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| O’SHEA MAKES FASTEST TIME. VICTORIANS SECURE PLACES. j By Telegraph—Pre/?s Association—Copyright Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. MELBOURNE, October 27. 1 The Warrnambool to Melbourne cycle j road race was held under favourable conditions. j One hundred and ninety-five out of 275 | entrants started and faet times were j Though three Victorians occupied the ! leading places at the finish, P. O'Shea, New Zealand, riding from scratch, again secured the fastest time, vis., 7 hours Slrnin 47eec. The result w>els : E. Weils. 56min .... I li. Osborne, 6in in . . . .2 G. 'Wells, admin .... 3 The winner's time was 8 hours 87min 6sec. At the finish O'Shea, beat Beasley home by a bare length. The New Zealander swerved Just before the line was reaction and Beasley entered a protest, but this was dismissed. An attack was made on the professional road record for 100 miles, of 6 hours Imin 7se«j, made by Munro in 1910. o. Beasley got vreii inside this with -1 hours S7min

Previous winner .a of the race are as follow :

Private advices received from Melbourne state that the two other New Zealand riders, C. Bell and TV. Watson finished fourth and fifth respectively. O'Shea’s performance won for him the championship blue riband. PHIL O’SHEA. A WONDERFUL RECORD. Phil O'Shea, who secured fasc?t time in the Warrnambool to Melbourne Road Race of 166 miles on Saturday, has had a wonderful racing record, extending over a number of years. lie has obtained fastest time in tbe Warrnambool races three times in sucsessiou. his previous wins being in ISil and 19*22. O'Shea commenced bis racing career in 1909, when he finished second in a three-mile track race at Uhertsey Labour Day sports. His neX" appearance was in the to Christchurch. in which he secured first place after having what appears to be a rough passage, as he met with a mishap at P.angitata, which buckled his wheel very badly. However, he straightened as best he conld and again set off after tho leaders, and was successful in catching them at Hinds. He met with another spill shortly after- leaving Ashburton, but he soon joined the leading division again. O'Shea was the first man to enter the track at Sockburn, and continued in tbe lead all the way around, finally winning by twenty yards from L. Maw, with G. H. Birch close up. third. O'Shea's next success was at the Canterbury Club's anniversary meeting, when ho was successful in winning the Dominion Handicap of two miles. He was also successful in winning the teams' relay raw of five miles, his team-mates being A. B. L, Smith and A. Bonis, while the defeated team consisted of A. Birch. J. Orlowski. and G. H. Bird. O’Shea's next appearance was in the one-mile championship of New Zealand, which was won by A. B. L. Smith, O’Shea filling third place. He also occupied a. similar position in the five-mile championship, .which was also won by Smith. O'Shea's next success was in a half-mile handicap at Timani, while he filled third place in the two-mile wheel race, and won the one-mile and finished second in the three-mile. At Geraldine he started off by filling second place behind E. Wall in the half-mile handicap. while he won the one mile handicap. His next appearance was in the first of a series of road races held by the Dunlop Rubber Company over a twentymile course. In this race he took third place and secured the fastest time from the 45seo mark, his time for the journey being 52min 27£eo. The second of this series of races was held over a thirtyfive mile course. O'Shea secured the fastest- tim in 1 hour o-2min lOsec. The third and final of the series was over a fifty-mile course, O'Shea securing the fastest time in 2hrs lSjonin 48sec. In the TVaitara road race of thirty-fiv© mil©3 he

6scared the fastest time in 1 hour 39min S7aeo. At the Kaiapoi Cycling Club's Easter meeting he won the two-mile handicap and finished third in the one mile. In the Goulburn to Sydney race, O’Shea was very unforunat? in having two punctures, otherwise he could hardly have missed getting a place, as D. Kirkham, who started from scratch with him, secured second place and fastest time, while O’Shea secured one of the time prizes. The next race cf importance was the Christchurch to Timaru. in 1911, won by G. W. Probble. while O'Shea secured the fastest time in 6 hours 87min. It was in this race that O’Shea proved what a plucky rider he was. At Temuka the scratch division comprised A. B. Tj. P. O'Shea and J. Coulter. Smith, in endeavouring to get rid of a feed bag, got it caught in bis chain and O'Shea and Coulter fell. O’Shea sustained a severe cut on the head. lie immediately got going again, however, and although his head bled all the way into Timaru and he was slightly dazed, the mishap was not sufficient to stop him. O'Shea's next achievement was in the Warrnambool to Melbourne race of that year, in which he finished fourteenth and sectirecl the fastest time in afire 18min 44seo. O'Shea'S next es>pearance was at the Caledonian Sports, Timaru, where he won the half and the one mile and a half handicaps, and also tha -two mile scratch #aoo. vtfhile he was second in the one mile. In the Kaiapoi Cycling Club’s road race, fifteen miles, O’Shea secured fastest time in S7min 45eec. Kirweo Sports, first in three mile and first in the five mile handicaps. The Marshland Club's five mile championship O'Shea won in the remarkably good time of 12. min 25sec. At the Kaiapoi sports he was first in half mile. first .in on© mile, first in two miles, first in one. mil© and a half. In the Kaiapoi Cycling Club's road race, twenty-flve miles, he was first with fastest time, his tim© beng Strain. O'Shea's next succees was when he finished sixth in the Sydney six days' race, when he had A. B. L. Smith as his team mate. In. this race they rode over 1800 miles between them. At Geraldine Bfc Patrick's sports, h© came first in half mile, first in one mile. firßt in three mile: at the Temuka sports, first in two mile, first in one mile scratch race, first in two mile pursuit race. For the North Canterbury championship be made fastest time, lhr Train. In the Canterbury Association road championship of twenty-six miles he came first and made fastest time, lhr ISmin ITsec, a.nd In the Canterbury Cycling and Sports Association championships, he was first in half mile, first in one mile, first in the three mile race. At the Temuka Sports, dead heat for second plaoe in half mile handicap, first in one mile scratch race, first in pursuit race. New Zealand championships, held at Gisborne, first in one mile, second in two mile, first in half mile, first in three mile handicap. Temuka Sports, first in one mile scratch race, first in pursuit race, second in half mile handicap. Timaru to Christchurch. 112 miles, 1913, first place and fastest time in record time of 6brs 14 min 68sec. Leestcn Sports, first ir. half mile, second in one mile, first in two mile Canterbury championships. Marshland road race, 12 miles, fastest time. Temuka Sports, first in Quarter mile, first, in one mile and a half Caledonian wheel race. Timaru Sport-a. first in two mile scratch race, second in one mile and a half wheel race. Kaiapoi road race. 17 miles, first and fastest time. Greymouth Sports, second in one mile, first in two mile St. Patrick's wheel race, fir3t in three mile. Marshland road race, eight miles, first and fastest time. Southbridge road race, 86 miles, fa-steat time. MarshlandMairehau road race, 36 miles, fastest time. St Patrick's Sports, second in one mile, first in one mile and a. half, first, in three mile St, Patrick'3 wheel race. Timaru to Christchurch, third place and fastest time. Seventy mile New Zealand championship, second and fastest time. Forty mile championship, fastest time. Timaru Sports, first- in half mile, first in one mile and a half wheel race, first, in two mile scratch race. Timaru to Christchurch (191t4), fourth place and fa«t©6t time. Timaru to a half fastest time; 13 mile, fastest time; the Marshland-Mairehau Club's races he has secured the following prizes:—13 mile race, fastest time; 13 mile, flr3t and fastest time; 14 mile, fastest time: 10 mile, fastest time; 12 mile, fastest time: IQ mile, fastest time: 12 mile, first and fastest time,- 12 mile, first and fastest time; 12 mile, fastest time; six miles and a halffl fastest, tune; 13 mile, fastest time; j>3 mile, fastest- time: 25 mile. fastest time; 13 mile, fastest time. O’Shea also represented the Marshland Club in a relay race, his time for the 10 mile course being 22min 42sec. O'Shea, also holds the Marsh* l® n d five mile road race record, unpaced. axmairi road race, eight mlies, fastest time. Papanui road race, fastest time. Kaiapoi Sports, first in half mile, first in two mile wheel race, first in one mile and a half scratch race, first in one mile. Wairaairi road race, eight miles, fastest time. South Island championship. 86 miles, fastest time. St Patrick's Sports, two mile championship of New Zealand, first: one mile ohampionship, first. St Patrick's Sports (1921). first in three mile wheel race. Waihora Sports, first in thrfce mile wheel race. Timaru to Christchurch (1922). fastest time. Warrnambool to Melbourne (1922), ISS miles, fastest. time; Tunaru to Christchurch, 1023, fastest time in 6hrs Omina 50 l-saeo.


\ H. G. Watson, who finished fifth in the v\ arrnambool race on Saturday, is only ® young rider and has done comparatively

little racing. He made his first appearance on the track on October 26, 1922, winning a nine mile road race held by the Marshland-Mairehau Club. His next success was in the Timaru to Christchurch road race on September 29 of this year. th ®, eve,lt oIT thfi 34mins mark. His time for the race was 6hrs llmins 1 sec. AMATEUR RACE. MELBOURNE, October 27. - *5? amateur 100 tailes race, from Colae to Melbourne, resulted:— N. M’Leod (6snin). 4hr 55min 22sec . 1 “*'* Small (20min), shr 9min 22sec . . 2 C. Cutting (36min). shr 40min 22sec . 3 Eameden (Queensland) secured fastest time, 4hr 52min 40 see. ROUND THE MOUNTAIN RACE. Per Press Association. NEW PLYMOUTH. October 25 The round Mount Egmont road cycle -ace. one hundred and fire mile*, was contested on Saturday. A feature of the race was the close finish, the winner and second man being separated by only* five •engthf.. Crutch ley lowered the record by five minutes. Details:— B. Lovell (New Plymouth), 45rain ». D. Owen (New Plymouth). 43min . . 2 B. C. Bint (New Plymouth). 42min . . 3 8. W. Crutchley (Wanganui), 22min . 4 J. Welsh (Darfleld). 25min . . . 5 R A. Nicholson (Wanganui). 30min - 6 J Neilson (Christchurch), 36min . . 7 C. Parker (New Plymouth), 40min . . 8 J. Coiling wood (New Plymouth), 22min 9 M. Smillie (Now Plymouth). 45min . 10 *' FuJlcr (Christchurch), 3Gmin . .11 J B. Betteridge (Ngaere), 40min . .12 Fastest time—3. W. Crutchley, shr 6ruin 39sec. Second fastest—Welsh. shr lOmin 86see. Fastest time for Taranaki riders— Collingwood, 6hr lomin 14seo.

IT. M. S. 1S35—A. Calder (2hr) . . . 11 44 30 ‘189C—J. Carpenter (scr) . . 8 40 6 1807—SY. O. Juckson (lOminj . y 5L 3 1893—W. Collins (90m in) . . 9 60 50 1901— A. Nioa (40miu) . . 9 20 40 1902— M. Chappell (oomin) . .903 1903— J. Arnst, N.Z. (scr) . . 7 43 0 1304—J. Wright (38min) . . 7 53 57 1905— W. E. Hawley (25min) . 7 62 26 1906— I). P. Riley (28min> . . S 53 50 1907— M. B. Bobi© (42min) . . 7 45 S7 1908— J. T. Ponohue <49min) . 8 0 S3 1909 — VT. Ivnaggs (41min) . . 7 S2 19 1910— C. A. Pleroey (47min) . 10 1 21 1911— J. Teh be (42min) . 8 53 12 1922—P. Hill, N.Z. (82tnin> . 9 29 8 The following Is a list of fastest time H. ir. S. 18S5—J. Carpenter .'scr) . . 10 52 0 1896 — J. Carpenter (scr) . . 8 40 5 1897— W. C. Jackson (lOmin) . 9 51 9 1893—W. Adams (35mtn) . 9 S 43 1801 —A. Ralston, N.Z. (scr) . 9 30 0 13C2—H. G. O'Callaghan (lOmin S 46 23 1803—J. Arnst. N.Z. (scr) . . 7 . 43 0 1904—T. I.arcombo (2Cmir.) 7 47 7 1903— W. E. Hawley (25min) 7 52 26 130&—H. Mehrtons, N.Z. (lCiuin) S 63 52 1907— T. Earcorobe (scr) . . 7 40 10 1908— M. Chappell (scr) . , 7 46 27 1909— I. R. Monro (3min) . . 7 32 51 1910— J. Pianta (llmin) . . 9 SO 43 1911— P. O'Shea, N.Z. (scr) . S 3 41 1922—P. O’Shea, N.Z. (scr) . 8 59 8

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 17183, 29 October 1923, Page 4

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WARRNAMBOOL ROAD RACE. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17183, 29 October 1923, Page 4

WARRNAMBOOL ROAD RACE. Star (Christchurch), Issue 17183, 29 October 1923, Page 4