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IN DIVORCE, TO-DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. H;s Honor Air Justice Herd man presided at tne sitting in divorce of the Supreme Court to-day. CAMPBELL v. CAMPBELL. Ji-sic Campbell (Air Rowe) petitioned lor t..e annulment ol ner marriage wit.i James v.ampuell on the grounds of cies. rtiim. I'eauoner staled mat Her ntbband was a railway cl mm at limaru. On Ja.y /, Ibid, her Jiusuami lelt iimaru t. tor a holiday. He was u> ga to Christchurch for a week ana return in a week to tawo petitioner to ■lXiueuin for the remainder of the liohd„y. Respondent cm-appeareo item Lhri.stciiuren, auu was traced to cjytuiev and biougnt back, but again disappeared, The last petitioner heard or her husband was tnrough a letter sent trom Vancouver on Alay 19, ]9ll, Corroboration of petitioner’s statement being forthcoming, his Honor planted a decree nisi, to be made absolute in three months. JOHNSTON v. JOHNSTON, Harriet Elizabeth Johnston (Air F Johnston) petitioned for the dissolution ol nor marriage with Cecil George Johnston, the grounds being desertion. Petitioner stated that she was married to respondent on August 24, 1910. Residence w as taken up in Auckland, and there was one child of the nVarrmgc- Subsequently respondent, who wa.-, a. cab driver, said that business was bad. and ho asked petitioner to take a, situation until tilings could be pulled together. Petitioner removed to Rangiora to be near her mother. Her husband disappeared, and in 1914 she heard that he _was in Australia. From the time of his disappearance, respondent had made no effort to provide for petitioner or to even inquire about her His Honor granted a decree nisi, id bo made absolute in three months. Costs on the lowest scale were allowed--to petitioner. FORSYTH r. FORSYTH, Jeannic Forsyth (Air Kennedy, Asnburton) petitioned for the annulment of her marriage with Andrew Forsvth, on the ground of desertion. In her evidence petitioner stated that was married to' respondent during -alio. Her husband had been drinking lor a jqat ten years, and during residence Belfast no was in the habit of arriving home almost daily in a drunacn state. Petitioner wao frequently assaulted by respondent, and she had to seek police protection. No means of ■subsistence was forthcoming, and petitioner had iit times to seek the assistance of neighbours. Respondent disappeared in 1915, and she had not ie- °; ivea a penny from him since. Petitioner supported her four children from tbo proceeds of her earnings at the Ashbu ton Woollen Factory. Constable Miller (Papanui) corroborated petitioner’s statement as to the husband’s drinking habits. A prohibition order had been taken out on Ins (witness’s) advice. A decree nine was granted, to bo made absolute in three months BARKER v. BARKER. On the case Resina Barker (Mr Alpers; v. Collett Barker being called, Mt Alpers stated that the notion JiTose out oi one which h;ul bcou hourd in divorce proceedings last week. By n nsoii of the result, the petitioner did not intend to go on with the proceedings. GUTHRIE r. GUTHRIE. Mungo Alexander Guthrie (Air Buchanan) petitioned for the dissolution of lus marriage with Margaret Guthrie, Sidney Childs being named as co-res-pondent. Petitioner stated that in Slav, 191(5, be went, into camp and on returning Ironi tile war found that bis wife was missing. He discovered that she was living with the co-respondent, . Grace Boss, sister-in-law of petitioner, gave evidence as to going to a bouse at Ashburton, and finding respondent and co-respondent together. 1‘ ranees Griffith also gave evidence. A decree nisi wa® granted, with costs and custody of the children. MORGAN v. MORGAN. Frank Morcan (Mr Ouningbnm) petitioned for the annulment of his marriage with Margaret Moreau, Joseph Mr.dden ludnir named as eo-re-snoudont- The grounds of divorce were dc erri'-n and adultery. Petitioner stat'd that m 1917 be was a convalescent New Zealand soldier in Emdaud. On April 10 of that year petitioner married respondent in-Lou-den and brought her to the Dominion. In Jnlv. 1913. the co-resnondent took up residence wtib petitioner and bis wife. ■bibscqnemlv petitioner had reason to suspect bis wife and from certain admission® made bv her to Constable Exell took proceedings for divorce. Constable Exi-H. Ashburton, gave evidence ns to respondent making a statement that she bad lived with co-respon-dent for a pcrio-1 and that he Whs the father of her child. A decree ni<i was granted, to he made absolute in thro® months. Gn«ts were allowed against the co-respondent.. REED v. RF.FI>. Ada Ann Reed (Mr Hunter) .petitioned for the dissob’tion of her marriage with Thomas Reed, which was contracted at Holdsworth, Devonshire, on April 23, 189e. Petitioner stated that her husband took up land at Dunsandol in 1906. They came from England about four years previously. Respondent; became cruel to petitioner and ,m she was frightened hf him netiUoner remained in n residence in Christchurch with her daughter. Respondent had not provided anything towards the maintenance of petitioner or his daughter for six years. Evidence support was given bv W irufred Rood, file daughterHis Honor granted a decree nisi, to ho made absolute in three months. Costs on the lowest scale were awarded potitkmei. LAWRENCE v. LAWRENCE. Alary Lawrence (Air Hill) petitioned for the _ annulment of her marriage with George G. Lawrence on the grounds of desertion. Petitioner, in her evidence, stated that she was married to respondent at Cromwell on April S, 181)6. Subsequently she lived with her husband at Bannockburn. In July, 1913, respondent loft ids homo and had not returned or made any provision for petitioner .since. John E. G. Lawrence, son of the petitioner, supported hi s mother’s statement. A decree nisi was granted, to be mado absolute in three months. Costs on the lowest scale were allowed to tbo petitioner. CATER v. CATER. Harry Robert Cater Sir Caningharn) proceeded against bis wife, Aliro Alay Cater, for the dissolution of Ids marriage with her. on the grounds of adultery. William Douglas was named as co-respondent. _ Petitioner stated that ho was married on November 30, 190(5, and there were three children by the marriage. On January 14. 1917, petitioner left the Dominion with the Expeditionary Forces, his wife remaining in residence at their home in Lin wood, ami drawing his allotment money. Petitioner returned frqm the war during July of thi- year and found that his wife had another child, horn eleven months after he had left the Dominion. She bad admitted that the co-respondent whs the father of the child. After evidence, m support had been . tendered hu Honor granted a decree

„ ii 'r, 'ftfr-'fluto in three tnoiubs. Cost* were ordered to be paivl te 1 ;o 1 '---poiKient. and petitioner Was fiiren custody oV his three children. in , WI v. WILLIS. iMrajhiriK. WiliL (Mr Hunter) nctiticned for tne dissolution of her marringo with Albert William Willis. on tno grounds of desertion and drunkenness. Petitioner stated that sho was mar')rt,(S<?r, rf '' Sllo !': l( lV t on March 7- i. i t ,!lt time, he was a den- . respondent gave ia.y to ylnnkmg and became very Vioont nr tunes. Ho did not provide for her and she bad to live with her mother. _ In 191. 4 petitioner bad to S k op') n;,nco aiul s}le ! received .John Smyth. Court orderly, o n .v P evr enee n.s to various Court nroceedT’ 35 the issue of a prohibition o dor against respondent an d in conEtqucnce or subsequent breaches of Ids —' to Roto Ro:i an habitual A decree nisi was granted, to be marie absolute i n three months. p ot iST "' aS a °"' ctl ° osls on the lowest HOXAGHY v, DONAGHY. Itlizabotli Mary Douagiiv (Mr Cuningiiam) petitioned for the dissolution 0 carnage with Hugh Doim-div on the grounds of habitual drunkenand persistent cruelty . IVtitionor stated that she was married to respondent twelve rears ago aii'.l there were two children. Pcstkui(out was a. whirl labourer and firem«[!- About six years ago he became nddicicd to drink and under its j n fln. cnco he used to behave badlv in bis liome. smashing furniture and ill-treat-ing petitioner and the children. About mx months ago resjwndent disappeared. ijU >sc(|ucutly petitioner received letter _ I ronv respondent from Melbourne. In it bo stated his intention of goinf to America. 0 Margaret Tnompson gave evidence as to respondent's acts of drunkenness and cruelty. A decree nisi was granted, to be maao iinsohite in three months. An nrtler for costs was made against respondent. IIENJAdIIN v . BENJAMIN. • Constance Evangeiinn Bonjarain (Mr Alpors) petitioned for the Dissolution of her marriage with William Ovosto Benjamin, on the grounds of desertion. Petitioner, in her evidence, stated Urnt she was married in 1012 and in jho following year a. child was born. Kospomkmt deserted her before the child was born, had failed to make provision lor her and had taken no interest m his offspring, not ever having troubled to see the child. Petitioner 5 , to tiilce action for maintenance, subsequently respondent went, to the war with the Alain Body, enlisting as a single man. She haa difficulty in securing ms allotment monev. Ever since her marriage petitioner'had lived with her parents, respondent Staving there for three weeks, when bo disappeared. 1 Frederick Higgott. father of petitioner, supported petitioner’s statement. His Honor granted a decree nisi, to be made absolute in three months. Goats were allowed petitioner. IN CHAMBERS. Probate was granted of the wills of the following deceased persons •—J. S Uelsman, Christchurch (Messrs Sailer and Crayon); Alary Ann Wright, Hangitira Valley (Mr W. H. Walton); W. Frenir, creamery manager, Little .ILver (Messrs Wynn-Williains, Brown and Gres son); Alfred Topp, fanner, Saltwater Creek (Messrs tVvnn-Wil-liams. Brown ami Grcsson); ll’. Laing. farmer. Cfiristchurch (Messrs Weston ; } ,K A\ ard); If. White, labourer, Belta,t; (Mr A. J. Alalleyi; Jane Mitchell, Waiau (Messrs Slater, Sargent and Halo): Alary Ann Schofield, Christchurch (Air A. J. AlaJley); C. T. bicycle stand proprietor, Christchurch (Air J. A. Beattie): J. X. Mower, accountant, Kaikoura. (Mr C.’ S. Lhomas); ,). Finley farmer Kaiaiwi (Mr ]■;. E, Papnrill); J. ]\ Hnnmer, shepherd, Christchurch Messrs G. Harper,_ I’ascoe ami Buchanan); and 1 .■im Aiken, Sumner (Air W. E. D Bishop). Letters of administration wore granted in the estates of the following dcceascd porsons :—Alary Cody, Hokitova. (Mr C. J. P. Sellers); Emily Rosa, tiiuolia Stool, Ashburton (Al r H.‘C. OrPimm, Cliristchurch (lubho Trustee); G. Griffiths, farmer. Coalgate (Messrs W vnn-Williams, Brown and Gressun): Hannah Eliza -ycide. Spnngston (Alcssrs G. Harper, la sc oo and Buchanan); Alargaret Compton, Raknia. (Messrs Weston and Card); W. Gold, Springfield (Alcssrs Bengali and Uphnin); and A. Mitchell, hrmor. I'apanni (Alcssrs Weston n!nd AA ard). His Honor sot down for hearing at Timani on February 3, 1920, at 11 a.m.. the petition of the Timaru Brewep’ Company, Ltd., for confirmation of a reduction of capital.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19811, 1 December 1919, Page 8

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SUPREME COURT. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19811, 1 December 1919, Page 8

SUPREME COURT. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19811, 1 December 1919, Page 8