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SOME BIG INCREASES. TOBACCO, SPIRITS AND BEER DUTIES RAISED, * ~~ FOREION GOODS PENALISED. , R-esolutions bringing into operation the tariff proposals of the Government were carried in tlie House of Representatives last evening. The principal features are dealt with below.

The following official memorandum lias been supplied by the Department giving a brief precis of the leading features of the new tariff : The size of the tariff is considerably increased. TheTe are now 556 headings instead of 483. Under the old tariff 210 headings were subject to the preferential surtax in favour of British Dominions. The number giving preference to British Dominions is now 367. Preferential duties are imposed or have been increased on the following important items:—Maizena and cornflour; sugar; treacle; molasses; bananas and oranges; macaroni and vermicelli ; mustard; salt; dves; surgical and dental appliances and scientific apparatus; sewing cottons and threads; , cotton piece goods; gum boots* bottles and jars; glass, plate and window ; ‘ roofing tiles; asbestos slates and sheets; kinematograph films; paperhangings ; cartridge, box, and writing papers ; metals in bars or sheet; metal cordage ; electric insulating material ; insulated cable and wires; gas. water, and electric meters; sewing and knitI ting machines; typewriters; machine | and hand tools; belts; nuts; rivets; washers; tacks; nails; ship chandlery? j roofing materials and maltlioid. 1 Similar duties have been increased on various grains and preparations chiefly imported from Australia. The following items formerly free are now dutiable (the rates for British Dominions only are quoted):—* Fruit trees, 25 per cent. Sugar of milk. 10 per cent. Carbonic acid gas, Id pei lb. Cotton piece goods, defined to be cut up, 20 per cent. Fur felt hat goods, 15 per cent. Rubber tyres, 15 per cent. Kerosene, benzine and light mineral oils, lsd per gallon Binseed oil, 6d per gallon. The duties are increased on the following : Tobacco-—Plug, 4s 6d; cut, ss; fine cut for cigarettes, 10s per lb. Spirits, 36s per proof gallon. Perfumed spirits, 70» per liquid gallon. Paper bags and envelopes, printed, 30 per cent. Printed advertising matter. 6d per , lb. Dredging machinery, 20 per cent. Shot cartridges, 3s per 100, or 30 per gent, whichever is higher. Oil engines, 15 per cent. Motor vehicles, 15 per cfcnt. Basketware and wickerware, 30 per cent. The following items formerly dutiable me now free, except in some cases for preferential surtax : Millet seed ; sorghum seed ; unsweetened fruit juices of one gallon and upwards ; gluten flour and gluten biscuits ; bacteriological products, sera and vaccines; various drugs and chemicals for 1 manufacturing all inorganic chemical salts; leather cloth and oil braizes; felted textile declared for use in manufacture; elastics and elastic webbing; printed wax papier; seed pockets; electric machinery and appliances except lamps and heating and cooking; appliances, and oil engines ex- ! ceeding 100 b.h.j>. ; steam engines, stationary, exceeding 200 b.b.o. ; steam engines, marine, exceeding b.h.p. ; i sparking plugs; road rollers and scarifiers ; machinery for manufacture of dried milk : sugar of milk or other milk products; practically all machinery peculiar to use in any industrial blowers and fans; station gas and water meters and electric meters; grinding mills aiirl bone mills : wood screws; culverts of galvanised iron and filters for use of local bodies for purifying water supplies ; paraffin and other wax ; cordages and twines suited for netting and fishing lines. The items on which duty is to be reduced on June 1 next are : Silk piece goods to be 10 per cent; British-made, 15 p>er cent. Foreign made lubricating oils to be lsd per gallon Instead of 6d per gallon. The tariff schedule has three columns:—British, intermediate and general. The intermediate tariff is to apply to foreign countries entering into reciprocal relations with New Zealand. The duty on cigarettes made in bond in New Zealand by machinery is increased to 6s 6d per pound. The duty, on excise beer is double, being now llsd the gallon as a minimum. A special duty, varying from 2$ per cent up to 25 per cent is leviable upon goods from countries having depreciated exchanges when the goods concerned compete with a New Zealand industry or are subject to a preferential surtax in favour of British dominions. The primage duty of 1 per cent still remains. Everything cleared at the Customs after yesterday will be liable to the new tariff. PRINCIPAL CHANGES. The principal changes in the schedule are as follow- P. indicates preferential duty; I.j intermediate; and G-, general:— Cattle, horned, and horses for srtnd purposes —Free. Food for animals, including horse and cattle spices and mixed bird seed—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Millet seed, etc.—Free. Grain and pulse, not elsewhere included—2s per cental. Pearl barley, ground oats and split ‘ peas—P. and I. $d per lb; G. 3d per lbMalt—P. 5s per cental; I. 6s per cental ; G. 7s per cental. Flour—2s 6d per cental. Onions—P. £1 per ton; I. and G. £1 10s per ton. Aerated waters —P. 20 per cent; I. 90 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Chicorv, cocoa, chocolate and wasted coffee—P. 3d, I. 4d G. 5d per pound. Tea, in bulk—P„ 3d; I. and G. 5d per lb (as at present). Tea, other—P_ sd; I. and G. 7d per Ib. Bacon and hams—P. 2d? I. 3d; O. 4d per lb. Chocolate confectionery, plain packages—P. 3d ; T. 4d; G. -5d per lb

Chocolate confectionery, fancy packages—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent: G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Dried fruits, currants, raisinß, figs and' dates—P. free; I. Id; G. 2d per lb. Apples and pears, fresh—From February 1 to November 14, P. Id ; I. and G. lid per lb; from November 14 to January 31, P. id; I. and G- Id per lb. Fruit trees —P. 25 per cent; I. 35 per cent; G. 40 per cent ad valorem. Honey—P. 2d ; I. 3d ; G. 4d per lb. Infants’ and invalids’ foods—P. free. I. 5 per cent; G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Passover bread—Free. Soap, including extracts and washing powders—P- 25 per cent; I. 37$ per cent; G. 45 per cent ad valorem. Salt—P. free ; I. 10 per cent; G. 15 per cent ad valorent. Sugar and treacle—P. free; I. and G. id per lb. Sugar of milk—P. 10 per cent; I. 20 per cent; G. 25 per cent ad valorem. Cigarettes, cigars and snuff—-No changeCigarette tobacco—los per lb (previously 3s 6d per lb). Cut tobacco —5s per lb (previously 3s 6d per lb). Other tobacco—4s 6d per lb (previously 3s 6d per lb). Spirits, cordials, bitters, liqueurs, and flavouring essences of all kinds—36s per proof gallon (previously 16s to 18s per gallon). Perfumed spirits and Cologne water— P 70s; I 80s; G 90s per gallon. Wine, sparkling—lss per gallon (previously 9s to 15s per gallon). Vinegar—P. 6d; I. 8d; G. 9d per gallon. Bacterial products, sera and vaccines Free. Anti-incrustation border compounds —Free. Coal tar, benzol, naphtha and creosote—F ree. Disinfectants, including sheep dip— P free; I 5 per cent? G 10 per cent ad valorem. Carrageen or Irish moss—Free. Dyes, manufactured—P. free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Medicinal preparations containing more than 50 per cent of proof spirit—P. Is; 1. Is 3d; G. Is 6d per lb. Napthalene—P. 10 per cent; I. 20 per 9 I. and G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Surgical, scientific and dental instruments—P. free ; 1. 5 per cent; G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Sewing cottons silks—P. free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Textile piece goods, patterned or marked to cut —P. 20 per cent: I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem; others, P. free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad \ r alorem. Textile piece goods, net, embroidery, lac© and curtain—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent! ad valorem. Textile piece goods, silk and imitation silk—Up to May 31, 1922, P. 20 per cent; I. and G. 30 per cent; after June 1, 1922, P. 10 jper cent; 1. and G. 15 per , cent ad valorem. Union textiles—P. free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Textile piece goods, woollen or containing wool—P 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Waterproof material in the piece— P. free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Braids and bindings—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Elastics, all kinds—P. free; 1. and G. 10 per cent. Buttons, crochet and similar—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent; others, free. Lace, laces and ribbons—P. 20 per cent: I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Umbrellas, parasols, etc. —P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Textile manufactured articles, not clothing—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Draperj' and haberdashery, not elsewhere included—P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem. Apparel made to order or measure— P. 40 per cent; I. 50 per cent; G. 60 per cent (formerly 40 per cent) ad valorem. Apparel and ready-made clothing— P. 25 per cent; I. 37$ per cent; G. 40 per cent (formerly 25 to 37$ per cent) ad valorem. Feathers, ornamental—P. 25 per cent; I. 35 per cent; G. 40 per cent ad valorem. Furs, dressed but. not made up—ls per cent ad valorem ; made up— P. 25 per cent; I. 37$ per cent; G. 40 per cent ad valorem. Hat hoods, wool felt, unblocked and unsewn—Free; felt hat hoods of fur, unblocked and unsewn—P. lo per cent; I 25 per cent; G. 30 per cent; other hats and caps r —P- 25 per cent; I. 35 per cent; G. 40 per cent ad valorem. Millinery, including trimmed hats and bonnets—P. 25 per cent; I. 35 per cent; G. 40 per cent ad valorem. Hide leathers, undressed—P. 50 per cent; I. 7$ per cent; G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Goat, kid skins and Persians; bookbinders’ leather; leather japanned and enamelled for furniture work—Free. Leather belting—P. 10 per cent; I and G. 15 per cent ad valorem. Leather board or compo—la per lb. Leather laces, vamps, uppers, cut to shapes, clog or patten soles ; leggings—P. 25 per cent; I. 37$ per cent; G. 45 per cent ad valorem. Children’s footwear (sizes 0 to 6) — P. free; I. lO per cent; G. 20 per cent ad valorem. Other leather footwear—P. 25 per oent; I. 37$ per cent; G. 45 per cent ad valorem. Gum boots—P. free ; T. 10 per cent; G. 20 per cent ad valorem. Rubber tyres and inner tubes of all kinds—P. 15 per cent; I. and G. 25 per cent ad valqrem (previously free). Bottles, plain, stone or glass—P. free; I- and G. 10 per cent ad valorem.'

Roofing tiles—P. free ; I. 10 per cent; G. 20 per cent ad valorem. Portland cement —P. Is; I. and G. Is 6d per ewt (formerly 2s and 4s per barrel). Playing cards—P. 6d ; I. 9d; G. Is per pack. Printing paper, in Tolls not less than 10m wide—P. free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad valorem. Emery paper, emery cloth and glass , paper—P. free; I. 50 per cent; G- 10 per cent ad valorem. Printed or ruled paper, including i wrappers—P. 25 per cent; I. j 37$ per cent; G. 45 per cent ad [ valorem. j Printed handbills, circulars, posters, f catalogues, etc. —P. 6d ; 1. 7d; j G. 8d per lb. Gas and oil engines, not exceeding • 100 B.H.P.—P. 15 per cent; I. i and G. 25 per cent ad valorem, j Electric appliances, including cook- j ers and radiators—After June 1, I 1922, P. 20 per cent; I. 30 per j cent; G. 35 per cent ad valorem- j Typewriters and duplicators—P. j free; I. and G. 10 per cent ad : valorem. Fittings for bicycles and motor- ! cycles—P. free ; A. and G- 10 per cent (formerly free and 10 per cent to 20 per cent) ad valorem. Bicycles and inotor-c.ycles—P. 15 per cent; I. and G- 25 per cent (formerly 20 per cent and 30 per cent) ad valorem. | Motor vehicles, including tractors— P. 15 per cent; I. and G. 25 per cent (formerly 10 per cent and 20 per cent) ad valorem. Fittings for perambulators—P. free; I. 5 per cent; »G. 10 per cent ad valorem. j Paints and colours ground in liquid—P. 10 per cent; I. 15 per cent; G. 20 per cent ad valorem. j Basketware and wickerware, etc.—• I P. 30 per cent; T. 40 per cent; G. 50 per cent (formerly 20 per cent and 30 per cent) ad valorem. Beer—Specific gravity of worts not exceeding 1047, llsd per gallon, | with an increase of one-sixteenth i of Id for every unit of specific j gravity in excess of 1047- (For- j rner duty was 5 12-16 d per gallon, i with an increase of one-sixteenth of a penny for every unit in excess of 1047, up to a maximum of 6d.) MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS. [From Ovr Correspondent/] WELLINGTON, November 3. When the tariff motions were tabled Dr Newman was the first to put a question as to the effect of the new tariff, asking how it affected spirits. Mr Massey replied that the whole of the details were contained in the schedule, with which members would be supplied later on. They would have an opportunity of discussing every item. Mr Wilford: And reducing them. Mr Massey : Yes. He explained that the proposed duty on whisky was 325, double what it was previously. Replying to a further question from Dr Newman if it was proposed to place rent on a fair basis, Mr Massey replied that the matter was under consideration at the present time, and he. would make an announcement in a day or two. “ What is to be the procedure in regard to the tariff proposals?” Mr Wilford asked. He explained that members would want time to consider the proposals. A great number of people who would be affected would make representations to members, in fact had already done so in anticipation, and members would want time to acquaint themselves with the proposals, so that fchey could intelligently discuss them. He reminded the Prime Minister that on the last occasion the tariff was revised, in 1907, a fair week was given before discussion began. Mr Massey said that the debate on the Budget would be taken first and he proposed to commence that on Tuesday. Mr Wilford : That is too early. Make it Wednesday. kThis the Premier consented to do. e continued that the Tariff Bill would be.gope on with afterwards, and every item in each schedule would be discussed. He did not think the tariff proposals would take long to deal with, as there were no very important changes- After the tariff wag finished legislation to give effect to the Budget proposals would come down.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16573, 4 November 1921, Page 10

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PROPOSED NEW TARIFF. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16573, 4 November 1921, Page 10

PROPOSED NEW TARIFF. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16573, 4 November 1921, Page 10