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SlS®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® NOTES AND NEWS.

4QG, Brisbane. Advice has been received from the Australian Broadcasting Company that station 4QG, Brisbane, is now being operated on a frequency of 760 kilocycles, a wave length of approximately 395 metres. To-night’s programme comprises an “A.B.C. Musical Atmospheric—Sixty Minutes around a Bush Camp Fire,” to be followed by studio items and dance music. Concert session is from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m., New Zealand time. Programme Changes. Station 3YA was on the air during the day to-day and will be on again from 7.30 this evening when the proceedings at the local wool sales will be broadcast. The relay from Hamilton, advertised to be carried out by IYA to-morrow evening has been cancelled, and in its place the station will put on a studio concert, details of which will appear in to-morrow’s “ Star.” Reception Last Night. Entertaining programme from 3YA again. 2YA stead)-, without static or other troubles. 4YA not so good; fading and distortion severe; some light static audible. Good volume from 2FC-. A trifle of static. At 10.20 the item heard sounded as if from an American station. May have been a rebroadcast. There was a lot of talk on at 2FC—as usual. Since the Australian stations have been taken over by the A.8.C., they’ve fairly cluttered up the ether with talk—plays of sorts, very much of sorts, painful stuff. Thej-’re not the only stations to fancy that listeners like this sort of thing. One consolation—it’s a passing phase and won’t last long except for very, very well done work. SHORT WAVE NOTES. Last Week’s Work. “Insulator” reports:—“One or two new stations have been logged during the week, including the s.s. Olympic, somewhere in the Atlantic, and a French station, the call of which was not heard. Conditions have been fairly good for reception during the week and it is to be hoped that these conditions keep on for the winter months.

“ Monday:—RA97 very loud, RB, at 9.45 p.m., with talk; also very good on 35 metres. WOO, exact location in U.S.A. unknown, was heard on 17 metres reading for G2GN, the s.s. Olympic. Accent very American. “Tuesday:—Station about 24.5 metres —all talk in French, very voluble. Strength R 5 and very clear at' a.m. GSSW put over talk, but not very intelligible. W9XF very loud at 7.15 p.m., RB, with various orchestral ana vocal items. KZRM good on speaker at 10.30 p.m.. with songs, etc. Strength R 7 and well modulated. PMB. Bandoeng, clear, but only R 4, working with Holland at 10.30 p.m. PLE, at about R 6, on the same work. PCK fair, calling and talking to Java. YK2ME heard at 10.55 p.m., rebroadcasting 2YA, Wellington, for W2XAF to listen to. Rather noisy, though. New York asked Sydney several questions about Wellington and Dunedin. Sydne}' - was a good R 8 and New York about the same. A sailor’s hornpipe was heard from RA97 at 11.15 p.m., played on a concertina. This did not sound very Russian. UOR2, Vienna, about R 4, with a lady speaking, then a few bars of music, more talk and then more music. Sounded like a music lesson! Static bad—ll.4s p.m.

“ Wednesday :—GSSW about R 5 with a talk on art at 7.15 a.m. Readibility fair but surging was bad. The Frenchman was at it again at 7.20 a.m. at R 5 and well modulated. W9XF very loud at 7.30 p.m. with jazz music. VK2ME and GBX both excellent strength at 8 p.m. on duplex telephony. KZRM put over good jazz at 10.5 p.m., but Morse interference spoiled it. RA97 very loud at 10.10 p.m. Talks by a man and a lady. GBX heard again at 10.15 p.m., this time reading on 15.8 metres. Strength about R 4 and very clear.

“ Thursday:—G2GN, s.s. Olympic, was picked up on 24.5 metres at 10.25 p.m. working with WOO. Strength R 4 and very steady. Modulation good. WOO slightly weaker, talking to them on about 23.5 metres. Very clear. KZRM about R 5 with music but strength not up to tisual. RA97 fair on speaker but static bad. A new foreigner was heard on 15 metres a’t 10.45 p.m. Modulation perfect. Much talk. Language sounded like a cross between German and Spanish- No call letters given. Short phrases spoken. Strength RB.

Friday:—GsSW was a good R 5 at 7.5 a.m., with a lady speaking on the talkies. Practically 100 per cent readable. The speaker mentioned as a recent success Miss Janet Gay nor in ‘ Sunny Side Up,’ It is rather a coincidence that this talkie is now shoeing in Christchurch. The 24.5 metre Frenchman was good on the speaker at 7.10 a.m., calling ‘Alio! St Assise! ’ several times. Very steady and clear. St Assise, T understand, ’is the French radio centre, much like Pennant Hills near Sydney. PCJ was spoiled by a generator hum. W9XF quite as loud as usual, but nevertheless quite good at 7.30 p.m. VK2ME and GBX both good on the speaker at 7.30 p.m. PLE fair speaker strength with records at 7.40 p.m. PCK about the same strength at that time, on records also. W6XN about R 5 at 7.45 p.m. with jazz by the Musical Musketeers. Very clear. RA97 about R 5 at 8.40 p.m. with news in English, but static too bad to hear much. KZRM was discovered back on 31.5 metres again. Since this station was first logged last Tune it has been heard on 24.5, 31.5, 48.8, 26, 24.5. and 49, and now back on 31.5 metres. Strength on its present wave is disappointing.

“Saturday:—Zeesen was R 4 to 5 at 5.50 a.m., with music and talk. Very clear. VK2ME and GBX both R 7 at 5.55 a.m. on duplex telephony. PCJ opened at 6.2 a.m. with music but the generator hum spoiled it again. Very loud. 7LO Nairobi was only about R2 at 6.10 a.m., with records. GSSW very good at 7.10 a.m., with talk on aeroplane construction and how to get into the trade. W9XF was R 6 at 7.15 p.m., with their usual class of concerts KZRM weak at 10.30 p.m. with music. RA97 very loud with talk and music.

“Sunday:—During the early afternoon. the ZL stations 3AE, 388, 3AB and 3BF were all heard at good speaker strength, having a chat. All well modulated. W2XAF was fair at 4.35 p.m., with messages for the Byrd party. \VBXK at the same time was sending messages to people in the Far North. W6XN very clear and R 6 at 5 p.m., with music. W9XF good speaker strength at 7.30 p.m. with a variety programme. KZRM fair at 10.35 p.m., with band music. RA97 on the usual string of talk. ZL2BE was very loud

B®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®^ at 10.45 p.m. talking to ZL2AW. Modulation excellent. “ A formal acknowledgement of a report of reception of GBX was received during the week from the Post Office Engineering Department. It reads as follows: ‘ I beg to acknowledge receipt of and to tl}ank you for your letter of November 11. 1929, regarding your reception of GBX, which has been read with interest.—Yours faithfully, (Signed) G. H. Vickers, Engineer-in-Charge.’ The letterhead gave the location of the station as Rugby Radio Station, Hillmorton, near Rugby, Warwickshire.” TO-DAY’S PROGRAMMES. Following are details of to-day’s programmes to be broadcast by New Zealand radio stations:— IYA, Auckland (333 Metres). 3.0: Afternoon session. 5.0: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner session. 7.0: News and market reports. 8.0: Chimes. Excerpts from the talking pfctui'es will be introduced into this programme on relay from the Majestic Theatre. Record, 11. Dallerand and Chorus, Prologue from “Boris Godounov.” 8.8: Studio Trio, “Excerpt from Second Movement, Pathetic Symphony” (Tschaikowsky); “Valse from Serenade for Strings” (Tschaikowsky). 8.16: Clarion Quartet, “BirthViolin, Miss Ina Bosworth, Dance Kspagnole’-’ (Granados). 8.26: Bass, Mr Duncan Black, “Tho’ Born a Man,” from “Dorothy.” 8.30: Organ, Quentin Mac Lean. “Merchant of Venice” Incidental Music.” 5.34: Duet, Mr ,T. Simpson and Miss A. M’Gruer, “Kiss Me,” from “Going Up.” S.3S: Contralto, Miss Beryl Smith. “Jim,” from “High Jinks.” 8.42: Columbia Symphony Orchestra, 'Bridal Chorus,” from “ Lohengrin” (Wagner). 8.46: Soprano, Miss Alma M’Gruer, “The Bubble,” from “High Jinks.” 8.50: Mr A. B. Chappell, M.A., “Topical Talk.” 9.5: Weather forecast. 9.7: Clarion Quartet, “Life is Very Jolly Down at Maidenhead,” from “To-night’s the Nig-ht.” 9.11: Piano, Mr Cyril Towsey, “Alt Wien” (Godowskv), “All Through the Night” (Scott), “Romance in D Plat” (Sibelius). 9.21: Tenor, Mr J. Simpson, “Rose Marie”: duet, Mr J. Simpson and’Miss A. M’Gruer. “Indian Live Call,” from “Rose Marie.” 9-28:.Violin, Miss Ina Bosworth. “Poerne” (Fibieli). 9.25: Theatre National de l’Opera Orchestra, Paris, “Soldiers* Chorus.” 9.39: Duet, Mr Duncan Black and Miss Beryl Smith. “Boots and Shoes.” 9.43: Organ, G. T. Pattman, “Pilgrims’ Chorus” (Wagner). 9.47: Clarion Quartet, “Finale,” from “Going Up.” 9.51: Studio Trio, “Ave Maria,” with dulcitone accompaniment (BaehGounod); “Alla Polacca” (Wieniawski). 9.59: Bass. Harold Williams and Chorus, “Song of the Vagabonds” (Friml), “Only a Rose.” 10.5: Close. 2YA, Wellington <416 Metres). 3.0: Afternoon session. 5.0: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner session—Finck’s Orchestra, “Gaiety Echoes”; Sandler’s Orchestra, “Las Lagarteranas”; violin, Lipschultz, “La Golondrina” (Sorradell). 6.15: Squire’s Celeste Octet. “Everybody’s Melodies”; organ, John Hassel, “By the Waters of Minnetonka”; Sandler’s Orchestra, “Raphaellito.” 6.30: Regal Cinema Orchestra, “Broadway Selection”: violin, Lipschultz, “EstrelHta” (Ludlow); Romani and Italian Orchestra, “Old Comrades March.” 6.45: Berlin State Orchestra, “Die Flederraaus"; Nullo Romani’s Orchestra, “Canto al Inverno"; Russian Novelty Orchestra, “Tesoro Mio.” 7.0; News session. 7.40: Lecturette, “For the Man on the Land.” 8.1: 2YA Salon Orchestra, “Three Herces.” 8.9: The Strollers —Soprano solo, “Romance,” from “The Desert Song”; humorous sketch, “Three Acts”; The Pianist in a popular song hit: soubrette, “Painting the Clouds with Sunshine.” 8.25: Violin, Mr W. Haydock, “Czardas”; flute and clarionet duet, Messrs V. R. Brown and H. Langtry, "Lo Here the Gentle Lark.” 8.35: The Strollers—Tenor solo, “Red Devon by the Sea”; patter; The Pianist in a novelty piano number; soubrette, “If You Want the Rainbow.” 8.51: 2YA Salon Orchestra, request item. 8.59: Weather report. 9.1: 2YA Salon Orchestra, “Song of the Volga Boatmen.” 9.6: The Strollers—Soprano solo, “Smiling Irish Eyes”; humorc/us duo, “After All”; tenor, “Sweet Miss Mary”; piano solo by The Strollers—Pianist; comic song, “A Chinese Love Tale.” 9.26: 2YA Salon Orchestra, “Two Country Dances.” 9.3 0: Dance programme until 11 p.m. Other items:—9.s7: Duet, Ford and Glenn with novelty accompaniment, “Where the Sweet Forget-me-Nots Remember.” 10.15: Duet, Pearce Brothers (Al and Cal), “If I Give Up the Saxophone.” 10.30: Vocal, Marie Burke, “The Song I Love.” 10.45: Duet, the Two Gilberts, comedians, with orchestra, “Smith’s Crisp Crisps.” 3YA, Christchurch. (306 Metres). 7.30 p.m.: Christchurch wool sale. 3ZC, Christchurch (250 Meti*es). 2.30: Afternoon concert session—- “ L’Arlesienne.” Intermezzo and Farandole, American Symphony Orchestra; “Bong, Long Ago.” Frieda Hempel (soprano); “ Quartet in C Major” (Haydn), Roth String Quartet; “ Largo ” (Handel), Merle Alcock (contralto); “Apache Love,” Original E > iano Trio; “Dixieland Memories,” Orpheus Male Chorus; "Old Comrades’ March,” United States Marine Baiid. 4.30: Close down. 6.0 p.m.: Children’s Hour. 7.0: Wireless Session. 7.30: Mrs M. Houston will give a lecturette on “ The History of a Corn,” followed nt 7.45 by the news session. 8.0 p.m.: Evening concert—“ In a Monastery Garden,” Peerless Orchestra; “The Humoreske Song,” Walter Van Brunt (tenor); “Kashmiri Song” and "Gipsy Love Song,” Rae Eleanor Ball (violin); " Depuis le Jour.” Anna Case (soprano); (a) “Peruvian Triste,” (b) “Pan-American Waltz,” Carlos Valderama (piano); “ Father O’Flynn,” Arthur Middleton (bass); “ Valse Erica,” Rudy Weidoeft (saxophone); “The Arkansas Traveller,” descriptive scene, Steve Porter and Ernest Hare; “As Once in Happier Days,” Vladimir Dubrinsky (’cello); “ There Are Two Things on Earth Below,” New York Light Opera Company; “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” intermezzo, American Symphony Orchestra; “ Song of Love,” Betsy Lanp Shepherd and Vernon Archibald; “Frolic of the Coons,” Fred Van Eps (bahjo); “ Duna," Lewis James (tenor); “On a Little Side Street.” Ernest L. Stevens (piano); “Since First You Smiled on Me,” Herbert Tilley (baritone); “Havana Moon ” and “ Wonderland of Dreams.” Rae Eleanor Ball (violin); “ Pep—Characteristic,” New York Military Band. 9.30: Dance session. 10.15: Close down.

4YA, Dunedin (461 Metres). 3.0: Selected gramophone items. 5.0* Children’s hour. 6.0: Dinner session. 7.0: News session. 8.0: Chimes: Dunedin City Citadel Band. “Our Fighting Army”; “Chorus—Lift Up Your Heads.” 8.14: Soprano, Mrs D. Carty, “Bonnie Mary of Argyll.” 8.18: Novelty guitar, Andy Sanella, “Sliding on the Frets.” 8.21: Humorous recital, Miss Nellie Warren, “Public Conversation.” 8.26: The Band, “Echoes of Congress.” 8.34: Bassbaritone, Mr G. M. Salmond, “Hear Me. Ye Winds and Waves”; “Bois Epais.” 8.41: Trombone, “Le Grande.” 8.50: Novelty Tap Dance, Bill Robinson, “Doin’ the New Low Down.” 8.53: Con-

tralto, Mrs A. H. Ritchie, “Ring. Bells, Ring”; “Whatever is is Best.” 9.0: Weather report. 9.2: Colonial Club Orchestra, “New Moon Medley.” 9.6: Soprano, Mrs D. Carty, “Star of Robbie Burns”; “Under the Deodar.” 9.13: The Band, “Welsh Melodies.” 9.22: Humorous recital. Miss Nellie Warren, "It May Be Life.” 9.27: Earl Burtnett’s Biltmore Trio, “This is Heaven.” 9.30: The Band—Hymn Tunes, “Pern-

9.39: The Band, “Blessing-, Honour, Glory and Power.” 9.45: Colonial Club Orchestra, “Whoopee Medley.” 8.49: Contralto, Mrs A. H. Ritchie, “Break, Break, Break.” 9.52: Novelty Tap Dance, Bill Robinson, “Ain’t Misbehavin’.” 9.55: Cornet, “Come Unto Him”; The Band, “Century.” 10.4: Close, broke”; “Old 23rd.” 9.35: Bass-baritone, i G. M. Salmond, “The Border Ballad.”

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 18992, 11 February 1930, Page 6

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RADIO Star (Christchurch), Issue 18992, 11 February 1930, Page 6

RADIO Star (Christchurch), Issue 18992, 11 February 1930, Page 6