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(By "ARGUS.'’)

FIXTURES, jleccmber-27—Ashburton Trotting Club. December 37—Gore Trotting Club December 27, 23—Dunedin jockey Club, 'December 27, 28—Westland Racing Club. December 27, 28—Westport Trotting Club, ■ December 27, 28—Taranaki Jockey Club, i December 37, 28, 30—Manawatu Racing Club. •December 37, 20, January 1, 3—Auckland | Racing Club, I December 28, 30. 31—Auckland Trotting Club. December 30, January 1, 4—Greymouth Jockey ; Club, December 31; January 3—Qreymouth Trotting 1 Club. J January I—Wyndharn" Racing Club. ■ January 1, 3—Canterbury Park Trotting' Club. ’January 1, B—Waitarnpa Racing Club. I January 1, B—Stratford Racing Club ! January 1, 3—Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club. !January 7, B—Reef ton Jockey Club. January 10—Inangalma Trotting Club, L HANDICAPS. Jockey Club, .January J—Reefton Jockey Club. January s—• Trotting Club. ACCEPTANCES. 'December23—W-airarapa Racing Club December 23—Canterbury park Trotting Club. December 2J—Greymouth Jockey Club, w&auwy s—Jockey Club.

ACCIDENT FUND. • There lias been evidence lately to show that some owners do not fully realise their obligations under that part of tho Rules of Racing which deals with ' tli© accident fund. The wording of the’ rules boaring on this subject is Very clear. One of them reads as follows “ Before any horso shall bo ' weighed out) for any raw to be run at any rate meeting at which tho totalisa,tor is used, there shall bo paid in respect of stick horse, for or on behalf of:the owner thereof, to the secretary uf the Conference by way of annual rantributloft to the general trust funds, I iho fee of top shillings, or such other r amount as may'he fixed from time to ''time b(y the* Coherence, and such horse (tuny thtfwalWhe weighed out for and trim in thttt other race during {the ouwonb raci% year (unless other- \ wiso disqualifrcdyj 1 ’ Further on there fls prarifrkmfht? payment of buying made to the seorotary of a racing olub, and, of a receipt „,t;{or the fee ij> sufficient to entitle a JiQttjp to be wj|lj|sfed but, Unless the newkntt fee fc jbeop paid, no horsa jlshall tie put for any jrace, and the rt/le .(hen geos on:—“ If htfrso htfrso weigh dfit-' ‘in contravention *of this rule, fife owner shall bo fined Jiy tba general a. sum hot Mesa than 411 nth? ntore than $5, the jjhorsa shalilhe dfeqtmlSfied for'"the’race, |and the ■ oijjfclsj: through whoso neglect .'the horse has been weighed out shall \bo liable to be finstf by the stewards ’or committee in a sum of not more \ til an £js.’ 1 There have been several ,cases tnisi.aoaaon in which horses have s,been flowed to start in contravention ,of this rule,, and it hag become ap- : |piw©nt that many owners ijr© very cave.lew. Tho whole position is very clear, mo far ns the owner is concerned, and •If he should sloth before 'the accident fee is paid hip hpwe becomes automatically disqualified for the race. This ~x would mot bp a serious- matter in the tease of a beaten but it would \involvin‘h substeotM monetary penalty tho rase of a runner. Apart from {the careleesftees of tho owner, however, there is direct evidence of neglect on Uho part of mav. official of tho dub if (H horse (a allowed to go out fora race i without the accident, fee being paid. I’ifio rule sta&ij' v«#y definitely that 'no hotje shall ho permitted to weigh iout for any ramurdcss either his rndmo jap poors in the fist of qualified horses, jrs notified in the Official Calendar, or 1 there he produced «. receipt for the fee (payable in respect thereof signed by the secretary of the Conference, or the ;secretary of the chib bolding the race ■ meeting, or by some other person duly -authorised'by him, !i>-would assist to ‘keep club officials up to their duties if tha tight , of imposing the penalty .far breach of tlris' rttfe was vested in fthe Conference and was regularly ini'poaed. Op the eve of the holiday meet’.ings, the time seems particularly opportune for 1 directing attention to the rules jbearing on ■;this subject.

Nominations for the Cheviot Racing Oluh’a meeting will dose at nine o’clock itlns evening, at the secretary's office, ( ,Cashel >treel, Cliristchurch.

Ihe Hjoonrton tracks have now assumed the quiet' 'appearance which usually charolerises them during the (•Chnstanns and New Year holiday ac.a‘?on, when most of Die trainers are absent with their teams, assisting at race meetings- in various parts of the. Dof minion. The last of the horses for the wuthern circuit left this morning, many of those intended for tho i West Coast meetings hare also left It-beir home quarters. > > _ I, edition of the New Zcai p*!, Turf for the .early part «T the seaion has mads its appearance»U covers the results of the galloping meetings to December 2 ,aml 'of tho trotting meetings to December i. The (,J°, 3 ,s°Lons are kept sepfurate. each .with its own index, just as in the. case pnbhcntion which covers the vWholo of the season’s racing, Coming mu thieve of the holidays, 'when them \Wlll bo iu in all the T)oTjiininn, little Wll }. to . & I J cciall.y welcomed by Ifcportfng enthusiasts who niav desire to Ureep themselyes abreast of the latest b ° ok ’S-published by Urn jOhTjffiiMjutt'oh f ress Company, ..and, as suaJ,, )fa is '.neat .prodcictio'u.' I\ i

J, tiro well representw Acceptances for the jtodHam meeting, on Now Year’* peatcisty^.s..^

f tta»4Be tea acceptors for the rfU*J-WrWyndhnm. This is Vtine. field numerically, but thev pro good class lot. Resurrected v«trerana and cripples figure prominently. 1

i The ancient Awahou wan bleeding after a gallop at Invercargill on TucaThe Mahaki gelding has 'Hu. jqnmtly been troubled'in this wav.

i,The fire-year-old trottin" mare, Ro-.-. Peters, by ?cte.rpta.....r!iwe Fb-Vt. for. 9uetly owned by Mr W. s. Wooitnn. «i ~ aj ?f r l u i has 'been purchased to Ah (i. yC. BobmsoQ. - ■ i.

Tho speedy pacer, Lord Minto. has been parchasocl by Mr F. Johnston. if 3 ’ r an £ 10 ia ncnv being trained by J. Brvco.

I.he Champion Handicap, the principal event at the Canterbury Park Trotting Club s meeting, looks like attracting one of the best fields-got together lor a race on this course.

, T Cowards’s four horses, Homem n TT Avenue, Sir Henry and Diul Smith, have gone north for the Auckland Trotting Club’s meeting. In consequence of their trainer’s ill health, A. Hendrickson will do thei driving-

Flie thrce-yqar-old trotting filly, Carolina, is ou her way to .Auckland, to race at the Auckland Trotting Club’a meeting. Mr T. G. Fox’s filly ig a very promising trotter, and the racing experience gained on this trip should benefit her when sho tackles tho New Zealand Trotting .Stakes at the Forbury. Park-Trotting Club’s meeting in February.

The Southland gelding, Almoner, bus been freely backed for the Otago Handicap, chiefly in combination with. Redshire for the Federal Handicap.

With lOst 01b to carry, Rational is set a great task iu the Juvenile Handicap at Marten. The distance ia only half a mile, however, and experience has proved that a good two-year-old can give away almost unlimited weight to moderates.

Starland Trill bo hard to beat in tho Auckland Cup. Tho two-milo journey is a good deal longer than anything bo has yet tackled, but there is no reason to doubt his staying ability.

Tho South Canterbury-trained pacer, Royal Step, is reported to be going on well in his preparation for the Auckland Trotting Cup. He is a solid customer, who has been unlucky in recent races.

V The hard pulling Post© Haste darted away from the sis furlong mark on tho Southland Racing Club’s pinner grass circuit on Tuesday morning, and almost immediately broke a blood vessel, as he was noticed to be spraying the red fluid as be ran past the five fUl'tong post. A little further on, writes “Sir Mocked,’ ’ jockey S. Gibbs became aware that something was wrong hut could not pull up his headstrong and ungainly-actioned mount. The chestnut was staggering at the Imlf-mil© pole, and, before another furlong had been cast behind, he pitched forward, a dead horse. . Gibbs got a nasty fall, arid his injuries were presently discovered to include a broken right collarbone and a number of painful braises. Tno injured horseman was assisted by the* caretaker, aud at once conveyed to town for medical treatment. Tho accident is a. very unfortunate one for R. Berry’s head jockey, as the mishap q;ill keep him out of the saddle during the busiest and most profitable part of the scareu. Rost Haste was trained by J. Fankhurst for Mr H. Raines. Tho aged son of San Francisco and Fleetfoot, who was bred by Hli George Clifford, wa® a fast galloper and won a fair amount of money during the early days of his racing career, but subsequent attacks of bleeding and. extravagant action that wmfld not permit of him negotiating turns in anything like a satisfactory manner, seriously reduced his value as a, racehorse, while his widely swung front limbs were always a source of danger to other horses in a closely packed field ■ at tho bends.


ELLESMERE TROTTING CLUB. There was a, very large attendance or members at the animal meeting of the Ellesmere County Trotting Uub, winch was held in the AgricnU tural and Pastoral roonvj-ttt Leeston, on Monday evening. Tho president, Mr P. Delargey, was in the chair. Uiei secretary, Mr E. E. Kesteven. !!l a m)r l ir 1 TCI - 0 , rl 'V whicll sholv ’ ccl a credit ot jU6 16s od. In mowing the adoption 01. the report and balance-sheet, the i president said that the club was in a v ei’y satisfactory position. The following office-bearers were electedration, the Hon Sir Heaton Rhoden; president, Mr P. Delwev vice-presidents, Messrs L. M’Gill ° J ']■ H. Prosser, W. J. Lemon, A. Quigley, M. vScoU,, R. T. M’Mill»n, W, J. Doyle, H. .Johnston, R, Patterson, and ,W. I.ochhead; honorary treasurer, Mr S. Johnston; secretary, !.. i iwi G6te y en ; htm, wai7 .judge, ‘ Eickaon; timekeepers, Messrs E. Uurkson and W. S. Mitchell; handicapJ, r C._ Thomas; dork of course, ?[ r 3• * ottingham; clerk of acales. Mr W. Scott; starter, Mr H. Reynolds; honorary veterinary surgeon, Mr V Inylor, Ik.R.C.V.S.; honorary surgeon! ■ n j“V nomtniifc6j Messrs ’ ’ 1 • M J. P. Free, H. Card■T'wA hj R. M’Clure, S. R. M. Robertson, P. Ro'voll, R. T. Buchanan, T. Q Harrwr V H Abbott J G.’ Rennie, A^t MLvody, lv G TV right, G. Nairn, E. P Prosser L. Prosser, J. M’Hraith, w. 11. Jackman, (J. Ridden, R„ WalUm’ K ' ami TV. C. Shii-

The following now members w ei« elected-:—Messrs A. Boyce, M. Kellv llarton; Morgan, Borlin’, D. Millar a! Lrey P. Jones, B. Brough, Tlmtefiard H-iHi W , Bolihu. Officers for the ensuiog year were appointed. In moving the re-election of Mr F. hj, ivesteven as secretarv, Mr J H. ITossm- paid a tribute to the thorough! Ufess with which he carried out Tiis duties m connection with the. club’s inaugural mooting. Mr S. Johnston suggested that the oo m nut tee should raise tho stalms ■tor next race -meeting. Ho had no donbu that the club would get all the sup-port necessarv.

The_ president said that in raisin* the stakes the club would hare to *o coretulLy.

Vive members at tho meeting ospresspd their willingness to contribute to the cost of n, cup, valued at twontvtive guineas, to he added to the Eliosmere Handicap, The donors were warmly thanked by the president for their otter, I


(Special to (he “ Star’’) X AFTER, December 22. •). IT. Jdfml’s team for Auckland pas up to its original strength after all. Tigritiya., Gasbag, Humbug, Chryrostom. Cariratnre. Grotesque aiicl Landbird comprising the lot. It would not hr surprising to tinrl Humbug ibts biggest stake win tier of the, team. ~

George Jones took only a brace of tv/o-ycar-obb, Monain anil Poet, to Auckland. The. former t-hould retain his unbeaten certificate as far ns two- ‘ r.a rare- a re. concerned, but Poet has yet to prove himself a good one. : These t ivo juveniles and Heather «?pri>; v.euc by steamer. His stable 'rmrm-tion:- expect Heather Sprig to >.,;n ,i b-Jeri- he returns.

it "■ rep'.'; 1 i"l i-iuc 'be Australian ! '.u.■■■:■•a. iuv.V-n. n ib not. .nrrivf, in lime feu v!.c opening -m, () jr t - lt .

Auckland meeting, in which- case ansther rider Trill have to bo found for First Salute in the Auckland Cup. Tapaint and Warpath will both race at Manawatu and then return to Hastings for the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Clnb’a summer meeting. If started, Maioba should be hard to beat in the mile race at Ellerslie on Boxing Bay. Weird is engaged in six oat of the eight events at l?orangnhsu on Boxing Bay. Perhaps the owner missed the nomination for the other two events, ft _ would certainly bo weird if tho animal named won tho whole six races.


(Special to the “Star.’*) LONDON, October 28. This lias been a blank week for racing, and the suspension has entailed the abandonment of the Cambridgeshire, When it was seen that there was no likelihood of an immediate settlement of the coal strike, tho Jockey Club, at tho. request of the Government, announced that the Newmarket meeting would not be held. At tho present time the prospect cf a resumption of racing is uncertain. No at-tempt-will he made to carry on until the miners return to work, or at any rate until they agree to do so. At the time of writing an unexpected liitoh has occurred in the negotiations between the ■ miners and the GovernntenC 'and whereas yesterday if, was anticipated that the strike would bo settled and that racing would begin afresh next week, now it is uncertain whether it will 1 be possible to carry out the programmes arranged. Naturally the abandonment of the Cambridgeshire has caused great disappointment, particularly to those who had a " live,” double. Bracket had been coupled with Cambridgeshire can* didates to win orc-r £IOO,OOO. Now alt these bets are off. On the ether hand, . the banker who had lost_ cm the CaasarswVfcch- is now reliere/rTif all responsibility as to his double. I understand, however, that from a financial point of view the bookmakers will gain .rather than lose by the cancellation of the Wee. Uhlea? an outsider .had coipe up to win the Cambridgeshire they would have been very badly hit bv ■double wagers.


■MABrOJT TOCKEY CLUB. [Per Press Association.] MIARTON, December 32. The following acceptances bars been, received;—

HURDLE HANDICAP, of 360 sovs; one mile and a half-Swcct Tipperary 10st nib, Vjgilo lOst 10lb, Eyaia 10ft 10lb, Coolpaa Wat 31b, 9st Sib. Whetoko Sot Blb, Sail Home Set. Blb, Diok 9at Alb, AVliizs Bang Ost 41b. Nicomnr Set 41b, Htitawa 9at 3lb, Bolter Luck Sst 2lb. Combustion Sat, Desire 9st, Chummy 9st. G-oolwa Sat, BotnMla Gat, Achilleon Sat, Merry Polo 9st, Ha> zlrlp. Sat, Romauoo Ost.

DASH HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sovs: five ftulonga—Admyra Set 4lb, Canzonet Sat 01b, Canyon, Bst 81b, Barleycorn Sat 7lb, Marble. Bar Bst 71b, Automoana Bst 6lb, Saraaraue Sal. alb, Jifilitaire "at ,111b. Hlrkie Tst'Slb, Hallo l ,vroz Tst Sib, Spore Moment 7st Sib, Mantra Tst slb, Celraisk Tat 41b, Tohouhou filly Tst 21b, Darky Tom (iato Euclestoa) Tst 21b, Waimnhoe Tst, Havana Tst, Lady Glissas Tst, Lord Usk Tst,- Golden Vi Tst, Ivuia Tst. ViiKlkilive Tab. Penalty Tst, Transmission Tat, Super Six Tat, Tiora Tst, Lord Ashloa Tst, Mead Tat, SlroTran Tst, Top Dog Tst.

.nrVMXILK -HANDICAP, of 2oP govs; four furlongs—Rational lost Sib. Tommy Pot Bat 71b, Prince Ee.rour, 8sl; lib, Princess Pat Tst 10lb, Tamateio Tst Tib. Roman Tst 41b, Panache Tst lib, Bunny Vale Tst 41b, GovKaron Tst 41b, Kktbavina vr.t 4lb, Bonny Bill Tst 41b, Piffle Tst 2lb, Sleeping Beauty Tst Mb.

MARION CUP, of 700 rovs: one mils and » quarter—lma,ribbon Sat, Molyneux. Sst 01b, Nobleman 'Sst 71b, Afiectation oA Sib, TamoF°x Sst 51b, Clefs Set lib, Punka. vert 111b, Roctfielrl 7st 101b, Rouen 7at 101b, Bo Poop Tat 10lb, Jutland 7et fllb. Omahau 7si (lib, Idle Talk Tst Gib, Voluble 7st 3lb, Moutoa Ivanova Tst 3lb, Borealis 7st 21b, Paonui 7sf, Eailand 7et. To Arc "ft. LADIES’_ BRACELET HANDICAP, oi 135 «ovs; eight furlongs end a half—Pavilion list 13 lb, Mat took Hal 1311), Wapping list 61b, Festival list lib, Lonkson list, Esngipoto lOel 13lb, Pawerewcro lOst IJib, H&utavra lOst fllb, IConepuru 10st 7lb, Tuiakino. 10at 71.1), Orizot lOst Tib, Lori Ashles. lOst Tib, War Loan Mat Tib, Not a Wedo lOst 7lb, Pomegranate Mat 71b. Paul icon Itel Tib, Malabo lOst 71b, Rovo-1 Gift lOst 71b. RAILWAY HANDICAP, of 400 bovs; sis furlongs—Parisian Diamond 9st 21b, Waimatoa Sst 13lb, Rouen Sst fllb, Nursing Sister Sst Sib, Inah Bst 7!b, Solfanello Set 41b, Sweet Coni Sst 31K Simonides Tst, 121b, Blackmail Tst 01b, Kinscm 7st 3lb, Admyra 7st Sib, Bonny Brier 7sl lib. Namur 7st, Strategy 7ft, Marble Bar 7st, Parifona 7st ’ NEW YEAR HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sova; seven furlongs—Adtnyrs- Sst 2]b, Flight Commander Sst 111b, Active Sst fllb, Princ* Hal Bst 81b, American Beauty Oat Sib, Beloved Sst 21b. War Bar Bst.‘ Yankee Dae Tst 131b. Sweet Song Tst 121b, Minsk Tst 111b, Black Mark 7st- lUb, All OotiV-a Tst 111b, Miiitairo Tst 10lb, Festivity 7st 63b, Miss Love Tst lilb, Stutter -Tst Jib, Miss Eloa 7et 21b, Equitable Tst 2lb, Meny Queen Tot 2lb. Siberian 7at 21b, Sling Camp Tst, Transmission Ist, Knia Tot, Goolwa, 7st, Lady Lucullna Tst, Prudent Lnd Tst, Bello o’ the Camp Tst. Absurdity 7st. Mead 7at, Hallowell Tst, Passenger Tst, La Paloma Tst,

STEWARDS’ WET,TER HANDICAP, of 300 sovn; neven furlong's—Asterins flat 71b, Rockfleld flat olb, Simonides Oat 4lb, Omaha Dot lib. Mbutoii Ivanova, Sst- 121b, Borealis Sst, 121b, Rose Queen Sst Sib. Six Fanciful Sst 7lb, Huiry Up Sst Sib, To Oro Sat 2lb, Kiplinj Set Tb, W'r.r Baby Sst.

WYNDHAM RACING CLUB. [Ulr rnsas associaho.s.j INVERCARGILL, December 22. Tbe folloviug acceptn.ncub have,been received;—

NEW YEAH HURDLE HANDICAP, of 20U joys; ouo unlo and live furlougs—Compulsion list. Bamatei: lOst Olb, Awahou flat 1311’, .Mandrake Ost IStb, Achilleua -ost Sib, Calma Ost Gib, Stall Officer list, 51b, Good mart Oft, Moonglow Ost, Red Tape Ost. TRIAL ELATE, of 120 -:ovs; live ttirlonga —Breton Sal, !3lb, Hard Cash Sst, J2lb, Frenchman Sst 12lb, Lady Xniqht 3:4. 101b, Cluthikln S«?t Sib, Killory Sst 71b, Adraiial Fisher Bst, olb. Glcntoiiin Bst Olb, lierljert Sst Olb, Rady Liliaslul Bsl, 51b, Markillo, Sst, 51b, Mocis.ka Sst- Sib. Rockhampton Sat 51b, Koval' .Admiral Sst 51b, Strowsnd Bst olb.

VICTORY TROT HANDICAP (in harness). of 300 so'.’:-; one mi to and a, bill! Daik Rosino limit. Downca-st limit, Oakiu! limit, Outcast limit. Petfitnist. limit, Colchester 12yds bbd. John Richmond 12yds, Kentncky Wood 24yds, Haile 24yds, Sothbell 2lvda, St Mihtei 7 lyds. .

"\VV NDHAM CUP, of W0 sov 3 ; one mile and .i quaiter—Elsufs f?t Gib. Almoner BsD 51b, Uengoroop Bst.3lb,- Satisfaction Sst olb Kiikee Bsl, Killowen Tst ,121b, Tin Ifeldicr 7st 91b, Melee 7rt 71 b, Thaddons "st 71b, Jock 7sl 51b, Linden 7?,t 51b, Afals.jra. 7;t. Tib, Tvinkio Tst, C-lc.n.-hino 7s>t, Rod Admiral fat 12!b, Hineinaru Got 91R, Sunny Looii 6-.t 7Jb Alisa Muriel 6?t Tib.

J-miIHAU HACK HANDICAP, of 150 sots; six. furlong?— CaUscb m loJb. Corn Kigs Silt 51b, Roniform ft?l 51b, filigree fint H'i, Sunlit "si 111b. Jazz T«i !)]b, Miuitua 7st sfti, Ostcrmau 7sl 01b, Bothnia 7si fill), Blue Admiral 7st Tib, Wild Night 7bl. 71b, Hard Cash Tat 61b, nwrosohful 7ft 51b. Dadv Pallas Tat 51b, Kokowat 7s t 61b, Flag Lieutenflßt Ist alb, Clothilda 7st, I'fdr.SIDLX C t HANDICAP, of OCO sovsj six furlong?— Almoner Bst. I.SSIb, Satisfaction fiat 171b, Fuller Sat 9lb, Kilkoo fist Blb, KilIcww. Ssl Sib, Kilbrogaii fist 21V. Bokolaine 7at 101b, Algldns "at 101b, Borodino 7st 101b, CavenJek Tat slb, LVdshits Vat, Helicon Cat■filb, Fyjams. 6st ISlb, Link Up Cat 13liv, Bothnia, fist !Cib, Ordcrdown 6st gib inOGERS* TKOT HANDICAP (in saddhl, of 15') sovs; one inilo—Donaido limit, Eppin Adr„ir limit, Fnrhion Plato limit, jfoor Chimes limit. M-n-vcada-lc limit, Polygon limit, Peasimist Clyd-s bird. Qnickmtcb 2!yd?, Vitalia 2-! yd?. Lord Itobeby fifiycls, Kentucky Wood -ISyds, Biaok Harold 72yde! Evening Chimes Siycit.

VISITORS’ HACK HANDICAP, of iso sovv® one mile—Abidu? OH, .Machine Order !M, Mcttlu Drift fist. 71b. Corn Kies g- ; r, ,'lb, t'H \ 3tb. Alazmua OH Jib, Atii r.n. 7.-,( gp.' NijJit T?t 7lb, Best mi 7st. Tib, Ladv ' 7 2 l sib, Kokowai Tsl Sib. AVhincord

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 16307, 23 December 1920, Page 3

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RACING AND TROTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16307, 23 December 1920, Page 3

RACING AND TROTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 16307, 23 December 1920, Page 3