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(By “ Argus.’*) y .■ s'Oie weather on the first day of the bi Forbury Park Trotting Club's meeting g: fras anything; but pleasant. There was H a vOry good attendance for the off day oi and the track was in capital order, tho fi tew showers of rain that fell improving 0 it- There iva-a a Rood deal of wind and dust, which did not make the conditions at all enjoyable. Tho fields in f ( the various events wore excellent, but j,, the racing, although interesting, was p not exciting. It did not seem as though L the quality of the contestants was up to the usual standard, although some ? sfiiart performances were registered. r Tiie starting was very good, few horses ?, failing to go off right, and Mr Dunne a as quick te get his fields, away as soon Bl as the order was given that the totnh- 11 sator had befen adjusted. H IMarvin Chief, on the limit, was made ’’ favourite for the Amateur Handicap, J of a mile and a half, in harnesa, for trotters. He did not begin very quick- I Ty, but before two furlongs bad been a covered he was in front, and despite p a couple of breaks lie maintained his u lead and won very easily. He is owned cl in tho Dunedin district, aild is a hig J upstanding horse, with a lot ol action. 1 He was not driven with a great amount v of judgment, and this probably ao- r counted for him going to a break more I than once. He is by Marvin Wilkes, r and he may develop into something useful later, but at present he has not fl much speed, only going a little better ; th&n 2miii dOseo to the mile. Delvillo i. Wood was second, but he did not trot as pleasingly as on' former occasions, nor did bb go as steadily. His staying t powers carried him into second place, 1 Waihemo is only a plodder at beat and Maungatua, who was dose up fourth, is a horse •' who looks as though he * would go better in heavy going, being ! a strong, solid sort, not endowed with much speed. Swiftest, who was a good 1 second favourite, did *not go off right, 1 and even when she got going did not ’ exhibit any speed, she is by El Cur- .' bine from Swift, the dam of Swiftwood, ’ who was scratched for the race. ’Mae 1 owned Grec Homme, third ' favourite, trotted badly, ’ i _ Something out of tho ordinary is at 1 times produced in tho Progressive Han- 1 didap, of a mile and u half, in harness, I at this meeting of the Forbury Park < Club, and in the race three three-year- > olds were in Hhe field. Hock Aye i (brother to 'Priilcft Akw.ood and George ; Akwood), Erin's. Logan (Logon Pointer f —lnntsfail) and Noll Pointer (Logan ) Pointer—Ginnella). The last named was i made a solid favourite, but she did not show up at all prominently. She is i a well developed filly, who should be ( improved by the racing. Mr Farrell’s < representative, Erin’s Logan, also fail- > cd to show up iii the front division, but she is a neat filly, who looks short ot work. - Hock Aye did best of tho < three-year-olds, but he made little im- ’ pression on the front crowd. Billy Dil- i ton, who was rumoured to be a." good one, failed to,show any speed. The race looked as.though it would bo a duel , between Medallions mid Norma Dillon, ' who were fighting for front place nil ■ the way', C. Janies, who was on Medallions, never seemed to be at all anxious. '. Norma Dillon, who did not race tom kindly, looked to have most spedd, but she tired at tho end and was beaten for second place by Young • Star Pointer. Medallions, the winner, i is by Medallion from Cora. Lynn, and is owned by Mr C. W. Hammond, who . won races with Cora Lynn. Medallions paced solidly all the way and looked as though he could have gone a good deal faster, as his driver never put his horse top speed. Young Star Pointer, despite going to a break, was splendidly handled by Free Holmes and finished well. St Mihiel was heavily supported by the Southland crowd, hut he could not get near to the front division. He wAs expected to put up a sensational performance. Norma Lillon should be a useful proposition if her bud track habits could be cured. She would not go round the turn at any speed, and was looking to go to a. break at any time. . The two mile saddle race saw all the six accepters go to the post, and Locanda Junior was made a hot. i'avour- . ite. Although he' was turned the, wrong way when the start was given, ho quickly caught Ids gait and went away with a commanding lead. Pacing solidly all tile way, lie won very easily. His trainer, A. Hondriekseii, stated that tho horso had been sufferirtg from a bad cold and this was evidenced after he returned to tho paddock, as lie was blowing and very much distressed.;..; -Tluv winner is a clean gaited pacer, going without any gear. He looks Tike Being on the improve, and ho should be seen in bettor company in the future.'' Kuraki, who was ihe only trotter in tlie race, went well After several bad breaks. Had lie gone .solidly all the way he would have troubled the winner, who was a tired horse at the end. Marie Tompos.t ■bowed a good den hot .speed, but deppite -the ■ fact that she was excellently...handled, she failed to stay. Rialto broke up badly at the start ami put in ,a fine, round,, but the effort, stopped him in the concluding stages. Unseen went-patchily, showing a lot of apecid,; and;finished strongly. Gladioli mad© no impression on tho front division, Cole Nut, who struck his knee, and was n©t/taken te the. meeting, and Sir Eulhafil were scratched for the big two milo harness event, in which 'beau Dillon Was made favourite, and Shanghai nest best supported, e Neither of them was ever prominent. The race demonstrated what a fine pacer Capriccio is. ;Sho went-away at a great rate gathered,up her field early, and had the .race won in three-quarters of a “H®-. ~c S h. e P«t in a skip over the last half mile, but was quickly steadied and her staying powers enabled her to come home with the commanding lead that she had early established. Gapriccte showed that her racing at the November meeting nt Addington, where she performer] most successfully, was just the'needful'to bring her" to her best form. It is a thousand pities that such a fine pacer should not bo sound, and it speaks well for her trainer that she should have been brought to the post in such, good condition. GapncOxo is a long wav from s ' ot '... as s, teMld she remain sound she will improve on her recent u h ? rc n w ? ro Uo trotters in. the w?. a P . ter » Rood race, whdst Whispering Willie finished so fast, that it looked as though ho would have troubled the winner had ho commenced faster but trotters have much to contend with in such races. Legacy job the pace for a long wav, but the Oaraani-trained gelding could « 0 t go on at the end. Berko's Drift went Ste- thc r l? ac(i settled his chance, feta, Qucea did not go well at the start, but paced the last mile fast, iluon i atch lost his chance at the commencement of tho race. ShanXi ttent very badly, and Snshwood, who f pin cod, could not stay. Asturio went off the mark well, but, as was the Koini at Ad i dll ‘ gton ’ ho w °uld not pace solidly, and was eventually pulleo up. The conditions for the Caversham Handicap were much the same as for the Progressive Handicap, and it was only to be expected that there Would be several scratehings. Norma Dillon, who bad raced well in the Progressive Handicap was favourite, with Young Star Pointer next best hacked. Young Star Pointer outstayed the field, and irion vtenr easily. He is by the American stallion June Pointer and was bred and is owned by Mr J. Porter, of Oamafu. In both his rates he paced consistently, and. he is a, muoh imptev&d hOrso since going into F. Holmes’s stable. Erin’s Logan went better in saddle than in the Progressive Handicap under harness, hut docs nob impress one as being a good one nt present- Norma Dillon did not go off well, otherwise she might. I*9.VU

on closer to the winner. Leila. Dcnr would not begin right, hut showed lot of speed once she hit her gait, id she stayed out the. journey well. Jiile. a three-year-old gelding by St vithin, from "Wildflower, also began idly, but paced well once into her lit. The race was not a good const, and with the Progressive ..’landip on the programme the club should id another class more suitable Tor vnersBalnnmoaii wan the only scratching ir the two mile harness race for otters, the Dunedin-owned and trained ‘ arhfield being made favourite. The c ivourite followed Lovebird, till a t inrter of a mile from home, when the { tter broke, and the favourite went i and fought out the finish with Miss - atty. who finished strongly. Mr Hud>n’s horse winning by a narrow ? mi-gin. The winner is by Blackchild, t nd is a big upstanding trotter, who is c rare good stayer. He appeared to s iterfcrc with i/orebirct entering the j ack stretch the last time, and caused . 'ox's mare to lose a lot of ground, arkfield was driven by bis owner, who i Iso trains him. and his win was most opular. Miss Patty went a good race 11 the way and finished well. Winiata id not leave the mark, and .Tames [adison went Very unsteadily. Pieter imraerman trotted solidly, and finished ell, but Dooderall appeared to be outlassed, Patard Went badly, but Billy ’arole. who made no showing in the arly stages. ctPme fast over the last alf-tnile. It looked as though not i nough use was. made of Billy Parole * i the early stages of the race, and ] ad he been pushed along over the first j lilo ho might have been a good deal carer the winner. Fie made no mis- 1 nke throughout the two mile run. All started for the Dash Handicap, of ' mile and a half, and Guardesa was favourite. She was racing proinhently over the second round, but only pished fourth- Emperor was early out n front, and he won easily. The winler was for some time in R. M’Donlell’s stable, but for some lime ho has pen trained by Free Holmes. Einicror went solidly all the way. to paid. a good dividend, albough he was third favourite. Guyiciner was slow to get away, but he wished strongly, and had lie been made nore use of earlier he would have been good deal closer to the winner. Roth■Hff pacbd soundly all the way, and finshed jn third place. Royal Chance ■eared up at the start.and broke his fear, taking no part in the race. The rewards mot and decided to refund the aoney invested on the horse. M ild | friar was never prominent, nor was Norwood, who does not look ready to ace. Lady Swithih went a good race rom the back mark, finishing strongly iver the last quarter of ft mile. Meliainde did not pace at all well, faijing :o get to his work in a solid fashion. Although he. .was with the frmlt division. he never looked like making much leadway on account of his erratic action. There was only a field of six for the nile saddle event, Gleaming being scratched. The Goro-owned Matty's Boy was made a hot favourite, with Horke’s Drift, who had raced in the iwo-mile event, second choice- It was i poor contest, the favourite winning vith ridiculous case. The winner has a. ;ood turn of speed, and has previously ijiown a liking for this course. ’ Ctonitadt and Our Clipm did not begin •ight. Bacchus could not stay, and All bell paced very slowly over the first mlf-mile. Thert are a. great many .idlers in commission, but unless more mpport is given to these mile saddle svents it is more than possible they will be replaced by races which attract inoro contestants. 9 The Forbnry Park Trotting Club has presented its stewards’ stand to the Waikouaiti Pacing Club, conditionally, that it is erected on the country club’s course as nearly as possible in its present form. The stand, which will no longer be required by the. Forbury Park Trotting Club, as a now one is in course of erection, is the last of the buildings remaining on the Forbnry course of those which were used during its occupancy by the Dunedin Jockey Club. Air T3. L. Barnes's pacing marc, Cameos, by Galindo—Thelma, has foaled a colt ,to Logan Pointer, and will bo mated this season with Nelson Bingen. Cello Sydney Wilkes, who won four i tact's at. the New Zealand Metropolitan 1 fretting Club’s meeting last month, | was given a, short spell on his return | to Dunedin. Ho will be taken in hand ] again this week, ami will probably visit Christchurch for tho Canterbury Park Trotting Club’s New Year fixture. NEW BRIGHTON‘TROTTING CLUB. Tlis following liaiulicnp? have been dc- I dared for the Now Brighton Trotting Club’s | meeting:— ‘ j AMATEUR HANDICAP (in harness), of | 100 sovs; one mile and a half (mihopplod troltors; class not hotter than 2miu 35seo to tho mild —Maori Princess scr. Miss Chancellor sev, Emerald Green Isec, NVaiweia Iscc, Lady Homa Qsec, Hothino iaec, White Lupin -see, Peltigo 2wc, liendale dscc, Fair ■'Bairn 'Usee. Lady Lena 2scc, Miss Carbine Csec, Acnes W. 2sec, Cmrie.wood 2see, Cherry Picltcr 2scc, Kavcnsworlh 2«cc, Our Blucv 2sec, Peter the First 2sec, Cullodcn 2sec, Earl Drfrby ‘2sec, Chester Child 2scc, Belle Wilkes 2sec, Captain Wchb 2?cc, Cue 2;-;ee, Jetf Dillon 2sec, Peter M’Kinney 2scc. INNOVATION HANDICAP (in harnesa), of 150 aovs; .one mile and a hall (class 3min 42scc or better)— Rearguard scr. AVill o’ the Wisp 3sec, Cold Queen tsec, Hoyraotta ■tsec, Young Star Pointer 4scc, Lady Swithin osee. Sunred sscc, Undcrscrub ssec, Nor- I wood oscc, Lucy Wallace osec, Wooddrift nsec, Emperor osec, Indra oscc, Wild Briar Cscc, Chaos Gsec, Clou Mavis Gsec, /First Carbine Osec, Sir Gavin Gsec, Albert Wallace Gsec, Fcrnnioor "sec, Mcriva.lo 7boc, Citadel 7sec, Medallions "see, Wandsworth Bsoc, Tiranna. Bsoc, Melisande Bsec. Saints’ Bell Bscc, Bex Coronado Sscc. Kleitoa nsec, Athos Dsee. Hu tana. lOscc, ; Peter Dillon' Idscc, Golden Peter lOscc, Lady Wildwood lOsec’ Jean Logan lOsec* Paul Dufanlt lOscc, Lcewood lOsec, Onyx lOsec, MACE MEMORIAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 350 eova; two miles (class, -tmin 38« ec or better>—Trix Pointer scr, Ca’.priccio Itec, Don Ctesar 2scc. Agathoa Ssec, Min Ison Gsec, Cora Dillon 7seci Beta Peter 7sec, Vico Admiral 7sec, Asturio 7sec, Genera! Link Ssec, Nancy Stair 3scc, HannnJi M. Bsec, Gloaming Ssec, Whispering Willie Ssec. Dean Dillon Ssec, Sympathy Osec, Coleuut Osec, Brown's Nugget Osec, Huon Patch lOsec, Star Queen JOsec, Captain Stanley lOsec, Korko’a Drift lOsec, Jack Arrah lOscc, . BOWHILL HANDICAP (in saddle), of 150 sovs; two miles (class, 4min osec or bettor)— Schnapps scr, Energy Gsec, Newcourt 7scc, Lady Wayward Ssec, Hoyraetta 9sec, Calton Osec, Erleeu 9sec, Gold Queen Osec, Goldstream Osec, Vera K. lOeec. King Lear lOsec, Khitos 12seq, General Pershing 12sec, Colo Boss 12scc, Bogash 12sec, Colonel Havelock lOseo. SEA VIEW HANDICAP (in harness), of 150 sovs; two mile (unhoppled trotters; class, 6min or better)— Olive L. scr, Electrocute Isec, Beeswing 7fioc, Billy Parole Gsec, Te Kuiti Osea, Dooderall Hsec, Wonderland 12scc, Marvin Junior Msec, Rosie M'Jvinuey 13sec, Miss Lorna 14sec, Succory 14s«c, Pieter Timmerman 14sec, Dragoon Junior 15sec, To-night IGsec, Onr Goldie IGscc, James Madison IGsec, Cousin Jenny IGsec. DASH HANDICAP (in harness), of 140 torn; one mile (class. 2inin 20sec or better)— Pax ser, Bnndura laec, Admiral Hal lacc, Perfect Day Imo, Proudspring 2scc, Pleasant Mount 2, Cole King 2, Silver Nut 2j BreadalbanA Gsec, Mahinga Ssec, Oiix Girl Ssec, The Whip 3sec, St Michael 3sec, Lord Boanfthild isec, Miss Havoc Glsdeye isec. Lady Teddingtou 4sec, George Hard isec. WAJNONI HANDICAP (in harness), cf 200 eovS; one mile and a quarter (class, 2niin Sos»c ,or better)—Trix Pointer scr. (Lord Minto Isec, Cots. Dillon 2sec., General Link feei, Vice Adnfiira.l isefl, Ariadne 4tec, Birdwood ssec, Horke’s Drift Ssec, Tamarisk Ssec. Bundling Ssec, Nancy Stair Slec, Sympathy Gsec, Makomaio Gsec, Pas Gsec. ELECTRIC HANDICAP (in saddle), of 140 aovs; one mile (class, 2min OOsoo or better)—Capriccio scr. Asturio 3sec, Birdwood 4sec, Lord Dillon ssec., Sir Fulham Gsec, Pleasant Mount 7scc. Silver Nut 7sec. P. K. Bells Rice, Annie Dillon Rpec, Mahinga Hsec, The A\ hip R.-ec, SI Miolmel Gsec, Culton 'Ja&tj.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 19811, 1 December 1919, Page 2

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RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19811, 1 December 1919, Page 2

RACING AND TROTTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 19811, 1 December 1919, Page 2