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I 1 you arc using many Envelopes, you will know that you have got to pay a pretty stiff price for | them, unless you know where you can procure them We have very large stocks of many Varieties of Envelopes, and shall be delighted to submit samples and prices. Our House has an enviable reputation as suppliers of Superior Envelopes, and Commercial .Stationery, not to mention the HIGHEST CLASS .OF PRINTING. ¥ LIMITED PRINTERS AND COMMERCIAL STATIONERS VICTORIA SQUARE AND VICTORIA STREET WANTED TO SELL. E. 11. STRING E R Land and Estalo Agent, 223, MANCHESTER STREET, Km Worcester Street. £2OO0 011NEAR OFFER-~Fin°Mod-ern City Residence of 8 rooms, ono storoy, e.l. and gaa, plastered and papered, nearly i-acre, sunny aspect, £IOSO ~ R OFFER-Souud 2 - Etore .v liouso of 8 good. rooms, just oyer Baaley Avenue, every, convenience, largo section, room for another house. £750 KA-K'EW BRIGHTON. 4-roomed Bungalow, now, e.l. and gas, artesian water, every convenience, i-acre. £Boo' -CLOSE TO PAPANUI. Modem Sound House of 7 rooms, e.1.. hj. and c. system, artesian, full acre, splendid land, fine place,lot poultry farm. £I6OO -EXCEPTIONALLY Well Built House, 0 large rooms, in fine street, off Papr.nui Road, e.l. and gas, every convenience, nearly 4acte. £llsO i—ST ALBANS. Well Built Artistic panelled hall and breakfast room, e.l. and gas, b.o. water, gas cooker and copper, nice section; immediate possession. £750 p^PAWA.—7-roomed Modern T House, gas, high-pressure, hj. and c. .system, sower, plastered and papered, a good family house, close to tram; over J-acro. £750■OPAWA. 4-roomod Modern Square House, 4 fires, over iacr G all in good order. £IO3O ~ j. .UULigUiOW OI * rooms and kitchenette, diningroom largo, c.h, hj. and c. system, mga-pressure, gas cooker, suniiv position. £630 (-BELFAST. 6 rooms, plastered and papered, in good condition, i-acre, large shed. £975 i-pSPREYDON. S-roomed Bunealow > plastered and papered, tiled grates and hearths, hj. and r. svstem, artesian, over i-acre,'in splendid order; close to school vah,e. tramS ’ TWS ' S s P lendid £Bso' ■STREYDUN. 5-r.oomed Model'll bquaro Houee, only S years old gas, b. and r, system, artesian, plastered and papered; }. acr e Ihis property j r , honest Value’ and worth inspection. ' E- H. SriIISGBII Land and Estate Agent, 223, MANCHESTER STREET, Near Worcester Street. ’Phono 1717 a. SD A U STIN AND C O. 610, COLOMBO ST. Telephone 314 ft. Sale, Sideboards, Wardrobes. Duchesse 7" Chests, Chests of Drawers, Palmstands, Meat. Sates, Tables. TJANDSOME Oak Sideboard for Sale; also ~ two nearly new Suites in Monnetlo (dark Rimu). ITIJ-ANTEp Sell, Plunge Bath, Gas Griller, *' Child’s Woodon Dropsidc Cot ami two mirrored Wardrobes. w L /V jRE Conch and Green Saddlebag Couch tor Sale; also Pedestal Cupboards and' Marble-top Wasbstand. Ij'Oß. Sale, Invalid Chair. Lawn-mowers, -L Bedsteads and BexYding, also Gas and Spirit Irons. WILLIAMSON Empire Push-Cart, and Boy's Rubbertyred Tricycle for Sale. WANTED Sell, Suit Cases, etc,, Carpen- ■' ’ fers’ Tools, Crosscut Saws, Writing 'Table, and Large Dining Table. 2111 V/JJDON ALL’S Cash Tailoring make up B- Ladies’ am .nd Cent’s Own Material. Out Address; 832, Colombo St. XS ANTEDTo Sell IX7ANTED to Sell, largo range. Zephyrs, ' ' all sons, Is Od yard. At, Armstrong’s. ns 6D~PI ANOS TnneT Christchurch, • Brighton or Sumner. Country tunings 12s Cd, with not loss than 3, Fredk. Hale, 00. Worcester St. ’Phone 3803. 2101 P ATTWOOD, Piano Tuner and Repairer. -’- J * Best workmanship. 80x’836. Tunings, ,7s 6d. 2007 w St jy E Sell Businesses from Auckland to the Bluff. R. S. Badger. 137, Manchester "Vj"ORTH BRIGHTON Spec. Owner over T ' 10i) Sections will take £730 cash or House, balance mortgage. Box 14. TUI M ’DONALD’S Cash Tailoring Coy.’s pre- ■ raises are. situated at 632, Colombo St., NS 3 doors north of Tunm St. waNmetT to Kell, Children’s Coloured f V Overalls, school wear, 2s 64. 3s 9d. ts 6J. At Armstrong’s. 2101 : S 6D—PIANOS i>l»—j/jAnuo Tuned. Christchurch. 1 Brighton or Sumner. "Country tunir"'--12s 6d, with not less than 3. Fredk. Hale, 30, WorcesterSt- ’Phone 3803. 2104 TP ATTWOOD, Piano Tuner and Repairer, Best workmanship. Box S3G. Tunings’ 7s 6d. -2007 QUITS made to measure from £5 10s up--4-7 wards. Cask Clothing; Co., 109, Manchester St. \\T ANTED_ Sell. Double Iron Bedsteads * ■ and Wire Mattresses, from 27s (Id; Single dm, cheap. Brettell. ISO. Armagh St. NEURASTHENIA and other nerve troubles permanently cured; worst cases successfully treated. Call 246, Hereford St.. Citv, Hours. 3-C. Easy Winners Floor Polish Boot Polish Win in a Canter From All Other Polishes \T7ANTED to Sell. Men’s Lisls Hose, Ore.-, ' ' 'ran, Navy,- Black, 4a lid. At AniiBlrong'a. ojui VI ANTED TO SELL. "W'VU'B’B Spl1 ' Child's Iron Cot 17s 6d; ' ' New J” ’ ' High Chairs, 8s 6d, 10s 6d. Bretlc||, ifil, Armagh St. ITtfAN’IED Sell, Drophead Singer Sewing ' ' Machine, nearly new, £l2 cash. R54. TX/’ANTED Sell, Bellows and Forgo, good ' * older, £2 10b. 98, Slater St. 2112 VV7ANTED Sell, Good Ball-hearing Law ’ ’ Mower. !)S, Slater St. 21T2 WANTED Sell, H and Pump, complete ' ' guaranteed right, los. 98. Slater St. WANTED to Sell, Cent's Evening Suit, ' ' to suit gent 3 feet din; new. Will .accept £5. Apply any evening. 1033, Colombo St., SI, Albania. Vf ANTED Sell, Blatk Pomeranian Dog ’ Yo4. “ Star." 2112 ■COSY 4-roomed Cottage, City, 'vtU S V gas, copper, tubs. Ihincan. Reed, 162, Manchester St. jM ’DONALD'S Cash Tailoring C'oy.’s £6 10s Suits and Costumes aro guaranteed Tailor-made. Our Address; 632, Colombo St- XS TVjTO Faking, but Genuine 25 per cent, Re T’ duotions on Imported Overcoats. Mimn and Itickinbottom’s. 2111 WANTED Sell, Crockery, Set Carvers ' ' Small Sausage Machine, Oak Side board, Mincer. Leaving. YSS. 2112 \\f ANTED Sell, Good Oak Sideboard. As- ' * pidistra Plants, Aluminium Saucepans, Crockery. Transferred. Yfi6. 2112 WANTED Sell, Hal black velvet brim, crown of gold tissue; Prico £2 IDs. Cheap. P6O. ' ojpj \i{T ANTED to Sell, Good Gig Horse, 4 ' ' years old. 233, Lincoln lid., Ilalswell. l?OR Sale, vacant, Modern Plastered, as . rooms, e.1., gas, every convenience, and Section i-acre; linoleums throughout. 16, Retreat Rd. 2112 ' .pi A A —O PA WA—F ino Terraced Quartered ,IUV/ a.cre, rbady to build on; or 3 -Sections, £270. Duncan, Rccd, 162, Manchester StXX/ - ANTED Sell, Gig, sound and in isjod * * order. Apply H. Freeman, 41, Main South ltd.. Upper Biccarton. FOR Sulo. Electric Radiator, now, 1 coi cost £5, take £2 15s. Y52. 2112 IBOR Sale Finest Asparagus' grown, Pain etbe; now’s the time to plant. Ferr Rd. Nursery. W■kv' FEE Sell, 4ft Oak Dining Tahh ' ’ with drawer; Oak Sideboard, near net Brettell. ISO, Armagh St. QELL, n-room House, ecullery, washhousi 10 copper, 5 fowlhouses, fruit trees, |-aori £559. 72, Tennyson St. 2112 W ANTED Sell, 6-roomed Bungalow (vi * ' cant), nicely decorated, two oriel wit dows, leadiights, sun porch, electric ligh tile surround fireplaces. 311. Bealey Avcnm WANTED Sei!\ Meat Safe, also Palm Stand, cheap. 105, Huxley St.. Sydenham. 2112 WANTED to Sell, Pair Patent Court Shoes, new, size 4. A' Real Bargain, £l. X 53. 2112 -pi N A—LOVELY Riverside Terrace SeccKfXO'J don, Beckenham, near tram; over J-acro. Duncan, Reed, 162, Manchester St. Sell, Aged Trotting Horse, 1 > Seychelles, quiet and sound. Owner Ini3 no further use. Price £6 10s. Apply No. 18, Bowen St,, off Waimairi Rd., Upper Riccarton. Homo Snncla.v. 2112 w ANTED to Sell, Winchester Pea Rifle, good condition, 30s. Apply W57, XX7ANTED to Sell, Set of C-ounce Boxing * ' Cloves. Apply WSB. 2112 7110 Sell, r Black Coney Seal Coat, three--1- quarter, very little used. Can be seen by writing Box 655. T6P. WANTEITsdrLot Nordß.”#lso '•&>& ' * Own," etc. 36, Clifton St., Arlington. Sell, Modern 5-room House, > * Sydenham. Immediate, possession. Govt, mortgage. Price £SSO. T55. , 2112 XX7AN7’ED lo Sell, Facing-mother Push- » ' cart, cheap. Can be seen 13G, Chester St. 2112 w /"ANTED Sell, 2 Sets Trap Harness, £4 10s and £i. 171, Hill’s Rd,. Shirlev. WANTED to Sell, Banjo, good order, £3. Apply 31, Swann's Rd., Richmond. TIQR Sale, 6 Pairs Laying White. Leghorn -L Hens; also Pullets. 378, Armagh SI. TjiOß Sale. One Thrce-quartcr-ahafter Rnb--1 ber-tyred. Gig, in good order, £2O. Apply 39, Disraeli Si., Sydenham. 2112 ■|\/rUNRO AND HICKINBOTTOM’S OverILL coat Sale, the greatest in years. Call immediately. 2111 t30I! Sale or Exchange, House, 3 acres good laud, 4 minutes Show Grounds. YSB. I/* OR Sale, great variety of Fruiting Trees, L including Delicious, Stunner, Jonathans. Ferry Rd. Nursery. IpOR Sale, 5-roorucd Bungalow, Westminster SL. every convenience, return voirandah, real property. Y57. 2113 MOTHERS— Longdin's only Shop for Latest Push-chairs—s3B, Colombo St., near Railway. 2108 poiT First-class Turn-out, f-ahafter. Rubber-tyred Gig, Trotting Maro (.by Crmsus), abo Harness; £55, bargaiu. Appiy 01, Neville''Si., Spreydim. 2113 I.'OK Sale, Section, Corson Avenue, partly fenced, with sheds, reasonable. Z66. TSQR. Sale, J-acrc Section, splendid building •L site, in good residential locality. Apply ZSB. ••filar." 0112 UOR Sale, Good High Building Section. I within high-presaure and sewer arc a., C 6 loot, frontage, cheap. Apply Z57, " Star.’’ l/'OR Sale, Electric Radiafor, new, 1 coil, *• cost £5, lake £2 Ins. Y52. 2113 TYPEWRITER for Sale, No. 8 Remington -L first-class order: only £7 Ins, with six months’ guarantee Reply urgent. Ro2. Bungalow, City, dnfX I O\J o rooms and kitchenette, electric light, gas copper, wardrobes, large garDmiean, Reed. 162, Manchester St. WOR. Sale. Child's Uropsido Cot, Mattress, J- iluehcsso, Tables, Double Bed complete. Dining-room Suite (seagraas bottom), Child’s High Chair, all new, Lino., etc., ISL Brougham St. Homo .Sunday morning. 2112 "POTATOES, Potatoes, 561b 3s delivered. L Post-card. 105, Huxley St., Sydenham "L'OR Sale, Baby’s High Chair, three posi- -- tious, 17s Od. Tclophoao 3415 R. 69, Dyer’s Pass Rd. 2112 .{.* XQ J7—ST ALBANS, near Bell—s Rooms, all conveniences. Duncan, Reed, 162, Manchester St. jINO. for Sale, best quality, as new; also J Single Stretcher. Not Sunday, 116, Rollcston St. 21JO L I OR Sale, Large Well-made Kauri Scallywag, covered green felt, curs, balls, suitable country hotel. 13. Brougham St. 2132 APPENDICITIS and other stomach troubles permanently enreu wiuiout operation. Call 216, Hereford- St., City. Hours, 10-J2, C-t>. Ti'UR Sale, Set of Harness. What offers? -*•’ 57, Harper Si., Sydenham. 2112 7,' OR Sale, good variety of Standard I- splendid stuff, at, Ferry Rd. Nun WANTED , Known—Evergreen ] finest hedge plant grown. Fcrr Nursery. ’Phono 3532. IP’DR Sale, Dwarf Rosea in great ' A are still t.j be had, .Ferry. lid. Ni WOR, Sale, vacant, Modern Plastcn . rooms, e.1., gas, every convenient section i-acre; linoleums throujhoui Retreat Rd. lyrOTHEßS—Longdin’s only Shop fo -t'-A. cat Push-chairs—s33, Colombo St Railwav, Clothing can have them. Apply Arrivals, but must clear. G English Waterproofs and Tweed coats, 25 per cent off. Munro and i boitom, Colomlfp Si. (over Hiver). -f- 4 ] JKn-S'j ALBANS—Modern House, t good rooms, k ette, e. light, all conveniences; lerrao rion, fruit trees, fowh-unr. Duncan, 162, Manchester St. T? A MODS Lynx IVatcrproofa and 2- Overcoats, 25 per , cent Ret Munro and Hickiabottom.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 20043, 4 September 1920, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 20043, 4 September 1920, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 20043, 4 September 1920, Page 13