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Tune 17, IS-Napier "Park Hacimgj Club |nna 25—Brackenfield Hunt. Juno 72, 2P, 25—nawke'e Bay Jockey Club and HnwTtc'n Bay Sunt. June* 25 Christchurch Hunt. June 25, 29—Auckland Trotting Club. Juno 29—Dannevirk* Hunt. NOMINATIONS. * n T «■—EUngitikei, Hunt. HANDICAPS. J'rne 17—Dajmevijrke HuntJune 20.—Christchurch Hunt. June 20—Hawfen'd Baj Jockey Club end Hunt. « uae 24—Rangittkef Hunt. ACCEPTANCESJnne 17— Auckland Trotting Club. June 20—Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club and Hunt. Juno 30—Christchurch Hunt. Jttup 24—-Dannevirke Hunt. June 38—Bangitikei Hunt. UWRULY HORSES, Among the to be discussed by tho delegates to the Pacing Cooiprenco next month is a proposal dealing with unruly horses. It. is being brought forward by the Wanganui •Jockey Club and reads as follows: “The starter shall report to the stewards any horse who has by misbehaviour, prevented or delayed a fair start, or has proved a menace to other horses at the start. The stewards, after the inquiry, may cause the name of each such horse* to he placed upon a list, of unruly horees, to he kept, at the office of the secretary of the Conference, and same shall he continuously notified in the Official Calendar. So long as the name of any horse appear? in the unruly horses list a? continuously notified, such horses shall uof be entered for or run in any race ” This question of unruly horses has been raised on occasions, and. in various ways, but so far no satisfactory solution of the problem has born discovered. The present rule on t.he subject reads: “ The starter may place any horse which. in bis opinion, is likely by misbehaviour to prevent a. fair start, in any position ho may think proper in the rear of the field.*’ This authority is not exercised as of ton as it should he, possibly because starters hesitate to assume the power* that is given to them. It is, however, an incomplete, arrangement, pr there is nothing to prevent the reappearance of the unruly horses in race after race, causing trouble 10 well-mannered opponents before the starter exercises his right to place them ‘‘in any position he may think proper ill the rear in the field.” The proper method of dealing with tho outlaws is to prevent them from taking part in any race. I his is tv hut the "Wanganui Jockey Club aims at end its suggestion, seem: to he an excellent solution to a difficult problem. The Bracken field Hunt Club s meet in g will be held at Rangiura to-day. Good fields are engaged in all the events, and provided the weather js fine the meeting should be a great success- A special train will leave Christchurch at J. 1.5 am., and the first race will be started at* 11.15 am., while the programme will be concluded in time for the club’s city patrons to reach Christchurch by train at 6.15 P-in- * # Endure and Luff are engaged to-nior row in the Paha a Hurdle Handicap

they steer clear of one anothei. each oi' them may win n race, as the opposition does not- look strong. High Heels is engaged in both the six-furlong races at the BraokenfieM Hunt Club meeting, and she may race well. Carnbrea was unlucky when racing at Oamaru last month, but hr may make amends at Bangiora to-morrow, os he is in good fettle. Link Up will hr solidly backed for Hie Waipara Handicap to-morrow. Slio has been galloping well lately, but she is a bad beginner, which is against her in sprint race* 5 . Macduff is in a class by himself among the lot engaged in the Unipara Handicap to-morrow, and in spite of his big weight lie mnv have to be reckoned with*at the finish. Some Kid is rapidly getting into form, but bo may require a race before he is at his best. ITiero has not been seen in public for a year and a half, but lie should be worth keping in mind later in the winter. when !)<• has had a couple of races to sharpen him up. Demonstrate and Lord Ashlea have been hitting out freely in their track work, and both of them may win for It. W. King very soon. Provided he is in his host form. Phil May should have far too much pare for the lot opposed to him in the Hunters Plate at Ran gi ora to-mor-row. C aver or k is doing well on the tracks, and he looks like getting into the money before the winter is much further advanced. hire Eater gave a fine exhibition while jumping the schooling fences at Hicearton on Thursday, and he should experience little difficulty in beating the opposition in the Hunt Club Steeplechase at liangiora to-morrow. A cco p t a rices for the A ueklajid Trotting Club’s meeting will close at five o’clock this evening. JU in reported that a patron of P. T. Hogan’s stable has purchased the Glenculloch gelding, Jock, who is to be tried over hurdles. The New Zealand bred mare Artillerie, by Royal Artillery-Nantes, who has been at the stud in Australia for some years past, was represented on Monday of last week by two winners. both by Comedy King. Powder nnd Patches won a mile welter handicap at Adelaide and Crescendo ran a dead heat with Tavistock, also by Comedy King, in a mile race at tbe Victoria Racing Club’s meeting.

Honey Leo, a. two-year-old winner in Svdne.v this monlb, is by Kenilworth from Busy Bee, and is thus a brother to 1 loustMvife ; who raced with much success in the North Island a season or two back.

Monte cello (son of Desmond) was among the w inning sires represented at the Australian Jockey*’ Club’s moetig this month. There is a wide range between the fees or ihe sous of Desmond at tbe stud in New' South Wales. Demosthenes is at 200 guineas, Seremond. a proved success iu Queensland, at 1(J0 guineas, Montecello at fifty guineas and Plying Wings at twenty guineas. Humphrey Clinker, a winner at the Queensland Meeting recently, is by imported Duke Humphrey—Lady Medallist, and is owned by his breeder, Mr E. G. Bluine, who raced Lady Medallist in Australia, and still owns the Caulfield Cup winner. Duke Humphreys, by John o’ Gaunt—Valve, is a, ha If-'br other 1 to Sanquhar, sire of a few New Zealand performers, including Miss Mimic, tho winner of the Great Easter Handicap this season. ! The Queensland Turf Club upheld J. j Kiliorn’s appeal against the disqualification. of six months imposed on the well-known Victorian jockey in counectio with alleged foul riding on Twoeds- | muir in the &t Lcger. Tho “ Winning Post ” is rough in its comments on Turf management in England. It points out that though welshing has been greatly reduced, recent occurrences show that patrons of some enclosures now risk being shot by blackmailing bullies and thieves, as a result of a vendetta between two gangs being carried out on the racecourses. The members of these gangs are known to ordinary racegoers and they should not be allowed into any enclosure by detectives engaged to maintain law and order in the rings.

In England, as in other countries which are afflicted with proprietary racing, there is now a lot ol money in the business. At the recent annual meeting of shareholders of the Chester Racecourse Company, at Chester, a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent for the last three years was confirmed. It was stated a sum of £20,560 had been spent on the purchase of property for stabling accommodation and rebuilding- The fixture last year bad proved ono of the best financially in the annals ot the meeting. A sum oi -fcl6.-i.70 had been paid in taxes to tho Imperial Exchequer and in ra.tes and rent to the Chester Corporation. .Tbe latter had gained from the races over £SOOO in rent and poor rate, which sum was equivalent to a littio more than a fid rate. The stallion M allace. who won fame boTh as a racer and as a. sire as the most noteworthy descendant _ of Carbine. died in December, 1.0.17, at the venerablo age of 25 years. As. could only be expected, the old hors© was no! largely taxed in his last season. Lady Champion, a daughter of Challenger and the Barcaldine mare Dangle, j wa - on his list, and the result was a j has colt. This youngster was cent up for sale in Melbourne iu the autumn ot 1920. and lie fell to the bid of the South Australian sportsman. Dr A. H. Bennett, at ISOgns. Under the name of Champion Chief the son of "Wallace and Ladv Champion Avon tbe Adelaide Stakes recently, beating a strong field over seven furlongs, and he is spoken of as a rney-looking sort who will bev heard of again The Paris correspondent of the London 4 ‘ Sportsman ” states that the question of photographing horses as they

pass the win fling-post is at present occupying raring societies all over I lie Continent. In fialy the experiment has been made with suceess The Rome ‘•Sport" recently published some excellent reproductions that demonstrate without any possibility iof error how close finishes may be accurately judged. The writer adds tlial, like all inventions, j it A\ ill probably take some little, time, but it is certain that sooner or Inter j the photographic judging of horse racj ing will he adopted on the Continent. j An English writer has got in an I rnrlv tin for the next Liverpool Grand ! National. D is All White (White Eagle i —Cb lonia) or Forewarned (Foresight—i T'nerkali). Both arc stallions. and ran | in Ihe r< cent Grand National. All White | running third. Fore war nod’s sister, 1 Hann.v, won at Randwielc on Saturdav. *•* ! In South Africa lass year the total . a mount of rd a !•» rr v ;ir. (Jo-t-'-J'.2- v: , and j this was competed for by 2-100 horses. I Tbe average works out at £l4-1 per horse, and af it costs a little over £2OO I;* a ear to train and race a horse in South Africa, many people must have j been a lot out of pocket. j Iu New Zealand it is not unusual for ian important race to include starters that have not the slightest, chance of winning. Owners in a position to pay for luxuries occasionally like to talk of their Derby or Cup horse. It is a form of personal vanity, and an English Avriter says it was tho same thing that caused runners to ho so numerous for this year’s Grand National. Tho appearance of many horses as thev pa»*adod suggested they were out. of The Doncaster Race Committee decided to contribute £15.000 to the rr_ lie! of the local rates from their racing profits of lasi year, l ids is £2OOO more than they contributed the previous year. Notwithstanding this, Doncaster’s rates have been increased by 3s 4d, making them in the pound. In ictoria new regulations under the Betting Tax Act provide that the only betting tickets to be issued bv tlie Commissioner of Stamps, shall be those manufactured by the Government printer. Bookmakers will be required to issue tho tickets in proper consecutive order, and to have their names printed on the tickets. Rubber stamp impressions on tickets art' prohibited, under a penalty of not less than £5, or more than £2O. Two enterprising young men, J. O'Hallorau and E. J. Lynch, who backed a horse Avitlx a Sydney bookmaker for two races at Moruya, and then sent an alleged account of the meeting which did not take place—to a Sydney newspaper, pleaded guilty to a charge of false pretences at Darlinghurst sessions last month. Each was sentenced to*-, twelve months’ hard labour, but they were released as first offenders. O'Halloran avus ordered to make £3O restitution to the bookmaker, T. t henery, who Avas victimised. Lord Mimer was the horse backed, and tho faked report gave him as the winner of two races. The amount involved was £62.

A four-year-old horse named Souviens Toi (by San toi) recently created a sensation in France. For nearly a year his efforts had been restricted to hurdle races, of which he had Avon eight iu succession, as he liked. In April, however, he was brought out for the Prix Boiard, a £2500 weight-for-age race, run over a straight mile and a quarter at Maisons-Lafitte. He won, beating seA'eral good horses, these including Souxbicr, who Avas a close third in the Grand Prix Avon by Comrade last year. Sbuviens Toi is to lie a runner for the Grand Hurdle Race at Auteui I this month, in Avhich it is also intended to start Trespasser, who recently won the Queen’s Prize at Kempton. After the Auteuil race. Sotiviens Toi will be reserved for the Prix de de TViomphe, a mile and a halt weight-for-ago fiat Tace at Locgchamps, in October.

NOMINATIONS. CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB NEW ZEALAND DERBY, cf *2OOO sore. For three-year-olds. One mile snd a - Mr A. J. Wilson’s ch f, by WicVio-Eemis-Mr J. G-rigg’s b I Ardour, by Gay Lad Mettle . . , . Dr Gilmer’s h f April Tolly, by Absurd— Martian Princess Estate late W. ,1. Douglas’s bit g, by Mountoin Knight—Fairy Gold Estate late W. J. Douglas's b g. by Mountain Knight—Maugaroa Estate lute W. J. Douglas's b c. by Martian —Polvmnia EoUle la'te W. J. Douglas's br i VysHs, by Absurd —Snooze Mr W. Gardiner’s br g, by Kilbroney— Mezzo Mr AY. E. Taylor's b c, by Boniform— Mr H. M. Campbell’s b f. by Kilboy—Hope Diamond Mr Eric Riddiford’e br g, by Absurd Chakwana. Mr Eric Riddiford’s ch g, by Absurd—Moira Mr A. C B. Williams’* ch f, Epitaph, Absurd —-Eulogy Mr A. B. Williams's b c Kapine, by Hattian—Pineta. Mr H. B. Gibson’s br f. by Absurd—Lady Eta Mr V.'. T. Desha's ch f, Hula Givi, by

Demosthenes —Bangiao Mr W. W. Desha's blk o Hula Boy, by Demosthenes—Gold Bound Mr W. F. Dosba's br c, by Clarencetix— Bon Bord Mr J. Goring Jobnßton'a b c, by Panruurc— Ortygia. Mr .T. Goring Johnstdb's b c, by -Panmure Cormorant ALr J. Goring Johnstoo's b f, by Panmttre— Marti a Mr J. Gorine- Johnston's ch f. by Panmure —Cease Lire Mr J. D. Ormond's b g Snatcher, bv King Mark—Hoy Mr B. fi. Jo)To br f Bonny Sox, by Bonl--rn —l’ u l tee Mr B. Ij. Joll’s ch o Uncle Aiex, by Bezonian—Bonny Helen Mr B. L. JolTs br g The Dunce, by Absurd Graduate Mr A Symeka br f Ad Astra-, bv Absurd — Pffian Mosers Murphy and Griffiths's b f Watarlca. by Boniform—Sunfiird Messrs Grant and Gomer’s b f Fleeting, by Boniform — Snowstel 1 Mr W. Duncan’s ch g Glenross. by Absurd Bronze Mr T. A. Dunca-u’s H f, by Absurd—Cintra Mr C. E. Elgar's b g Zouave, by Martian Rose Red Mr C. E. Elgar’s b f Zareba, by Absurd — Bca Elf Mr G. E. Elgar's b f Zenida, by Absurd Let a Mr ii. Graham's bik g, by Mountain Knight —Earama Mr G. Fulton’s b f Wartuue, by Martian— Mr G. Fulton's br f War Lady, by Martian— Lady Lucy B Mr G. Fulton’s h f Torquay, by iSJartiari— Torq uato ATr G. Gerard's b g Warseer, by Martian— Intelligence Mr G. Gerard’s h g Marti?, by Martian — Mr G. Gerard's hr f DianeHa, by Boniform ■ —Glen Helen Mr G. T>. Greenwood's blk c Farceur, by Absurd-- Our Lady Mr G. D. Greenwood’s b f Veil, bv Absurd —Cowl Mr G. D. Greenwood’s h c Tressayr, by Tresßady—Ayrehire Maid Mr W. G. Stead's b c, by Nassau—PcdoMr W. G. Stead s br f, by Absurd Mr W. G. Stead's b f. Feraniorz —Steinheil Mr W. G. Stead's ch f. by Fenamors—Shrill Sir George <!lifTord’s ch f Balderdash, by Absurd—F ormless Sir George Clifford's br f Border Raid, by Sanquhar—Jeopardy Sir George Clifford's br g Trieripan, by Sanquhar—Hcatherbrae Sir George Clifford’s ch c Swallowffight, by Aufcumnus--Flitaway Sir George Clifford’s ch c Sharp Burst, by Autumnus—Fleetfoot M> J. Deeley’s b f, by Boniform—Multigarde Mr Eric Russell’s b f Laughing Eyes, by Balboa—Eager Eyes Mr Fv. D. Duncan’s br g, by Boniform— Vicereine Mr K. D. Duncan's b g, bv Martian— Papbia Mr G. T. Niccol'e b g, by Duke Ifuuaphre (imp.) —Gold Claan Mr G. T, jsiccol’s cb f, by Roseworthy (imp.) —Lavella (imp.) Hon E. W. Alison’s ch g. by Thuniham— Takahnu Hon E. W. Alison’s ch f, by Thurnham Mr Ernest Alison’s br c. by Bright Steel Mr Errie3t Alison's br f, by Shepherd King Mr Ernest Alison's b g, by Hyinettus— Elect rum

Mr W. Howard’s br c Kahilietea. by Wormwood—K- joy b Mr )Y. Dunn’s ch c Star of Fate, by Day Comet —Cut rdoon Mr H. A. Knight's ch g. by Clarenceux— Comely Mr J. -f. Corry's b f. by Boniform—Secret. Link Mr J. J. Corry’s b f, by Kilboy—Roseland Mr T. H. Lowry’s br c, by Finland-—Aur-'L'. H. Lowry’s oh c. by Finland—War ?.! r T. IT. Lowry's b c, by Linla-nd -D’Oro Mr T. 11. Lowry’s b c, by Kilbroney—)fr I)?' !';'? - by Lio-ullu-v - March Mr E. Simpson’s br f Dcroulede, by Absurd Derelict Mr E. Simpson’s b f Eose-de-Yal, by Hvniettus— Miss De Xv\ Air H. P. F. Blundell's br g Slayer, by Is ilboy-—Cerintliic Mr R A. M'Kenzie’s b g, by Sarto—Westell a Mr R. A. M’Kenzie’3 br g, by Sarto—Black Ada Mr A. Murdoch's b g, by Boniform—MarSir James Carroll's b c. by Ciarenceux — Bon .Bord Mr W. A. Micholls's br c Many Kittle, by Winkic Suuglow 'Mr J. H. Prosser's b c, by Nassau—Signal Mr James Bell's b c, by Kilbroney—-Thames Mrs T. Dwarfs b c Abelard, bv Boniform— Northern Rose Mr F. FJipp’s b c Kilbirnie, by Kilbroney —Lovesick Mr W. R. Kemball’s b g Bum.ptions, by Ki 1 boy—Conceit Mr W. R. Konball's br f Trill, by Kilbo.v —Tetrazzini Mr W. R. Kero ball’s b f Kilock, by Kilboy Queen T.izzie Mr W. R. Kern ball's b f Menthe, by Kilboy

Mint Queen Mr "W. R. Kembg.ll’s b g Bonomcl, by Boniform—Philomel Mr W. R. Kemball’s br f Bonrina, by Boniform— Desrina. Mr W. R. Kemball’s ch g Uleaborg, by Egypt—Finery Mr W. Higgins's b f Deborah, by Martian —Hebrew Maid Mr W. Higgins’s b f. by Boniform—Lady Jean 11. Mr W. H. Ballinger's b f, by Kilbroney— Coronata Mr W H. Ballinger’s b f, by Sunny Lake —Killer a Mr A. E. Tattleys's br c Bonny Canny, by Pistol—Bridge of Roses Mr G. !•’. Moore’s br g. by Hallowmass—Ma Mie Rosette Mr W. T. Hazlett’s ch f, by Hymcttus—Simper Mr W. T. Hazlett’s b g, by Kilbroney— Sprig of Erin Mr A. Alexander's b f- by Boniform Peirene Mr A. Alexander's br f, by Bezoman— S omniform Mr A. M’Donald e b f, br Solferino—Raid Mr A. M'Douald's br i, by Sunny Lake— Arai-te-Uru Mr A. M'Donald's b f. by Absurd—Straga Mr G. W. Varcoe’s ch c Matinee, by Day Comq^—Ristori Mr S. Tapp’s ch c Bright Day, by Day Comet.—Lady Gwendalene Mr J. Ellis's b f, by Adjudge—Bonnie Ouida Messrs Todd and Ellis's b f, by Adjudge— Rosa Chamberlain Mr J. Goring Johnston's b f, by Panmure Mouette Mr R. C. Gillies's ch c, by Solferino— Canterbury Belle Mr Slater’s V> g Killian, by Kilboy—Lady Nolan Mr G. L. Stead’s b c Punch, by Martian — Bonnyrigg Mr E. Fox's b f Heraldry, by Clarenceux— Lady Holyrocd Mr J. S. Barrett's Garance Mr R. Graham’s b f, by Kilbroney—Maria Mr F. Hall’s br c, by Kilbroney—Merry Roo

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16455, 17 June 1921, Page 3

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RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16455, 17 June 1921, Page 3

RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16455, 17 June 1921, Page 3