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“ Wheel"

■November KY-Paparua Club's Ttoad Fla.-p (open!. tfnr« 1.1 I’opanm (lub's Rnail! Ra.e, Nov.-tuber J V Mairehau Club’s Koatl Ilace. Nuvui’ib.r IT Paparua Club's Road Race (open. 1 November IT Rangiora Roatl Race and Cvrlirg Sports. Nutember 21 Belfast Roatl Rate (open), and Ladies’ Hoad Race. N \ "inlx*r 21 Papanui Rond Race. N *v«*nihf*r 21 Halswell Road Race (open • I'ecember 1 Paparttn Road Race. I* 1 IhirtioM Road Rare Dr-cciiilirr lO Papanui Road Race. 1 Veeniher Fllesmere Sport.*. F)ec inher 22 Belfast Road Race. IVconilier -Mi—Oxford Sports. bet ember 2<> Amberlex Sports. i»ecember 2d Darfie4d Sports. l>«*cenil»er 2d Little River Sports. Oeeeniber *2G I.ittle River Sports.


m:\\ iM.YMonn riders SrCCESSFIL. Puling together throughout the v hole of the loner journey R. Lovell and I>. Oven, both of New Plymouth. 1 ought out the issue in the big cycling race around Mount Kgmont ol lOi miles. They were together throughout. Loveli passing the ]x>st fist after a splendid struggle. Bint, another New Plymouth rider, came third, while Crutchley, of t i'ishccl fourth, his riding time of o 1- mim Gmiit Moser creating h new r. c ord, and clipping nearly five minutes off last t ear’s previous best effort. Of the sixty-two riders carded, forty-eight faced the starter. The r*»• vit clock hnd just chimed half-past cine when Mr A. Hansen dispatched tlo- first eight men from the limit murk of fifty minutes. The riders were given a hearty send-off. and left amid cheer-, and wishes of good luck. The two .scratch men (O'Shea and Mdl> did not conmete. the former having gone to tide in the big Aus- » • di m cl lsaic on th? same day. while :'.■ • latter did not. arrive from Christ- , )'!•'!' raining in overnight aid continuing during the early part r > the morning, the weather cleared a’- mi a «piarter of an hour before lunit men sot out. and the sun burst

out. After that the day remained beautifully fine, the sun and th© wind quickly drying up the tar-sealed roads and effectively laying trie dust. A strong head wind was experienced the ic hole of the forty-mile journey to Opunnkc. the conditions being very similar to those under which the race was run last year. The eventual lenders, Lovell and Owen, .soon sorted themselves out. overhauling tho limit men at the Patna dairy factory, and passing through the first refreshment station at Oka to together. The fiftyminute men hung on to them for a time. Johnson being tho closest attendant. • Two minutes after noon Owen, just.' ahead of Lovell, passed through Opuliake. to he followed a minute later b\ Johnson, with Smillie only iwo minutes behind. Just after him came T\. I« Crutch ley and Bint, riding together. At Opunake checks were taken and hot milk supplied to the riders. Some of tho riders met with mishaps en route. Moore Mast year’s winner). Allen and Dean pulling out) at Ware a. < HELPED AT KLTHAM A big crowd gathered at fcllthain to cheer the riders on. Owen and Loveli passing through the town at 1.21. It uas six minutes later before the Bint, hove in sight Neil son. Nicholson. Parker, and Johnson, r-'hug close together, arrived at 1.84. 1 Smillie, S. AY. Crutchley, (Tollingwood. and Welsh came next in u hunch, while at intervals. Fuller. Bette ridge. Burrows, K. FT. Crutchley. Simpson, Dunlop, Fitzherbert, and! Greenless followed. Tho procession was still led by Dwen and Lovell a.s ihe cyclists filed through Stratford. Tliev passed the Stratford Post Office* at 1.41 p.m. Four and a half m mutes later Bint lode slowly through; but did not appear unduly distressed at this stage. Another interval of four minutes and Nicholson and Neilson made their wav | through the human passageway, hot I foot in pursuit of the leaders. Half a iDuiuto later Parker, looking rather

toed, appeared. Scarcely bad lio passed from sight, than Burrell, S. W. Crutchley and Welsh came through m a bunch. At l.f>B p.m. Johnson faced the la*t. twenty-seven miles with fin© spirit. Scarcely one minute later Greig, rifling as strongly as anyone, spurted to catch th© dwindling figure of Johnson. Plane and Fuller were the next to show up. but Haskell was riding strongly a short distance behind, followed by Simpson, who was showing signs of fatigue. It was seven minutes past two when K. H Crutchley podafled into sight, and two minutes afterwards Fjitzherhcrt and (> r cen less rode pa-st together. At 2.15 p.m. Groves ropeful ly inquired the number ahead, and settled himself for the concluding stages. He was followed in order by Bonis and Mac-kin, and at 2.28 p.m. by C’aveney. A large crowd had gathered at the New Plymouth racecourse to see tho 1 nish of the race. The order through Inglewood was anxiously awaited. At this point Owen and Lovell, riding well, had not been displaced. and passed through at 2.2-5. Bint, still riding alone, was putting every ounce into his work, and arrived only two minutes behind tho front pair. Two minutes later S. AY. Crutchley passed by. while during the next two minutes Welsh, Nicholson and Neilson followed. It was ten minutes later Fuller, riding alone, went by, and alter three minutes Sutherland, riding fairly strongly, arriveo. I Kicked together. Owen and Lovell wore seen racing along Avenue Rond, but at the entrance to the course Lovell f-hot ahead. Amid great excitement the two riders circled round the grass track to the judge’s box, Lovell leading by about ten yards as he spurred past the finishing post and waved his arms in tho air in delight. He and Owen both appeared fresh, and responded with vigour to the congratulatory hand-sinkes of their adXearly I luee minutes later Bint finished and showed marked signs of fatigue. Riding spiritedly, Crutchley arrived half a minute- afterwards, and proved to be the winner of the fastest time trophy. The runner-up for this honour. Welsh. appeared a minute later. Nearly ten minutes claused before Nicholson, followed bv Neilson. arrived, and after that the remaining riders drifted in singly and in twos and threes.

Retail- 1“ I'?3 P to ™ TT * e.X u’ZTSST'ASS*#? X * Now Plymouth 'fOminl, shrs S * M\ Crutchle.v, Wanganui" (22m in;,’shrs 3 Oram 33sec. ... , 1 'ire,! 1, Barfield (25min). 3hrs aimin' R ' ''-'jmin'Te-"' H '“ nsanlli <Ztmiin>. ‘'lts. ■!. Xeilron. Christcliur'ch <36min). 'sliri ** 2fimin ITsec. . - *■'■ l '“ l k < - r. New Plymouth (40min).* shrs 30mm 31sec. .... q <’• Cgttngwood X.w Plymouth’ (22miiO*. M. Smillie. New Plymouth (45min). olira ' 44m in tSseo. ... i K. G. Fuller. Christchurch (30miiu, s'nrs 31 min 3sac •I. P>. Retteridge. Ngaere UOznin). 3hrs 41 mi n 29scc. .... jo K. Dunlop, Te Puke (38min . shrs 35min K. Ktropson. New Plymouth UOmiin. shrs A. Bonis, Christchurch COrain), 3hrs‘ M. Furrow.-, New Plymouth fSOmin). i>. B. Fitzherbert, Inglewood ((38min). 3hrs 36mm Osec. . .17 W. Greenlees, Wanganui (32minb Stars Comiii lOsec. . . . .is tY. Maekie. Christchurch (12roin>, obrs 20min 45sec. 19 lOsec.” ”°” )" £ 0 FABTEST TIMES. S. AV. Crutchley. Wanganui, shrs fimio .loser, a record for the course, first fastest time. North Tslaud road championship and blue ribbon. J. Welsh. Christchurch, shrs 10min 36aec, second fastest time. H. A. Nicholson. Wanganui. shrs 20min 4sec, fastest time for rider under *2l years. G. Colli ngwood, New Plymouth. Stars 13m in 1 Iscc. fastest Taranaki rider ami fastest time for member of New Plymouth League Cycling Club. J. B. Better id go. N*acr». oh rs 41 min 29sec., fastest Stratford rider. R. Lovell, who won the race, received a member of the New Plymouth League Cycling Club to pass tho post. R. Lovell, of Xe • Plymouth, the winner, is twenty-four years of age. This is his first season of cvele racing. His win was the result of consistent training. 1). Owen. New Plymouth. , second place, is also twenty-four years of age and was in no wav distressed at the finish of the race. Owo„ competed in the rate last year but had a mishap. H. ( . Burt, third place, also comes from New Plymouth, and is nineteen years of ago. This rider rode the greater portion of the journey alone, which had the effect of distressing him at the finish. Burt has done ;c lair amount of track racing. S. AY. Crutchley. fastest time ami North Island road champion, is thirtysix years of age. and has been riding for t wen tv years. He finished secon d in 1918. •1. AYolsh. l)a r field, second fastest time? and fifth place, is well known in Christchurch, having been a consistent rider; in all road and track races of importance in Canterbury. “Jack” ; proved himself a good distance rider in the Timaru-Cliristchurch road race. ‘‘ When the whip cracks the old warhorses prick up their ears.” said AV. Greenlees, of AA'anganui, the veteran road racer, who did not think fortyfour years and thirty-two minutes too big a handicap for him to overcome. He admitted that he was not now gifted with his erstwhile pace, but it G distinctly creditable to the oldest man in the race that he should have finished eighteenth in such youthful company. •• T was out for a joy-ride and a hit of fun, and I thoroughly “"joyed myself,” he said to a. reporter. He picked up w ifh Fitzherbert, the young Inglewood rider, and the pair kept together most of tho way. Grecnj lees rode second to Clarke in the first Taranaki circular road race, and competed also in the following year. Since then he has dropped out of the sport, but was persuaded to enter the lists , again this year. He did a little training. but not over very long distances. Nevertheless, he took things easily, finished in a good position, and outstayed a large number of much younger riders. “ They call Phil O Shea the father of road racing. AYell. T must be a grandfather.” ho added. “ for T can stand Phil ten years. I did get barracked to-dav. All along the line the crowds called me ‘ dad.’ but the old ’un is still fresh and will ibe a starter again next year.” Air Greenlees was warmly congratulated bis meritorious tyirformynee.

■ The first derby road race of the J season was successfully run off on Saturday afternoon by tho IMairohau Cycling Club. Fifty riders were sent away by Air AT. O’Donohue, Mackie and Carey being on the scratch mark, and a, liberal limit of four minutes being aliowcil. The distance was thirteen miles. J. M Geo and J. Pelvin were tho first to show up in the first round, followed by Fahey. Stuart. Peek. Austin and Pearce. AF Kenzie was the next t-u pass with two other ridetr. then I .eat ham passed by himself, chased !>v a bunch of four riders- 1-or , Muir, T!adburn, Uitellie land Norwood followed and then came backson, Carey, -Mackic and t'raib. , t Brigs's Hoad on the final rotmd, Ritchie and Morwood were 0 seconds behind the leaders and riding well. There was a good finish, several riders finishing together, C. Stuart winning off the 2 min mark, with O. Austin (3)min) second. Tt. IV. Gwatkiu (Imin) sixth: A. C. Ritchie (30sec) seventh and A. A. Monvood (Imin) eighth. All the placed riders hate competed on the road before and arc benefiting In experience. They took their turn at pacing like old hands and thoroughly deserved the prizes. A. C'. Ritchie, fastest time, put up a. good ride and again demonstrated that he must not be treated lightly. He has youth and strength on his side and 'there is every possibility of his turning out ,a tirst-elaas rider. Ritchie is also capable, of riding a good track T. Greig is to be. congratulated oil his win at Mairehau last week. Although “ Tom ” has ridden in numerous road races for severs I years, it is not generally known that he had not previously had a win on the road to his credit. It is hoped that this success will be the forerunner of further wins. Greig is a good track rider. The New Zealand track cycling championships have this year been placed in charge of tho Xorth Canterbury centre to allot and it is probable that the St Patrick’s Sports Association will put two of them oil its programme. At a meeting of the executive of the Xorth Canterbury Centre last night it was proposed to hold tiie Itnglish Paik benefit meeting on Saturday, December S, if the park is available on that date. The following programme was agreed toOne mile Canterbury Championship, prize, gold medal, presented by Mr J. G. Mackie ; half-mile handicap, first £2 : second £1 ; third 10s. Christchurch Wheel Race, one and a halt' miles, first £4, second £1 10s, third I Os. Three Mile Handicap, first £2, second £l, third 10s. In addition to the above the following running events w ill ho heldlooyds, 220yds and 440yds, the prizes for which will be first £2. second £l. third 10s. In connection with the Ellesmere Athletic Club's Sports on December 15, a Tt>a d race ia to bo heid from Christchurch to Leeston, the total prizes for which amount to £lO. The cycling events on the programme include a one iiiilo district race, two mile handicap, one mile handicap, five milo handicap, one milo Consolation race. A good programme has been arranged by the Rangiora Athletic Association for November 17. The events include an eight mile boys cycle road race (under lGyrs) ; eighteen mile open road race ; one mile ladies’ track tract'; two unlo track race; boys’ consolation cycle race. The iil’st race starts at ” Cycle racing in • Blenheim is very qui©t. In a conversation with the writer, a racinjr enthusiast stated that a road race held recently with a first prize of £7. attracted seven entries, only five ot whom started. In another race ot twenty miles tor which the first prize was a cycle, there were only twenty starters. A serious attempt to put fresh life into the sport is to be made shortly. In Kaikoura. the interest is very keen, though the distances are long and the prizes small. Two young riders will l*e competitors in the next Timaru-Chi istchurch road race. r l he town possesses a fairly jrood track and a sports meeting will be held shortly. At the annual conlerence of the New Zealand Athletic and Cycling I'nion held at Blenheim last week, the South Canterbury Centre made application for the New Zealand Championships for tho year 192.5 as tho jubilee celebrations of the Caledonian Society take place then. Steps will be taken to get riders from Australia to compete at the meeting. The ATairehau Club was granted permission to hold the live mile ladies, New Zealand Championship, also tho 50 mile South Island Championship. The latter event will take place in Messrs K. Reynolds, and Co.. Wellington. have offered a l’udge Whitworth Af.edal to the rider who puts up fastest time for an unpacod mile on tho track, tho. record to be made from a. standing start and without pacing. The competition will close at the end of the present season, viz. July 91,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17192, 8 November 1923, Page 3

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CYCLING Star (Christchurch), Issue 17192, 8 November 1923, Page 3

CYCLING Star (Christchurch), Issue 17192, 8 November 1923, Page 3