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Christchurch Beat Old Boys By 14 To 11.


OLD BOYS suffered their first defeat to-day when Christchurch beat them by 14 to 11 in a spectacular game at the Oval before a very large attendance. Christchurch led all the way and always had a bit in hand, although Old Boys were creeping up at the finish. Scrimshaw, with three tries, was the hero of the match.

CHRISTCHURCH V. OLD BOYS. With the prospect of seeing an excellent game a good crowd attended the Oval at Lancaster Park to-day. The teams, Christchurch and Old Boys, were at full strength, and the good conditions prevailing made an added attraction. The teams were:— Old Boys (white); J. Harris, W. Merritt. Hastie, J. Jacobs, G. D. irjnes, W. C. Dalle}*, M. L. Page, F. Clark, J. T. Burrows, S. Baird, C. M. Harris, F. Foley, G. Ell, and N. Porterfield. Christchurch (red and black): M. Melide, Stephenson, J. E. Robilliard, G. F. Hart, J. M’Auliffe, N. P. M’Grcgor, T. F. Multan, G. Scrimshaw, B. J. Taylor, A. I. Cottrell, A. E. G. Rogers, J. E. Manchester, A. P. M’Duff, H. N. Galbraith. J. Wilders.

A line-out followed the kick-off, and then M’Auliffe punted prettily to the line to give Christchurch an initial advantage. The first thrill came when Dailey sent a wide pass to Jacobs on the blind side. Hart was on it like a flash, but Scrimshaw knocked on the in-pass. A Christchurch rush broke down in the centre, but Old Boys could not clear, Harris twice being callecj upon to save. Then all of a sudden Jacobs was off, and only a freak tackle by M'Gregor stopped him. Play was at a terrific pace. Harv ran cleverly through, but Hart made a dead bird of Jacobs. The first try went to Christchurch. Scrimshaw was following hard on a punt, and fumbling by the Old Boys' backs found him there to dribble on and just touch down before the ball went over the dead line. Stephenson easily goaled. Christchurch 5, Old Boys 0. Meikle marked to save in the face of an Old Boys’ forward rush. A kicking ex chance ended at half-way, after a

Christchurch rush had broken down at Robilliard. Play was intense, with Christchurch superior in the forwards, but Old Bo\*s gained an advantage through an infringement. They hammered at the Christchurch line, and Dailey, securing from a line out, started some pretty passing which gave Merritt a chance, but the winger was well downed and his in-pass smothered. Christchurch forced, and drox’e down from the drop out. Scrimshaw and Cottrell attempted a break through, but the tackling was sound. MuUan shot the ball out, but M’Gregor was too eager and over-ran his pass. Old Boys cleared, but Rogers led the Christchurch forwards back. Harris made the next decisive move, fielding neatly and neutralising play with a splendid kick. Christchurch infringed at the commencement of a back rusn, and Dailey bounced the ball out in Christchurch territory. Dailey was doing wonders behind the Old Boys’

scrum. The White forwards took a turn and drove the ball out a few yards from the Christchurch line, M’Gregor capping a save by the Christchurch forwards by booting right through. M’Auliffe caught Harris well in Old Boys’ territory, and an infringement gave Stephenson a hard shot at goal. His kick went straight between the posts. Christchurch 8, Old Boys 0. M’Auliffe marked in a dangerous position which arose from a rush by the ever-present Dailey. M’Duff next caught the eye, heading a rush to the Old Boys’ twenty-five. There, from a line-out, Dailey secured and found the line with a kick that ran half the length of the field, and saw Stephenson barely get there in front of Merritt. Christchurch were put hard on the defensive, but fumbling on top of a couple of judicious kicks relieved the position. Old Boys strove desperately to make up the leeway, but their next attack failed when M’Gregor got possesion and thudded the ball out at half-way. Dailey sent Hastie and Jacobs away in splendid position, but Hastie elected to pass infield when his wing had a great chance, and the movement was well gummed up. Stephenson found the line right in Old Boys’ territory with a grubber kick, but M'Auliffe did not take his pass

when possession was gained. A penalty relieved Old Boys. Christchurch returned again, but M'Gregor kicked too hard and Old Boys forced. Again Christ church swept down, but the Old Boys forwards swept clean through, and drove Meikle over his own line with the ball. Meikle elected to kick even then, and gave Old Boys a wonderful chance, which fumbling nullified. A kick gave (hristchurch a chance, and from the line-out Scrimshaw secured, beat a man. and had an easy run in for a clever try. Stephenson failed with the kick. Christchurch 11, Old Boys 0. The game was showing the big attendance a great exhibition of the code, both sides playing with precision and dash. A chance which Hastie gave to Merritt came to nothing, Robilliard securing to find the line and the Old Boys’ twenty-five, but Jacobs kicked back and caught Meikle, neutralising things. Old Boys were not seeing so much of the ball, but a penalty aided them. Robilliard then broke through an Old Boys’ rush, and sent to M’Gregor, to Stephenson. The winger

elected to_ in-pass when a dive for the line was indicated, and Harris spoiled the pass, saving a certain score. A moment later M’Auliffe barely missed with a difficult pot at goal, and Old Boys forced. The half-time bell sounded with the score:— Christchurch 11, Old Boys 0. SECOND SPELL. Christchurch pressed immediately, but their first back rush met effective tackling. Old Boys secured from two scinms, but failed to make ground. M'Gregor broke through brilliantly and sent on to Stephenson, but the winger was too well marked. Merritt relieved after Meikle pressed Old Boys with a kick, and then Hastie put in a great run to half-way, spoiling a scoring chance by hanging on too long. An exchange of kicks ended slightly in Christchurch s favour. Innes changed the play with a good kick, and a simi lar effort had play right on the Christchurch line. There Old Boys were awarded a free kick, but Hastie’s effort was ineffective. Dailey pressed Christchurch by sending a heady pass to the unexpected side, enabling Hay to kick out a couple of feet from the goal line. Old Boys secured from a scrum, but Innes was enveloped by M’Auliffe, and in the scramble Hart secured and found the line at half-way with a great kick. Hastie gained ground with a breakaway, and Christchurch had to defend hard again. A free kick to Old Boys saw their account opened, Merritt goaling well. Christchurch 11. Old Boys 3. Mullan worked the blind and M'Gregor kicked judiciously, but the bounce of the ball was no good for Hart. Twice in quick succession Muilan worked the blind, and then again, and from a line-out secured and went over at the corner, the kick failing. Christchurch 14, Old Boys 3. Old Boys took over the offensive, but solid tackling met all their efforts. Rogers led the Christchurch pack to half-way. A blind side movement gave Merritt a chance, and he ran well down the sideline, but Meikle got him. Cottrell smashed his way to the half-way line, and an Old Boys’ rush gained little ground. Old were getting plenty of the ball and were away again. A penalty saw Merritt barely fail at goal. Dailey -and Page both had unsuccessful attempts at field goals, and after Robilliard sent them back, a great rush broke just when Merritt had a great chance. Daliey then secured and sent high to Jacobs. Jacobs sent straight back to Dailey, who walked straight

through the Christchurch team to score one of the best tries of the season. Merritt failed to goal. Christchurch 14, Old Boys 6. Kicking ended in favour of Old Boys, Merritt booting judiciously. Old Boys secured and went away. They were pulled up, but fumbling nearly let Old Boys in. Then Harris put a beautiful boot just over Stephenson’s head, and Merritt went down on it like a shot. He and Meikle arrived at the same time, but Merritt got the ball. He should have gone over himself, but though he was slow and was collared, he passed to Harris, who had followed up, and the full-back scored a great try, which Merritt converted well. Christchurch 14, Old Boys 11.

Excitement was intense, with restricted time, and Old Boys in the ascendency. Christchurch were given a free-kick m a hard position, and Stephenson essayed a shot, his good kick just going wide. C. Harris led Old Boys back to the attack, but Meikle found the line at half-way. Again Meikle found the line in the face of a desperate rush, but the Old Boys’ backs came away, and Jacobs set sail for the line, only to be pushed out by Meikle. Cottrell staved off a desperate attack, but the Old Boys were determined. Mullan twice drove them back with judicious kicks, and play settled at half-way.

Christchurch fought desperately to keep the Old Boys out, but a free kick against them let Dailey find the line at the twenty-five. Harris charged down a kick, but Meikle was able to force down. Old Boys started a back rush, which broke down against solid tackling. Robilliard turned the tables by punting through and catching Merritt in possession. Mullan took a mark in a handy position, but his shot at

goal was wide. Christchurch were pressed with a good back rush by Old Bovs, but again the defence was sound. Christchurch were awarded a penalty, and when the ball went out time sounded, leaving Christchurch the victors. The score was:— CHRISTCHURCH 14 OLD BOYS II Mr R. J. G. Collins was referee.

WEST OLD BOYS V. TECHNICAL. Technical kicked off against West at the Show Grounds. Within two minutes West had forced their way up, and from a penalty Roberts opened the score with a good kick. West 3, Technical 0. Technical came away in a good forward rush, and brought play close to West's line, B. Welch forcing his way over from the tight. Trench's kick went wide. Technical 3, West 3. Roberts gained ground for West with a great kick. Maxwell was prominent In a Technical forward rush, which was again repulsed by Roberts’s kick. A Technical passing rush went right across the ground. The line-kicking on both sides was good. a free kick to Technical in front of the posts was put over by Miller. Technical 6, West 3. M’Gregor had a good attempt at a pot for West. Eade put in a good run and passed to Stacey, who just failed tc get over. A free kick to West was not successful. Chlnnery made a good iuterception, but did not get far. R. Taylor had a clear run through when the ball bounced back off him, but Technical managed to force just in time. M’Gregor xnadto a good attempt to get over, but was collared right on the line. Then West were awarded a free kick, Roberts putting it over with a good one. Technical 6, West 6. Maxwell got away, but Stewart took a good mark. Half-time was then called with the scores:— Technical C, West G. A good passing bout between French, Angas and Wilton marked the opening stages of the second spell. Miller put in a good run and transferred to Stokes, who got over under the posts. Miller converted. Technical 11, West 6. West came way, but were sent back. They made great attempts to score, holding Technical right on the line. Roberts had an unsuccessful shot from just inside half-way. Collier took a good mark for Technical, as did R. Taylor for West. Woodward put in a good run for West and transferred to Stewart. The West backs were opening out, but did not get very far with the ball. The game was for a time very even. Then Technical made determined efforts to score. A magnificent kick by Roberts gained a lot of ground for West. Maxwell secured from a line-out and made a good break through. A free kick relieved for West. The game ended immediately afterwards with the score:— TECHNICAL 11 WEST ti Referee: Mr A. J. Mason. ALBION V. LINWOOD. Albion opened in fine form, their backs throwing the ball about in prd mising style, but Linwood saved foj forcing twice. The Linwood forwards, with Thompson leading, took charge fox a spell, and from one of their rushes the ball came out to the backs, who handled in turn till Smart received and went over in the corner for a try, which was not converted. Two beautiful line kicks by H. Lilburne and Hodgkinson kept Albion on attack, but the Linwood forwards, headed by Quaid and Polaschek, came back in a tolling rush. M’Kerrow made a great dash

for Albion, but tv-as thrown out about seven yards from the corner. The play swuns to the opposite side, where an Albion forward made a break from a line-out, to send on to Jaggers, who scored well out. H. Lilburne converted will* a very fine kick and Albion took the lead. Half-time was called almost immediately, the scores being:— Albion 5, Linwood 3. Albion re-arranged their rearguard, playing the Lilburne brothers at fiveeighths, and Linwood kicked off against a puzzling sun. Edmonds, playing a fine game at full-back for Linwood, put his side on attack with a good kick, and the forwards hammered away until Lilburne relieved by finding touch well down. The Albion forwards, led by Jaggers and Manning, now held command, and 11. Lilburne made a great dive for the line, missing by a fraction. Immediately after, H. Lilburne made a neat cut through, sending a long pass to Steel, who fended off a man and potted a slashing goal from alongside the touch-line. Albion 0, Linwood 3. M. Lilburne was injured, and G. Mortlock replaced 'him. Albion forced the pace again, but Edmonds saved by diving feet for the ball. The respite was only temporary, however, for the Albion forwards came on to the Linwood line, where M’Kerrow dived over .after receiving a pass on the blind side of the scrum. Lilburne missed the kick. Albion 12, Linwood 3. Thompson and Lawson led the Linwood forwards to the Albion line, where they narrowly missed scoring two tries. The final score was:— ALBION 22 LINWOOD 3 Referee: Mr A. R. Henderson. SYDENHAM V. MERIVALE. Merivale and Sydenham met on the West ground at Lancaster Park. The Merivale forwards with Kirkland and Clark prominent opened up a loose rush which carried play to Sydenham’s territory. Flewellyn made a good run but was grassed near the line. Play hung in Sydenham's twenty-five for some time, Sydenham finally forcing down. The Merivale forwards again assumed the offensive, but could not break through. A penalty brought relief to

Sydenham. Rowe made a fast dash down the touchline, but was pushed out. Rich ' opened up an attack from the loose, but Oliver spoiled a good chance by trying to cut in. Merivale continued to attack and a good rush in which Rich. Oliver, Rhodes and Rowe figured resulted in a score by Rowe wide out. Brosnan’s kick failed. Merivale 3, Sydenham 0. Brown gained much ground for Sydenham, making a fine run before being pulled down in Merivale’s twenty-five. Plewellyn was penalised for off-side play, but Sydenham’s kick at goal failed. Oliver and Plewellyn were conspicuous in a fine piece of combination by the Merivale backs, the latter going across in the corner and sprinting round to score between the posts. Rhodes converted. Merivale 8, Sydenham 0. Another fast rush by the Merivale backs saw Norrie score in handy position. Rhodes goaled. Merivale 13, Sydenham? 0. Brown, Young and Hazelhuvst shone in a swift rush by the Sydenham backs, which gained a lot of ground. Merivale were forced on the defensive, but clear--0(1 their lino after a Rhr.rt struggle, play taking up again at half-way. V lewellyti fielded smartly and transferred to Rhodes, who beat two men before passing to Norrie. the last mentioned player scoring in good position. Rhodes goaled. At half time the score was: Merivale 18, Sydenham 0. Merivale attacked after the resumption, the forwards going downficld in a loose rush which ended in a score by Clark. Norrie failed to convert. Merivale 2!, Sydenham 0. A rush by the Sydenham backs looked likely, bur a knock-on spoiled the movement. Sydenham broke away from the line-out, a loose rush carrying play to Merivale’s twenty-five. Plewellyn relieved with a long kick which found touch near halfway. The Merivale backs, with Oliver, Rhodes and Norrie conspicuous, threw the ball about in convincing style and a series of pretty rushes were crowned when Rhodes scored. The kick missed. Merivale 24, Sydenham 0. From a scrummage the ball came back to R!m-

mer, who sent Young away to score In the corner. JC. Bryan's kick missed. Merivale 24, Sydenham 3. Two more tries were added for Merlvahe by FlcwelIvn, Norrie converting one. The final score was:— MERIVALE 32 SYDENHAM .... * 3 Referee: Mr C. M’L&ughlin.

RAILWAY TEAMS’ MAT OH. The following team will represent the Combined Goods and Stores Offices against the District Railway Offices in their annual game at Lancaster Park Oval at 2.0 p.m. on June 10:—Fusscll, Thoms, Wilson, Jaggers, Arnold, Hantz, Cresswell, Campbell, Seager, Quaae, Norton, Rimmer* Crisp, Hurst, White.

CANTERBURY REP. GAMES. August 24—v. Southland, at Christchurch. August 28—v. Wairarapa, at Wairarapa. August 31—v. Auckland, at Auckland. September 4—v. Taranaki, at Taranaki. September 7—v. Wellington, at Wellington. September 14—v. Otago, at Christchurch. v. S. Canterbury on date to be arranged. The North Island v. South Island match will be played at Wellington on September 28.


(Special to the “ Star.”) MASTERTON, June 15. Wairarapa have agreed to play Canterbury tor the Ranfurly Shield on August 28, Southland on August 31 and Otago on September 7. The first important shield match will be against Hawke’s Bay on July 10. Wairarapa expect to put a strong team in the field, including Jimmy Mill, the All Black. The Wairarapa team, which was defeated by Hawke’s Bay on June 3, was only up to half Wairarapa’s true strength.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 18786, 15 June 1929, Page 5

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Christchurch Beat Old Boys By 14 To 11. Star (Christchurch), Issue 18786, 15 June 1929, Page 5

Christchurch Beat Old Boys By 14 To 11. Star (Christchurch), Issue 18786, 15 June 1929, Page 5