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" The Caddie "

CHRISTCHURCH CLUB. The first round of the club championship was played on Saturday. with the kollowing result:——~O. A. Seymour beat T. \R‘. Woodrofie, 2 up End 1 to play; J. \l'. Haverfield heat A. L. Cropp, 3 up and :3; J. C. Templar beat R. L. Fishor. 6 up and 4; C. R. J. “Yard heat C. l’. )lurray-Aynsley, 3 up and 1; \V. T. D. Harman beat W. B. Purthus. 3 up and 1: A. “l. Cloueton bent W. P. Anderson, 3 up and ‘2; H. \‘l’. Manfarlane boat J. A. Gow, 3 up and l: E. M. Macfarlane beat R. T. Toss~ will, 5 up and 4.. ..O The draw for the second round is as fol.lnw~:~§eymour plays Haverfield; Tmnplnr plays “'ard; Harman plays (‘loustong H. W. liacfarlane plays ‘4). M. Macfurlane. .0. I In the second round of the Cox Cup W. E. Beet beat H. T. Milues. 4 up and 2; A. H. Glasgow beat H. E. But~ ton. 5 up and 4; D. Reese beat C. N. Fraser by one hole; H. Lawry beat P. S. Foster, 2 up and 1' A. Britten beat B. H. Whitcombe, 6 up and 5; W. M. Morton won from G. H. ”Wood by default; T. W. Cane beat J. O. H. Tobin, 3 up and 2; G. Rowe beat M. C. Keane, 6 up and 4. The third round will be played on Saturday. D.TUSO‘N OUT. The contest for the Tuson Oup between the Wlington and Christchurch Golf Clubs will take place at Shirley on Saturday. The Christchurch Club will be represented by the following playersz—J. C. Templar, C. A. Seymour, A. TV. Clouston, E. M. Macfnrlnne, H. W. Macfarlane. ”W. P. Anderson, C. R. J. Ward and L. Bonnington. Emergencies: “’. T. D. Harman and .T. A. Gow. The Wellington team is as follows : A. D. S. Duncan, R. D. Chesuey, H. R. H. Bulheavis. J. T. Tucker, D. J. \Vilsou, K. D. Duncan, J. B. Parker, R. B. Cooke. o.§ AVONDALE CLUB. "Th 3 fix-:1; qualifying round for the

The following is the _draw for the first round to he played on Saturday :- Foreman plays M’Craekcn, O’Callagha'n plays; Lea, Burns pays Francis. )lelvin play> Dnugal. “'ard plays Sheppard, lhuliie plays Pumphrey, Purdie play; Jane>. Young plays Morgan. “ I'l‘he bogey handicap match for the pnptain’s trophy will he played in con—junction with the second qualifying round for the Holding Cup. 94 .9 “- J. A. Clements, professional to the Avondale Club. is having a busy time (anavhing beginners on the club’s links. His help in this direction is invaluable to players, and is greatly appreviated. ‘.vfi HAGLE'Y CLUB. The final of the club Champion>hip was played on Saturday afternoon he—tween F. Penlingtnn and L. Peglcr. the former winning alter a good mntest by 5 up and 4 to play. Pcnlinpton won the firat hole in 4 to Pcrglci".~; 3. The next six holes were halved in 5. 3: 5. 5. 5 and 3 respectively. Penlington won the Bth hole in 5; Pegler driving; his first ball out of bounds and taking seven. They halved the oth in 3. You—lington being thus 2 up at. the turn The 10th hole was halved in 4. Penlington took 3 to reavh the green and Pegler 2, but the former sunk an 95L putt and halved the hole. Both failul to clear the trees with their drives m th-x llth. but Ponlingtnn made. u gnm] sr~~ rovers? and holed Nit in 'l to l'vgglt‘Vi 6 Panhngton 3 up. The twelhh “an Iron bv Penlingtrm in 4. hm h:- 1051 tl?‘ 13th Pegler holinrz a. long 9m lm' .L Penlington 3 up. The lith was lmlvwl in 4. Penhngtou topped blé (hive hm made a good recovery. Both Look A to reach the 15th green, where I’egler again holed a. long put and won the hole in 4to his opponent‘s .3. Penlingzton 2 up. The 16th was halved in S and Pegler won the: 7th with :1 well played ‘2. 'l‘his lime id 110 _vm‘rlx long Penlington. Won the 18th in .3 in PM:lor’s 6. being thus two up at the} HM ol' the first 18‘ holes. Tln- following: I« the card for the first half of the con{Eith— Ont~~ l’t‘nlir‘gton 4.. 5. 'l. 5.. .’i_ .7, 3. 3'. .‘l 73? l‘pglr‘r .5. 5. 3. 7.. .1. 7). 3, 7. :1» .1; ln«— Pr‘nlinglon l. 4‘ l. 3_ 4. F». l. 3. 5- 3’3 Pezlm' t. G. .3. 4 l. l. 4. ‘2. 0773‘? hi the afternoon Pngler won the fir“? 'cmr. bole-s in 4 earli. swim-in): the match. The next three were lmlrwl l‘enlington Won the 01h in 3‘ and Ll)" seventh was hnlved. He wnn the DPY’ tsvu, being; 3 'l',» I” ‘he turn. From thi: on the [train of (he oompntitinn hogan ‘l’n tell on Peder. and he tired rapidly l’oulington (‘Ulltl‘fllu‘rl tn plan): \‘Pl'f' “lily and won the "mu-ll on tlw lllh

green by 5 up and 4 to play. The afternoon cards were as follows : Out—l’enlington 5.. 5. 3. 6 5. 5,4 i 5. 3--41 Pegler 4. 4. 3 (3'. .3. a. .1, o‘. 4—42 [ll -~ Penlingion . . 4. 7. 4,4, 4 Pegler . . . 5,7, 3_ 5, 3 Pcnliugton 5 up. A stroke handicap was played on Saturday and resulted as follower--Senior—v—P. G. Greenwood, 84-12-72; N. Hamilton. 87-15-72; A. Reeves, 838-75. Junior—D. \V. Reese. 9292-70; E. H. Clark, 94-22—72; H. Biclmell, 94-20-74; S Jamieson, 97-22-75: A. Graham. 97-22-75. The second round of the Lewis Cicck mixed foursome will be played on Sanurday. The first round was played on May 13. fit“ The contest for the Peace Blemorial Cup, a mixed four-ball match, will take plaC-e on September 23. LYTTELTON JOTTINCS. If, was a, matter for regret that the Lyttelmn Golf Club was unable to mus ter a stronger team to play against Rangiora on Saturday. All the new players were defeated, but the ladies succeeded in winning two out of seven games, and halved one game. A one club flag match will he played at Charteris Bay during the coming week-end. The club’s senior championship has reached the semi-final round, which will be played of]: during the coming weekend. H. Ayers plays F. Knight an] J. Pavitt plays N. Thompson. I“. Hobbs defeat-ed H. Bnnfield and A Bl’Donald defeated N. Greenland in

the junior (-haxnpianSlnp rounds. J. Putt) plays R. (landv and R. Rhind play/n J. Van Asch. and tlw winners of “luau {our players will be drawn to play l". Hoblm and A. Brnonalrl. .\ Ruiigim‘a men‘s Lenin will vi>it Chm‘teris Bay on September 3. Ammupt r‘nc- vihimu‘n to (:‘lmJ'Lei‘ix hay during; the week-ond were Mr and Mn: Beadle and Mir-s Beadle. N. Thompson. “lm won the seninz' bogey match at Cliurteris Bay during: the \\‘L‘(‘l{>o|l(l handed in a good caxwl for the course. His first round was done in 13 and the second round in 44. He is an improved player. and hia-niatt-li agninst J. Pavitt in the championship round this week should prove interesting. B. Candy won the junior bug»),match. Mr F. Knight dnnatml the truy‘lif: fm' film snn‘im‘ nme-li. and tlie clu'ii provided the junior trophy. LADIES’ GOLF NOTE?“ ‘ —-- \ Tl‘m Boyle 3 lntvrclnlw olusl'vngp C‘ur. ‘ match. \Vl’llf‘ll was plnym‘l m, Silil'lf'} ‘ LIFL \Vl'(l!xc<d:n‘ l)0l\\‘0(‘1‘. team. from the Ashhnrlrm Liizlim7 Gnil (”mix Alllll ‘ tlin Clirinir‘lmrrii luulit‘s' ('lnl’u. ro—snltcd in :1 win fur the lmmv team by three gmieos in mm, The matches worn wrv Rig-Lilly ("HULCRIL'd and n'vi’c only just won or lu:~:. I‘fi 'l‘lw Ashlnirtmi ludico. playing: were: Mrs .‘Cir'oll. Mrs lednn MES Keith, .\'lr,~ Runnxley anrl Min“ URL}. Anrl tlw (7iizisti'hlii‘t‘li iii-lies: Mm (ix-run, Mn: "Ines“;ill. Mm Kni'zlit. Filler. NewMm and "vi”; Brnhwl. The visitors “or“ flu“ _3’.”!‘.“\'l‘ n? tlu- (‘lU‘l'»l’¢‘llllY|"ll Lnrlics' (inlf (Hub im- tlie (in): '.' ln tho second mum] of "LllO HULEII‘V ludips‘ championship Min: Cir-emu limlt ‘Kli'a Clark and T-li*\ M’Clutcliic limit .‘iiiss (’lizipnmn. 312.34 C‘utton play: 31in“ l’ruston and Mrs Gressou plays Mimx‘ Baum. These- two 'mutcliv: will |;r-, ‘plnju'l on 'l‘l-urwhw. 'l'lm >vmi iiunl nl' itln- (-li;iinpinn~,iiijr will ‘nv played next ‘ inn-k. ..Q I Mr." R. ('. Sylvie; link i'mlni-ul lir‘r l::Hl(li(‘:l|I nimtlim' stroke. {wing nmv l,_(.i.l‘_ 'fl. [Ming an extra Hf‘lll'O lamb \w‘r‘l; >lit~ handed in :2 90 pink; i.‘ l The “WIMP. ('up match, pinycrl under American inurnnnhsnt conditimw. whit-h lii-as l-m-n running through the emirv golf EDuFiuLof Ikm Fixrifirlnurnh Lndioiy’ ii‘z;:b. “an ('PHC'lll'lf‘d last nap},- 'Kfljf‘n ' \llF~ Rita tlrnrruft-“ilsgn. mantinpz )h's Srdvm‘: [wry-""10. “‘3)»‘ E"I"-v‘r“"“ :. ...;n,,:n., vi 3! 231:” . I“. y. u 7“": ‘.“'::'-": 7":r' A”: 1‘" “TC-"v ‘3 17 *1 . pmian 0‘ li-T{*,~ wt? (57':- rif 7.0: matches and halving one. Mm Law- ' h-im‘ having to 'mm‘k up a minus rm l l::'. 111 cm. Miss \Vilmin i 5 (lurlzuul ll|o

winner of the. “’ilkin Cup for this ‘g'ear. *‘ib I The Richmond Hill Lndies’ Club has been playing its junior championshio round: off fm‘ the last few weeks. the results being- as follows : Fil‘st Roundfirlliss Lolna )lartin beat )Irs )lenlove. Second Round—)lisg F. Hamilton {beat .Miss M'artiu, Dlrs llaync beat

Bliss G. “Vilson. lVlrs Rattray heat Mrs Harris, Miss Van Asch beat,- Mrs “’hit combe. Third Round—lifts Rattray beat Elise. Van Asch, and Mrs llayne beat Miss Hamilton. The final, between Mrs Rattray and Mrs Mayne will be played later in the week. fl.“ At the Avondale Club. the finals uf the senior and junior championehips were played. last Saturday. Mrs Pum. phrey was the winner of the senior championship. beating- Bliss Rowe 5 1143 and 4. after :1 good game. The junior championshin was won by Mrs Burns, who beat Miss Stewart 2 up. I“. 'Miss Ruth llacfarlane, of Hawkeswood. and Bliss hiarjorio \Vilson have been elected member: of the Christ church Ladies’ Golf Club. o‘. A special general meeting; of tlm Christchurch Ladies’ Golf Club will be held in the Chamber of Commerce, Onvbhedra] Square. at 2.30 Imm. on September 4. The meeting is for the mrpose of revising the rules of tllc club. ' *A’fi Al. Hagloy last Tlmrsdav a team from the. Ashburtnn Lniliefi (‘lub played {in ill-day match against th‘ Hzigle)‘ lmdins’ Golf Club. Singles wmp Mu); rd in the morning: and funrsomu» in ll!" afternoon. Th” reesnlt was :1 “in fevHngloy with three, games to spar‘m 'l'h - \shlmrtnn team were:V/v3li'ts XiCHll. Mrs Seldom. Blis~i Digb)‘. Miss Keith, \liss Bonnington, 31153 Stewart an! Miss Rawnaley. G.§ At Hagley Inst week the monthly ‘mcdnl match had to he postpnnvd (m ”commit of wet weather. l’t is’ pi‘npr}<<-'l ‘ to quy the matrh next Friday.

The mixed foursome flag match which was played at Shirley last Thursday for ch-e George Rhodes Oup, proved to »e a most interesting and successful event. About thirty couples entered for the competition, including:—Mrs and Mr Godby, Miss and Air O'Rorke. Mrs and Mr Cyril AYard. Mrs Gresson and Mr T, Bennington, Miss May Newton and DiFoster, Miss Rita Cracroft-Wilson and Mr C-ropp, Miss Anderson and Mr Templar, Airs Donald and Mr Haverfield, Mrs Vernon and Mr Hamilton. Mrs and Mr John Montgomery, Air* and Air Tosswill Mr and Mrs Cyril Stringer, Miss and All* Peter Trolove. Aliss Bended and Air Ronaldson. Aliss Ronaldson and Mr TCni'iht. Aliss, Knight and Air Donaldson. Mis* B-risted and Air Revmour. Lady Boys and Mr Barnes. Airs CunlifTo and Mr Anderson. Aliss Humphreys and Mr Hoare. Aliss "Wilkin and All Murray- Vvnsley. AlKs Barley and Air Harman. Airs and Air Francis, Airs and Air Early Airs and Dr Dun can. Airs Lvthgoe and Air Schmidt, and All s Robbie and Air Williams.

Th“ (121 g “11-: ovomHnHv Xukrw in 1.111: 191}! gum-(‘11 I): lira ( )I‘ll “171 m! :mti 11-11‘ pmtnm’ m “1111111 ‘i‘un yard“ ur the pin. Mi,“ NIH.\':UII 111111 Dr I"nswl- mm‘ ed it 1:) “ilhin two flu-L (1‘ ‘!w {llll, and thn 3115 Ulwon :\12~.i 111‘ Running: 1 ion. with one stroku L 0 90, um] their! 1m” lying on the _urm-n, 'pnfltwl and: hoiurl. Wanting the flag in the hrh of § Hm Nth grown and winning; the Homygz - Rhnde; Cup PM}: Maid) of ans-3. '- 5?» . 1119-. Gerard 11.1.»: bvnn promoted "(0' HI:- .xilvm' tirade of 1110 (‘hristvl'mrch L:ldie>’ GU” Club. A party of gallon; from Chartens} Buy. 11114111111111; player." from bot-h the: nmn‘s :md Indies‘ (:luhs, visitvd that 1111111110171 11111“ 121% Saturday, and played an all—day 111211011 against the! sznggim‘u r'luhs, A most myioyablul day was Spent. whivh resulLl-d in 21 d 1- ‘ chive \l'lll fm' the Rungioru play/31“,»: by 19.5 games to 5;. The ladies from ChurLorin Bay included: A'ii> Prvstnn. lliv; \Vhitv-Parsonn, Mr.» Ayros. Mrs Brown. Miss “with Mrs Parson-a. Mrs Barry. and Min Bradkvy 'Htu~ Rungmra ludu‘s Nnjciny; were: 311$ Lynda-‘33! Miss Fear. Mrs: ('sl meh, Bliss HorrcH MRS Laovh, Miss Guy 3115; ADF‘ broiso. and 311%: “inhher 5 fl“; ’ ‘ 3IIS< Humphrey?“ of the C‘hrésichuroh l “' “-«FM’ (7“411 h-s been winning most of" ‘r t ‘l- n F,“ V, L3l: .‘t 5.23:3 .1 V. 11 ‘ ~21C3“ P-rm 3.7- 10 5:5; 32‘,zmd fix , 34.211 ;.ru 11. 1111.3 final or the. Junior Challenge Cup Trophy. and have. arranged 11) play nfl' m‘xb Friday, won-

ther permitting The game should prove a very interesting and Close fin—ish. &.l~ B'lrs Robbie. also of the Christ-church Lndies’ (71111), has been succeeding in :1 marked way with her game, and has brought her handicap down from 25 to 21. She handed in a gross 99 last week, which gave general satisfaction and pleasure to us all. fi.‘ Young members in the club at Shir—lO)’ who have quite lately earned an LACRU. handicap are: Miss Agnes Tllls rcll. Bliss Theo Beswick. Miss Reading Miss Cecily Trolove. Mjss Barbara Cowlishaw and )Irs Biontgomery. a. * w The second round of the R.C-. Butters match was concluded last woek‘ and 'osufliotl as follows :——'.\liss Newton bcat \lrs Banks. Mrs Symes bout Miss Bon—ningmn. All-s Green heat Mrs Donald. liss Braricl beat Miss Gerard, Bliss .imnphrvxs boat Mrs Stringer (by de—fault). Mrs C-nnlifio heat Miss Anderson by default), l\lrs Hill won (by default), ".liss “'ilkin v. B'lrs Tosswill has not “it-en plaved. The third round will he oncluded this week. 5., The first round of the Geraldine Ladies’ Golf Club was played last “malt, and resulted as follows :~l\liss W. Farnie beat Miss Blcllroy, Mrs A. A. Paterson heat )Irs Stanley, )Irs Kerr heat Bliss Farnie. Miss Hawke; beat Bliss Sherratt. ‘ ..‘ . ‘ A putting and approaching competition was also played by the club, and‘ resulted in 311‘s Kerr winning in the senior grade, and Miss Eislop in the juniors. '.. A mixed foursome was played last Saturday, and resulted as follows -.—7 Bliss Hawke and J. C. Sheldon bent Bliss Blcllroy and Dr Curtis; Bliss \Villiams and W. MI. Satterthwaite beat Bliss Templar and A. Gimson; Mrs Shenat and D. Macdonald beat Miss Shermtt and J. I). McKechnie. ... A bogey match played at Hagley on blonday for a prize presented by Bliss Rose Gerard was tied for in the senior division by Mrs )lcClatuhie and Mrs Clark, and was won in the juniors by Miss Pegler. I.‘ On account of “ Violet Day " falling on “’edncsday, September 6, the match committee of the Christchurch Ladies’ Golf Club has decided to play the Sep~ tember monthly medal match on Fri. day, September 1. C.‘ The VVilkin Cup competition has without doubt been of great value to the filming members of the Christ—church Ladies’ Club. One of the conditions is “ the host ten to qualify and play of? match play. American tourna—ment.” which means that each of the ten qualifying have in play nine matches each during the season. Think of it. the experience. the. dificrent tempermnents of the different playcrs meeting each other. and the many littls nothings that occur which count for so much in the gamcs of to-day. \l'c arc in-lccd indebted to thc donor, \liSs .lcssio \Vilkin. for her wcllthought—nut competition for which sh-z ilmiatml the cup, and which the com—mittec of the club decided to call “ The “'ilkin Cup.” 5.. Next "Wedgcsday teams from tlu‘. Rungiora. Kniaipoi and Charteris Ba}. Ladics' Golf Clubs will visit Shirlcy by :nvimtimi of" the Christchurch Lurlics‘ r“luh. and will play an all-day mutt-h. slitgclcs in the morning and foursomes in thc afternoon. . . El’lCllAliH 0F GREH‘ GOLFERS. Rcmemhor that golf is in thc inter-9st of good licalth and 5.10 m! manners. lL proniotcs sclf rcstraint and mlords 21 chance in play Lhc woman and act lhc gcutlcwomun. Black care may ride hchind the horseman: he never presumes to walk with tho caddie. Thank God that in this evil L-llllL‘ i am zihlc to he liusy with the gulf. ~ men ("utherinc ul Armgon. in u lot—mu m (hardinul \Volsc)‘. (j'rivlqci. may hc thc hill): of gmnca; hut mircly golf is the quceii.——(,‘h:u'lcs I{ll|;':Slt‘)'. . .\.\ you;:;_v;lc. so you swing. mii's (icnrgu Duncan. Thou how should 3.0'1 U 1’: gfflé‘ :3 ‘sx'ccp your hands well liochhr-r :nnl :nu-{AI all superfluous body mnvmnont as ymi lot the cluhhcznl pass ovcr lll‘ hull,

Harding Cup was played on Saturday. 'lhe following are the best net scores :— N. P. Jones . . . 78 A. D. Foreman . . . 80 R. W. BIorgan . . . 81 “7. Purdie . . . 8‘! D. H. Lea . . . 82 E. J. Pumphrey . . 82 R. Duthie . . . 82 J. H. \V. Sheppard . . 83 R. Francis . . . 93 H. T. “’ard . . . 83 \K'. H. Blelvin . . . 83 F. D. Young . . . 84 0. H. Burns . . . 84 L. A. Dougall . . . 85 A. O’Callaghan . . . '85 R. J. BI’Cracken . . 35 * ¥

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16819, 23 August 1922, Page 3

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THE ROYAL AND ANTIENT GAME OF GOLF Star (Christchurch), Issue 16819, 23 August 1922, Page 3

THE ROYAL AND ANTIENT GAME OF GOLF Star (Christchurch), Issue 16819, 23 August 1922, Page 3