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(By "ARGUS.")

■FIXTURES. December 10, 11—WoorWlla Jockey Club. December 11 —Bay of Plenty Jockey Club, December 19, ,lfi—New Brighton Trotting Club. KOMINATIONS. December 3—Ashburton Trotting Club. Dicsmbec B—Gore Trotting Club, December - &— ; Aucklß.u<l Trotting Club, December S—Poraugnhau Racing Club, December s—Westland Racing Club. December s—Dunedin Jockey Club. December S — Racing Club. December {—Auckland Racing Club. December s—ytartou Jockey Club. December J—Hawke's Bay Jockey Club. The Metbon Racing Club's meeting Was held yesterday in very pleasant, conditions. The wintry snap which was | experienced cm Wednesday threatened 1 to interfere with tlie success of the fix- j tune, but. the weather was perfect yes- 1 terday, the sun shining out. strongly, j The special train from Christchurch started off with a, good complement, of passengers, and picked up others at | every station, on the way, with the re- ! suit that it carried a heavy load by thej-j t.iiUo. it reached Mothvoa. The club is*; fortunate in the possession of an oner- i getic band of stewards, who were busy i throughout the day attending to various details. Their efforts in assisting the secretary, Mr J. V. Stone, were ! highly successful, the meeting running | along very smoothly in' every respect-. | Though lit is one of the newest of the i totalisator clubs in Canterbury, the j Methven Racing Chib h;ls made good r progress, and it is on a fair way to j taking a prominent place among the. provincial racing institutions in Hu's part of the Dominion. The big crowd ■that attended yesterday’s meeting w;as in a speculative mood, and the totalisa-

tor investments, £11,889 IDs. was a re-' Cord for the course, being a substantial j increase on the £9622 handled! at last j season’s fixture. j Racing opcaied with the Mount Harding "Welter Handicap, for which there 1 were seven competitors. Mythology | carried a few. pounds more than War- I form, while Red Pool was a good j 'third choice with backers. It was a i 'Very interesting face. Heath Lass got! Off badly, thus .repeating her perform-1 ance at tne South Canterbury meeting, hut once she got going she showed a nice turn of speed and she may pick up a race shortly. Mythology and; Warform were in front from start to finish. stage waa there much between t hem, but War form gradually wore hie opponent down and won with a little to spare. • Bed Pool was always well placed, but in the run home Some Girl joined in .ahd just beat the All Red gelding for third money. Some Girl, though little removed from moderate class, should win races during the holiday season. " Mythology gave further ctrtdenod that lie ia a very useful dupb tomer, and he may prove to be as good as his half-brother, Golden King, before his railing career ia over- Warform is ; just doming to lus best farmi and be looks certain to add to his winning record at the " southern meetings during the holidays. Scratching! were, humorous for the Drayton Trot Handicap, the field! numbering nine. Joan Logan was a warm favourite, carrying twice as much money as Erin’s Logan, who was the only other backed with, much confidence.. The supporters of Brin’s Logan ■got a very‘ poor run, as she did nob go off the. main, well and she took no part in the rahe. Jean lidgan on the other hand, was always one of the front division. Bella Vista showed the way for five furlongs and, then retired, Oammie following suit a little further on.' This left Jean Logan and The Monkey in the lead, and after keeping dose company to the straight, the favourite drew away, : winning comfortably. Jean Logan Showed a lot of speed early in her career, and die registered a good) performance in the Sapling Stakes at Ashburton last June, only fading out in the last little bit. She has grown into a handsome filly, who promises to develop into o, good one. The Monkey, who filled aecond place, is a useful pacer by Emiliujt; • Oammio. like the winner, i# by Ldgaih -Pointerj her dam being the speedy mare Princess Sherwood. " She •looks as if she would pay her 'way later oni' , ‘ ’ There were five competitors for the Methven Oiip. They included: Some Girl, who bad been a competitor" in the Opening event. She was the outrider and never looked ,dangerous. Macduff was a strong favourite, while Warlike, Rurrangong and Spyglass were pretty evenly backed in that order. Warlike and Spyglass made the early running, but over the; last couple of furlongs Rurrangong and Macduff had the race to tlicanßelves. Rurrangong had a bit of an advantage at the entrance to the straight,. where Macduff tackled him. They bad i royal battle till a hundred yards from home; when Burrangone weakened. Macduff beating him comfortably at the finish. Warlike was a

good third., followed by Spyglass, but neither -of ihis pair raced quite up x<s ' expectations. Macduff shaped fairly well in more than one race, at Riccarton last month, but this was his first success this season. By Antagonist— Scottish Star, h© itt a brother to Clavet- . house, who won at Wteiton recently. .Macduff is a well-grown cult and if he remains sound no should win in much: more pretentious company before the teason.-is' muoh further advanced. ■ The Springfield Trial Plato attracted a field! of nine. Vice Regal was »i. little better backed than Clean Sweep nnd Footlights, while Belgian King also had plenty of admirers. Clean Sweep had his chance settled at the start, as ho was bndly left, but the other threo . HUed the places. A r ico Regal and Sport were responsible for tho pace-making, and they were still in charge, at tlu> home turn. Then Sport lost his place, Belgian King going after Vice Regal. They had a great strugglo all the way up the straight, but Belgian King, finishing well, had a neck advantage ns . they paHsedi tho post. Belgian King won the same race two years ago, but fcinee then has not fulfilled expectations. He is by Cronstadt, a brother to' All Red, from Pensive, by Obligado from Reverie, tho dam of Dundas and Welbeek. Vice Regal, who is by Vice Admiral, is a fair sort, but never likely to bo more than useful. Footlights was finishing fast, after being slow to begin. In a field of seven for the Electrm Handicap, Mooi-ahbo was a strong far *urite, but Foo Ohow, Thestius, AlgidiiH and Pyjama were all well backed, in that order. Moorabbe caused a bit of trouble at the post, while the veteran Oxeuhope also assisted in delaying tho Btart. When the barrier went up Thestius, Moorabbe and Pyjama began smartly, in that order, and none of the others could: even get near them. Thestius. showing great brilliancy, streaked away with a good lead, and he never looked in danger of defeat. Mootabbe was going comfortably at the r home turn, but though vigorously handled, in the straight she failed to malw any impression on the leader. Over the last hundred yards, in fact, she faded out badly, and Pyjama beat her easily for second place. Thestius ami Pyjama., who are both by Martian, hiv loii'g to the broken winded brigade,, but they found the climatic conditions. very favourable. Algidus was chopped out at the start and this settled her (shance, to the disappointment oF hi» admirers. lAnk Up shaped badly, her frecent form being hard to understand, tfblle Foo Ohow was another who . ran uracil below expectations. Oxenhorm h*« seen his day es a racing uroposi- i fcton» Six was the main for the Viewnvont Handicap-, Immense was a good favourite, but with the exception of Lori- ' Koin they were all well backed. Immense and Wangi Aroha set a hot puce for two furlongs, where Rongi. Aroha j dropped out, Master Dennis joining lni-

mens©. _ They continued together to the straight, and looked like having the finish to themselves. Then Belgian King appeared on the scene with a great run, and going on strongly, he won with a bit. to spare from Master Dermis, while Immense, who was in trouble a hundred ynHs from the post, was two lengths away. The winner's performance was attractive, ns he got off badly and had a lot of ground toi make up. His rider. J. Sunbeam, handler] him in fine style and having made a. start on a winner, this youngster should soon bn in favour with owners who require a light-weight horseman. Master Dennis, who was second, is a, four-year-old by Masterpiece from the Stepmak mare Petrovna, a.nd he looks as if lie would win' some' decent meet later on. The Fanners' Trot Handicap Attracted a held of a dozen. Coalfield, « stable companion of the previous winner. .lean Logan, was a warm favourite. Hrin's I/ogan being again the second choir j . Backer- were well on the spot ns these two led the field home. Bewanin and Erin's Logan made the early running, hut Rewauui broke up at the epd of three, furlongs, Coalfield then joined Erin's Logan, with Ifidie Mac a lid ('ocoalemi handy. Cocoa- 1 Iren retired live furlongs from home, ! but idle other three were in close order | when they reached the si might. Coal- j Hold was always going ■omfortahly lion- 1 ever, and he won decisively. At one j stage of his career it was thought that, | Coalfield would turn out more than use- | ful, but he has been an expensive horse j to his admirers up till now. Erin’s | Logan just gained second money after j an exciting struggle with Kdie .Mae, hut I she had to run the gauntlet of a pro- i test for interference. There was a ; long hearing before it. was dismissed, i Etui’s Logan is , a promising filly by \ Logan Pointer from that good mare I Innisfnil. hut she has had a pretty hard j time, lately, and. she may he all the i bettor for a spoil. Bell Logan, an- j other of the Logan Pointer family. I from Curfew Bell, is a good looking filly, who may bring Air IV. J, Mor- i land into prominence again ns an i owner when she is u little more seasoned. I The concluding event, the .Mount j H.utt- Handicap, attracted five competitors. Ju a. good betting race Bombproof. .Mythology and Sans Sonei were hacked in that order'. The start was not a happy effort. There were, two false starts, and then they got oft in straggling order. Bombproof and Sans Sonei were smartest out, lull Sans Souci was in trouble when the straight was reached. Thestius and

Mythology then joined in, and after i ' a great finish they ran past the post I '< on terms, a dead licat being the result. I JJoth ihe dead-heater?, were unlucky at I ' the start, .but opinions were divided as j ' to which was the greater sufferer. Fifty ! ; yards from thp post .it looked as' ;,Y j ! .Mythology would win, but the effort io ' make up his ground told on him in i the last bit. ■ was well hand- ' led by A. Kilis, a, light-weight who had ! not previously hcen on a winner. ' At the conclusion of the. Metlnvn Cup : yesterday tho silver cur> which accom- i panted the stake was handed to Sir j George Clifford by the donor, Mr A. J. j AVilson, who expressed pleasure at see- i ing it won by such a good sportsman. ; Sir George Clifford, in replying, said j he had not been very fortunate in the j past in Cup races. He bad never won a. j New Zealand Clip, an Auckland Cup, I a 'Wellington Cup or a Dunodin Cup. though ho bad had many tries, but hi? i fortune bad tuvned in this respect, and j he had now won the Metliven Cup. He expressed appreciation of the club's! efforts to promote clean sport and to ' provide good appointments. There i was no reason why they should not i emulate the efforts of the best promt- j neut clubs in the North Island, and ! eventually give stakes which would at- j tract good horses from distant parts. | There.were : two double winners at the j Methven llacing Club's meeting yester- j day. Belgian King, following on his : win in the Springfield Trial Plate, put ', tip a., penalty nnd captured the View- j • niont Handicap. . Tiiestius made a j runaway race of the Electric Handi-1 cap. and in the last event of the meet-1 ing he lasted long enougn to make a , j dead beat with ..Mythology..who. earlier .

in tho clay, had run second to Warform. | The siicces* of Macduff in tho Meth- J ren Cup yesterday was freely antici-1 pated, the Antagonist colt being sent'. out a strong favourite. Tt was his first ; success this season, tlionjrh he van i fairly well in some of his engagements j at the Canterbury Jockey Club's meet- •■ ing last month. ! Two jockeys opened their winning ac-1 counts at the Methvon meetintr Tester- j day. They were J. Sunbeam, who j rode Belgian King in his second sue- j Cess, and A'. Ellis, who was on Thestius I in the last race, in which he ran a dead j heat with Mythology. | Nominations for the meetings, of the ' Ashburton. Gore and Auckland Trot-1

ting Clubs \vill rtoso to-day. Nomitintions nro. duo to-day for a. number of holiday meetings, including those of the Auckland Enciiw Club. Dunedin Jockoy Club and AVestlnnd i Racing Clnh. j AKAROA COUNTY RAGING CLUB. The committee, met' on Wednesday afternoon and framed the programme for'the annual meeting to hs held at Motukarara, on Saturday. March (V, increasing the stakes from ,<;700 to £IOOO. The events are:—Trial Plate, 100 sovs, six furlong? (weieht-fov-nsre): Anuria Hack Handicap, of 100 sovs, five iurlonsrs; Peninsula, Cup, of 250 sovb, one mile and a quarter; Kinlock Welter Handicap, of 100 ,sovs, seven furlonprs: Tarawera, Hack .Handicap, of 100 sovs, rjx furlongs; Forsyth j-'JY-iue Handicap, of 150 sows, six furious:*; Waihorn, Park Trot Handicap (in harness), of 100 bovs, two miles; Wairewa, Tret Handicap (in saddle-!, of 100 ?>m, one vniie and a, half. Mr Harry Thompson was appointee etarter for the. meeting. TAUANAKI JOCKEY CLUB. [Prr Press Association.] WELLIXGTOX, December I. The. following handicaps have been declared for the Christmu.'i mectirjsr of the Thrail a!«i Jockey Club: STEWARDS' HACK HAXDICAP. of IT.i sovs; six furlongs—Perfect Day list 01b. Sweet Meinorv Bst 131b. Hallow fist. 131b! Xemaline Rst Sib. Egmont Park flst 41b, Idyllic 7st 11 lb, Passing Thro' 7st Sib, Utango 7sl ."ill), Zela. 7st 31b Kanlorini 7st, Aot«nroa "st. Ma.nojrtie 7st, Tiroraka Bat nib. RAHOTU HACK HURDLE HANDICAP, of ]7,i sovs; one. mile and a half and luuvds —Khartoum lOst loth. Cheddar !i)st 71b. Speedwell Mac OH 13]b, .To. Ton !lst inlb, Xsjakanui list 101b, Nicomar Ost Mb, Kurnalpi Ost Blb, Katan.i Ost 61b, Gunwale !)st 51b. Applaud Ost 31b. Sipnorelln !bt P,lue Moon n.«t, TonntoOst, Darnlcv 0?t. BOROUGH HACK HAXDICAP, of ion sovs; five furlnnsrs—• Sweet Memory Ost. Olb, Vance Ost. Xemaline Ost. Prince Formbv f>st 10lb. Magistrate fist Olb. Kareno fit Oil!. Lady Paula Bst nib, Generalissimo Rst 31 b, Catnlini Pst, lib. Marble Har 7?t fllb. W»wata 7st. »Ib, Kins Shimoof-e 7st 7lb, Kickapoo 7s t /lb, Lady Leo 7st olb, .lane Douplas 7st olb, Kncircl" "st olb. Tiraraka Ist nib. Polemic Tst .ilb War Xnrse. 7st 51b, Hello Xoir 7st- olb, Flying .Master 7st ,51b, Income 7st ,11b, Toddv'7sl ,'ilb. Quwn Victoria 7st 51b, Kellee 7«t, Sib. Tiorn 7st Sib. CHIUSTM.AS HAXDICAP. of 300 sovs; one mile and n quarter—Depredation Ost. Alteration Bst 131b, Mnroueteur 8»t Olb. Toa Tore Bst. 41 b, Sea Sprite 7st 10lb, Paddinston (Vreen ;M, ftlb, Preitv Bobbv 7st. .lib, Carmel Arch 7st 4lb, Minister 7st 21b Tirangn 7st lib, Perfect Day Rst 101b, Ringbam list. 10lb. Trombone, fint Tib. Haversack list 71b. LEPPERTOX WELTER HACK. HAXDfCAP, of 150. sovs; f/>ven furlongs—Timnsa list olb, Simon KM 4lb. Tdvllio Kim, Si<" norella n.t. I2ib. While Haliger ■ 9st 111b, florist Ost. Sib, Otjinea. Ort Sib, G-uisnaform 9M. 81b. Te Te» ost'7lh ' Mwter X*il fM -lb, Xieomar (Ist Gib, Zeis. Oat 51b. Hi-lcvon 9st alb. Self Alliance Bst 21b, Army S*mcA 9st 21b, Better Luck 9«t, Alice Montrose Ost. Etui* Isle 9st, Kbttv Knob 9?t,, Lord Riifus 9st. FLYING- HAXDICAP, of 200 sovs; sis furlongs—Simonides fist 10!b, Esthonia Bst lllb, Madam llistori Bst 10lb. Carmel Arch Sat sl>. Hushinan Ssl Sib, Dingle 7st 12,1b, Mnnstw • 7st Olb Hallow 7*l 'Jib, revocation 7st 51b, Chvis est Olb

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19815, 5 December 1919, Page 2

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RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19815, 5 December 1919, Page 2

RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19815, 5 December 1919, Page 2