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LYTTELTON. The third annual show o!~ the Lj-ttelton Fanciers' Club was opened this afternoon in the Drill Hall. This year the entries total 1105. which is 108 in excess of the record attained at the club’s first show, held in 1902. The exhibits of poultry generally aro of a high standard of merit. Several of the birds have already won prizes this season. The utility classes are particularly well represented. Black Orpingtons. Leghorns and Silver Wyandotte? being prominent. The poultry entries totalled 4€l. There is strong competition in the bantam section, for which ■ there are 125 entries. The canary section is a. strong one, 133 birds being exhibited. The cat section, which will bo judged tomorrow. will be keenly contested, the number of entries being G 5. This year the art needlework display with 132 entries is attracting a good deal of interest amongst the wo men-folk. Following is the prize li*d;POULTRY. Modern Game, blaclc-red c- brown-red— Hen (2) —J. Tindall, juu., 1, special aud 2. Black-breasted black-red —Cock (3), F. R- Bust 1. Partridge—Hen (4). li. L. Anderson 1 and a, F. R. Bust 8. Partridge —Cock (3). 11. E. Anderson 2 and 3 Blackbreasted black-red—Cockerel (3), F. It. Bust 1 and special, T. 11. Owens 2, J. C. Averiee 3. Pa rtridge—Pullets f 4), J. C ( Averies 1, F. R. Bust 2, 11. F. Anderson 3*. i 1\ heaten—Cock, bright-.*-id (.I)—H. R, An- 1 derson 1. Bright or ginger red—Cockerel ) (It, F. li. Bust 1. Clay or wheaten- Pullet (1), F. }{.. Bust 1 and special. Buckwing—Cock (6), H. K. Anderson l. F. It. Bust 2, J. Beattie 3. Duckwing—Hen (3), V. R. Bust 1, R. Parrott 2. J. Purdoni 3. Duckwing—Cockerel .4), H. E. Anderson l, J. Beattie 2, F. R. Bust 3. Duckwing— Pullet (3), F. R. Bust 1, J. Purdon 2, J. C. Averies 3. Pile cock (9) —F. R. Bust 1, W. Cameron 2. Pile ben (2) —F. It. Bust 1, J. Purdon. 2. Pile—Cockerel (1 >. F. R. Bust 1. Pile—Pullet (3), F. R. Bust 1, W. Cameron 2. W. Cameron 3. Spangled hen (1) —F. R. Bust 1. An r other colour cock 11) H. E. Anderson 1. ITen (2) —H. E. Anderson 1, R. Parrott 2 Pullet (2) —H. E. Anderson i, J. Purdom •i. Leghorn, brown, single comb--Coo’s (1), H. A. Stevenson. Hen (3), V. Bed well 1 and 2, Mrs S. H. Webb 3. Cockerel (2)— W. J. Martyn I. F. S. Marshall 2, Pullet (3)—'V. Bedwell 1 and 2, C. Paulger 3. White, singe comb, hen M), J. D. Gob be 1 and special, H. H. Hack 2 and 3, L. W. Booth 4. Leghorn, white, single comb—CX>ckerel f 4) 3. Man son 1 and special, J. D. Gobbe 2, L. W. Booth 3. Leghorn, brown, single comb—Pullet (3). V. Bedwell 1 and 2, C. Paulger 3. White, single comb—Hen (4). J. D. Gobbe 1 and special, H TI. Hack 2 and 3. L. W. Booth 4. Cockerel (4), S. Manson 1 and special. J. D. Gobbe 2, L. W. Booth 3. Pullet ft)—J. I>. Gobbe 1. Leghorn.—Black, single comb, c-ock (2)— J. D. Gobbe 1 and 2. Hen (2) —J. D. Gobbe 1. R. Pearce 3. Cockerel (1) —J. D. Gobbe Pullet (3) —11. S. Lowcay 1, R. Pearce 2. J. D. Gobbe 3. Minorca.—Black, cock fl)—A. L. Mitchell i. Hen (2)—W. It. Sprosen 1 and 2. Cockerel (3)—IT. G. Cranfield 1. G. H. Sykes 2. W. R. Sprosen 3. Pullet (1) —W. R. Sprosen 1. Ancona.—Cock (4)—A. W. M’Nickel 1. R Pearce 2. A. E. Webb 3. C. Hill 4. Hen f5)—J. Lok 1. J. W. Mathieeon 2, A. F Webb 3. R. Pearce 4. Cockerel (1) —R. Pearce 1 and special. Pullet (4) —T. Fraser 1. R. Pearce 2. J. Lok 3, A. W. M'Nickel 4. Plymouth Rock, white, cock fl) —T. B Leathwick 1. lien (I)—T. B. Leathwick 1. Cockerel (1) —T. B. Leathwick 1 and special. Pullet (1) —T. B. Leathwick 1. Barred, cock (1) —H Blackler 1. Hen (2) —J. H. Grieg 1. W. J. Crocker 2. Cockerel (5) —I’. Rattray 1,2 aiid special. J Tii da.ll. jun., 3. H. Blackler 4. Pullet (Sill. Blackler 1, J. H. Grigs 2, T. Rattray American Barred, cock (1) —J. TT. Grigrr 1. Cockerel fl) —J. JT Grigg 1. Pullet fl' —J. H. Griggr 1Orpington.—Black, cock \1) -S. Hanson 1 and special. Cockerel (1) —W. R. Sprosen 1. Pullet (2)—S. Manson 1, W. R. ManC °Wvandotte«.—Silver cock fl)—A W. V. Clark 1. Hen (2)—JE IT. Hack 1. T. J. Hendren 2. GockerH fl)- Lovecinw. Pullet (3)--A. W V. Clark I. 2 a nd_ special C. P. Bradford 3. White, cock (2) —C. TT. Eari-ar: I T H Owens 2- Hen (2)— C. 11. Harman 1. R. Downs 2. Cockerel (2)—C. H Harman 1 an • 2 rpe ’nil. T! Downs 2. Pullet (2) —0. H. Harman 1, R. Downs 2. PIGEONS. Dragoon, any other colour—Cock or hen (1), C. P. Bradford 1. Turbtt—Cock or ben, ringed 1923-24 (2), F. W. Chambers 1 and 2. Jacobin, black—Cock or hen (3) —G. Bradford 1 and special and 2. Any other colour (1) —G. Bradford. Fantail, white—Cock 12). A. C. Chambers 1 and special, &. E. Bull 2. Her. (3), A. A. Chambers and S. F.. Bull, equal, 1, S. E. Bull 2. Cock, ringed (1) —A. A. Chambers 1. Hen, ringed (1), A. A. Chambers 1. Any other colour—Cock (1), G. Bradford 1. Cock, ringed (1), G. Bradford 1. Tumbler, long-faced, clean-legged, self, black—Cock (1), Macquarie and Smith 1, Hen (1), Macquarie and Smith 1. Cock, ringed (3), F. W. Chambers 1 and special and 2. Red—Cock (1), Bertie Smith 3. Her. (1), Macquarie and Smith 1. Cock, ringed (2), Macquarie and Smith 3, G. Bradford 2. Hen. ringed (2). Macquarie aud Smith 1, F. W. Chambers 2. Yellow—Cock or hen (2), G. Bradford 1. Macquarie and Smith 2. Ringed (2), Macquarie and Smith 1 and special, G. Bradford 2. White —Cock or ben. ringed (1). Macquarie and Smith 1. Mottlo or rosewing, black—Cock ov hen fl), F. C. Meade 1 and special. Any other colour (1), Bertie Smith 1. Baldhead or heard, black —Cock, G. Bradford 1 and special. Hen, G. Bradford 1. Ringed (J), F. C. Mean- 3. Any othercolour—Cock or hen >1). G. Bradford 3. Ringed (1), G. Bradford 1 Almond or almond sploshed—lien, ringed (1) 11. G. Clark. Any other variety, clean legged—Cock or hen (1), Macquarie and Smith 3. Ringed (1), Macquarie and Smith 1. Muffled, blue, silver or chequered—Cock or hen fl), Vernon Robinson 3. Magpie, black—Cock fl). B. Johnston 1. i Hen (*2), B. Johnston 1 and special and 2. Cock, ringed <‘2), F. W. Chambers 1. B. Johnston 2. lien, ringer fl), B. Johnston. Red or yellow—Cock f-2), B. John- , ston 1 and 2. Hen (1). B. Johnston !, j F. W. Chambers (2) 1 a * * • 2. Hen. ringed (2) B. Johnston 1, special and 2. Any other colour—Hen f-2), B. Johnston • and •2. Ringed, B. J. ) l.ston. Mondain. silver or while King Carneaux Alta or Runt—Cock or hen <I), C. P. Bradford 3. Ringed (1), C. P. Bradford 1. JUNIOR CLASSES Tumbler, long-fa-oed, clean-lcgged, self colour—Cock ov hen (7), fi. Gascoyne 1, R. Cant 2, Bertie Smith 3. Ringed (4), Bertie Smith 1 arid special and 2, R. Cant 3. Any other variety—Cock o- hen (8), j F. C. Meade 1. W. Dury 2, Bertie Smith I 3. A nr other variety, fancy—Cock or hen <6)—Warren Anderson 1. X. Berry 2 and 3. Ringed (5) —J. Wright J. 2. 3 and special. FLYING HOMER GLASSES. Cock certified 5-.0 n iles (3) —L. Wilshire 1, 3 aud special, G. W. Roberteou 2. 359 miles f 3) —G. W. 'iohe r ison J, E. Wilshire 2 and 3. Hen certified 350 miles (1) —E. B French 1 and special. Cock, -275 miles (2) —L. Wilshu-e 1. G. W. Robertson 2. Hen —L. W. Wilshire 1 and 8. G. W Robertson 2 Cock. 200 miles (4)—L. Wilshire l and 3. G. W. Robertson 2, A. C. Gerard 4. Hen (2)—L. Wilshire I and 2. Cock. most, likely flyer v~)—I- Wilshire 1. 2. 3 and 4. Hen (11)—L. Wilshire 3,2, 3 and i. Hen, 75 miles, 1923 fl)—A. C. Gerard 3. | Cock. 75 miles (1) —E. Wilshire. Hen. 5 J miles r 1) —E. Green 1 Cock most likely fiver, 1923 (7)—L. Wilshire 1. 2 and 4. F. Green 3. Hen (6) L. Wilshire. 1. 2. 8 ancl 4. J vidors—-Homers cock most den 3. W. Gray 4. Hen (20) —W. Unwin 1. 3 and special. G. Francis 2. A FramFder. 4 Cock, 1923 (6)—R If- Lake 1, I' 1 - tMead 2 W. Kilday 3. W. Unwin 4. Hon (6)—W. Unwin 1 an -2, E. C. J- Elmes 8, R. U. Lake 4. UTILITY CLASSES. Leghorn.—White, singe comb, cock (7) W. H. Dorn l, 2 and special: J. Taylor 3. ■ T Bond •< Tien f 10) —J. D. Gobbe 1 and | special, C. W. Tritt 2, Green Bros. 3. H. \ Dawber i. Cockerel f 3) —W. H. Dorn 1, I Green Bros. 2, C. W. Tritt 3. Pullet (12) - j G. W. Black 1. J. D. Gobbe 2. W. IE Dorn 5. G. W. Black 4. Brown, cock (D—J- Y- i Taylor 1. Hon <7>—V. Bedwell 1. L. J. G lasso a 2. J. E. Taylor 3. Mrs R. Wilson i. Cockerel (6) —F. F. Smith 1 aud special. L. J. Glaeeon 3. Pullot (9)—L. J. Glassou I, cup and special and 4. Black, cock fl) J. D. Gobbe 1. Hen (2) —J T>. Gobbe 1. Tt. Pearce 2. Cockerel (2)—R. Pearce 1 a nd special, J. D. G-obbe 2. Pullet (2) —J. D. Gobbe 1 and 2. Any other variety, cock or cockerel fl)—J. D. Gobbe 3. Hen ov pullet (1):—E I>. Gobbe 1. j Aucoua, heu (2)—A. Pearce 1, Mrs J.

Wyatt 2. Cockerel (3> —R. Pearce 1 and special. C. Hill 2. Mrs J. Wyatt 3. Pullet (5)—T. Fraser 1, A. W. M Nickel 2 aud 3, C. Hill 4. | Minorca, cock (3) —A. L Mitchell I, RPascoe -2, R. E. Mahan Her <€) —P. E. Sprosen 1 and special. T. Wilson 2. K. | B ten son 3. Cockerel f 11 )—T. F. Walk! in I and special* J. S. Williams 2. R. Loader 3, T. Wilson 4. Pullet f>2) —H. F. Roderick 1 and 2. W. James 3. P. E. Sprosen 4. Plymouth Rock, white hen f-2)—T. 15. I/eat h wick 1,1). Alii ugh am 2. Cockerel (7) —D. Allingliaiu 1,2, 4 and two -specials. Miss A. M’Croat ie l Pullet (12)—H. Y. Roderick 1 and 2, W. James 8, P. E. Sprosen 4. Pullet <2) I). AJlingham i. T. B. Leathwick 2. Barred cockerel (3)—T. Rattray 1 and special, H. Blackler 2, C. P. Bradford 8. Pullet (2) —H. Blackler 3, T. L. Leathwick 2. Wyandotte, silver-, cock (3)—U. H Hack 1 and special, W. H. Moyle 2 Hen fl) — C. P. Bradford 3. C-ockerel (2)—G. Jeffreys 1 a,l <l cup. F. H. Lovell 2. Pullet (5)—C. P- Bradford 1 and special. A. W. V. Clark 7 Ir - Hack 3, J. Hughs 4 White, cock (D—T. H. Oweng. Hen f-2)—Robert Downs E T. JT. Owens 2. Cockerel f-2) —T. H. Owens 1 and special. R. Downs 2. Pullet (D—R. Downs 3. Orpington. black, cock f6»—Master J. ouncly 1. 2 and special. E. E. Baker 3. h. LJtannings 4. Hen f4)—T. S. Hanna i. 3. and special. E. C. Baker -2. F. Page t Cockerel ('ll) —Master J. Bundy 1 2 3 and 2 cups, T. S. Hanna 4. * UTILITY NOVICE CLASS. White Leghorn, cock or cockerel H » 7 ~'}! rs J - Xsxoll L Airs J. Cow-ell 2, J.. Jeffrey 8. Hen or pullet (II)—R. A. Petersen I and special, C. Terris 2. Airs J. Cowell 8. Heavy breeds, cock or | cockerel (3)-—W. J. Crocker J. T. Hobbs I J. A. ISaigent 3. Hen or pullet (») T - J- Hendron 1 and special. W. Sed J don 2. T. Hobbs 3. UTILITY SELLING CLASSES. Light breeds, c-ock or cockerel (o>— Mrs D. Jack 1 and special, J. I>. Gobbe “• I'- V . Black 8. Hen or pullet 14)- - H. F. Roderick 1. O. VV. Black 8. Mrs .T. Wyatt 3. Heavy breeds, cock or <-oolrerel (5) —AY. Tritt 1. G. Bundy 2, P. •T. House 3. Hen ot- pullet (3)— A. W Clark 1, TL UTILITY DUCK CLASSES. Tndian Runner, fawn or grev. drake (31—T. Bond 1. Mrs B. Gee 2. TI. A. Dawber 3. Duck (^I— FT. A. Dawber 1. T. Bond 2, Mrs B. Gee 8. Drake, under 1- months (8) —T. Bond 1 and special. A. X. Gee 2. Afr.s B. Gee 8. Duck 15* T. Bond 1, IT. A. Dawber 2. Mrs B. Gee IL anc * 4 - White drake < 1 > —A. AT. Wheeler 1. Duck (1) —a. M. Wheeler 1. Drake, under 3 2 months (3) —L. j. Moore 1, 3 and two specials. A. M Wheeler 2. Duck (1) —A. M. Wheeler L Tndian Runner, under 3 2 months drake (2) —A. M. Wheeler J. Mrs S d’ Giiray 2. Duck iVheelei- 3.'

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17345, 18 July 1924, Page 8

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POULTRY SHOW. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17345, 18 July 1924, Page 8

POULTRY SHOW. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17345, 18 July 1924, Page 8