or her garden attached to such dwellinghouse, flat or rooms. (19) pi A if as a result of an accident above described, the Z»iU Reader shall fracture a leg above the ankle, or an arm above the wrist, or shall sustain a broken jaw or collarbone. (20) CHILDREN'S ACCIDENTS. £5 will be paid to the parent whose name appears on the Registration Form in the event of an accident to his or her child over the age of 6 and under the age of 16 years causing broken arm above the wrist or broken leg above the ankle, providing such accident is the direct result of one of the afore-mentioned and defined accidents and does not occur during employment. Conditions Governing the « Star,” Christchurch, Free Accident Insurance, Provided always that the whole of this undertaking is subject to the conditions published in the Christchurch "Star,” on July 6th, 1929. C. A. Death or loss of limb, or sight, must take place within thirty days or th© accident and as the direct result of bodily injury caused by accidental external and visible means. No compensation shall be payable in respect of death from illness or disease, whether such death is accelerated or not by any of the foregoing and defined accidents. B. The respective benefits or allowances shall he the maximum liability in respect of any person for any one accident, and in the event of the Reader claiming for more than one benefit the amount of the greater shall represent the maximum liability. No Reader can claim in respect of more than one Registration. (1) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any one accident or disaster under Benefit No. 1, wherein more than two persons are killed as a result thereof, shall not exceed £5,000. (2) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any one accident or disaster in respect of Benefits Nob. 2 or 3, wherein more than five persons are killed as a result thereof, shall not exceed £5,000. (3) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any one accident or disaster in respect of Benefit No. 4, wherein more than four persons are killed as a result thereof, shall not exceed £I,OOO. (4) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any accjdent or disaster in respect of Benefit No. 5, wherein, as a result thereof, more than four persons are injured in the manner stated, shall not exceed £I,OOO. (5) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any accident or disaster in respect of Benefit No. G, wherein, as a result thereof, more than ten persons are injured in the manner stated, shall not exceed £I,OOO. (6) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any one accident or disaster in respect of Benefit No. 10, wherein more than four persons are drowned, shall not exceed £6OO. (7) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any one accident or disaster in respect of Benefit No. 14, wherein, as a result thereof, more than four persons are killed in the manner stated, shall not exceed £I,OOO. (8) The Total Liability of the Company in respect of claims arising out of any one accident or disaster in respect of Benefit No. 15, wherein, as a result thereof, more than four persons are killed in the manner stated, shall not exceed £I,OOO. In the cases aforesaid, where the total claims exceed the total liability of the Company, the aforementioned sums set out as being the Company’s maximum liability will be divided as and between the total claimants entitled to benefit thereunder. For the purposes of this benefit any series of Accidents happening at the same place and as a result of the same event shall be deemed to bo one accident. D. No Compensation shall be payable for any injury, fatal or otherwise, in respect of which the reader of his personal representative has n, claim against his employer under the Workers’ Compensation Act, or which is directly or indirectly due to intoxication, fits, or illness of any kind, including insanity, or to war, riot, or civil commotion ; or to any unlawful act upon the part of the Reader, or wilful exposure to unnecessary danger. E. No compensation shall be payable in respect of any accident happening while the Reader is entering or attempting to enter or leaving or attempting to leave any vehicle. IF. The Registered Reader or his Legal Representative shall, at his own expense, furnish medical certificates, police reports, depositions and/or other evidence in support of the claims as may be required by and to the satisfaction of The Prudential Assurance Company, Limited, together with evidence of the continuous daily delivery of the Newspaper to the Reader since the date of registration. G. No Compensation is payable in respect of death unless an inquest has been held and a verdict returned of accidental death ; and no claim shall be admitted if an open verdict is returned. H. The Company reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer at seven days’ notice, such notice to b© published in th© ” Christchurch Star,” In the event of any dispute between the Registered Reader or any Claimant under this Insurance and the Company or the " Christchurch Star ” as to any matter relating to this Insurance, the same shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the statutory provisions for the time being in force applicable thereto, and the obtaining of any awards shall be a condition precedent to liability. This Insurance and all benefits thereunder become operative only for accidents as from midnight on June 30, 1929, and shall cease on not less than seven days’ notice being given on any two consecutive days in the columns of the " Christchurch Star,” and in any event it shall cease to determine at midnight on June 30, 1930. K. The Company reserve* the right to refuse to accept any application without giving any reason for such refusal. L. No person shall be eligible for acceptance who at time of applying is deaf, blind, or crippled. M. No person shall be entitled to benefit under the foregoing Insurance who, at the time of the Accident, is entitled to benefits under the free insurance given by any other newspaper in New Zealand. N. All notices of Claims must l>« sent by registered letter to THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED (Fred. G. Dunn, Chief Agent, 118 Hereford Street, Christchurch ). Cut this out. Fill in, and post to-day: REGISTRATION FORM To the “Star” Registration Department, Box 987, Christchurch. Reader's Full Name. (Write as clearly as possible). Address Are you already a Subscriber? Please register me as a regular reader for the benefit, of your Free In.urance, in accordance with th. full conditions published in the “Star,” July 6th, 1929. Where a person is not already . regular subscriber, the district agent will be notified to supply, or the paper can be posted direct from ”°st with Stamped or Addressed Envelope for Acknowledgment of Registration. — * J sufficient). this Office. Half-penny Stamp (flap turned i -Tilllllllllillllllllllllllll!llllllll!lllllllllNlllillllllllillllllllll!lllillllllllllllli!ll|]||lllllllllllllllllilHllllllii:i!llllllll!lllllliH

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19060, 3 May 1930, Page 31 (Supplement)

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Page 31 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 19060, 3 May 1930, Page 31 (Supplement)

Page 31 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 19060, 3 May 1930, Page 31 (Supplement)