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Z.L'TVAV iLO<JS JMOm MS TISTiS&IOHO-W ‘TIVH Cd OXV’JO "I lln 8 '3DNv(I PS 3\ T nr •.iiaioos aniHsvoxv'i ’f9nu3AV piTSjaSzii.T jboo) oprsuoAV 'OVOM Hid.Vlcl ‘9S saounp leoirq lIV puaunuroddt! Xq jnoq Aub •JOST3JX g 'SABPUOIM *BOSST?[D 90|PBJ,I UOS xnsqs SB!K''J3BBJ.P[ "euojvi ssijk ‘suit* jS Y IJ9SBJ SL ' IU AY JJM : r IVJIOXlH(l •ONIDNVa JO TOOHDS 6901 ( UOHO3S PG ‘SJCO 81 IO C -sox) •aooAixn •avon s.xosxiay *m> :oianxs •or* ‘suiaa? aoj eppiay jo übo •IXaKXKIOdd V Arc unoH axv sxossi-ri aivAinj D S.PXJOAV) d9?S9AI£ pun oSuuj, P°IM SS6C yqi Suipniouj ‘jqlttiHi -«r 1 «U uiooan«a uaypojM aqj 11 V ijaAo aj\[ ‘ledioupia) •ONIDNVa ~JO IOOHOS •tncn MKnr ‘AvasanikL ‘aavn \ls KOJ-sa'iaox t aoxva ssaaa axv mvacL ■amo aavoMoox anovaa aocAYxn uo H XaaAYO.l O uapsyqo "P9 so qtO tn-<I s IB ‘pass 3KHf ‘AV’QSafIiL tqylXKI Uf ppq »q ©* <K>U«Q WI3 O laj, uoisiooaV l uyisi'-j inoo'i t dOXO blot ujaaoag XIV.) IB ao ‘si -nopE -to ‘ABpsoupoAY ‘sc ■iquipjA-B euor a yd (Ins *Pi» svi»d loa.L xoj pn« ZJI i:»rfw.T ‘sriooHtsßL ‘saaunjeJdS- b .lhoix jtvasanE-Lijr ■aoxva xvaixiivo ivaao •ayddns *Pi» *1 R ®IP B, I l>9 MOOB poos ■nTsnlu 1.0,,., ;««WJ * ■a asm vo aiiv dols-ano KMJcI—■S.LOX iaap?i auiptip •py BE swpwi po Sr, -tfjUaf) bMUb|) ‘Uoaj, xoj l»u« •jqaiißE so ju Bp xro'j) iqsi.v: AVd ■Mas: era .'A •(..mllis mi» <«s •“l' j,him m .iva.'i-U.VR. pun avuxoiy t) .is OBKO-10., 'SKOOU '3J. i l *' •(.».hm»iwv) Mraxsiw saavoaojs n.\T-t ; jiECioi-.p.n xiv.:i Kuaaoo at "ONIONVQ JO IOOHOS •033 UOK *XA\Oaa "I AY uTJioiBnK ‘niiMOf.) 'AV •p 9se : noissimpv -zjp'AV 3°«S pun ".xiqon'.q loj eazud poop "SI o* 8 *u|".>ub« ‘SfO »» « wqana' tad 8 ju ‘Bo oanp AVaS3Q.L TTV ■ jjx>ii -is uAjaps ‘aoxva axv annofiv_L •jsroLLVi.oossy .sassao'srn.a xoxoxiaav BOipu.CS vocldns P°°o 'T I - 1 ] ) poo.) -pn be s»uao * R t 30 !P G '[ 1,1,1 IB ‘SS6I ‘l3 ouiii* ‘AvasaxaaAv uuaH a'l cri "lavii j-hhuj-s BS A.IOAO aOOAV \T aais xoxssi r i r iotr •ir. f ,iMni‘-xxa.M •lIBK PS qdiisy • xnoix Avaoj.v^ anX 11 o KOo 'iDxvd axv anno-ia BE Bdip-.'l BO E.HT!)s:r OOIUU aoddl.d cs Xjoa3[ pun XIIDIX’OX Ill’ll S'iJav avJj ana avisos unoffvi Z.GOI BE BPUOD pooa ‘Moxva xiv r i<l ”’P9 B I SDTPTJ'I • P 9 S' Bjnon—s^n^l.L •tu d s *' i r ivii aavaxoo.T kvh -xaavs "t •(•:. axru* ‘AVasa.iHJi pi®a ! oq 111 AV uno OXIKKi AVS M£iaXVJv/ 1 1 1 vtij/ivav ° i i l *° aoMVd 'ivnxxv .•uivli ■in.ta,Mo', vl 1 ,u,: s l ,co .VV 'll ■ suinuisnTC ■ Kuoimumln a.«| AWJC jo 1 us x-jant) -I-IVU s.u lai.vys i.s ■- r " A o •xaxuvfmacixiM iiiiiu-i ixviixmii•«C oiqtiO(E ‘P9 R S 8>osi«I •pxif p-«c \Lxax AvasafiJ. •mKvav^myH^vxHo^^y .voTiaxaao iax\ <i\ a ONIDKVa •aoxsiaa a hi a avns.'i saDiHrf i vMorr.rc miavs *?*• 1 jJ-. pvxoa.i'e aia\ 'jran u.ici xsaxua naii.i.Lid xsaxaa as i ,aj ri ®Hii oxaa xaa oxavt Kate oxavi Kate oxavt Nau o.NiMff xau f o o.muaßoddv '.,3.\oj£ SuiaufS OIUL .xvASPnax oaav WAvanaa oaav wAvaTiMM oaav vvAvaaaaa oaav jo ooii iMßOddn osaid lasoa a a at iv aaa t Aaan 'Xis axinsxns—aqi puu ‘no.wos ui»\ •pnBTioTT opmqo *Tm»H nv -°£ *3££iall«M T iin ‘ .fenpiCK •pjojsaaaft uibiihaV Apa kook ao>To:-ro ‘siaaopi xva ‘aoaoaD ‘iiaxav/v •BtSßiTJaisny ut paiquranaß .uno fpspßioodc otivoii 30 nso-ltJOaf) oq.T. inßiilPfl ‘ Aaonaoc; ~XY<I V dO.T OXTM V„XY(I V lIO.T ..xva v i:o.T ~.\va v 1:0a -XIX OX LX OX IX »uxoo 30 uoijooono.i aovoio tj uj •aoMoao uaj.avAv •aouoao xa^avAv pnpo. j jo a.)Wßie saejs 3UAOU jo uoijßiinjsuoo y 00 aaAL-ra sniiioK axv xooim .v.oa oiu Ul l°f AvasioiM j.xax Avaxore ; •BUGS put! J-Xpq.i utTOi.* uopooarci I •3SQOH VH3JO s.H3nnai

KING'S THEATRE £ V D’-'Nil A M. TO-NIGHT. JIOXI».\Y as 11 t Ttl AI>AY. Thrills! liows'i' c! Sii* J ;e..i.c I "CROOK l’.l> AlI.El" "CROOK Kl> AI.U'.V" surprising pitnations. JOHN G ILTIKUT In the Wm. Fox Special "THE LONE CHANCE" "THE LONE CHANCE ’ Topical. STRAND THEATRE. CJTRANI) OTRA.ND Fox Films Present TOM MIX With TOM MIX "TONY" TOM MIX "TONYTOM MIX "TONYTOM MIX The Wonder II TOM MIX In TOM MIX TOM MIX TOM MIX TOM MIX Hiding Wild "THE HEART to win the Girl of lvi Heart. niversal Films Present . BARRYMORE in LIONEL BARRYMORE "I AM LIONEL BARRY'MORE THE MAN." "Wolves or the North.” Ep. 9. Comedy Reserved Stalls Area for Children at the MONEL held on aionuay p.m. Business: T< lion of Surplus. r A Special Meeting will 22nd June. 1925. at The Ordinary A TAPANI'! SPORTS CIA'I». Ratepayers | arc earnestly 1 SSS Old Ui-I-apanui. to discuss the Bangload Park Extension. FRANK. JSISSO: TENDERS. a. » BAKE COBER POWER Stll'PßY IK ELECTRICW n A Public Works i; 4604 T> is trie tlio hristohureli. At ’GIBBON. El ec tr ioa 1 En r. > neer. RAILWAY NOTICES. REDUCTION OF RATI.AGE CHARGES K, KEROSENE. ETC. MONDAY'. 2 2ND rate, except where O ON TtENZI > |N AND A! I similar 'ANTITY v.-ill be « X CAN' Z E ALA X D 11A T EWA A'S. RACES AT IHEAP FAKES. 'lVi'A',', 1 interm feet route on 26 th and 27th trains arriving Ashburton up to i 1 a.m., available for return up to 291 h June. Excursion tickets' will not be available by S.SO a'm. express train from Christchurch . and 5.43 p.m. express train from Ashburton on 26th and 27tli June. CHRISTCHURCH - ASHBURTON.— On 26th and 27tli June, special train taking passengers from Christchurch, P.olleston and Rakaia only, stopping at Ashburton Kaleyards Siding to set down, it. 20 kaia. 10.26, and nr-rtves 1 Afchburto a.m. Rot urn train, parking up at yards Siding, leaves . Ashburton p.m., Saleyards Siding 4.25 p.m. train takes passengers for Rakaia, leston and Christchtireli cnlv Passengers from, i-ptermedia t e tions must travel by the, ordinary 7.25 a.m. Christchurch—Ashburton train and return by the ordinary train (,delayed> leaving Ashburton 4.25 p.m. on 26th Juno, special train conveying racehorses leaves Christchurch for Ashburton G. 30 a.m., returning from Ashburton 6 p.m. on 21 t it. CHRISTCH T'ROil SPRIXCIFIELD.On 26th and 27th June usual 7.50 a.r train from Springfield will connect i with the 9.20 a.m. Chris Ashburton special. Rollesto \VH I If the race trains will N» L.IFFS BRANCH. On 26th no usual 6.2 p.m. tr leaves Barfield G. 30 r s are NOT IN DIVORCE. THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND. CAN TERBURY DISTKICT. IN DIVORCE. . r pAKE NOTICE Iha t a _ Christchurch, citing you to appear ; answer the Petition of Margaret Holi Ker, of Christchurch, WHEREIN she pr for n dissolution of her marriage with : on the ground that an Order under provisions of “-The Destitute Persons Act, 3910.” made by a Stipendiary Magistrate sitting at 1 Christchurch, to the effect that she should be- no longer bound to cohabit with you, is in full force and has so continued for not less than three years, and such Citation intimates that in default of doing so, the Court will proceed ' petiti. nence. NOW THEREFORE TAT that for the within 40 days after the date of lication, to attend in person or Solicitor at the Supreme Court, < Christchurch, and there to enter hout which you will not be of the said Citation and JM of June 1923. A. 11. CUTLER. <u.s.) Deputy Registrar. Friends of the Respondent are part foil larly requested to forward to him the foreTHOMAS WILLIAM ROWE is the Solidfor service is at the office of the raid Thomas William Rowe. Oxford Chambers, 77. Hereford Street, in the WHERE TO STAY VISITORS TO WELLINGTON. CT. ELMO, 97, HILL STREET T ” ’ ll^c PRIVATE II < EDEN CRESCENT. AUCKLAN Tariff from 11s per day.

GRAND THEATRE. Where the G It a N D Programmes arc Always Good. TO-DAY. TO-NIQJI 1, Still to the fore wi.h the best oblaiuab.e, we add 1j our eh .i.j ci sujee^sts. GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAIN D Ci RAN D GRAND GRAND GU 1 N D GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND TRAN I! GU N D GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAN D GRAND GRAND GR.ANJ > GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRA NP < IRA N I» GRAND GRAND GRAND GRA N D GRAND G R AND GRAND GRAND GRAND GRAND ORA N D A Wonderful Crv.ze Production. adapted from tile iamous Droat-Wc-y Success •• THE GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN 'i HE Or WEEDS.” OF weeds!” Ob’ "WEEDS ” OR WEEDS.” OR WEEDS.” A Story of a ” THE ‘ THE GARDEN OF WEEDS.” GARDEN OF WEEDS.” GARDEN OF WEEDS.” GARDEN OF WEEDS.” I T e called it his ” Garden of Weeds th a Rich Man’s Pleasure Palace where Uan ics Bloomed. BETTY COMPSON BETTY COM PSON BEIT'Y COM PSON As the Fairest Flower of all - THE GARDEN OF WEEDS.” A Picture Packed with action and thrills and flavou.ed strongly with romance. Supported by Warner Bros.* ”THREE "THREE ”THREE Screen Classic WOMEN.” WOMEN.” WOMEN.” A Magnificent Cast, including PAULINE FREDERICK AND J.EW CODY. Delightful Mimic by Mr Harold Deck’s Sirius Quartet. Yon will secure the Best Scats by I looking at the Bristol or Grand. ’Phone 2331. EDUCATIONAL. BA N .10 AN D MAN DO LIN. MRS H. G. REEVES TEACHES THE LATEST METHODS. STUDIO: IS, INGLIS’S BUILDINGS 12 * n mou STREET BANJO. Socials they ; They DON’T merits. Too you know th. Jn the othe dance well, s World. Jn the first DON’TS. At Parties; and WALL FLOWERS, nusical lass are the DOS. The - well, play one or twi good company their friendship. first class. WHY not to got out of it by njdishment: and stick already JT PAYS AND IT PAYS BIG. LOUIS W. BLOY. ’Peaeh or of the 23, Jngiis Buildings. High" Street, XWEXINO COATAI HRCTAL GLASSES J - l arc held on MONDAY. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, from 7 t.i 0, at which Students receive Thorough and Individual Tuition in Book-keeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Handwriting, etc., and Office Appointments when proficient. TIC RAF < '< >AI MENC’ES AT ANY TIAT PL DTGBYS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, llallenstein’s Buildings (Opn. P. NOW FOR EXTRA EASY CASH! you otir ci7ne-1 Ch (;i; 'RANT EK ""'i’ l* R*CHASE YOtJR S WBETS at LIBERTY CUMFCTIONEKY COI.YEtir, ££££££ £~£~ £ £ £ £ £ A Well-Paid Job : i. open lo you if you are ready to do L just sitting back and wishing [or it. It would hardly be worth while if it ably hard work —in your spare time — but if you are willing toputvour shoulder to the wheel the I.C.S. will help smooth the path for you end bring you to the rjobs MAKE YOUR SELECTION! E;:_ r !§sggasS INTER?; ATI ON AL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS

QUEEN’S THEATRE. Commencing' M A Gigantically conceived Triumph A Passionate love story of the ous Kilo. The Battle for The greatest and m THE SHEPHERD KING." -adiar.t revelation and story of cl magnificent pictures. Picturcsquo photography . . scenes of High powered emotional drama. 20,000 people in a re-enactment of hatties that thrilled the world 3000 years A D for a kinj And undoubtedly one of the most strikingly beautiful spectacles. "THE SHEPHERD KING." "THE SHEPHERD KING." "THE SHEPHERD KING.” , "THE SHEPHERD KING.” • THE SHEPHERD KING.” • THE SHEPHERD KING.” AJado in Egypt and over. TWELVE in the making. iternational favourites including lOLET MERSEREAU iOLET MERSEREAU SHT RLEY MASON SHIRLEY MASON SHT RLEY MASON SHIRLEY MASON In a sparklin "MY HUSBAND'S WIVES.” "MY HUSBAND’S WIVES.” ''Al V HUSBAND'S WTVES.” "M.Y HUSBAND’S WIVES.” It’s the thrilling story of the love of SNAPPY THRILLING FASCINATING Then a grand supporting programme including "MONKEY ROMEO.'’ Monkey Comedy, r; Duc ATIO NA L NEWS Brilliantly rendered music by QUEEN’S SUPERTI ORCHESTRA QUEEN S SUPERB ORCHESTRA Prices as usual. Plan at Wcbley’s. | HARBOUR LIGHT THEATRE. * Tugs.. Weds.: “On the Banks of the Wabash” (All Star). Thurs., Erl.: “The Hurricane Kid” (Hoot Gibson). Sat.. Mon.. June 27, 20. “Three Wise Fools” (Claude Gillingwater and Eleanor Boardman). DANCING. DANCING CLASSES. , be held every Saturday after- . con in the Rolleston Street Hall. Tan wood, commencing June 20. at 2 p.m. Modem Ballroom and Children's Fancy , . Dancing Taught. Principal: Miss Rena Pettersen. 30. Weston Road. St Albans. 570 X W r U D ox ' till 12. T forget, tip-top dance in ton Street Hall. Mondav Gents Is Gd. Ladies is. Rolleslight, S TEA ROOM? irtlZZrG. Sec. \NCE rRA »M PETITU WAI.TZJNG ( !OM PETIT I < WA I/17.1 N ( ; < 'OMPETITK I’GX TROT < ’OAT PETIT!< FOX TROT CO.VIPETITK Koßiiia Band. Gents 2s Ed. Ladies Gd (including supper). Principals Mess N. Donovan, W. Disney and E. Dorri Every Thursday. AT the “Grand” Tea Rooms. The BrisV t ?U, Band - ‘ ientß ° s Ladles -« (including supper). A. DONO\ AN, Secretary. MOTORS, ETC WHY PLUG ALONG ON A PUSH BICYCLE WHEN GOOD USED MOTOR-CYCLES ARE SO CHEAP? Easy terms of payment can bo ariised ed iio f t°r ?v‘ V s f lhe follo ' vl,1 S good O.V : HiLi:; !: -Vi7i ,£, ;.oad u X',pnQnT sturdy mount by well-known English £l7 single-cyl ie world’s fixed engine. The £l7 £ wheel, a noth* £|7 Of'a bicycle; would ingle-cylinder, ; •shaft gear, ine at the pri« ’,. ay £3O speed hub gear, full road equl as good particularly £32 machine £35 ar, with big, i;owe, equipmen Ine for a plucky rider ?so are only a few of f the machi i make your sel ordially invited. ADAMS LTD. 152-154, HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. ISO 4 vW« u oiv c oMP^ y SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES SKILFULLY REPAIRED. 430 Colombo Street, Sydenham.

LIBERTY THEATRE. TO-DAY, 2 TAM’ TO-NIGHT. A Superb Production ZAXE GREY’S 7. AXE GREYS 2ANE GREY'S ZANE GREY'S ZANE GREY’S ZANE GREY'S WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND." tade entirely NATURAL COLOURS. NATURAL COLOURS. NATURAL COLOURS. usual picunlimited ‘WANDERER ' »V AND ERE 1?, “WANDERER WASTELAND.’ WASTELAND. WASTELAND.’ You will thrill at its “WANDERER OF “WANDERER OF “WANDERER OF THE THE THE WASTELAND. ’ WASTELAND.’’ W ASTELAND." HOLT JACK HOLT HOLT JAt K HOLT HOLT JACK HOLT WILLIAMS. NOAH . BEERY', LILLIE DOVE. No. 2 BIG ATTRACTION No The Swiftest. Merriest Comedy of the y With Britain's Queen oi Happiness, BETTY BALFOUR BUTTY BALFOUR A regular riot of BETTY BALFOUR The amazing story BETTY BALFOUR of BETTY BALFOUR be BETTY BALFOUR Wedding Day. BETTY BALFOUR This is Betty Balf. BETTY BALFOUR (Squibs) Latest ant BETTY BALFOUR Greatest Picture. BETTY' BALFOUR and tears in tins Master Picture that will iu the “SQUID: "SQUIRI "SQUIB! “SQUIB: UIBS HONEYMOON” UIBS HONEYMOON” I IBS HONEY'MOON” UIBS HONEYMOON” “SO UIB: “SQUIB* “SQUIB* HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” HONEYMOON” “THE MYSTERY MAN” No. 4 BIG ATTRACTION No. 4 LIBERTY QUALITY' ORCHESTRA. Under the Direction of Mr Howard Moody. BRISTOL Piano C< r°, rpo i*t, lxmw. L Single R< . ’Phone 392 ■ni idled Kuo in. 1 Hungu low, p, sunny aspect. Apply ?••• : New Brighton. 11 93 hvo Unfurnished Rooms. ; rriisli T° n ishen, with homely people T"„ i'll e <1 nno ppiy -9 4. Two Furnished Bcdroum.i with r° VNT i: I w 229, Healey Avenue. PUBLIC NOTICES. TnF. MERCANTILE FINANCE CIR POKA’I lON, LIMITED. NOMINAL CAPITAL, £130,000. REGISTERED OFFICE, 152, HEREFORD SIR E ET. (J tl it i STC HURC U. (Opposite Commercial Bank). -A. feting credit facilities by* ’ Dealers in Motor Cars, Pianos, and other ! chattel sold under bailment ou Hire Pur- 1 chase Plan. Rates of interest supplied and all enquiries answered on application to the Company’s Offics. A. STEWART, Secretary. APPLES FOR EXPORT. \DVERTISERS require quotatio must hold go J 925. for any nnra next season's JONATHAN or DELICIOUS APPLES. Must be packed for export, be first grade only, and certified as such at the time of shipment by Government Grader. State date or dates of delivery and rockbottom net cash price f.o.b. Lyttelton. Government Grader's Certificate and Bill of Lading. sacs. Care of “Star” Office. YVE SEUN< l AND CO. VMKRICAN LAUNDRY, opp. Tepid Laths. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY WORK. Prompt service. Work posted I We specialise in Collars, Cleaning ; Suits ;> ml General Laundry work. j SPRAT! AND CO. 3 21, WORCESTER STREET. (Opp. Government Buildings) one ASOS2. ADDIN* JTOX £7<)(> v.-i •rlish« >:>} I -8-acre. SURATT AND «• '< ». good value. SURLY DON HUNCrALO W. 4* v'/ *jf I —TERMS ARRANGED. New • ■*» * Bungalow, 4 rooms, built-in bath, electric hot writer sys- ' copper and tubs, gas stove, small , 34 perches, handy to tram. Sole SPRATT AND CO. ('RED STREET BUNGALOW. p dl an ir.g nort SPRAIT AND CO.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17569, 20 June 1925, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 17569, 20 June 1925, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Star (Christchurch), Issue 17569, 20 June 1925, Page 3