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FIXTURES. September 23,* 24—Ashburton County Racing Club, September 28*25 Jockey Club. September 23, 29—Avondale Jockey Club. September 27, 28—Otaki Maori Racing Club., September 30, October I— Geraldine' Racing ’ Club,

(By “ ARGUS,'’)

Nominations for tho New Zealand Metropolitan, Trotting Club’s November meeting tvill close at noon on Wednesday, S’. D. Jobes will leave to-night for Wanganui, taking Amythas, Smoke and the ; two-year-old gelding Humboldt. I'ho following penalties hare been incurred for the Ashburton meeting, on account of wins at Amberley:—Hurdle Handicap, Strayshot JOIb; Braemar welter, Handicap. High Heels 6lb; Ashburton County Handicap, High Heels 101b; Hack Handicap, Fabrinado 101b; Hack 'Welter Handicap, Nautical 101b. After the Amberley Cup on Saturday the. cup which accompanied the stake was handed over by Mr G. B. Starky to Mr T. Sheenan, the owner and ' Gainer of Nautical. Mr Sheenan, in reply, mentioned that he had raced on. the Apiherky course .more than forty years ago, when it was in a very rough state. He added that ho was particularly 'pleased, to win, as he would ho leaving very soon to take up his residence in tho North Island, after spending a lengthy period in Canterbury. Wirraway, who won the Rosohill Guineas on Saturday, did a fair amount of racing as a two-year-old. Ho only ' won ono handicap, but ho was placed • on other occasions, and he was purchased by his present owner in the autumn at a big figure, in the expectation that he would develop into a good performer. October, the sire of Wirraway, is an imported horse by Rock Sand .from Octoroon, by Hastings from Ortegal (sister in blood to Martagon, Ormond© and Ornament, the last-named the dam of Sceptro and) Collar), by Bond sOr from.Lizzie Agues. ihe vvin of Finmark In the Rosehill Handicap on Saturday marks the first success of the New Zealand-bred horse since Faster of last year, whon'he cap- , tured the Australian Jockey Club’s St , Bcgor. He did a .little racing last spring, but since then he has been in retirement. For some time past he has been spoken of as likely to play ri, leading part in some of the big spring handicaps in Australia, and Saturday’s performance will draw’ further attention to shis .prospects. -v , ■ . ■ \ \ H 1 SPRING RACING, V’' j AMBERLEY MEETING, f The Amberley Racing Club’s meetiug ,Jvas* held on' Saturday,' marking the ' f opening of another fiat racing season, l in the South. Island, Doleful predic- . » ttonsi were offered on the appearance of 'tno nominations, which wero disappointingly small, and even alter highly ■ tatisfactory acceptances tho outlook did not appear particularly bright, with the .list swelled by a number of horses , ’.with, dual engagements'. Tho results .exceeded expectations, Saturday’s - fix-; ture proving highly successful in every .way. Scratchinga were rare, so that the fields worked out well, the smallest , containing five competitors. A, number of horses started twice, -and-in most cases they raced well the second time out. ■ Taken all round, the, day)s - .sport was very , interesting, there being a, succession of close finishes. The weather was. dull/in the morning but it cleared later, and the racing was got through in pleasant conditions. Though the meeting passed off so successfully, W is doubtful if the club has secured the most suitable date. The dub is largely dependent on Riccarton horses, for whom there is plenty of spring .racing, and better results might accrue if it was decided to race in the autumn. , ( With Mi; ff 7 0. Cothor as secretary, ’ the meeting ‘was well managed in all ( departments, Mr ,R. H,' Skipwith, who, is not often seen in the South ■ Island,,,was-the starter, and Tils work, excellent. • irjiere were six starters for the hurdle ((•ace, Bombproof. Mannish and Strayshot being hacked in that order. These ■ three #and Warfonu provided a good (race for a mile, but over the last bit there were only two in it. Strayshot had an advantage turning for home, .and this enabled her to beat Bombproof by a narrow margin, i ■ Strayshot has done a lot of racing, ,hut “-ip till now she has been a big .disappqintmcnb. She is a good jump*' or, however, and though, never likely ■to ;read i high class, alio should wijj more hurdle races this season over jthort courses. Bombproof showed ‘better jumping : than in some; earlier races, but there is idiU-room fob improvement, and when I that comes 'ho mil win in good comfpiiny. | Mannish 'went well For over a mile, (and he looks a, likely winner very soon VVarlbrpi in tho front division till about half a. mile From home, hut ho does not look such a good prospect. J Good Hope jumped badly, while Glen- \ tanner nearly lost Jus rider at tho j second obstacle, after which ho was i not dangerous, 1 Adopted and Smoke were the popular picks for the Trial Plate, Silk Lace \ and. .lo Anau Maid being the only / otfaeia who came in for much support. Smoke jumped out, smartly, followed oy’ Adopted, arid none of the others ever seriously troubled this pair \ Smoke was doing his best, when thev | reached the straight, hut Adopted did \ not finish well, and Smoke beat him comfortably. Smoke, who is a throe--.vean-old by .Bonitom from Big Blast is a speedy customer but not likely to 1 shine except as a sprinter! 1 Adopted lias so tar proved expensive i {n bta admirers, as ho has been backed I more than once, and ii o appears to bo i only a. moderate. ;■ y elkovo, a Jialf-brother to Mate. W.lmny, began slowly, but ho was'run j mug on well at the end. ! Silk Lace gave a highly attractive I perlormauoc. She was badly left at ; the start bui finished with a brilliant | run. It looked as if she would have won had she got off, decently, ami slio should pick up a, slake very' soon To Anau Maid and War Cry showed pace for nearly 'half a mile, and tlieii ’ faded out. Bb'th should do better later jon. Orange Mart had her chance settled 1 by a slow start, as she lost a lot of i gran mb A field of thirteen contested the ' Kowai Trot Handicap, Lord Clan,"War | Bond and Wandering Willie being j backed in that order. All three ran j well, and with Mopey they provided a | fine contest, which culminated in an ' exciting finish, ■ ■ ■! Lord Clan was in fourth place at the • hms turn, hut hs had hseu patiently jaw,, ana hs lud

more in reserve than the others when it came to a iinal run in the straight. He paced a sound race all through, and though he is never likely to take high honours,. he should win more money this season, Mopey went a good race, and just gained second place from Wandering Willie, who might have stayed on better had less use been made of him in the early stages, '■War Bond was another who just failed when the final struggle was on hand, after being prominent all the way. There were five starters for the Amberley Cup, Warlike being a strong favourite, with Nautical the only other backed with any confidence. These two had the raoo to themselves over the final ntages and Nautical gaining an advantage before the straight was reached, won comfortably. Tho win was popular, as those of the veteran, T, Sheenan, usually are. Nautical owed his, success to _nn advantage he gained before the straight was reached. Warlike was set too big a. task in trying to concede a- start over the last furlong. He does nob appear to stay so well as he did last season, Chaeronia began slowly, and though she was finishing on well in third place, she was a long way hack, ft was not an attractive Cup trial. Daytime hopped out smartly and set a strong pace, hut ho was in trouble before the home turn. x —^ Marc Anthony tailed off early and ho appears to lie a light of other days. In a/field of eleven for the Hack Handicap, Fabrinado was a hot favourite and lio duly won from Greekson, who was second choice. It was, however, anything but an attractive effort. Turning for home Fabrinade was out clear, going easily, and it seemed only a question how much his rider wanted to win by. When tackled, by Greekson tho favourite put, up a poor fight, ami he onlv struggled homo by a bead. The conditions will always have to bo easy for Fabrinado. Greekson ran a decent race, and bo may pick up a stake before' his kJwner loaves for tho North Island. J Malaga got off badly hut ho finished well in third place..' He shapes like a useful sort, who may stay. Canaraana showed pace but did not go far, and Phil May also faded out at the end after being prominent early. Link Up just cut Steepholiri out of fourth place, but. neither of .these marcs can/bc considered a good,one. Loch Avoir fell before the straight was reached, but neither horse awn rider was hurt. The Welter Handicap provided a great race, five of the sis: competitors coming home in a, bunch.* High Heols was out iii front early -and she led ! into the straight, where the field! closed fip,, and High Heels just lasted long enough to score' from Warlike, with Tyne, Loyal Arab and Nautical close yip. The winner is by Rokeby—Reel, ki that she conies from the well known Rldorslie family that produced. Stepdancer. Warstcp and other good ones. High Heels is only a pony, but she is a smart galloper, who should run out a good mile. Excuses were made for several of the beaten > lot. Nautical appeared to mo to he the most imlucky horse, as he was shut in when making his run at the entrance to the straight. Tyne finished well and he may win a race before long, as he is in good fettle. Loyal Arch was favourite, hut afterhaving every chance she stopped on reaching the straight, though she came on again. She is proving a. bit expensive. i 'The Wattle Handicap was responsible for a.great struggle. There were five starters, Will Oakland being better backed than the bracketed pair, Clean Sweep,and Wrestler. Will Oakland was out in front early and it was not till 'he landed in tho straight that Claan Sweep made a serious attempt to go after him. There was a desperate .finish, but Will Oakland lasted long enough to win by /a head. They are two smart gallopers, both likely to win. a. lot of races this ■season, but on a, longer straight J. expect 10 see Clean Sweep reverse the placings. Wrestler got .off well, Tint failed to show any of his old brilliancy, while Daytime began very slowlv and was always last. Bomb ran a decent race, finishing third, \ A field of ten_ contested the Teviot- ’ dale Trot Handicap, but it was not nearly such an interesting event as that earlier in tho day. Annie's Dream was a warm favourite, but though she paced: a sound race she never looked like catching Proud Nell,-who was Jn front soon after the start _ a,ud won cpinlort/ably. 'proud Nell is a well grown nqarc, who lias been a disappointment, in the past, and even this performance does not make her out a good one. Dayclrifb wont solidly all . the way, finishing third, but he and Annie’s Dream may both shape better very soou. Polo dim, iu the same, ownership as Lord Clan, the winner of the earlier trot, was well backed, but he played up before * thft-'start, and only lasted about a furlong. Money went .another decent race, but Tiranna failed to stay, after looking dangerous at the end: of a mile. Mara, paced soundly, but was done wkh half a mile from hornet*. _ x SOUTHLAND NOTES. > —— . (Special to the “ Star.”) I,N Vi£RCARGILL, September 18. Bongero’op ran a strong six furlongs with Almoner this morning, and Jvokowai was fully extended over four furlongs, It looks as if Bengcroop and iiokowai were intended to race-at the iinrow meeting. it is reported that Trainers A. iVUionzie, J. Hymors, W, Al’Kay and J. 'Uiistloton have between them about twenty-six horses working on the Riverton Racing Club’s tracks, Tim Wyndham Racing Club lias appointed, Air W. Norman starter ami LUv A. J. Gibbs hanclicapper fob the annual meeting on New Year’s Day. Clot will in future be trained by P. T. Hogan. The daughter ot Hoke by and Camille, who was spelled during the winter mouths at the home of her owner, Mr W. Couscr, is looking a.bit. on the. big side and it 19 likely to bo some lime before she is ready to race. Jr is stated that Air W. T. ||ar.lctL n unlikely to ask the brolher to Brackcnticlct a serious question during ■the current season. The' big follow is being allowed to work along with his stable companions up lo half "pace, with a lew short sprints, but he is not being otherwise • tried out. The, sop ot Bonitorm is growing into an attractive upstanding gelding. It is reported that Air AV. l>. Coivie, of Wiutou, has disposed of his hostelry! and ho will probably, retire to a farm property. Ho has been very successful since becoming mine host at the inland town. At the present time Air Conic has the well-known, pacer, ’Hie Gunner, in training in'Christchurch. * v 1 01,0 AM! HO, SYDNEY. September 13, Q-loiming reappeared on the track at Randwick this morning, and galloped a, furlong at InUbpDXf. He palled up apparently .acimd , imU> .

NOMINATIONS.,/ DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUE. . iiio following nominations 'have been received for the Dunedin Jockey ClubV-Tprin-’ mooting;— , . • >iv“o SPRING HU'RDLE HANDICAP, of o s( i eovs; ond mile and three-quarters—Barrister. Glazeaway, Olavcrhouso, Calma, GratMia General Retain, Lawsuit, Manhidi. San, Trentham Rose, Take Down MAUNGATUA HANDICAP, of 233 ' govs; seven furlongs—Adjustor, Barley Rigs, Black Mountain. Comiterstroko, Cannio Jack, Checkmate, Galway, Jack Symons, Kokowni, Link Gp y otoc H>nt.i o l, Malaga, Mirzu, Marohing Order. Orange Mart. Eoniform, ftartoUte, tmgac-ity, Sunny' Corner, Silent King, twinkle, TJia Hose, Vico Regal, Will 1 reaper, Windermere. • MOSGIEL HANDICAP, of 600 sovs: one tuilo and quarter—Beugeroop, Counter Attack, Garni i»e, Jock. Jack Symons, Kilrush, Linden. Malaga, Molce, Miss Camouflage, Aightrß.icler, Rose Pink, Radial, Silent IJuddcuo, Warlove. ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of 850 govs; six furlongs—Bon Spec, Kilbrogrfa, lulrush, KilJala, lulkeo, Killowen, Listening Post, Link Up, Michoela, Rokelaine, Rcdshiro, Revolution, Radial, Satisfaction. Silver Peak, Sunny Comer, Trentham Rose. TAIOMA HANDICAP, of 300 eovs; six furlongs Algidne, Adjust, Beboliead, Cambrae, Cannio Jack, Cleveland, Com Rigs. Cattacb, Deniailcs, Etta, Filigree, g b v Campfire—Gowrie Lass, Guizark, Going Up, Galway, Hallucination, Killala. Kilbarry, Kokowni, Maubia, Moneymusk, March OIV Manilla, Orango Bitters, Palladium, Pop, Poate Haste, Ruenu, Rex Silvia, Sunnv Lodi,’ Satisfaction, Sartovenc, Sunlit, Twinkle, The Boss, Theda, To Anna Maid - OCTOBER WELTER HANDICAP, of ,100 eovs; ouo mile—Almoner, All Ready, Carmine, Don Pacilico. General Petain, Helicon Jack Symons. Kilbrogan, Kilkcn, Linden! Loyal Arch. .Marianne, Miss Camouflage, Putmim, Sedd el Bahr, Thaddcua, Wavlovo WAKARI HKEDLE HANDICAP, of 235 eovs; one' mile and a half—Barrister, Glareawaj-, Ckverliouse, Calma, Graftolla, Golden Rupee, General Petain, Jack Symomk, Lawmit, Mannish, San Sebastian, Trcnthaiu Rose, Take Down. RANFURLY HANDICAP, of 330 mm; ono mile—Amy thus, Bemrerooo, Counter Attack, Carmine Don Paoifico. jock, Killowen Linden, Loyal Arch, Malaga, Melee, MariRnne,' Miss Camouflage, Kightraider, Roso i ink, Hadial, Silent King, Tbaddcus, Wni* love, Windermere. DOMINION HANDICAP, of 300 sovs; four furlongs—Brown Lady, Bluff, Calibration, Doucomcnt, f by Absurd—Liquifv, Humboldt, Kjlfaiuc, Liquor. Meteorite, Malata, Purple Spur, Rod Hind, Solfa, Songbird. KAIKORAI HANDICAP, of 235 aovs-R seven furlqngs—Adjustor, Barley Rigs, Black Mountain, Cattacb, Cleveland, Caimmui% Checkmate, Cannio Jack. Coimtorstrokc, Etta, Gniz'ark,'! Galway, Jack Symons, Kokowai, Link Up, Motor Patrol. Malaga, Mima, Moneymusk, Marching Order, Rada, Red Eagle, Silent King, Sagacity, Sartolite Twinkle, Tho Boss, Vico Regal, Will Prosper. SHORTS HANDICAP, of 300 sovs; six hirloiigs—Algidus,_ Bon Spoc, Kilbrogan, Kilmsh, Killala. Kilkee, Killowen, Listenin'’ Post, Link Up, Michaolu, Orange Bit lets" Rokelaine, Redshire, Revolution, Satisfaction, Silver Peak, Trentham Rose. TELEGRAPH WELTER, HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; one mile—Almoner. All Ready. Bengeroop, Carmine. Don Pacifico, General Petain, Helicon. Jock, Jack Symons. Kilbrogan. Kilkcc, Linden, Loyal Arch, ’ Misa Camouflage, Mirra, Primum, Sedd el Bahr Thaddeus, Warlove. CLARENDON HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; six furlongs—Alpidus, Adjustor, Adjust Bcbehead, Brownie, Corn Rigs, Cleveland’, Cambrao, Dcmadcs, Filigree, g by Campfire —Gowrie Lass, g by Sunny Lake—Droski, Going Up, Galway, Hallucination, Hard Cash, Killala, Kilbarry, Kokowai, Mantua, Moneymusk, March Off, Marwick Head! Marvilla, Orange Bitters, Pop. Posto Haste! Palladium, Ronifovm, Box Silvia, Russet, Ruona, Sunny Loch. Satisfaction, Sartovene, San Salvador, Sunlit, Twinkle. The Boss, Theda, To- Annu Maid, Vico Regal. After declaration of forfeits, tho following horses remain in tho M’LEAN STAKES, of 500 govs. For two-year-olds. /Four furlongs. Mr H. H, Fisher’s oh o Bonnie Wiukio, by 1 Wiukic—Brisseletto. Mr H. A. Knight’s ch g Humboldt, by ■Sunny Lake —Medley, Mr J. B. Reid’s b f Doucimdnt, by Solferino —Adour. [Mr J. E. Reid’s b g Solfa, by Solferino— Elaine. Mr T. B. Reid's br g Kil flame, by Sunny Lake —Killena. Sir G. Clifford’s b c Purple Spur, by Antagonist—Heathcrbrae. Sit G. Clifford’s b' g Red Hind, by Autmunus —Kirriemuir,Mr W. A. Nioholls’s br f Brown Lady, by Sutala—Avarice. Mr W. Swale's b g Calibration, by CalibreLady Talbot. Mr J. i’. Buchanan’s b g Meteorite, by Mar-tian-Forked Lightning. Mr T. Decgau’s b g Liquor, by Wiukic— Honesty. Mr W r . Censor's bo Songbird, by Kilbroncy— Grev Linnet- \ Mr C. G. Dalgety's br f Limelight, by Solfcrino—Slardanccr. Mr G. D. Greenwood’s ch i Lugano, by Sunny Lake —St Sopbia. /Mr R. Miller’s b g Janna, by Sunny Lake— Ruthful. Mr G. L. Stead’s ch c Royal Bos, by Nassau —Brayton. Mr G. L. Stead’s ch f Eerie, hy Nassau— Mountain Dream. ;Mr G. L. Stead’s ch f Lcithflcld, by Nassau Garston. Mr G. L. Stead’s br f Mixture, by Nassau— Gulross. Mr G L Stead's b f Lethargic, by Nassau— Bonnie Dream. DUNEDIN GUINEAS, of 500 sovs. For tbrcc-ycar-olds. One' mile. ' Mr R. Green’s ch f Ruena, by Solferino'— Ruenalf’s Daughter. Mr J. B. Reid’s hj f Sunny Corner, by Sunny Lake—Angelina. Mr C. Hazleli’s b g Windermere, by Sunny, Lake —Angelo ' Mr G. L. Stead’s b f W-anigan, by Nassau— Shebeen 11. Mr G. L. Stead’s hlk o Right and Left, by Merry Moment —En jParolc. Sir G, Clifford’s hr c Winter. Wind, by Ant agon i st —W in d whi s 1.1 o. Mr L. G. Adand’s ch I Orango Mart, by Nassau—Marline. Mr W. A. Nicbolls’s cli c Will Prosper, by Absurd—Suuglow. Mr W. H. Ballinger's b g Sagacity, by Treadmill—Saga Mr G. D. Greenwood’s b g Petunia, by Ab-surd-Bronze. Mv E. Russell's b g Listening Post, by Solferino—Eager Eye?. Mr R. G. Gilb’es’s ch f Sunsbower, by Sunny Lake—Polliwog. Mr K- C. Gillics’s br f Nope, by Markbope— Nitbscvo. Mr J. Grigg’s hj e by Calibre—Matchbox, Mr J. Grieg’s b f Snapshot, hy Calibre—- ' nPhst Glance,'AUSTRALIAN RAGING, ROSEHILL RACING CLDB, By Telegraph—Press Association-Copyright. Australian and N.2. Cable Association. SYDNEY, September 18, The Roseliill Racing Club’s meeting was held to-day. The principal oventa resulted as follows; ROS.BIIILL GUINEAS, of 70Dgs. For tlvrco year-olds. One milo and a furljug. . Air A. Hordern’s b c Wirraway, by October— Glonsilla . . . . . j Mr C. E. M'DougaU’a ch c Syce Knight, by Syce—Merry Thought , , _ 2 Mr L. K. S. 'Mackinnon’a b or br c Strath-/' ■redole, by Tressidv—Perdita . . .3 Won by half a length. Time—limn aoscc. ROSEH’ILL HANDICAP, of 300 sovs, Ouo milo and a half. Mr A. P. Wade’s cb hj Fiumark, by I’iula.nd—, syrs 3 Mr E. J. Watt's b hj Pcrabore, by All Blacl:—Perscis, 4yrs ~ . . 2 Messrs-AF. M. Borjlhwick’s and J. Laycock’s ch hj Kennaqnhair, by Kenilworth—Calluna, Gyrs ... y Won hy a neck. Time—2miu Sltscc. ENGLISH RACING. ENGLISH RACING. LONDON, September IS. It is reported that Dpuoghne haa been offered a hugo feort-o ride in India in the winter, Donoghuo has not yet decided whether lie will accept. . ■ - Tho "Evening -Standard” urges the Jockey Club to enforce tho new ndo substituting sweepstakes for HlO old-fashioned plates, and points out that the races for the 1921-2-3 seasons arc, closing Tinder the old conditions. ,U (he recent Doncaster mceling tho value of stakes was i-53,900. 11 cost the Doncaster executive only £7O-19 for the year’s racing. The gave very little to the St Leger, in ‘which owners raced for their own money. It was only after Press agitation that the executive guaranteed a fixed cum. It would be scandalous if the Doncaster races 1921 ' ov* ruu under the old conditions.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 20056, 20 September 1920, Page 3

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RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 20056, 20 September 1920, Page 3

RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 20056, 20 September 1920, Page 3