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Papon and parcels received by the Han Kranrisno mail yesterday arc being delivered in Christchurch to-day. To-day’;t river report slates that the Wainnikariri (both hiaiicJicK.), tin; Rabija and the Opihi are clear, llio Rangitata dirty, ;ujil tin- Wait.aki fishahle. 'I In' Mayor ol Cisl/orne has telegrapbed to the Premier proAesting agaiiint, I lie iioii-iiielusion ol liistorie Poveri.y Ray in the Prince of ’Aides'!) lour. A New Plyiiiniiih telegram states that tin l in I .’oinl annual Dominion <onIcrevc of the U olin o ;• National l(e----h.;i ve o)r-i.ed tlii,. morning .Mrs Corliss; (Wellington) presiduij' o\er tv.eniy-five dclegati’.,. Tlio Mayor accorded an ol)i<ial v/elconm. .Mi-a A. Warner, of )H, Crange Cicsccnt, Slii'liield, Kti);iiiiid ) Inn wiitlen lo tile .'.layor ol (Jirihlclllllcii, | ai'lung lor m",v;t o) her orothcr, .lame-. | Waiii.-r, r. no )i * 11, England lor New I /C alami thiru-hve ycai:. ago, and would i now be about sixty. t Thu Maw.r (Dr 'I li.e-l uy ,M.P.) has j received a I e leg tarn Imm (he Prime; the elf..e|, that., while the I Railr.’iiy ’‘'Do-pa/ tment- as a matter ol i p.'licy. ha-, relu-cd to open 1 up ni;y line on a hiindu.v tor Hie h|ieeiiio 1 jiuipo.-.e ol a railway pieme train, Urn ' same objection would not. aj'ply to lhe| Curl •l.elnircil-Lytl.eltoii Imy. which i-, ul-i reau, open lor aiil.urban service;, on Humlayo. * j The elect i iciami’ depute, which was' to conio helm e tlm Coucilial ion Council , to-iiionow iiiorniiig, ban been adjourn- ! ed inilelhntcly, ponding a Dominion eolilerence of i i-)u* l voo ol Iho in - ferouied pariio- at Wellington on Kolinniry 2b. Tin. cyelo-wmlien,' ilii-.put.e | will he heard io iiioirow at 2,.') 1 ) ji.m,, and I lie ga- w orliei !-, 1 iliapiile ire;, I, jMoiid.ij. There is a poasilulil.y that, I In* j I. am way ease may he called next. Toes- j hay. ‘ ' j Oai jieii'.er.i .iini ;miicir> oiiii.loycd as , ciiHual-, h\ iho Pul,ln Works Depart j in Cliriiiirliaivh have wriiton lo (lie .Mayor (1), ThaoKoi, M.P.j, com | plaining that, white ilm ruling; wage is i lAs a da/, llioy are receiving only I-Is ! (id I lu- men alnle I.bat I hey have mailt, 1 roprab-.l repreaenliilmns in the. nml.ler anil have re<-eiVe.| no ail I islael.ioli. Tlmy : a-li Ibat ill.- injilNliee .should be reme- : died, iiiol 11 1 a I I.ho new rale aliuuld be; made i.d ni;.|)r.-l ire lu .May bud . Dr j Timelier lias lm warded tlm cuniphiint ell lu (.he 11 111 Ill'll'Jtie.M. ‘' Iho W'lnile thing; in munii-ipal enlerprine is money. Willi money you .an do anything;," said Mr A, D. Ford, Mayor of Kiccai Imi, last, eveinit;.;, when membera of Hie llmungb I'mincii naked Ilim wlml. be bad |i:nl Irtihil ly wlille in Atndralm. In lie- Common--wealth, .Mini Mr Ford, Ihe iiiilhoriliea (Imuglil. imllmiv of spending; t.'|OU,IKH), er e\ eu .1;,'100,01,11, upmi a sclmiim I Hitt. Wan cell: idereil worth while. There Was evidently picul) of luoiie-, iii Australia. One hank malinger had .-.aid that. ll|e prosperity ol tin- comitri was in I ilieinl, but it wna very marked, at any rale. I.illellon a- a linal poll ol call for big .-.laps is a .subject about which there is growing ciUltrevels) . |)\ 1 lllu kol , ! replying lu erihnsm ia ilm, said thill it was til.' Mvrelary and engineer ol the Harbour Ibmrd who had staled speeilii'. ally (lull dm lame, the Alhenie, the Caniuhie, and (lie Megiiiitir canid not, get ant of Lyttelton tally loaded, and it was that statement which ho had ipmled j in a pro ions interview. Lyttelton, said the Mayor, had a depth at only 28-i tool, rising, to ill loot, uliiih allowed’ big Hups thivo feet- of humping 1 room lo ctL-.-t wuv great miprovo- | tueut would mean hla.-iaig vui a ’urge scale, at a co.-t of otto mil- | ’ion s',. As an argttmem in tavour ; v’y Pur*. V”r!'V!U!iv:i. Dr I'tiacker men- ’ P.'O’.’.-.v. d's' in C-rea: Rruatu there were | '.ho - ’ ot ir.'..uul_ wau»r- i " 'V■ T ,:’ : w -i" P r -'L J. A:.?:.--:-;-. E. D. John- i W. J. I= r:,:;.-! C. C, M'KcUj ~ir. f,:zrr.v r i of i *•'* ompanyj v.-roto i sta'.ing i y.*: question of installing! &"a supply at, the xaloyards had not j boor, ovorlooxcd. hut, up to the lime, of writing, totiniary ~ ;t had not been | pov-.thle to obtain the rificeh-.ary lalxjijr j for the work. The Cmeral .Manager of l Railway., wrdto that officers of the De-1 partrneni exercised all prom-yjtion.s to pruvont, cruelty to animals while 0 n trains, but could not adopt the, role of stock inspectors, and could not undertake to say when owes in land) or with lambs wore or were not in a condition to travel. -Mr Tlustturn (honorary treasurer/ reported that the receipts to date amounted to £3oo 12s 7d and the expenses to £203 7s 2d, leaving a credit balance of £M7 os oil. Air 1). J. White (inspector) reported that he had visited several country districts, horse, poultrv and stock sales in the city and the country, and llie recent trotting meeting at Addington, and had warned or cautioned farmers and others. The report was adopted.

The establishment of immieinal ho«.els was advocated by Mr J.' A. Fmstick at last night’s mooting „f the O.nicrhurv Industrial Association. ITo said the association wouid do v;d! to urp;c niunimyiniities throughout the Dominion.. espocudiy in lame centres, to p.nicfc, ecjiijip and furnish up-to- - 'aTe hostels under proper conditions he did not Tiicn.n " immigration barracks”• whoi-e voung- men an,’ women could live with pleasure, using toiinnon living; and dining rooms, but with certain apartnmnta reserved respectively for males and It v.’as often vorv hard :m- young people to obtain accoinmo-’ i.uti.'iji at res.svr.,l !do rate, ami thev not infrequently drifted into anaWmerits ut an jindcdrablo • nature* It, womd par municipalities .handsomely to ereot taa .losteis suggested. even though n (in.TO.'ial loss was eroerienccd on the ttetna! working expenses. Mi- (7. H. Wylo? expressed agreement with Mr lfrosuc» » remarks, saying that the* vvort- of providing reliable accommodation ror newcomers should not be left v\f 1 n\ VD , 1 . ntary WRnnisations ns tho 1.A1.U.A- men and women wois? coming out to Now Zealand as immigrants and must be provided lor. Air Fro?tick 1 gave notice to rnovo at tho association's annus! meeting that rhe association should take active steps for the lumberanco or Ins son one.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19876, 18 February 1920, Page 8

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TOWN AND COUNTRY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19876, 18 February 1920, Page 8

TOWN AND COUNTRY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19876, 18 February 1920, Page 8