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Racing and Trotting

Notes and Comments by


FIXTURES. Aufruei 2to—Egmont-Wanganui Hunt. September 2—North Taranaki Hunt. September 3—Marton Jockey Club. September 11. 20—Wanganui Jockey Club. September 2*2 23—Ashburton County Racine: Club. Soptcmher 28. 29—Geraldine Racing: Club. October 21. 23—Grey mouth Trottiug Club. Xorpmber 4—New Zealand Cup. November 7--New Zealand Trotting Club. NOMINATIONS. August 24—New Zealand Trotting Cup Aueu«t 25—Wanganui Jockey Club. September o—Ashburton County Racing Club. September 21—Metropolitan Trotting Club (Champion Stakes 1923. 1924. 1925). September 28—Greymouth Trotting Club. HANDICAPS. August 25—New Zealand Cup. September 4—Wanganui Jockey Club. September 11—Ashburton County Racing Club. September 25—Geraldine Racing Club. October J —Greymouth Trotting Club. ACCEPTANCES. .August, 25—North Taranaki Hunt. August 30—Marton Jockey Club. September I—New Zealand Cup. September .B—Wanganui Jockey Club. September 14—Ashburton County Racing Chib. September 26—Geraldine Racing Club. October 16—Greymouth Trotting Club. PAYMENTS AND FORFEITS. September 14—Wanganui Guineas. October 20—New Zealand Cup. November I—New Zealand Cup. December I—New Brighton Trotting Club (Trotting Derby). December 16—Ashburton Trotting Club (Sapliug Stakea). CUP PROSPECTS. lu looking through the nominations fob the New Zealand Oup, it is interesting to note that thirty-five of them come from the North Inland and eighteen from the South Island. Riccarton stables claim twelve representatives, so that other southern districts provide rnly half a dozen Cup candidates four ••f which arc trained at Wingatui and t\m at Washdyke. The Riccarton contingent ie stronger than usual, in the matter of quality. Last year’s winner. Royal Star, must always have a chance over a journey, while Foo Chow. Vespucci. Angelo. Whipping Boy and Urgency are other good Riccarton pros 1 pects. To the local lot must he added Cupidon and who should return in time for the race thoroughly seasoned by an Australian campaign. The three-year-old Prosperity is doing well, and the fact that he is by I'uniform is a credential. Tt is a long time since a three-year-old won the New Zealand Cup, hut the chances of Treseayr should he disclosed by his form ir. Australia. The best of this age. ju-=*t now. seems to he the North Island geld fng. Rapine, who is bred the right wav for n stayer. The North Island list of Cup horses, though twice as long as that of the South Island, includes a number of horses who will need tc improve a lot before they can be regarded a> bright prospects. There, are, on the Mber hand, some with excellent form

ever a journey to recommend them, and it is quite certain that the northern ’•isitors will play .o prominent part in the two mile race in November. The fifty-three horses claiming engagements represent, twentv-six sires. Martian is the sire of eight, and his great record in the race may he still further improved. His half-brother. Boniform. has five representatives, while Kilbroncy has six, Nassau three, Winkie three, Solferino three. Tressady two Clarenceux two. Hallowmas two. Mountain Knight two and Demosthenes two. Among this collection only Boniform and Mountain Knight both descendants of Musket, are colonial bred though Martian can be so claimed having been foaled in New Zealand after the importation of his dam front England. Nominations for the New Zealand Trotting Cup, which is confined to horses who can do 4min 31 sec or better for two milep, will close at noon tomorrow. Tt is expected that the list will include about twenty horses Considerable interest is being aroused in the North Island over the prospect of a meeting between Thespian and Tamatete, a. couple of good class four year-olds, in the Eclipse Stakes at Wanganui next month. The race is run over a, mile and a furlong, and many South Inland sportsmen are of opinion that Winning Hit wil beat both the Absurd horses if he, is sent north for the "Wanganui meeting. Gladful. who has won the Grand National Hurdle Handicap' two years in succession, is to be spelled for eix months, after which he will be got ready for another winter campaign. The Otago steeplechaser. Staff Off cer. is having a spell. He should develop into a useful performer over coun try next winter. The Woodville trainer F. Davis has engaged the three-year-olds Highland and Fingoland in the hack events at the Marton meeting. After racing there they will go on to "Wanganui and Avondale. Owing to the serious illness of the reteran Porirua trainer. J. H. Piosser. who has been compelled to enter a hospital in "Wellington and undergo an op eration, the horses trained at Porirua are now under the care of D. Prosser. According to a "Wellington report. It is probable that two Gaming Bills will v* brought before the House this session. Both will he sponsored by private members, and it is not exported that they will go further than the first read ing stage. A large number of new member* have been proposed for election to the Wellington Racing Club, the ballot for which closes next month. It is being suggested that, in view of the limited accommodation, the lists should be closed down, say* the Wellington writer. Sir Lancelot.’* This will have to be lone sooner or later, so intending members had better sr©t busy. The members* accommodation on the new stand at present in course of erection promises to he the finest in Australasia. The seats Tre arranged on the same gallery as hat of the owners and stewards, with very comfortable refreshment and rearing rooms.

News has t»ecn received that F. Holmes has left on his return journey from America. The three horses bo purchased there arc due to arrive in Wellington this week. With Homeleigh Dick now an occupant of J. J. Kennerley’s stable, an old association has been renewed, .is Ivennerley handled the trotter in Australia early in his caxeer, driving him to a fast mile record as a three-vear-old. "Willie Lincoln has thrown off the soreness which prevented him racing at Addington this month, and he is again in work with a view to competing in the Now Zealand Trotting Cup and other important events at the November meeting. The trotter Red Heather is shaping well in his work. He has done a good deal of sprinting and he looks like surviving another preparation. Locanda Dillon was working so well prior to the recent meeting at Addington that his poor form in his races came as an unplea-sant surprise to his connections. He has since been kept in solid work m the hope of finding an explanation. The trouble has been located in his mouth, and S. Gallacher expects to have him all right before j storting the speedy pacer on bis preparation for the New Zealand Trotting j Cup. F. G. Cox has resumed work with Surf Board, by Harold Dillon—Rose Gauntlet. He looks in good order after a spell. Reparation, a five-yenrold sister to Peter Bell, by Petereta—-Wild Belle, las shown considerable promise as a trotter. She has built up a. lot since she lias been under the cpre of A. l’ringle and she should pay her way if she remains sound. The five-year-old trotter, Worthy Bingen, has grown into a fine looking horse. He is carrying a lot of condition at present and he will not lie ready to show his ocst form for some time yet. Peter Bellman, by Petereta from Lady Bellman, is getting through use-

ful work at Addington, under the care of A. Cox. He lias only started cnee, being unplaced in the New Zealand Trotting Stakes at Forbury early last year. The disappointing pacer Fisberton lvns gone into S. Gallacher’s stable. Ho iifui shown great speed on the tracks for more than one trainer, but as a racing proposition he has proved a failure. The Wellington Trotting Club is in n healthy financial position, having assets valued at £3117, including a cash balance of £2247, with no hair ilities. Arch Salute was treated to a short let up after the winter meeting of the Wellington Racing Club, at which he showed exceptionally good form. He resumed work at Ellerslie and he will be got ready for the Avondale Cup. The Associated Racing Clubs in Sydney have made the following rule to apply to double betting on all pony courses:—“ln double (or treble) betting the taker shall be entitled to a start in each event, otherwise the bet is off. 1 ’ Bookmakers, it is assumed, will hardly be so keen to foster doubleevent betting under the new order. In a reference to incidents connected with the purchase of high-class horses a London writer recites how near it ivas to England losing a horse that was destined to win marked favour both as a racer and as a sire. This was the celebrated Doncaster, and the incident connected with his sale and re-sale is related as follows:—“Doncaster Mas rejected because be was calf-kneed. When a yearling the son of Stock we 11 and Marigold was purchased by the great French sportsman, M. Lefevre. provisionally that upon inspection ho and his trainer. Tom Jennings, were satisfied with him. The. colt was sent to them, but directly Jennings noticed that his knees were a bit out of the orthodox line he recommended M. Lefevre not to buy, and the colt was sent back. The chestnut colt was then put up at auction at the Doncastei sales, and Mr James Merry purchased him for 950 gs. Previous to changing hands he had been named All Heart and No Peel, but Air Merry rechristened him Doncaster. How Doncaster subsequently won the Derby, was sold

for £14.000. and then sired Bond Or, who also won the Derby and sired another Derby winner in Ormonde, are matters of history. So a great line was preserved in England/’ An English-bred descendant of Carbine in the shape of the appropriatelynamed Pistol, who is at the stud in South Australia, and who has proved a marked success, can be depended upon to keep the name of his illustrious sire in a good place for some time vet. Last, season descendants of Pistol oaptureo stakes to the value of £15,165, and that raises the total down to the cre<m of the progeny of the Carbine horse to £153,334. Considering that for seve ral years Pistol's stock were racing for comparatively small stakes, the amount of their captures shows up the son of Carbine in a most favourable light. When he raced in England Pistol proved himself one of the best colts of his year. He was out in the same year as Sceptre and Ard Patrick, and they are regarded as two of the best horses raced in England during the past twenty years. Pistol met them in the Two Thousand Guineas and split them, Sceptre winning from Pistol and Ard Patrick, who afterwards won the Derby, was third. Pistol afterwardswon a number of other good races over a distance, and when his racing day* were over he wa,s imported to South Australia, by Mr J. H. Aldridge. Pistol has been s remarkably consistent sirft of useful horses, and particularly of high-class jumpers. Two of his sons who have distinguished themselves in Victorian jumping races, are Arquebus© and Arquebus© won the Grand National Hurdle Rac*» and the Australian Hurdle Race in 1011. while Pis tolier scored in the, Australian Hurdle Pace of the present year. Oopina, another son, has won good hurdle races in Melbourne and Sydney, and Greek Fire was estimated the best hurdler in Syd-

A New Plymouth. correspondent advises me of the death of the imported hors© Hallowmas, writes “ Sir Lancelot ” in the “ Evening Post.” It appears that fie was playing around in an enclosed paddock in which he was allowed to run, and hy some mischance fractured a leg. Hallowmas was by Martagon from Halloween, and was a successful performer in Australia, where he ran .second in the Melbourne

Cup won by Piastre. At Randwick ho won the Squatters’ Handicap and Waverley Handicap in the spring, ran second to Piastre in the Autumn Stakes, and won the Place Handicap in the autumn. Hallowmas was purchased tor the Ivai Iwi Stud, and did duty tliero until it was dispersed a few seasons back, when he was purchased by P. Johnson, the New Plymouth trainer, who owned the horse at the time of his death. Although he was not so successful as Martian or Lilyveil (another Martagon horse that won the Sydney Cup), Hallowmas got several useful performers. Maioha and Isabel (who ivon the Oaks) are probably the best of them. During the past three seasons his progeny won in stakes 20,232 sovs. Yearlings from the National Stud are among the best sellers in England. The last! mail brought particulars of the July sales at Newmarket, and they sho-w that the youngsters from the National Stud brought the highest prices. The brother to Eaglehawk (by Spear-mint—-Countess Zia), who recently won the Liverpool Oup. was sold for 2400 guineas, the buyer being Sir Hugo Cunliffe Owen, -who a.ho paid 4000 guineas for the colt by Sir Archibald from Coronation IV. The breeding of the Coronation IV. colt is interesting. He is by Sir Archibald (son of Dcsmopd) from Coronation TV., bv Tsinglass (son of Isonomy) from Sceptre, _bv Persimmon (son of St Simon) from Ornament, by Bend Or from Lily Agnes, by Macaroni. Coronation TV. was taken to Ttaly. and when she was returned to England by Count Tesio she was purchased on behalf of the National Stud, -with satisfactory results to all concerned. Auckland claims a descendant of Sir Archibald in Archiestown, who is at the stud in the Waikato. HANDICAPS. MARTON JOCKEY CLUB. MARTON, August 22. The following liauuicup» iiave been declared : 1 ill AJj HACK PLATE, of 140 bovs ; live furlongs (weight Ost) —Euchre, Orellana, Snatcher, Aiegau, Sunny Valley. Lady raa, ibe Lmnot, Vogue, Sleeping oeauty, naigiua. Golden Vi, Bourou, Aiarie, Kouuau, lioiio, Wu.ipa.ti, Gooclmurto, Aratura, Smoko Coucert, Mountain Signal, Bonn am, Rada, liravato. Cochineal, My Dolly, Tussore, Silver Sun, Elvaetie, Pillage, Prudent Lad, .hies siva. ueuina. iiamania, Un Fils, iiSperantist, Hula Boy, Blusli. HACK HURDLE HANDICAP, of 180 sovs; one miJe and a hall War Loan Itobt sib, -Mattock lust 13ib, Whizz Hang lost 101 b, Otauni Kid lost 51 b, Honey Bee lost 310, Bathes lost 31b, Luke lost 21 b, Warawee yst 21b, Island Dst Bil>, Rideuholiu Ost 51b, Moulu 9st slb, Kaika 9st 3ib, While Blaze Ost ?,lb, Naughty 9et, Motukara 9si, Lady Faa 9et, Kameuga 9at, Noble yst, Sartoata 9st, big Gun 9et x Peed o' Day 9st, brueva Ust, bairnsdale yst. Circulate 9et, Patrogun 9st, Black ‘trail Ost, Te Opai 9et, Un Fils SPRING HACK HANDICAP, of 180 sovs; one mile and half a furlong—Ambitious 9st 51b, Penitent 9et. Mark Time Bst lllb, Antler o6t 91b, bpook Bst 9lb, Lady N assail fest tod, Urgency bst 61b, Ail Cerise BsT, 21b, Tuipairu Bst lllb. Pleasure Tst 131 b, biikeneili Vet 81b, Empyrean Tst Sib, Kyoto Vet olb. Generous 7&t olb, Lady iiiii 7st, bonny Kill “MAkiUN’ 11 'HANDICAP, of 275 sovs; one mile anil a quarter—Marqueteur Ost lllb, Gasbag Dst lllb, Rouen Ost 51b, Admiral Codrington Hat 9lh, Bonetter Sst 21b, Paoanui Tst 12ib, Omaiiu Tst 121 b, Demos Tst 121 b, Festivity Tst. lllb. kilgour Tst lllb, Tenterheld Tst felb, Muraahi Tst slb. Bonny Heather Tut slb. Haurangi Tst 311). Mori Avis Tst lib, bquitable tost. 121 b, Prince Martian 6Bt lllb, brie 6st 91b, Beloved tot-1. Tib. Warrawee tost 71b, big Push tost 71b, Prince Carl tost 7lb. HACK STEEPLECHASE, of 200 sovp; two miles and a half—Whipcord ilst 71b, Simou list. War Loan lost 7lb, Raffles tOst 31b, Projector 9s r. 51b, Ghori Ost slb, Marshal Neil Ost 31b, Itingi 9st 21b. Tatton Park Ost, The Baronet 9ot. Roney Ost. Awanui 9st, Gold Tips 9st, Misty Wave Ost, Te Opai Ost, San Forte Ost. ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP, of 160 sovs; six furloogs—Tinihanga Oat 7lb, Higuland Ost 3lb. Mark Time Set Olb, Bumptious Bst 81b, Flying Nell Bat Tib, Comic Hst sib, Yankee Dan Bst 41b, Soulterina Bst 31b, Yi- 1 yella Bst 3lb, Wake Up 8&t lib, Regard gst, Helen Rufus Bst, Blissfulness Sst. Vindictive Tst 131 b. Creme do Mont he Tst 131 b, Damien Tst 121 b. Gold Star 7st 121 b, Pillage Tst lllb. Zany Tst 121 b, Local Maid Tst lllb. Maniania Tst. Tib, Released 7et. 51b, Uleaborg Tst 51b. Five Eighths Tst 4lb, Cochineal Tst 31b, Snatcher Tst 3ib, Santiago Tst 31b, King Neva Tst 21b, Satin Tst 21b, Smoke Concert Tst, Motukura Tst. Bravato Tst, Golden Vi 7et, Megan Tst, Vogue Tst. Elvaette Tst. RAILWAY HANDICAP, of 225 sovs; ei* furlongs—Trespass 9at. Rouen 9st, Marque teur 9st. Golden Bubble Hst Oih, Rapine Sst 51b, Civil form Set 51b, Lpitaph Sst 21b, Orurell© Bst. lib, Wra.ngle Sst lib. King's Trumpeter Sst. Celmisia. 7st 131 b, Mountain Lion Tst Olb, Prosperity Tst 81b. Kilgour 7st gib, Lucius Tst 61b. Inali TPt 4lb. Nursing Sister Tst 41b, Bumptious Tst. 21b. Probate. Tst 21b. Borealis Tst 21b, Sir Fanciful Tst, Leithfield fist 121 b. Big Push 6st Olb, Martian Mies 6st 71b. Valley Rose 6st 71b. TUTAENUI HACK WELTER HANDICAP, of 170 sovs; seven furlongs—Tinihanga lost 51b, Fingoland Ost, Olb. Antler Ost, 81 b. Flvine Nell Ost 71b. Militaire Ost 3lb, Yankee Dan 9et. Helen Rufus Bst 131 b, Olynthus Bst 12lb, Gold Star Sst 121 b, Petunia Sst lllb. Comical Bst lllb. Hub Env Bst sib. Birkenolla Hst Blb, Manchester Hst Til). Empyrean Bst 51b, Five Eighths Hst 41b. Ronibrook Bat 41b. Haligan Hst 3lb, Santino Sst 21b, Ladv Hill Bet. Motukara Set. Kaonau Bst, Zouave Bst. Bonifant Sst. Papauui 8;-t, Naughty Bst. Silver San Bst. Country- Life Bst, Big Push Sst, Aratura Hst. Prudent Lad Bst, Black Trail Set, Merry Ann Bst. AVONDALE JOCKEY CLUB. AUCKLAND. August 22. The following handicaps have been declared : AVONDALE CUP. of 2000 sovs; one mile and a half—Marqueteur Ost 51b. Gasbag Ost slb. Rouen fist 121 b, Income Hst 7lb. Tame Fox Hst toll), Sycorax Hst Olb, Admiral Codrington Hst, Arch Salute Bst, Royal Abbey 7?t 121 b, Royal Present Tst 121 b, Heathersprig 7st 121 b, Archie Tst Olb, Illumination 7st 81b. Raceful Tst Blb. Cruoelle Tst 71b, Gold Kip Tst 71b. Verbosity Tst 61b. Martial Dawn Tst 51b, Khublui Khan Tst -lib. Mangamahoc Tst 3lb, Tenterheld Tst 31b, Otahu Tst 21b, Pen t e Tst 21b. Glen Canny Tat. Stork 7st. Perfect Day Tst. Some Fashion tost 131 b, Battle Knight 6st 131 b. Penitent 6st 121 b. Marble Slab 6et 101 b, Prince* Jewell 6et 101 b, Haurangi 6st Olb, Urgency 6st 71b, Poteen Tst 71b, Fort R-ega.l 6p.t 71b, Tireless 6st- 71b, C'anowindra tost, 71b. Taiparu 6st Tib. FLYING HANDICAP, of 700 sovs-. six furlongs—Pavo 9si 711>, Listowel gst 121 b. Rapine fist olb. Civilform Bst 51b, King Abbey Pst 31b. Namtibere Set 2lb, Sst 21b King's Trumpeter Sst. lUnmina.tioti 7&t 121 b. Dovelet 7fet lllb. Highland Tst lllb, Tamararoa. 7st. 101 b. Tinihanga 7st 101 b, Mountain Lion Tst Olb. Lady Ridicule Tst fill), Luciu 7st Blb, Killashanda Tst Blb. Hipo 7pt. Bib. Refinement. Tst -lib, -Tolly Princess Tst 31b. Whitianga Tst 21b, prince Randal Tst lib, Tinokaba Tst. Finelli tost 121 b. Leithfield Gst 121 b, Kilreid Get 12lb. Bonny Canny 6kr 101 b. Callaghan tost. 10lb, Prince Charleroi tost 101 b, Golden Dream 6st 101 b. Sheba f - tost Olb. Ladv Lois Gat olb. Emerald Hill B-t 9llu Royal Blood Gst 71b. Sheffield tost 71b. Halgrina Gst 7il>. Tactful tost 71b.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16819, 23 August 1922, Page 2

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Racing and Trotting Star (Christchurch), Issue 16819, 23 August 1922, Page 2

Racing and Trotting Star (Christchurch), Issue 16819, 23 August 1922, Page 2