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FIXTURES. Febraarv 16. 17—Hamilton Ricitg Club. .-February 1&. 17—Woodville Jockey Club. February 17, 18—North Otago .Jockey Club. February 19. *23—Otahuhu Trotting Club. February 2? —Clifden Racing Club. . t ebruary 23, 25—Wanganui Trotting Club. February 24, 2ft—'Wanganui Jockey Club. February 3ft—ToJoga "Bay Jockey Club. February 26, 28—Thames Jockey Club. March 2. 3 Daunevirke Racing Club. March 9, B—Gore Racing Club March 3. 6 —Nelson Jockey Club. March 4—Nelson Trotting Club. March 5. 7—Te Aroha Jbcker Club. March 9. 11—Marlborough Racing Club. March l p —Marlborough Trotting Club March 11. 12—Napier Park Racing Club. March 17—Oprmake Ra<ring Club. March 27 —Waimatn Racing Club. March 33. 39 —Cauterburv TToclcer Club. March 28. 29—Fending Jockey Club. April 7—Timaru Trotting Club NOMINATIONS. February 16—Marlborough Racing Club. February 16—Marlborough Trotting Club.. February 18—Te Arobe Jockey Club. February 21—Wairoate Racing Club. February 24—Opunake Racing Club. February 25—Canterbury Jockey Club. February 25—Napier Park Racing Club. Febrnarr 28—Feilding Jockev Club. March il—Canterbury Jockey Club. March 27—Timvn Trotting Club HANDICAPS. February 18—Nelson Trotting Club. February*} 18—Nelson Trotting Club. February "Ifc-—Dannevirke Rating Club. February 3 9—Core Racing Club. February 28—Marlborough Racing Club. Februarr 28—Marlborough Trotting Club. February 38—TVaitnate Racing Club. February 28—Te Aroha Jockov Club. March 3—Opitnak* Racing Club. March 4—Napier Park Racing Club. March 7—Canterbury Jockey Club. March 14—PetMine Jockev Club. March its—Canterburv Jockey Club. March 31—Tinoaru Trotting Club. ACCEPTANCES. February 16—Wanganui Trotting Club. February 21—Thames Jockey Club. February 21—Wanganui Jockey Ciub. February 95—Nelson Jockey Club. February 25 Nelson TVotting Club. February 25—Dannevirke Racing Club. February 25—Gore Racing Club. March 2—Marlborough Racing Chib. March 2—Marlborough Trotting Club. March 2—7« Aroha Jockey Club. March 7—Whi-imate Racing Club. March b—Napiei Paik Racing Club.

IMPORTANT DECISION. A decision wa« recently given in tli English Courts which should be of special int«re«t to all racehorse owners Judgment- was given on the. claim brought by Mr W Parrish, of Dudley, tor the loss of his mare Fugle At aid. which was killed by a motor-car on the liiglrway near Challow, Berks, early last Th* defendant. Mr J>- Harris, of West Tlstey. owner and driver of the oar, denied negligence, and counterclaimed for damages to bis vehicle. f Fog!e Afaid and Baron AFavelet arrived late, at, Challow station, and when being ridden to the stable Fugle Ala id, wt 11.30 p m., was struck by the defendant’s car, and one of her hind legs being broken, bad to be destroyed. Tt was stated that Air Parrish had refused ±#ooo for the mare, and that on the day of the accident had received from llajor Beatty an offer of £5500, with another £IOOO out of the first race she •non after the sale. Air Justice Shearman. in entering judgment for ATr Parrish for £6OOO on the claim and coun-ter-claim with costs, sairl the evidence showed that the animal was a valuable mare. The argument on behalf of the defendant came to this, that no one bad a right when a. motor-car was about to ride a horse in the dark on the roadway. One had only to state* that proposition to see that it could not ho 60. There was evidence that the rider of one of the horses shouted to the defendant. Tt might be that the warning was not heard, but the animal was run into by the car. which did not slacken speed The car carried headlights, so, if Tltr-re had been proper look-out the drivJr must have seen that there was a horse in front. If the headlights did not give a proper light, then the driver was driving a car which vas little less than n public nuisance. It was said that the rider of the mare negligent because he did not got, off the road and ride on the grass when lv? knew the car was coming. 'Flic driver of the animal did not know what was on the grass. He (the Judge) sm no reason why the driver should get. off the metal, as if ho had no rieht to be there. He was satisfied there was negligence- on the part of the defendant, and no negligence on the part of the. plaintiff's servant. As to the. value, of die mare, if it were rot for -the two offers recently made fo: her. he should have a point of great difficulty to decide, because there was rr * market value. A few* weeks before the accident plaintiff bad refused an offer of £SOOO, and there was the curious coincidence that on tlie dav the horse met its death there was a letter or the way to plaintiff offering £5500 and £IOOO after the mare won a race. The mare might have won a race. She had won good races. The only thing h ’ could do was to take the evidence and assess the value, which he did at £6OOO.

The Akaroa County Pacing Club will hold its meeting this season at Riccarf°n. "n Saturday, March 5. Nominations will close on Friday.

Acceptances for the Wanganui Trot ting Club's meeting are due this evening.

Nominations for the Marlborough Racing and Trotting Clubs’ meetings will close this evening.

Nominations for the New Zealand Sapling Stakes, 192*2. to bo decided at the Ashburton Trotting Club's meeting, closed last evening. They totalled Rjvty entrants- Complete particulars are not yet available.

The North Otago Jockey Club’s meeting will be commenced to-morrow and concluded on Friday. Riccarton stables are not so strongly represented as usual, but a fair number of horses from this end will be competitors, and with strong patronage from Otago and Southland, good fields ore assured.

Calm a only has to show her best form to l»c dangerous in the hurdle races at Oamaru.

Vice-Regal does not stay well, so a mile and three-quarters will trouble him on the first day at Oamaru, hut he may do better over the shorter bourse on Friday.

Bonny Alac is touched in the wind, but he should be capable of a good performance in the Aldersyde Handicap at Oamaiu.

Killala is a useful performer over short courses and she may be dangerous at Oamaru among the hacks.

Radial has a big load to carry in the North Otago Cup, but he is a great weight carrier and a proved performer up the Oamaru hill- lie must, the relore, be given a great chance.

j Dame Fortune is a very promising I two-year-old. She showed a lot of speed in tho Lyttelton Plate, and since I then she. has been galloping well on the Riccarton track.-. ihe only doubt : is whether she will quite .-.eo the jourI nev out in the juvenile races at Oam--1 aru.

■ Caverock should be an improved horse as a result of bis recent racing and he. may bo dangerous at Oaraar-u, ' where he is engaged on the first day in the Beltieid Welter Handicap.

Tala man has a lot of weight in the Belfield AVelter Handicap at Oamaru, but he is apparently back to his best form, while he has some good performances to recommend him on the Oamaru course.

Will Oakland .should race well in the Flying Handicap at Oamaru. He was unlucky at the AVingatui meeting last week.

Provided ho can stay the last bit, Ruddy Gold will be very hard to beat lin the Grange Handicap at Oamaru. ‘ There are several useful gallopers in j ibe field but none with good credenI tials over a journey.

j Air J. B. Reid returned from England ; recently, and vrns at AVingatui on the j secoud day of the .Dunedin Cup rneeti mg. last week.

I Air J E- Henrys and Air H. Brinkj man will act as handicappers for the i J uapeka County Jockey Club meeting m Easter.

i Amongst the visitors lo the Dunedin Cup meeting was Mr James Bull, tho j well-known North Island owner, who is i particularly keen on owning a good ■ hurdler or ’chaser. Mr Bull “walked, j , l,c course ” to examine the AVingatui i steeplechase course, and when quesj tinned as to nhat lie thought of it ra- ! pressed the opinion that, “it was a bit j too severe.”

Bona Vista is well represented in the list of winning sires in England tor thepas* season. He is the grandsire of I'oii me!us. who tops the list, and the sire of the dam of The Tetrarcb. tho Hill'd horse on the list.

In England hackers commence hotting on the Derby very early, and there is generally a winter favourite. This year that race is regarded as exceptionally om„u. says “Tim Times,” and there is no animal who stands out as Tetratenia was supposed to do twelve months ago; indeed, no fewer than five r nlts are considered to have, much about even chances, and it is a somewhat remarkable, circumstance that three of them belong to newcomers on the Turf, for there are menv owners who have. Tear after year, been assiduously in I search of a Derby horse that is to say, one with fair prospects of success! the “market” opens it is probable that Monareh will be slightly prefprred. though it may be anticipated that there will he little between him Leighton and Humorist, while Granel.v and Alan Brz.ek wilt have convinced supporters. hemonora is another of " bom much the same mav be said • hut should tho ground be hard at r-psom, it is understood that this will bo all against him. Another of whom much will most, likely he. heard is Lord L h'noi\ S V estward Ho. the son of Tho Tetrarcb and Blue Tit, for whom 11 ,->OO guineas was given at auction last year. Temporary tin soundness, due to a remarkable cause, prevented him from running as a. two-year-old. He has finite recovered. and it is reported that, he will shortly start work. As Westward Ho has never run. he was necessarily omitted from tho Free Handicap: nor could Grm/ely he i„. eluded, as he did not. appeav until after that handicap had been decided Of late years, it may he incidentally observed. favourites for tho Derby'have not been fortunate at Epsom. Henthereprig raced four times at tbo Gisborne meetings and picked up i ’HO sovs in stakes. On the. first dav I be was beaten in tlte sprint, race won by Tigrittyn. and won the other three events be started in. He carried 9st • 7ib on Saturday and conceded throe i stone to Henthermonn. another of the Heather Mixture tribe, who was among I die winners at Gisborne, the previous i week. ' ■


COAITNG SEASON'S PROSPECTS. Few English owners Mho go in for enough to make it pay, as the cost of racing horses is tremendous, especially m tin* Old Country, but one of the small minority who found racing profitable was the lute King Edward. Ho vas. however, perhaps lucky iu the purchase of Perdita 11., the mare on whom ti c fortunes of the Sandringham Stud "ere mainly founded, as she produced three such remarkable horses in Florizei |N I’ersimmon and Diamond Jubilee. I j» to the. present King George has not been fortunate enough to find a great dam of winners, but he lias a promising sire in Friar Marcus, whose offspring. according to “ The Times” rac-' mg correspondent, are pleasing sound judges, and that great hopes are entertained of him as a sire is proved by the occurrence ol his name in produce stakes which have closed lately. Last season luck was certainly not with his Majesty, though John Green. Viceroy. Dayspring and Torment won races. The Fates seemed to be against Lemonade, whose inability 1:o get nearer Ilian fourth for the One Thousand Guineas was the more disappointing as she started favourite for that classic. On several occasions the King's horses were with good reason expected to win stakes for which they were beaten. His Majesty will start the coming season with seven two-year-olds, concerning whom the opinion of experts is that they certainly look likely to win. races, though whether there is a. Friar Alarous among them—with a capacity tor staying - is a. matter as to which it Mould be rash at present to prophesy. One of that horse’s sous, with Princess d° Galtes for dam. just named St David, would, perhaps, be the general choice among the seven. This is a. very powerful horse all through, with excellent limbs and showing fine quality. He may not be ready till the season has somewhat advanced, but when he does appear it is thought that he should do so to advantage- A Mother well grown, level, bay colt, notably deep in his girth, though possible with not the best of joints, is a son of Call o' the Wild—who was just earning a reputation as a racehorse, when he. broke, his leg—and Vervaine, and there is much to like in

n bay son of Lemberg and Vain Air. Here, again, are quality and size; it will be strange if this colt does not- gallop. IF a chestnut son of Beppo and Btveet Vernial should fail to do well, it may be because be inherits tho uncertain temperament of his half-brother. \ iceroy, but this does not necessarily follow. He is a very smart-lokiug young one, with the. points for which one is accustomed to search. A bay son ol Kwang Su—brother to Bayardo—and Xeuve Chapelle is a particularly neat, well-shaped colt, small at present, though not unduly so. Another chestnut son or Beppo. dam .l.’rin'cess Dagmar, hardly seems likely to be in tiie same class as the others. The one filly is a daughter of Swynford and Pintncle. Lemonade’s dam. very strongly put together, but on the small side, and with perhaps not the best of forelegs. The seven are, it need hardly be remarked, all home-bred ; and one thing certain is that races will be chosen judiciously for them by Lord Alniou.e Beresford. who manages for bis Ala res ty, as also that they could not be m more skilful hands than those of Richard Marsh for training purposes.

NOMINATIONS. SOFTHT.AXD RACING C 7.178. [From Our Correspondent.] TIsYE R CARGILL, February 15. The. following nominations have been re°ROSLYN HANDICAP, of 150 gove; six furlongs—Bounie Mac, July Spark, Oeterman. ked Pal, Lady Links, Ilueua, Sembric. Blur Admiral, Wild Night. Sunlit, Moneymusk, Labor. G'ientruiu, Samun, Pallah, Royal Admiral. Lady Blisslul, Killory, Las Palmr*;. Ballerina, Moereka, Corn Rigs. Etta, Strc-w ana. Linton, Koseday, Mir/a, Sartolite, Bright Spot, Lady Winstone and ’ VAVjfttLEY TROT HANDICAP (in saddle), of 200 sovs: one mile and a half— Genera; Joffre. Silversboe, Papeete, Gladiola, Country Queen, Hectoroo, Oaknut, The Sheik. M’Gratli, Cross Batter}'. Miss O’Neill, Nightcaps. First Toll, Lady Marveu, Narcotic, La-dy Wild, Tahati, Malice, Walloon, Until, Russian Maid, Rothbell, Princess Cole, Maile, Full Cry. Eppie Adair, lieetdale, Ladv Margaret, Nellie Scott, Satin Boy, Brown Owl, Rothstar and Bell Wallace. FLYING HANDICAP, of 275 sovs; six furlongs—Red Pal, Kedshire. Golden King, Filigree. Order Down, Satisfaction, Buller, Mi»s Camouflage. Glensponse, Palamon,, General Advance, Silver Peak and Killowen. SOUTHLAND STEEPLECHASE, of 4CO sovs; about three miles—Zarkoma, Silverspire. Magdala. Palladio, Dunmure. Barrister. Lawsuit, Hard Hit, Glcnisla. Moon glow, Aohilleus, Red Ttape, Rockhampton, Manawapango, Lifebuoy. St Cletus, Wicklow, Miss Trixie. Sir Medallist and Staff Officer. SOUTHLAND CUP, of COD sovs; one mile and a quarter -Castellan, Mazanaa, Bengeroop. Glensliine, ivilkee, Mandrake. Thacldeus. Filigree, Linden., Twinkle, RorkeA Drill. Marching Order. Jock. Mettle Drife, Miss Muriel, Tin Soldier. Eieus and Radial. INVERCARGILL TROT (in harness), of 175 sovs; one mile and a half—St Mihiel, Eokmond. Hylas, Vitalia. Kelvin Wilks, Jobu Wilks, Seaward Spot, Oakland, Kola Bell, Fashion Plate, Little Joan. Guy Wild, Lady Joffre, Polyanthus, Greenhorn, Myrtle Alac, Walroon, Thea, Greek Bank. Harold 'Vet, Acacia, Lady Linton, Kentucky Wood, Lady Adonis, Lady Prince, Tommy ’ Direct, Princess Alert and Ardlussa.. DISPOSAL STAKES, of 130 sovs; six furlongs—Bonnv Mac, Kokowai, Bptanist, Lady Links, Moneymusk. P-allah. Jock. Orange Bitters. Awehou. Barley Riga: Red Glenhoupai, Mirza, Ladv' Knight, and Staff Officer. TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP, of ‘250 sovs; one mile—Castellan. Manama. Glensliine, Kilkee. Mandrake. Golden King, Marianne. Thaddeus, Satisfaction, Linden. Twinkle Marching Order. Miss Camouflage. Awabou, Corn Rigs. Etta. Palamon, General Advance. Miss Muriel, Borodino, Merc Anthony and All Ready. SECOND DAT. MY ROSS BUSH WELTER HANDICAP, of 150 sovs: seven furlongs—Bonnv Mac, Oaterman, Red Pol. Kokowai, Lady Links, Rucna. Sembrio. Blue Admiral, Wild Night. Sunlit. Moneymusk, Glenlruin, Samun, Royal Admiral, Killory. Ballouna, Mettle Drift, Pita. Soldier's Pride. Glcnhonoai. Mantua. Mirza, Orange Bitters, Sartolite, Bright Spot and Ladv Winstone NEW RIVER TROT HANDICAP (in harnesfd. of 200 sovs; two miles —Silver Shoe. Gladiola. Country Queen, Oaknul. Seaward Spot, The Sheik. M'Gratb. Cross Battery, Nightcaps. First Toll, Ladv Wild. Tahiti. Malice, Russian Maid, Harold's Treasure. Sobriquet, Thea, Wakanui. I-'nll Crr. Petcrvilie. Hectdale. Nellie Scott, Salome, Solace and Princess Aim. PRESIDENT’S HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; six furlongs—Red Pal, Redshire, Golden King, Filigree. Order Down, Satisfaction, Buller, Mins Camouflage, Borodino. Glensponse. Palamon, Miss Muriel, Silver Peak, Orange Bitters and Killowen. INVERCARGILL STEEPLECHASE, of 300 sovs; about two miles end n half— Zarkoma. Silverspire, Magdala, Palladio, Dunmure, Barrister, Lawsuit, Hard Hit, G lenisla, Moonglow. Aohilleus, Red Tape, Rockhampton. Gasr.a Mann wapango. Lifebuoy. St Cletus, Wicklow, Miss Trixie, Sir Medallist and Staff Officer. AWARUA HANniCAP, of 400 sots, one mile and a. distance- Castellan, -Uazama, Bevlgeroop, Glensliine, .Kilkee, Mandrake, Marianne, I'hadde'us. Filigree, J.inden, Tr. inkie, Rorke's Itriit. Marching Order, lock. Mettle Ilrift. General Advance, Misa .Muriel. Tin Soldier Eieus and Radial. BLUFF HANDICAP, nf 150 sovs; one mile—Bonny Mae, Osterman, Blue Admiral. Night Alarm. Samun, Rove i Admiral. Flag T.ieu tenant. .Wattle l>rift. Elia. Corn Rigs Red Eagle. Linton. Roserlav and Sartolite: DASH TROT HANDICAP (in saddle! of 170 sovs; one mile—General -loffre. Papeete. Hinanray, Hvl»a, .lobn Wilks, Hectoroo Oaknut, Fashion Wat*, M'Conachie, Little Joan, Gny Wild. J.ady Joffre. Miss O’Neil! Lady Msrvj.r. Dandy Dragoim. Greenhorn’ Narcotic, Kaloon. Until, Rothbell, Maile,' Greek Bank, Noore Chimes, .Eppie Adair Greenstripe, Acacia. Spotsivood, Major nectar. Douglas Wilks. Ladv Linton, Siesta Kentucky Wood. Irish Imp, Lady Prince! Bell WJlUce”' BrOW " °" ! ’ Eoth,tar and WINTER OATS HANDICAP, of 200 sovs „„e mile—Castellan Maaama, Glenshtne’, Kilkee, Manarake, Golden King, Botanist, Marianne, .tlladdeus. Order Down, SatiefacMa rching Order, Miss tamouflagi;. Borodino. Awahou Palamon C?rn Rms. Barley Rigs, General Advance m airi Linton. Silver Peak. Marc Anthony and All Ready.

ACCEPTANCES. NORTH OTAGO JOCKEY CLUB. [Pkr Pkisss Association 1 , OAMARU, February 15. ceit-ed' — llOWlng R cceptaucea have been reAUTUMN HURDLE HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; one nrtje and three-quarters—Barrister M „ sndr S ke 9st 51b ' Vice-Regal 3st olb. Galina 9st 21b, Mooavlo v 9st ALDERSYDE HANDICAP of 350 sovs six furlongs—Killala Sat 101 b, All British Bst a l ,’ Lu nl T° rm e st Sat 21b. Starlike Bst lib. Jazz Bst i.-h, Ktibarry Sat till Filigree Tat 311 b Catnbrae 7st 101 b. Sunlit. 7st 7> fa j, Bonny Atac 7at 71b. Bothnia 7at 21b Palladium ist 21b, Footlights 7st, Ostermaii Get 331 b. NORTH OTAGO CUP, of 400 sovs- seven furlongs—Radial lOst, Killowen Bst Ulb C ° rner^-? t 81b - Linden fist 41b. Kilkee 7st 81b, Corn R l ga 6st 121 b. Relish-ire 6st 9lb, J hestius Sat 7lb, Miss Camouflage Sst 71b APPRENTICES' PLATE, of 150 sovs; six furlongs (weight 7st>—Chinatown,. Blazes, Paddy's Hope, Sherlock. Little Sister. Brownie, San Salvador, Necessity, Jeater, Merry Hope, Judy Abbot, WJiiplock, Golden JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 150 bots; five furlongs—Kilfane 83t Ulb, Songbird Bst 41b, KilcuJlcr 7st 131 b. Dame Fortune 7st olb. Janus 6st ill’o, Calibration 6st Ulb. BELFTELD WELTER HANDICAP, of -300 sovs_. one mile —Palamon 9st lllb. All Ready Sst olb, Meleo 9st slb, General Advance 9st 51b, Thaddeup 9st 3 lb. Glenshine Sst 13lb, Miss Muriel Bst 331 b, Tirang.t 3st 301 b. Cave Rock Bst 91b, Barley Rigs Sst 31b, Revolution 7st, 71b GRANGE HANDICAP, of 150 pot*: one mile and a quarter—Etta 9st 21 b. Cannio Jack Bst 91b. Kokowai Bat lib. Whipcord Bst 3 lb. Ruddy Gold Set lib, Night Alarm 7st 131 b, Charleroi 7st 7lb, Vice-Regal 7st 51b, Chinatown 7st. FLYJNfr HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; six furlongs—Killowen 9st 21b, Will Oakland Sst 311 b. Palamon Sst. Miss Muriel lllb. Redshire 7st 91b, Orange Bitters Tat, Barley Rigs Gat 91b, Theatius 6erfc 71b.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16353, 16 February 1921, Page 3

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RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16353, 16 February 1921, Page 3

RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16353, 16 February 1921, Page 3