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k « Reception Notes. Owing to pressure on space, have room for only a few notes. Reception on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights was, as forecast, very unsatisfactory. Listened in for a while on Friday, but static was too bad to permit of any but 2YA, 3YA and 4YA being reproduced. On Saturday evening the early sessions from New Zealand stations indicated that bad conditions prevailed, so had a night off. Tried the Australians at midnight, but there wasn’t one that showed decent volume. Static was bad. Last night disclosed the ether to be in a very disturbed state—as if an “Old Man” Nor’-Wester were brewing. IYA, Auckland, surged and spluttered and faded while making a losing fight with static. 2YA was fairly good—A6—but here also some spluttering noises and a pronounced induction hum marred reception. 3YA was the best of the bunch. By the way, 3YA’s chiming interludes, between the children’s session and the church relay, on Sunday evenings are very sweet—one of the test things one hears at any time from 3YA. 4YA did not show up too well last night. Plenty static and bad surging. K !'« Fearful row on 2BL last night. Static was loud and continuous, and all the Oswalds in the world, nearly, tried 2BL and called on high heaven and “Aerial” to witness the fact! Most of them tried the other stations in Australia later on, but the best they could hear was the yell fj-om the other fellow. Personally, the writer could not raise any of the Australians to better than A 3 with “Mary Ann” going full out. Gave it up at 10.15. « Well, that's that. Here’s a “Merry Christmas” to you all, fellow-sufferers. May you have better times soon. Greetings and good wishes. XXX “Aerial” has much pleasure in acknowledging receipt of Christmas and New Year greetings from numerous readers, some of whom have chosen to remain anonymous. The others have been acknowledged by post. Cheerio, everybody! :: » Short-wave Broadcasts.

“Insulator” supplies the following report on reception of short-wave broadcasts during last week:— “The week’s doings on short waves have been fairly interesting, although the stations on the higher wavelengths, i.e., above about 32 metres, have been rather interfered with by static. Suva has been heard at very good strength, and more should be heard of this station. My log is as follows:—■

“Monday.—RSß, Germany, early in the morning, was not very strong, but was clear and steady. All talk. 3LO at good loud-speaker strength from 7 a.m., very clear and steady. RFM was very loud at 10 p.m., with a dialogue between a man and a woman. Very steady, but static very bad. “Tuesday.—7LO, Nairobi, with ‘Souvenirs’ at 6.10 a.m. was very clear and fair strength, easily followed. RFM, at 10.15 was very good, with instrumental items. PCLL, on 18.4 metres, put over several enjoyable records at 10.20 p.m.; strength R 7. Excellent modulation. Very little static. 6AG was R 8 at 10.35 p.rm, but Morse and static interfered somewhat. Acknowledged several New Zealand reports. Several musical items.

i ANE called PCLL at 11.10 p.m. It was not very loud for some time, when, strength suddenly increased, so much so, in fact, as to render wearing the ’phones very for table. This was the loudest reception ever recorded by me of any short-wave station. Strength seemed to drop a little later on. The voice of PCLL was heard at about R 4 through ANE at the period of its greatest Strength. “Wednesday.—7LO at 6 a.m. with dance music was very good. A waltz, I ‘Dream Kisses,’ heard, among others, j PCLL at 9.50 p.m. was very loud, but ! rough. Closed at 9.50 p.m. with the ! Dutch national anthem. A Japanese station on 30 metres was very rough and could not be followed. 2ME was testing with ANE at 10.10 p.m. Very | loud. ANE was R 9 with musical items at 10.15 p.m. No static. Later tested with 2ME. 6AG at 10.55 p.m. was R 7, but was surging at times. Music and cricket scores. PCLL had reopened at 11.30 p.m. and was going at great strength—R9—calling Bandoeng. A foreign station on about 36 metres, at 11.30 p.m. was heard, with a lady speaking This is not the second harmonic of RFM, as that comes, in slightly lower down the scale. Fair strength, but static was bad.

"Thursday.—7LO was clear, with dance music, but Morse spoiled it. 2ME was talking to Suva at 6.45 p.m. Excellent strength. After a little searching found Suva, VPD, on 16 metres. Strength was R 8 and extremely clear. Only very slight surging at times. No static. Very interesting talk with 2ME. PCLL was very loud at 10.30 p.m., with records. Strength R 8 and very clear. RFM was heard at good strength, as was the static. Much talk. 3AS and 3CR, both of this city, were testing on the 80-metr'e band at 10.40 p.m. Both very good. 6AG was hemmed in by Morse stations, which rather spoiled things. ANE was very loud indeed with duplex telephony with PCLL. Slight fading. PCLL was R 9 at 11.5 p.m. “Friday.—7LO at 6.5 a.m. was at good strength, but static was very bad. A German station on about 37 metres (most probably AFK, of Doberitz, on 37.5 metres) was heard at 6.10 a.m. Strength R 5. Short phrases spoken at intervals. Very steady. PCJJ at 6.15 a.m. was not as loud as usual, although clear. PCLL was heard at. 10.20 p.m. calling Bandoeng and announcing, ‘Alio! Bandoeng! Alio! Bandoeng! Here the studio in Kootwijk.’ The last word is pronounced as if it were ‘Coatvake.’ Strength at 10.35 p.m. was RB. ANE was going at that time on records. Called and talked to Kootwijk later. RFM was not as loud as usual. Talk, talk, talk!

“Saturday.—PCJJ was heard with ‘Whistler and His Dog’ at 6.15 a.m. Not very loud. 7LO not as good as on previous mornings. Musical items at 6.20 a.m. Very clear and steady. “Sunday.—-3CM, of this city, was very good at 11.30 p.m., talking to 3CR. The latter station was also heard at fair strength. 2XAF was not very good. Dance music. Clear and steady, but not very strong. This station is not coming in at anything near the strength of a few months back, .but I expect an improvement in a month or so. RFM at 10 p.m. was not very good, with much static accompaniment. This finished up the week, which looks as if it has developed a ‘tail’ during the week-end. SSW has not been heard when listened for between 6 a.m. and 6.30 a.m., although it may have been going later. It is to be hoped that this station will come on the air with some Christmas transmissions.” X X « CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES. FOR TO-DAY. Following are details of to-day’s and Tuesday’s programmes received from New Zealand and Australian broadcasting stations:— IYA Auckland, 333 metres. 3 to 4.30 p.m.: Afternoon session. 6: Children’s hour, conducted by Cinderella. 7.15: News and market reports. 8: Chimes. 8.1: The orchestra, “Jolly Robbers.” 8.9: Vocal duet, Miss Marjorie Fair and Madame Irene Ainslev, “ Barcarolle,” from “ Tales of Hoffman.” 8.13: Ingalls Hawaiian Trio, “ Aloha-oe,” “ Wailuliluli.” 8.20 : Baritone, Mr Arthur Friar-Raisher, “ Billy Boy.” 8.24: The orchestra, “Three Dale Dances.” 8.30: Contralto, Madame Irene Ainsley, “ The Stars That Light My Garden.” 8.34: Humour, Mr Dan Flood, “ The Sizzle of the Sausage.” 8.40: Ingall’s Hawaiian Trio, “ Wreath for Princess,” “ Coral Sands of My Hawaii.” 8.47: Soprano, Miss Marjorie Fair, “ The Carnival.” 8.51: The orchestra, “Potted Overture.” 9: Weather report and announcements. 9.2: Baritone, Mr Arthur Friar-Raisher, “In Love.” 9.6: The orchestra, “ Christmas.” 9.16: Contralto, Madame Irene Ainsley, “ Love's Old Sweet Song.” 9.20: Ingall’s Hawaiian Trio, “The Rosary,” “ Three O’Clock in the Morning.” 9.27: Humour, Mr Dan Flood, “ I Need Love.” “ There’s No Fun in a Cemetery, so Give Me Flowers Now.” 9.34: Relay from Majestic Theatre Orchestra. 9.44: Excerpts from “ Rose Marie.” Cast: Miss Marjorie Fair, Mr Arthur Ripley, Mr Arthur FriarRaisher. 10.30: The orchestra, “ Rose Marie.” 10.40: Special programme of Christmas music. Carols, “ Away in a Manger,” “ Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.” 10.48: Grand organ, Marcel Dupre. “ Prelude and Fugue in G Major” (Bach), record. 10.56: Soprano, Madame Mary Towsey, “ The Star of Bethlehem.” Chorus, “ Good King Wenceslas ”; solo and chorus, Mr Peter Davies, “Nazareth.” 11.15: Black Diamonds Band, “ Christmas Carols,” record. 11.19 : Carol, Miss Mollie Atkinson. “ O Come All Ye Faithful.” 11.23: Soprano, Miss Mollie Atkinson, “ St Nicholas Day in the Morning.” 11.27: Carol, “The Silent Night.” 11.31: Mezzo-soprano, Miss Beryl Baker, “Christmas Eve.” 11.35: “The First Noel.” 11.39: Soprano, Madame Mary Towsey, “A Legend.” 11.45: Christmas carols. 12: Close down. 2YA Wellington, 420 metres. , 3 to 5 p.m.: Chimes. 6: Children’s hour, conducted by Uncle Jeff and Aunt Gwen. 7: News session. 8: Chimes. 8.1: The orchestra, “ Ruy Bias.” 8.11: Contralto, Miss Mona Carrick. “My Ain Folk.’ 8.15: Mandolin, Mr Lad Haywood, “ Christmas Medley." 8.20: Tenor, Mr James Fordie, “ M'Gregor’s Gathering.” 8.24: Soprano, Miss Dorothy Newman, “ The Piper of Love,” "Wake Up.” 8.30: The orchestra and vocalists, “ A Dream of Christmas.” 8.40: Humour, the Two Boiled Owls, “ X.M.A.S.. Wellington.” 8.45: Contralto. Miss Hilda Chudley, “The Star.” “Sweet and Low.’ 8.50: Savoy Orpheans. “ Round the World Medley,” record. 8.58: Weather report and announcements. 8 59: The Two Boiled Owls, “ Piano Capers,” “ Monty on Health.” 9.7: Contralto, Miss Mona

Carrick, “ Love’s Old Sweet Song.” 9.11: Trombone solo. Mr H. Oakes, “Nazareth.” 9.16: Mr James Fordie. “ Thank God for a Garden,” “ Golden Dancing Days.” 9.20: Mandolin solos, Mr Lad Haywood, “ Where is Now the Merry Party?” “Home, Sweet Home.” 9.27: The orchestra, repeat item. 9.32: Soprano, Miss Dorothy Newman, “ Butterfly Wings.” 9.38: Piano novelty, the Two Boiled Owls, selected. 9.42 • The orchestra, “ Hallelujah Chorus.’ 9.47: Contralto, Miss Hilda Chudley,

“The Virgin’s Cradle Song.” 9.51: The orchestra, “ Marche Pontificate,” “ Ave Maria,” “Priest March,” “Gloria.” 10.3: Humotir, the Two Boiled Owls, “ Corporal John Bartholomey.” 10.8: The orchestra, “Christmas.” 10.14: Close down until 10.45 p.m. 10.45: Orpheus Quartet in special ’ Christmas music. Quartet, “ Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” “Good King Wenceslas”;

“ Adeste Fideles.” record; soprano, Mrs Alice Harris, “ The Star of Bethlehem ” ; quartet, “ The Three Ships ” ;

“For Unto Us a Child is Born,” record; baritone and quartet, Mr Len Barnes and Orpheus Quartet, “ Carolling at Toon”; quartet, “The First Nowell”; quartet, “See Amid the Winter’s Snow”; carols, “God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen,” “ Good Christian Men, Rejoice” record; quartet, “ Christmas, Awake.” Close down until midnight. 12: Relay of Midnight Mass from St Gerard’s Redemptorist Church, Hawker Street.

3YA Christchurch, 306 metres. 3 to 4.30 p.m.: Afternoon session; sports 6: Children’s session, conducted by Scatter joy. 7.15: News session. 8: Chimes. Concert by Derry’s Military Band and assisting artists. 8.1: Band, “ Marcelaine ” (Dance of the Clowns). 8.6: Humorous song, Mr Jock Lockhart, “ When I was Twenty-one.” 8.10: Xylophone solo, Billy Whitlock, “ Xylophonitis,” record. 8.18: Contralto, Mrs D. W. Stallard, “ My Old Kentucky Home,” My Ain Folk.” 8.24: Instrumental trios, Christchurch Broadcasitng Trio. 8.32: Band. “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, “Adeste Fideles. 8.39: Recital, Mr L. T. J. Ryan, “My Friend, Brown.” 8.45: Bell solo, Billy Whitlock, “ The Joker,” record. 8.49: Entertainer, Mr Chas. Lawrence. 8.54: Band, “ Ramona.” 9: Weather forecast. 9.1: John Goss and Cathedral Male Voice Quartet, “ Rio Grande,” “Billy Boy,” record. 9.5: Contralto, Mrs D. W. Stallard, “The Old Folks at Home.” 9.10: Instrumental trios, Christchurch Broadcasting Trio. 9.18: Humorous song, “Mr Jock Lockhart, “It’s a Fine Thing to Sing.” 9.22: Band. “ Auld Scotia.” 9.31: Burlesque speech, Mr L. T. J. Ryan, “Bertram on Babies.” 9.37: Entertainer, Mr Charles Lawrence. 9.44: Hawaiian orchestra, “ Song of Hawaii,” record. Vocal with steel guitar, ukulele and piano, “ Hawaiian Love Song,” record. 9.52: Band, “Highways Are Happy Ways,” “Palace of Peace.” 10: Relay of 2YA, Wellington (conditions permitting). Close down. Dunedin, 463 metres. 3 to 4.30 p.m.: Studio items. 8 to 10: Studio concert. 10.45 to 12: Carols and special Christmas music Australian Stations. All Australian stations are providing a concert session, including Christmas carols. 2BL’s session is from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. (includes relay of events at Manly Beach). 2FC: 9.40 p.m. to 12.30 a.m. 3LO: 9.5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 3AR: 10 p.m. to 12.30 a.m.: 4QG: S p.m. to 3 a.m., includes relay of Midnight Mass from St Stephens Roman Catholic Cathedral. FOR CHRISTMAS DAY.

IYA Auckland, 333 metres. 9 a.m.: Children’s Christmas morning session, conducted by Cinderella. 10: Close down. 11: Relay from St Mary’s Cathedral of special Christmas Day service; preacher, Canon Percival James. 2YA Wellington, 420 metres. 8 p.m.: Chimes. 8.1: Chorus of 8.8. C. Choir, “And the Glory of the Lord,” from “ The Messiah,” record. 8.5: - Baritone, Mr John Prouse, recit., “Thus saith the Lord”; aria, “But Who May Abide,” from “ The Messiah.” 8.12: Orchestra 8.8. Wireless Symphony Orchestra, “ A Christmas Overture,,” record. 8.20: Elocution, Mr A. Stanley Warwick, “ The Waits.” 8.28: Muriel Brunskill and 8.8. C. Choir; recit., “Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive ”; aria, “ O Thou That Tellest,” from “The Messiah,” record. 8.36: Organ, Clarence Ravbould, “ Organ Medley of Christmas Carols and Hymns,” record. 8.44: Contralto, Miss Evelyn Robinson, “ Tired Hands.” “Keep on Hopin’.” 8.50: Columbia Artists Ensemble. “ Silver Threads Among the Gold,” record. 8.53: Soprano, Maria Kurenko, “ ’Tis the Last Rose of Summer,” record. 8.56: Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, “ Christmas Time in Merrie England,” record. 9.4: Weather report and announcements. 9.5: Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, “ The Christmas Waits,” record. 9.13: Baritone, Mr John Prouse, “ Morning Hymn,” “ Star of Bethlehem.” 9.20: Columbia Musical Art Quartet, “ Old Folks at Home,” “ Home, Sweet Home,” record. 9.26: Elocution, Mr Stanley Warwick, “Scrooge.” 9.33: Carillon, Kannel Lefevre, “ O Come, All Ye Faithful ” (played on the Ottawa Carillon), record. 9.36: Contralto, Miss Evelyn Robinson, “ O Golden Dawn,” “ Good Morning, Brother Sunshine.” 9.42: Organ, R. Arnold Grier, “National Airs,” record. 9.48: Soprano, Alma Gluck, with male quartet, “ A Perfect Day,” record. 9.52: Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, “ The Rose,” record. 10: National Anthem. 3YA Christchurch, 306 metres. 9 a.m.: Children’s session. 7 p.m.: Relay of service from the Christchurch Anglican Cathedral, full choral evensong and Christmas carols. At' the conclusion of the service the following concert programme will be broadcast from the studio: —8.15 (approx.): Contralto, Miss Nellie Lowe, “Ave Maria.” 8.19: Victor Symphony Orchestra, “ Liebestraume,” record. 8.23: Baritone, Mr A. G. Thompson, “ Who’ll Buy My Lavender?” 8.27: Violin solos, Fritz Liebeslied ” (Love’s Sorrow), “ Liebestreud ” (Love’s Joy), record. 8.35: Baritone and contralto duet, Miss Nellie Lowe and Mr A. G. Thompson, “Nile Waters.” 8.40: Grand organ solos, Reg Goss-Custard, “ The Question,” “The Answer,” record. S.4S: Contralto, Miss Nellie Lowe, “ Trees.” 8.52: ’Cello solo, Guilhermina Suggia, “ Kol Nidrei,” record. 9: Baritone, Mr A. G. Thompson, “ Boat Song.” 9.4: Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, “ Invitation to the Waltz,” record. 9.12Contralto and baritone duet. Dulcet Duo, "Love is Meant to Make Us Glad.” Gramophone recital. 9.30: Close down.

3ZC Christchurch, 250 metres. 3ZC has arranged an attractive programme Christmas Day. At 8 a.m.

Uncle Jack, Aunt Edna and other well-known providers of children a fare, will present a special children s Ghrutmas session. At 10 a.m. the Mayor (the Rev J. K. Archer) will broadcast Christmas greetings to listeners, and representatives of the principal religious denominations will also broadcast Christmas messages. An appropriate programme of Christmas mu sic will be presented at this session. A ? om. a special Christmas programme will be presented, including the Chi lstmas music from “ The Messiah. Coler-idge-Tavlor’s “ Christmas Overturn and Christmas selections by the Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards At 1.30 the Rev Canon Wilford will g? ve a special address to the patients in the various hospitals. 4YA Dunedin, 463 metres. 9 a.m.: Children’s session, conducted by Big Brother Bill. 10: Close down. 5.30 p.m.: Children’s song service, conducted by Big Brother Bill. Christmas gramophone music. 7: Relay of Christmas Day service from St Paul’s Cathedral; preacher. Rev Canon Nevill. 8: Address on “Yule Tide Music,” by Mr T. Kirk-Burnand, with

concerted and solo illustrations by the 4YA Harmonists (soprano, Miss Mae Matheson; mezzo-soprano, Miss Mollie Andrews; tenor, Mr H. Johnston; baritone, Mr F. M. Tuohy). 9.15: Close down. Australian Stations. 2BL, Sydney (353) : 10 p.m. to midnight: Studio concert and relay of organ recital. 2FC, Sydney (442) : 10 p.m. to midnight: Relay of concert at the Lvceum Hall, Pitt Street. 3LO, Melbourne (371): 9 p.m. to 1.46 a.m.: Gramophone recital and “Christmas in music, song and story.” 3AR, Melbourne (48 4) : 10* p.m. to midnight: Studio concert and the Christmas carol, “ Scrooge.” 4QG, Brisbane (385): 9.30 p.m.: Complete evening service from St Stephen’s Roman Catholic Cathedral. 10.30 to 11.30: Gramophone recital. X M X ror answers to correopondence, etc., see under “Late Wireless” on page 15 of to-day’s issue.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 18643, 24 December 1928, Page 16

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RADIO Star (Christchurch), Issue 18643, 24 December 1928, Page 16

RADIO Star (Christchurch), Issue 18643, 24 December 1928, Page 16