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(By “ ARGUS.”) FIXTURES. : • U ]l 14, 17—Wellington Racing Club. July 22—South Canterbury Hunt July 31—Brackenfield Hunt Club. August 7, 11, 13—Metropolitan Trotting Club; August 10, 12, 14— Canterbury Jockey Club, NOMINATIONS. Jn'y 2—South Cantcrbutv Hunt. July 9—Brackenfield Hunt Club, July 21—Metropolitan Trotting Club, HANDICAPS. July 2 —Wellington Racing Club. July 12—South Canterbury Hunt. July 23—Brackenfield Hunt Club. July 26—Metropolitan Trotting Club. ACCEPTANCES. July Racing Club. July 35—South Canterbury Hunt July 27—Brackenfield Hunt Club. August 3—Metropolitan Trotting Club.


An Australian soldier, who returned some time ago from the war zone, brought back what appear to be the indentures of the famous English jockey, Fred Archer, which he found, of all places in the world, in' a German dug-out. in France. The finder sent the document to “ Beacon,” of the Melbourne. “' Leader,” in order to have it submitted lo experts, for an opinion ns to whether it is the original, or only n copy. “Experienced printers to whom 1 hare shown it.” says-“Ben-son,” “ expressed tho belief that it is not a reproduction, and calligraphy experts also say that the signatures appear to be genuine. How such a document gob into the-hands of Germans is a mystery, hut I have a faint recollection of reading that at one time r member of the Dawson family trained horses in Austria- or Germany, ami maybe he took the document oyer to the Continent with him. Fred Archer married a daughter of his employer, .Matthew Dawson, but she died a little while after their only child, a daughter, was born. ’ Archer was never the same ■ man aftci; that bereavement. Tins .indenture form of. Archer’s would no doubt be highly treasured in England, whither it will probably be sent. H measures about 16iu x 12in, and is pasted on cardboani. Evidently it lias ! )cen in a frame for years, and the printed matter and writing is almost as legible as it was fifty-two years ago. The preamble states that:—‘ Frederick Archer, now or late of Prestbury, near Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, of the age of eleven years, or therenbouts, with the consent of his father, William Archer, doth put himself apprentice to Matthew Dawson, of Newmarket, training groom.’ The term of apprenticeship was five years, and the abatement of conditions makes curious leading. Among other, restrictions it is laid down that he (Archer) ‘ shall not play at cards or' dice table .... ho shall not haunt-taverns or playhouses.’ In consideration of the ser- . vices of the said Frederick Archer, his master, Matthew Dawson, covenanted to pay him an wages.tho sum of seven guineas for tho first year, nine guineas tor the second year, eleven guineas for the third year, and thirteen guineas for the fourth and fifth years. Dawson had to find Archer in ‘ sufficient meat a.nd ' rii ink, and also a. hat, coat and waistcoat in each year.’ Archer’s father had to provide all other clothing etc. fho indentures are signed by Frederick Archer, William Archer, and Matthew Dawson, the signatures being witnessed by Richard Cole, ‘ clerk to Messrs Kitchener and Fenn, solicitors. Newmarket, arid Frederick Alarshall, solicitor, Cheltenham.’ The date is given as ; ‘ in the thirty first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, in tho year of. our' Lord one thousand eight hundred , and sixty-eight.’ ”

• grass track was available at- Rlocal ton this morning for the Yearlings, hut the ; only track open to” the old horses was the sand. If was very "ct, from the effect of recent rain, arpl not at all suitable for fast work. As a consequence, the. trainers had to restrict their charges to comparative]v easy tasks. ' \ The North Island horses who arc held up at .Riccarton arc ,roitinothrough plenty of useful work. “ They all appear to bo in gyotl health mid ns they are well forward they can soon he got ready to race. . R. Longle.v is hack n(, work again, superintending the work of his team; after a pleasant holiday, the greater part of which he spent in Marl borough. Tyne bas been taken in hand again by H. .Ellis, and looks well afteMrisspell. He has also started on a Hazeley gelding, who looks ns if bo might make a useful jumper. The other members ol this team, consisting of Sonii,y, Barmaid (Nassau—Shebeen’ II.), Mind Up (Advance—St-epniuk mare), and a filly by Bezonian—■-Sister .Frances, arc id. moving aloifg freely. ! ■ King is devoting a good deal jnt attention to Air A. M’Don aid's j quartette, Torfredii, Muniiiku, Stra- ‘ I'rtfY , :| ncl Prince Martian, who were left in his cure when .1, T. Jamieson returned home after the Dunedin winter meeting. Strategy and Prince Mart-lap, who arc two-year-olds, should be in good order lor earlv spring engagements. ' - .Hibberd has recommissioned St Winnow and Bmwn Willy, win. have been off the scene for some time, Ontts Brothers have Nightraider. Checkmate and Counterscarp moving , along in uselul work at nrcsent, and j I hey should bo in good trim by the i time the Grand National mccthmcomes round.

F. D. Jones has returned from a holiday in tile Ysoi th Island. During his absence his stable was attacked bv on epidemic of colds. L’untoa was the worst- sufferer, and lie is still laid aside with strangles. Amyfhas and Mustard rot are recovering from their colds, and they are doing walking exercise daily, while other members of the team are practically all right again. Ju the meantime Jones's active team consists of the imported (illy Sahoit, War Cry (Finland—War Talk) and a gelding by Chrap Fire—Gowrie Lass, in additi m to yearlings by Absurd—Week .Fuel. U\ks--Mstllcy aud Glarcuceux—- , 24ad?iJ* •, "‘ ' I

I he dates for southern ; spring fixinros will muse some discussion before they are finally passed by the Racing Conference. The Ain her Icy [taring Chib has applied for Monday, Septeraber 27; Geraldine Racing Club for Thursday, September :-JO. and Friday. October 1 ; Ivurow .Turkey Club for Thursday. October 1: and Dunedin. Jockey Club for J.'riday. October 8 and Saturday, October 9. Geraldine objects to tbo Amborlcy date and also id the recommendation of the Dunedin District Committee that- Kurow should run on September 80, 'vhile Geraldine ami Kurow both object to the Dunedin dates. To further complicate the position, the Ashburton County Racing Club wishes to race on October 14 and 15, so that there are no free dates at that end of the circuit.

The. Racing Conference will have to consider a mini her of applications for new totalisator licenses next month. The- chibs applying arc. the Hamilton Racing (Tub, AVhnngnrei Racing Club. Danneyirke, limit Club. AVaipawa Comity Racing Club, Stratford Racing Club, Rangitikci Hunt Club and Wyndliam Racing Club. In addition, tho Canterbury, 'Westland, Kumara, Reefton, T’ologa Bay, Waipukiiran, Adi-liurst-l’oliaiigma, Masierton, Horowliomia and Tratahi-Carterlon Clubs arc applying for extra days.

Nineteen claims were met during the past year hy tho New Zeeland Trotting Association out of the. Provident Fond. There were two of £SO each and one of £lB HE, the total sum paid out b?ing££3lS-!)s (id, Tho Stipendiary Stewards' account, of ihe, New Zealand Racing Conference for tho, past year shows a revenue of £'4609 lls Dd, a levy of oue-'tenth per cent on gross' totalisator investments producing £4-584 4s lid, and balance, of previous year’s revenue £75 6s lOd. Salaries, deputies’ fees and travelling expenses absorbed £8752 Os lOd, and ay donation of £BOO was made lo the Sports Protection League, leaving the account with a credit of £57 10s lid. . The Ashburton Trotting Club is anxious to secure an extra day’s racing next season, in which ease the winter meeting will bo extended ’to two days. . Lochella, and Master Strowan. first and third in the Grand National Steeplechase last year, are engaged in the same race again this year, as are Waimai and Morecambe, who were (imong the unplaced lot last year. A year ago Sir Agnes won the Final Handicap at Hastings, .second place being filled by Gold Kip', who scored in the corresponding event on Saturday. Sir Agnes had not earned any money in the interval until. Saturday, when ho won the Fcrnhill Hack Hurdle Handicap on the same cqurse. Comrade, the English three-year-old, who won the Grand Prix de Paris ou Sunday, is owned by Mr P. Gilpin, a prominent trainer, who captured the same race in 1906 with the late Major Eustace Loder’s Derby winner Spearmint. It is something of a coincidence that this year, in addition to taking the big French race, he should also ’have trained Spion Kop, the winner.of the Derby. The win of Comrade in the Grand Prix would be. a great surprise, and it is probable he made the trip to France chiefly as a mate for Spion Kop. who started favourite, hut finished out of a place.

Tho English traincr-sownicr, Mr P. Gilpin, appears to have made an exceptionally lucky deal when he secured Comrade, who only cost him 25gs as a yearling. He won three small stakes as a-two-year-old, the only races he took part in, and he- also captured a race a few weeks ago. With the (ivniKl Prix do Paris to bo added, ho has proved a rare prize.

The English bred stallion Lucknow, whoso Australian successes include the Futurity Stakes and Caulfield Cup, is to be sent back to England unless ho is sold immediately at the price his owners, Alessrs Robinson and Clark, have pub on him. Lucknow, in addition to being a high-class racehorse, is very fashionably bred, being by Alinorn horn Amphora, a- sister to the successful sire Siiiidriclgc, and there is not much doubt -that he would realise a. big price ui England.

It was stated by cable that about a quarter of a million people .witnessed the Derby, and this is easily believable, in view of the largo attendances at tiro various mootings in England in April ami May. At the Chester meeting on May 5, D 0.300 people passed through' the tni;nst,ilc,s. against So, 128 on the corresponding day last year. Referring to the tremendous crowd, a Loudon exchange said: “ *Phe number quoted does not nearly giv 0 an idea of the. people who actually witnessed the racing, as l.ho' walls accommodated thousands of spectators, many of whom bad endeavoured without success to obtain admission to the enclosures.” The gate; receipts for the two days at Chester totalled £33,071 Is, an amount suffincntly large to make officials of chibs at Uiis-end of the world decidedly envious. Chester is nut run on proprie.lai\ lines, but, says the Loudon “ Sportsman, ' “ it is an anomaly typically JJrilisb that the convenience and entertainment of such a vast concourse is influenced, if not actually controlled by a small section of parochial folks on the local council. who have never attended these or any other races in the "■hole of their lives, and whose thoroughgoing opposition to the meeting is. restrained merely by the fact that it brings very considerable relief- to (be city rates.”

Tiiiius arc not officially taken at, IVinvmarket, England, and this lias led to the accuracy of thy Imin -14 a-Osec announced for flic Two Thousand Guineas being disputed. A writer in a London paper made the following references to the subject,:—’* You cannot expect to time a race which starts a mile away from .you with unfailing accuracy. You see the white ling drop, but" that may not occur until a second or two after tho horses aro oil the move. Xor, unless you are in a true line with’ the judge s box. can you depend upon liming the winner passing the post to within a few fractions of a second. T raise this interesting point because all the joekejs u ho rode in the Two Thousand Guineas wore, without exception, under ihe impression that it 'was a remarkably last racE. Yet. the time is returned in tho ’ Sportsman. ; as Imin 14 T-dsee. The ‘ Special Commissioner ’of the same paper gave it as Imin 43 3-5 see. One sportsman who timed the race from Hie Jockey Club stand (and was thus nearer the winning post than the representatives of the Press; made it imin 3 f J 4-sscc. Which of the three was correct? I am inclined to accept the 1 attest time. I cannot imagine such horses as Orpheus, Daylight, .Patrol, Lacrosse and Silvern being done with in tho Dip if the nice had really been slowly run. The going was fairly good and there was a tolerably high win following the horses. Altogether, 1 think it resmiable to suppose that the pace set by Tetraiema was unusually warm, and he kept it up practically to tha eud.”



[Pep Press Association.]

* WELLINGTON, -June 28. Replying to a. deputation from the, llmowhoima, Racing Club, which appealed for the restoration of its lost day of racimr, t-ne Minister of Internal Affairs said that the task bo bad to perform was a. difficult on*. If he, as Minister, were, lo say (bat, the club would have its extra day, .ho' would have to say (ho same to some thirty or more duba in the connin’ which were applying ior similar concessions. Was it in the interests of racing«generslly that there should be snob a big increase in the number of days? Would members of (he deputation, as racing mask bon to do anything ol the sort? Voices; No.

Mr Anderson: “I asree vith you (bat. D •would be one of the vrorst things that could be done in (he interests ol racing that these extra days should be granted to an unrestricted number.” He added that he could not tell v.dint .would be done during the sessi»n. R seemed to him that all that would be possible would be a redistribution o{ days. Wr Field. M.F.; If Mie-e is to be a rerl---tribution merely, will that he- left to lb® Raeinr Cnnf-reuce? Mr Anderson : I can't tell you that to-day. That is all in lap of the p-ds. If r -Wy dissociate myself from my position ns Minister and give, my own personal opinion, it seems to me that there aro a lot of {hrnys io be conpdered. The amount of o-ainblo’'-poing on is very grca(-alTd very serious, and you must take that into consideration. From my own point of view. and not speaking (nr (be moment «,s Minister, I am satisfied that it would bp one of the worst things that racing clubs can do .to a«k for or to nre.‘f» for an increase in the number of rac'u<j permits above what lVi»v now have. That is only my own individual opinion, .given -for what it is worth.


SYDNEY. June 28. For the Epsom Handicap AYolaroi is lop weight with Ost 13lb. Biplane Ost 2lb, Fulmar W Bst 321b. Kilhope tst. 111b.' For lha Metropolitan, Poitrel (lop) lOst 31b, Biplane 9et, Finraark Bst 101b, All Aboard 7at 2lb.


WELLINGTON' FACING CLUB, The following nominations have beai received for the Wellington Racing Club's ninter meeting:— . VIITOIUA HUBBLE HANDICAP, of 300 sevs; one mile and three-quarters—Gold Coast, Sir Agues, MellcbikcS, Ramauuwhiri, Merry Andrew, Gunwale S.trangeways, Forward Lady, Risingham, Gyro, Eron Boy_ Golden Petal, Tempo. Spangle, Mannish, Ladogeur, Pawerewere, Chummy, Master Boris, Marshal Neil, Retard, utauru Kid, Alteration, Kerchono, Menlmore, Saki, bignysian, Orleans, .Faletaff.

STEWARDS’ HANDICAP, of 300 boys, fix furlongs—Sanacre Arch Salute, Hctaua-, Kilrush, .Loyal Arch, Hymarty, Hyginas, Hurry Up, Magistrate, Parisian Diamond, Mat-aura, 80-Peep, Parorangi, Astmomc. Scorntul, Ruddy, Cave Rock, Honey Bee, Crowhurst, Tama-a-roa, Arrau, Admyra, Royal Exchange, Pacific Slope, Piro Piro, Comedy Prince, Prince Charleroi, Sweat Tip. petary, Swancc River, Trentham Rose, S:i Fanciful,' FIRST HACK AND HUNTERS’ STEEPLECHASE, or -HO sovs; two miles nud a hail—Bill, Gay Buy, Notability,-Mono-pole, Orm-esby, Harr a, Grattellft, Southland, 'x'orchy, Sturaee, Guanaco, Pa-werewote, Master Viebstcr, Stream 01 Gold, Combustion, Kurnalpi, To Ton, Ngakanui, Sandringham' Bollin, M'atokio, Maniiat-tau, Mattock juau’ Nicomar, Mead, Tatimi. ’ WELLINGTON STEEPLECHASE, ol 1000 rovs; nbonl three miles and a halt— Master Suowan, Gbullul, Old Muugiudi, Notability, fiohn Bunny, Gakleigb, AVirokino’ Peneton, Harbour Liglu, Coldstream, Tenacious, Locholla Slowcoach, Omabu, Luku Khartoum, Guanaco, Coalition, Onuesby’ Manhattan, San Sebastian, First Line, Feeman. . PARLIAMENTARY HANDICAP, of 300 rovs; one rails and a quarter—UUiwai, Hetaua, Kilrush, Nigblraider, Hose Pink. All Over, Red Ribbon, .Tame Fox, Arran. Gold Kip, Sir Fanciful, Dainty Stop, Bagdad, Burrangoug, Depredation, Comedy Pnnco, Croesus, Uailand, Goldshine, Patoonga, Royal Star. WINTER HURDLE HANDICAP, or 750 rovs; two miles and a quarter—Lord Nagar, Rekanui, Mill o’ Cowrie Kohu, Loyal Arch, Gluelamis. Deviation, Thrace, Riaingham, Lochella-, Kauri King, Slowcoach, Mannish, Daylight', All Over, Omabu, Fisher, Paddington Green Ladogeur, Coldstream, Marshal Neil, Hykns. TE AllO HANDICAP of 200 sots; seven furlongs—Loch Dhu, Lord Astolal, Sir Fanciful, Utuwai, Molyneux, Peter Pau, Ncgambo, Priutemps, Quiniro, Walton,,, Checkmate, The Digger, Mostbencs, Grey Lady, Ma-lin Head, Scrap o’ Paper, Ben Bolt, Elcullus Bitters, Royal Prince, Preparation, Flight Connuander, Pororangi. High Heels. Gossard, Prince Hal, Vilella, Sir AVo.i, Black Lake, Fisher. Sea Foam, Red Signal, Piro Piro, Night 'Time. Lead Sweet, Persian Prince,-) Kareao, Raffle, Mystified.

TALAYERA HURDLE HANDICAP of •200 sovs; one mile aud a half—Uluwai. Gold Coast, Sir Agnus, Mcltcldkoff, Eliopia-n, Signyßian, Raman iiwhivi. Merry Andrew, Gunwale Sltangewa-yf, Forward Lady, Risinghem, Trentham Rose, Pawerewerc, Chummy, Stream of Gold, Master Bone, Marshal Neil Alteration, Koreliouc, May-morn, Mcntmore. Raffle, Sbaki, Retard, Olauru Kid. Orleans,

LIVERPOOL HANDICAP, of 300 sovs; six furlongs—Sivmieo River, Sanacre, Arch Salute, Hctaua, Kilrusli. Loyal Arch, Hyniartv. Scrap o’ Paper, Hygiuas, Hurry Up. Elcuilus, Banska Diamond, M.atatua, BoPeep, Aslinome, Scornful, .Ruddy, Cave Rock, Honey Bee. Ctowhurst, Tama-a-roa. Arran, Aduiyra. Royal Exchange, Pacific Slope, Piro I'iro, Comedy Prince, Prince Charleroi, Sir Fanciful. SECOND HACK AND HUNTERS' STEEPLECHASE, of 250 sovs; |wu miles and a half—Bill, Gay Bor, Notability, Monopolo. Onueshy. Maira, Gra/tclla, Southland Tetchy. Shu-dee. TV.vcrewrro. Master AVelo stcr, Combustion. To Toa, Kunialpj, Ng.ika)mi, Sandringham, Bollin. Motckio,’Talimi. Manhattan, Mattock. Nieomar. Juan Mead', GROt i(,)ls HANDICAP, of 203 sq'-r; on® mile—Lord A.-lola.t, Sir Fanciful, Uluwaj. Sweet Song, Molyueux, ijegambo.’ Midland’ Printcmps. Walton, Nightra'ider, Checkmate' The Digger. Moalhenes, Malic' Head, Her! Bolt, Bitter?. Royal B.riuce. I.Tight Omiiia.nder, I’arorangi. High Heels. Prince Hal. fisher. Motor Patrol. Sea Foam Piro Piro' Dead Sweet, May Morn, Persian Prince' Mystified, ’

JULY STEEPLECHASE, of 6,10 sovs; about three miles-Bill, -‘taster Stroivan, Gladful, Old Mun.indi, Notahiliiv .folia Bunny, Oakleigh. Wirokiro I'mm 11 Ormeshy Harbour Light, Coldstream Tenacious. Ludmila. Slowcoach. Onialm' Luke Khartoum. Giunaco, Coa-lSifim, Ngakanui’' hn-sl Lmc. Eocmun, Manhattan Mattock’ ban bcbaslmi, .Tuan, Stnnleo. ‘ ’ WIXTEIf OATS HANDICAP, of m «,v«one 'mlc—Sir Eandfnl, Sweet Son. A intemps. Walton, Arch Salute, Hotoua. K . rmh, Loyal Ai C h. N.Vhtraider, HyoinVi Panemu. Diamond., Bo Peep „V. ham Parovaiigi Hose, Pink. Astinome. Scornid. Pnnce.Ha!, All Over, Hod Ribbon Tam. •ox. Black Lake. Cave Hock, Maiatanc Ua"-ll'l Cr u ( K "'’ Dai,itv Slp, K 'Seafoam Ba„.lad. .Buitmi-ous. Depredation,. Coined? tnnee Grccsus, K a n oUcl ', Pr>ce Charleroi, OoldHlniKi, Paletunea. Hoval Star Bwoet i ipperary.

FINAL HURDLE HANDICAP of ICO f.° vs; ™"r ,n ! lc r ?,nd thrce-qmrWs-Lordi T ,e "anu!. Mill o’ Gowrie, Sir Asims Kohu, Loyal Arch. Monopole, Gluetanus' bignyseni, Ramauuwhiri, Thrace. Hiainyham Locoelhi. Ivauri Em?, Slowcoach, Golden fcm , Mannish, (lay Light, All Over. Omuhn. hisher, Paddington Green. Ladopeur, Chummy, Coldstream, Marshal Noil Alteration, Kerchone. Deviation, Dylan's/'’ KIA ORA HANDICAP, of 200 sovaTfivo Uitlong-s—Loch Dim, Sauacre Peter Pan' Gold Coast, Zen Ida ml, Quiniro, Mostheuos’ Hymarly. Gay Lady, Princess Marion, Scrap o’ Paper, Yankee Dan, idleness, Kan?inta Magistrate. Eleullus. HcyaH Prince. Pvepurai tion, Gold Pan, J. ; ’li?lit Commander. Paro-i-augi, Russel, Oossard. Maungaraka Vifella Si AVai, ?i?na!,, Elva, Stolen Triumph, Upi- ««<■’, B?d Signal. Piro Piro, Night. Time, Dead Sweet, Kwmo, Joan Gluten, Perrier, Aulomwvft,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19986, 29 June 1920, Page 3

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RACING AND TROTTING Star (Christchurch), Issue 19986, 29 June 1920, Page 3

RACING AND TROTTING Star (Christchurch), Issue 19986, 29 June 1920, Page 3