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“MORNING POST’S” MARE’S NEST. (By Our Own Correspondent.) LONDON, September 2. There is in Britain a certain section of the people— not a large one—which has a very obvious bee in its bonnet. The directors of the ** Morning Post ” and certain weekly journals are the leaders of this section, the characteristic of which is to find in every manifestation of unrest, social discord, rioting and even war, signs of a world-wide peril. All these upheavals, so goes the strange faith of tho “ Morning Post ” and its like, are the result of a Jewish policy, which makes them the agents provocateurs of *nv and every trouble with which this allegedly peaceful time is blessed. Tho “ Morning Post.” not content with writing into every sort of social disorder the point of view’ that Jews are at the bottom of the trouble, and writing into every announcement of achievement by persons of Jewish birth the idea that this is another step in the Jewish world conquest, has its own appointed contributors who spend their time finding fresh fuel for the blaze of their wrath against what they consider are Jewish machinations. The “ Morning Post ” has for quite a long time “ featurt'd ” the description by one of its contributors of “ Protocols of the Elders of Sion ” (originally published in Russia in 1905 by a certain Professor Nilus), which professed to give the secret plans of certain Jewish conspirators to conquer Europe by using the Socialist movement. These *• Protocols ” attracted little attention until after the Russian Revolution of 1917. when the appearance of the Bolsheviks, among whom wore many Jews, professing and practising political doctrines fchat in some points resembled those advocated in the “ Protocols,” led many to believe that Nilus’s alleged discovery was genuine. The “ Protocols ” were widely discussed and translated into several European languages. Their authenticity has been frequently attacked and many arguments have been adduced for the theory that they are a forgery. The “ Times ” has now published dispatches from Constantinople which go to prove that the Protocols are in fact a clumsy plagiarism. t( The so-called k Protocols of the Elders of Sion ’ were,” says the correspondent of the “Times,” “published in London last year under the title of “The Jewish Peril.” This book id o. translation of a book published in Russia in 1905, by Sergei Nilus, a Government official, who professed to have received from a friend a copy of a summary of the minutes of a secret meeting, held in Paris. The correspondent of the il Times ” has further sent to London a copy of the French book from which the plagiarism is made. The British Museum has a. complete copy of the book, which is entitled “ Dialogue aux Enters entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIX. Siecle. For un Conteraporain,” and was published at Brussels in 1860. Shortly after its publication the author, Maurice Jolv, a Paris lawyer and publicist, was arrested by the police of Napoleon 111. and sentenced to eighteen months" imprisonment. This revelation of the 11 Hines” appears to be rather a blow to the prescience of dukes, for foremost in the cult of anti-Semitism in its modern manifestation of anti-Bolshevism has figured the Duke of Northumberland. The whole argument of these strangely obsessed persons copsists in their assertion that a secret organisation covers the whole world, the chief actors in which are Jews, all working towards the end of the world’s supremacy. The machinations of these alleged Jewish conspirators show themselves, so say these people, alike in Russia and the Far East, in India, which has the strange phenomenon of a Jewish Viceroy, in the British dominions, in America—in short, all the. world over. They base their whole structure on the fact that these Protocols clearly indicate a determination by these Elders cf Sion to achieve world domination. As showing the extent to which the Elders in their alleged Protocols have borrowed from Monsiem Joly these examples will serve:— The Protocols for example say: “It must be noted that people with corrupt instincts arc more numerous than those of noble instinct. Therefore in governing the world the best results ai obtained by means of violence and intimidation, and not by academio discussions. Every man' aims at power. Every one would like to become a dictator if he only could do so, and rare indeed are the men who would not be disposed to sacrifice the welfare oi others in order to attain their own. personal aims. * “ What restrained the wild beasts of prey which we call men ? What has ruled them up to now? I n the first stages of social life they submitted to brute and blind force, then to law, which in reality is the same force, only masked. From this I am led to deduct that by the law of nature right lies in might. Political freedom is not a fact but an idea.” tt r^ie French book contains this : “ Among mankind the evil instinct is mightier than the good- Man is more drawn to evil than to good. Fear and toroe have more empire over him than reason. . •. Every man aims at domination; not one but would be an oppressor if ho could; all or almost all are ready to. sacrifice the rights o) others to their own interests. “ restrains those beasts o. prey which they call men from attacking one another? Brute unrestrained toree in the first stages of social life then the law. that is still force regnn , ■ . y . °, nns - You hn '-e consulted all historical sources; everywhere mierht precedes right. Political liberty is merely a relative idea. What the French writer has, in fact, imagined is a very clever dialogue in which Machiavellian nrinciplea are paraphrased. and the Elders have themselves simply paraphrased this French author s dialogues. For example, in discussing the subject of self-government and stating that the gift of liberty of self-govern” ment leads to civil and social striie and the State Is soon ruined by inter' nal convulsions or by foreign intervention following on the heels of civil war, both the Frenchman’s dialogues and the Protocols give paragraphs v.hich are singularly parallel; *« I would ask the question why i s j t no t immoral for a State which has two enemies, one external and one internal to use different means of defence against the former to that which it would use against the latter, to make secret plans of defence, to attack him by night or with superior forces. . . »> says the latter. Tn the former it is put thus : (btates) employ in war against foreign enemies? Will the opposing generals communicate their plans of campaign to one another and thus be mutually m a position to defend themselves? Mill they mutually ban night attacks traps, ambushes, battles with inequality of force? Of course not; such combatants would court derision. Are you against the employment of these traps and tricks, of all the strategy indis-

pensable to war against the enemy within, the revolutionary?” We all know that Machiavelli bad a supreme contempt for the mass of the people, and this is, of course, given in the French author s dialogues, and one particular paragraph put into the mouth cf Machiavelli Ims too a strange parallel in the Protocols. “ You do not know the unbounded meanness of tho peoples . grovelling before force, pitiless towards the weak, implacable to faults, indulgent to crimes, incapable of supporting the contradictions of a free regime, amt patient to the point of martyrdom under the violence of an audacious despotism . . giving themselves mas ters whom they pardon for deeds for the least of which they would havw beheaded twenty constitutional kings.’ In the Protocols we find :—“ In their intense meanness the Christian peoples help our independence—when kneeling they crouch before power; when they are pitiless towards the weak; merciless in dealing with faults, and lenient to crimes; when they refuse to recognise the contradictions of freedom; when they are patient to the degree of martyrdom in bearing with the violence of an audacious despotism. At tho hands of their present dictators, Premiers and they endure abuses for the smallest of which they would have murdered twenty kings.” This, then, is a sample of the ammunition which has served the “ Morning Post ” for its campaign, qf antiSemitism. Its articles under the sensational title of “ Behind the Red Curtain” have led us to see very lurid things all instigated, so the “Morning Post ” would nave us believe, by Jews. But what is, after all, behind the curtain, red or otherwise? Nothing.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16559, 19 October 1921, Page 6

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JEWISH “PERIL” EXPOSED. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16559, 19 October 1921, Page 6

JEWISH “PERIL” EXPOSED. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16559, 19 October 1921, Page 6