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was out, caught behind tho wicket,—l 43—-8 3D. Stum pa were then drawn for tho day. Scores: — OTAGO. First Inning*. R. Westbrook, e Keau k q A. Eckhoid, 2211, b Head .... 0 J. Suiitn, 141111, b Bead . , , . y J. M’Mullan, 111 b Bead .... 3 T. Madarlano, 216111124, c Taylor b M'Ewin . . . , .19 A. hj. Alioo, 1114, c Taylor b M’Ewin . 10 A. Galland, 1112123111221141141111, cot out R. Torrance, 211111, b Watson ... 7 Ur Hutchison, 1114111, hU. Beesc . . 10 C. Chadwick, Ibw b Bocsc .... 0 3. Barron, 21414221, c and b Bead . . 17 Byes, 12222 y Leg byes, 11112 ..... 8 Total 130 Bowling Anatjri*. Overs. Mdns. Buns. Wkla, E. Bead . . 20.5 7 44 5 D. Sandman . 14 3 32 J, M’Ewin .0 1 14 2 11. Watson .4 U. Reose . . 4 Second Innings. K. Westbrook, 1111111112112'., b Road . Hi A. Eckhold, 1111211. c Hayos hj Sandman 8 T. Maeiarlune, 111411131, e *ud b Sandman •••... 14 A. Galland, 412, b Sandman . 7 J. M'Muliai), 2UMII-134211, c Road b Beeso 05 A. W. Alioo, 1141212124411122, c” Taylor b Blunt 30 B. Torrance, 13, b Beeso • • ! 4 J. Smith, 1, st Taylor b Sandman . 1 Ur Hutchison, 21141424, not out , .19 Byes, 422114 . . . . ,1 1 Leg byes, 1211 . . ... 5 Total for eight wicket* , , 143 CANTERBURY. ' First Innings. R. C. Blunt, 123144, b Tonance . ,18 B. U. Worker, 14141, Ibw b Alioo . . 11 X. Brosnahan, 2U411114U1112U22212111 144441411111441, not out 7,3 W. Hayes, 41142111, ibw b Macfarlanc . 15 A. AV. Thomas, 431141141121*212211121411 422, hj Torrance Bo D. Reese, 422141, c Galland b Alioo . 14 D. Sandman, 2, c and b Torrance . . 2 11. Watson, 212111, Ibw b Torrance . . 8 J. M'Ewin, 141, b Mncfarlane . . . G B. Piead, 4164141, b Torrance, . . ,21 H. Taylor, c Barron b Torrfmco . . 0 Dyes, 441 9 Leg-byes, 112 ..... 4 Total . . t . . , .236 Bowling Analysis. Overs. Mdns. Buns. Wkts. B. Torrance . 37,3 13 93 6 A. AV. Alioo . 22 a 54 2 T. Macfarlane . 14 1 3'J 2 A. Eckhold ,5 1 10 B. Westbrook . 3 A. Galland . 3 EXCHANGE OP COMPLIMENTS. At the conclusion of the lunch Mr G. T. AA'eston, vice-president 01 the Canterbury Cricket Association, m proposing tho health of tho Otags team, said they all would hope that the matenes between Otago and Canterbury, which had commenced in 18&4, and had been broken only by the war, would now continue without interruption. No match was more popular, and the contests had always been conducted in t-no best oi ejpiiit. It was always a pleasure to Canterbury cricketers to recall some of the keenly fought matches of tho past, and prominent players, such as Uowncs and Fisher, whoso names veto indelibly associated with Otago cricket. Mr A. Marlin (manager of the Otago team), in responding, said that the Otago cricketers were glad that tho time-honoured contests had been resumed, and all hoped that never again would there be a break under such tragic- circumstances, Tho Otago efick'elers .wished to pay a tribute io itlio Canterbury boys who had fallen in the war. In tho first innings oi tho present match Canterbury had shown its form with tho ball, but Otago hoped' to make a close game. The team wished to thank the local players for kindnesses and courtesies extended during the visit. Mr A. Galland (captain of the Otago team) also spoko briefly, stating that, the Otago tcamsmen hod thoroughly enjoyed thoir visit, ana urging that- all future matches slionld bo made Plunket Shield events. Thera wns n- good attendance during tho afternoon, and tho gate takings for tho. dnv amounted to £63 13s. The match will be. resumed at 2 n.m, on; Monday, CITY AND SUBURBAN ASSOCIATION. Owing to Railway being unable to put a team in the field, the only match played to-day was between Green’s and Crownall. Tho latter halted first. Scores; GREENS v. CROWNALL. CROWNALL. First Innings. AAL Bates, c Ayling b Jones ... 0 11. Hobbs, pt Tilley-short b Robertson . 71 1 B. Langford, c and b Jones . . i 9 H. Mills, c Norman b Batstono . * iq 0. Eix, b Jones j j H. Smith, b Robertson • - • ! 7 F. Boycs, c Haynes b Batsione , | g A. Peters, 0 Gasson b Robertson ! j iff if. Bugg, b Robertson . . . ! 0 G. Hancox. c Batstono b Robertson 0 F. Bennett, not out ... * 4 Extras 7 Total 67 Bowling Analysis.-—6. Robertson, fivo wickets for 26 runs; J. Jones, three for 2-5; J. Bwtono, two for 10. GREEN'S. First Innings, J. Jones, b Bates ,1 B. Morris, run out ..... 1 J. Batstono, b Rix ff A. Norman, c Bugg b Rix .... 5 L. Haynes, b Rix 15 E. Gasson, st Peters b Rix ... 7 G. Duggan, b Rix . . , 4 , AV. Cowlin. b Eix . . . ,29 T. Tilleyf.liort, not out .... G. Robertson, not out 3 Extras iff Total for eight wickets . , .105 SECOND GRADE. Templeton 73 (A. Mackio 14, R. Walker 41) v. St Albar.s, seven for 92 (Stewart 21 not .out, cihnw 23, Hammond 10). Bowling for St Albans, Barnes took five wickets (including tlio lint trick) for 10, 11 ml AVinter 3 for 22. ° AVoolston batted first against Green’s nnd made 225 (Peacock 45, Saiums 47, R. Pago 15, J. Roberts 30, Robb 69j. Green’s made 46 (Lagan 31 not out). R. French and D. Lagan bowied well tor Green's and ibigo amt AVorrall for AVooklou. Now Brighton, battnig first against S. Johns, made 5S (A. Galo 17, Bellamy Ic, Ridley 14), St John’s replied with 218 for seven wickets (Reeves 61, Nutiridgc 52, Kerr 29 not out-, James 29. Matthews 18). Pratt took three wickets for 90 and Ridley two for *27 tor Npw Brighton. Boys’ Gordon Hall defeated Prebbloton bv default, THIRD GRADE. Boys" Gordon Hall defeated St. Jolm’s bv default. ■Mansis defeated D.I.C. hy an innings ■ and 00 runs. Scores: Marists .166 (Bachelor 44, O'Reilly 39. M'Cotmack J9, Ellis 36, Sumner K'). D.I.C'. 73 and 33 (Herron 23, Pitt 19). Herron and M'Namara for D.I.C. and Sumner and O'Reilly for Mnrists wore the best bowlers.

INTERPROVINCIAL MATCH. OTAGO V. CANTERBURY. The weather was on the cool fide this morning when the representative match between Otago and Canterbury was continued. When stumps were drawn on tho previous day Otago in tho first innings had made 130, and Canterbury had lost three wickets for 63. Brosnahan (not out 11) and Thomas (not out. 4) continued the Canterbury innings, Macfarlano and Torrance taking up the bowling. Seventy waj. soon passed, the principal contributing footers to which were a nice late cut for throe by Thomas of! Macfarlano, while Brosnnhan straight, drove Torrance io I tho boundary. Play steadied down, and Torrance sent down a maiden to Brosnahan. once boating him. Thomas was making some nice shots behind thj wicket. Ho was tempted to hit out at Maofarlauo, but the bull 101 l short of Galland nt long off, Thomas was now laying the wood on, and cut one hard from Torrance to point. Galland failed to pick up cleanly, but-his return to the wickets in boforo Brosnahan reached the crease. The ’keeper did not gather tho hall in m time, Iho Limvood captain continued at a good average rate of rungetting, and after twenty-five minutes’ play, Brosnahan, who had been plugging along stomliy, brought the century up wnn a single in the slips. Alioo noiy toon up tho bowling irom Maclariane, and Hcunoid relieved Torrance. In Aiioo’s second over Thomas gave Juckhold u hot chance m tho slips, lev; down, but n was nut held. Thomas continued to do mos t oi. Inc scoring, and with a hue square uu iu the boundary raised the total to plu. Bckho.d beat Thomas with tile hrst bail of ms next over At 124 Westbrook was tried in place of Alioo. Thomas nicely turned the now bowler to the leg boundary and passed his half-century, Torrance went on in place of Eckhold when Utago s score had been equalled. Torrance bowied I nomas nine runs later, and the Linwood player departed alter a bright inhaT'nmf^/r 55 ;!, u ,‘ Reeso j° in ed Broananan, and after the latter had scored a single, the Canterbury oaptsuii opened with nl„ ltJU [ whom Alice now nv placed. Brosnahan had now developed into a stoncwalier, and Keese was solely tailing the score along, with forceful off drives. The most notable incident for a time was f, P roi ionnced but unsuccessful appeal for low against Brosnahan facing Torrance. Brosnahan then opened his shoulders and hard dtora Torrance for his second four of in A1 !°?. Lad hia field wll placed on the off, and Heeso drove one high, which Nand well held close to tho houndary.Sandman went in, but after scoring two, a hard back cut, patted one back to Torrance—l6G-6—2, and H Watson went to the crease. There was little Hie m the batting, but. presently Brosnahan got two more fonrers, and reached hia fifty, after being at tho wickets for over two hours and a half. The Otago fielding was sound, Holland doing some especially fine worn Just before luncheon Galland went on in place of Alioo. Brosnahan turned tho first ball to leg for fout-WO up. and this was tne total at the adjournment. j TV nt sou scored a single off Torrance from after lunch. Brosnahan cut Galland swcetlj- for four, bringing 190 nu. Watson, who had never appeared very much at Homo to the bowling, was out shortly afterwards, getting in front- to Torrance. l ~ t> ‘ M ,- t T vin P>ayed tho remainder of the over, and then Macfarlano relieved Gallaud at the other end. There was little doing for some fime except an occasional single—Torrance sending uewn leur successive maidens—and then there was u gleam of brightness ■ when M’Ewin .-•Jammed Mncfarlane right past tho wicket to tne oouudary, and 200 was up. The Sydenham lad made a smack or two at Torrance, but could not got the ball away, and once was beaten. Facing -Macfarlano in the next over -M T-wju played forward nnd missing was bowled. 203-ft-G, Bead, the newcomer, commenced quietly, and then got a lucky smek to the boundary inside slip. iorrnneo, who had tho batsmen well on tho defensive now sent down his seventh successive maiden over—in nine overs. Since lunch four singles had been scored off him. In the next over by Torrance Bead broke this spell by lifting the Otago bowler over the boundary mark at the Eiccarton Road end for six. Bead showed a disposition to ml hard, but tho placing of tho Otago field stopped many crisp shots. At 227 Alioo took the. Dowling again at Mncfarlami's end and Hoad snicked one past the wicketkeeper for lour. lacing Torrance Bead tried to pull one to leg and was bowled. 234—9—° 1 < Bend had becirin exactly twenty-one minutes for lus runs. H. Taylor, last man, proceeded to the crease. The first ball from Torrance went lor two byes. i Taylor’s stay was not lorn* as immediately afterwards ho tipped oim from tho same bowler towards Barron, who brought off a good one-handed catch, arid tho innings closed for 23C. Brosnahan, who was not out with 73 not a good reception. Ho Lad played a patient innings for keeps, ’ and his exceeding canlion must have been hj eart break in & u> the howlers. Nothing could tempt him to indulge in the forceful batting characteristic Oi his play in local Cup cricket. His success m his first representative match was we'l deserved. In a minority of TOG Otago opened their second innings with Eckhold and TVcstbreok. Bead bowling from the Eiccarton ere), sent down a maiden over to Eckhold Sandman went on at the other c-rease! Singles from tho bat, and four for byesj I’icuglit ten up. A sharp run single saw Westbrook have a close call of being run out. The batsmen then adopted the policy oi stopping there, and the runs will come, no risks being taken. Sandman was puzzling, and at last Eckhold chopped one high to Hayes, at point, nnd it was safely held. 25—'I—8. Macfarlano was then in, and M'Ewin relieved Bead. Throe rims later tho tea adjournment was taken (Westbrook not out 13, Macfarlano not out 1). Westbrook hit Sandman for two in tho first over after the afternoon tea adjournment, bringing 30 up. Bead displaced M’Ewin and bowled Westbrook, who endeavoured to drive tho bowler—33—3—l6. Galland succeeded Westbrook. M’Farlane late cut Sandman for four. Galland opened his score with, a four through the slips off up. A nice turn to leg off Sandmand gave M'Farlaiio three more. GnlInnd brought the half-century up with a two of! Sandman, but two halls later was howled—so—3—7. With only one tun added M'Farlane was caught by Sandman off his own bowling, the board reading 51— I—l 4. Alioo brought GO on tho board with a two off Bead. M'Mullnn hit Sandman finely to log for four. With the score at GB, Thomas took a turn with the ball, relieving Bead. Alioo hit his first delivery for two. The score rose by easy stages to 80, and then M'Mullan had two smites at M'Ewin, which went for a. four and a three respectively. Hero Reese took up the bowling instead cf Thomas at tho Eiccarton end. M’Mullan had an escape off the sixth ball, Brosnahan missing him in the slips.. Thomas was transferred to the other crease. Tho partnership had pul on 44 when M’Mullan gave a sharp chance off Thomas at fine slip. The century was just in sight when M'Mullan patted one from Reese to Read, at mid-on. 99—5—23. Torrance raised the century with, a single off Eecse. and his next- scoring shot was a three to leg off Sandman. It was hia last, too. as Reese bowled him with tho first hall of his next over—lo3—6—t—and Smith was in. Alioo, who had not scored a rim for half an hour, then drove Beeso to the off boundary, a-nd Canterbury's lead was wiped off. Smith only scored, a single, ere he moved out to Sandman, and was stumped. —lC®—7—l. Sandman had now taken four wickets for 39 runs, Hutchison dragged’ Reese to the on boundary, and 120 came up. Within a few minutes of time Read was pul on again, and the second ball Hutchison sent, to (he leg boundary, and the same player showed an ability to hit in subsequent shots. Blunt todk the last over of tho day. Tho fust ball Alioo put up dangerously near slip, and off tho second he

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19879, 21 February 1920, Page 8

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CRICKET. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19879, 21 February 1920, Page 8

CRICKET. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19879, 21 February 1920, Page 8