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OUR RULERS OF THE FUTURE WHERE THEY ARE BEING MOULDED The Battle of Waterloo leas won on the playing fields of England.—Wellington (By Studknt) •

TO CORRESPONDENTS. H.C.—ilany thanks for your welcome noios. SECONDARY SCHOOLS. TECHNICAL CO!/LEGE. The Past and Senior Students' Association lield a very successful .social at) the college on Friday evening last, for the purpose of receiving donations for parcels to be sent to the Old Boys at the front. The appeal met with a rr.ost gen.n\>us response., and donations to the amount of £S lis (id were- received at the door. A number of letters wore also handed in, to be. enslosed in the parcels. There'v. as a attendance of members, and procedings went with a.swine Irani start to finish, all present entering into the enjoyment. The programme was an excellent one, and ill the items were thoroughly appreciated. The following members conLributod :-Miss Queree (pianoforte sclo.s), Miss il. 15arr (Pierrcte dance, in costume), Miss I. Uettel] (snugs), Mr M. Woods (songs), Miss K White (recitation;, and Miss M. lfiggins (recitation). A number of popular games ■wore played, and .several waltzes were included in the programme. During the evening Mrs Howell presented the Third Grade District Cricket. Cup to Messrs W. J. Dohbs and S. Palmer, captains "f tlio 'IM.VKi and 10Ui-I!U7 teams respectively, which teams attained the i-reiuiership in this in the seasons mentioned. Mr Dohbs responded. The evenine was broueht to a closo .in time-honoured la.-hionecr b.V xnc hearty of " Auld Lane Syne." SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOOTBALL. Forthcoming Fixtuics Angus! 'J.j (S:ilurda>)--Chrisl's "v. Wellington College, on Christ's College ground. August 25 (Saturday)— First two matches of inter-schools, between the Christchiirch, Timaru. Ota go and Southland Hoys' High Schools, at the Show Grounds, Addington. August 27 (Monday)--Wanganui College v. Wellington College, on Christ's College ground. "".lligh Schools' tournament between winners in the first round; also as a. curtain-raiser. «• play-off between the losing teams on the first; day. at the Show orounds, Addington. kvgust, 29 (Wednesday)— Christ's College V. Wanganui College, on Christ's College ground. Mr .1. T. Pcako will referee, the iu-ter-collraiatr matches on Saturday, AuEiist 2~». and Wednesday. August 29. I'rcssMro of business prevented Mr 1 cake from accepting an invitation to '.ontrol all three games. It is a great pity that two of the, inter-Hieh Schools matches have been set down for decision on the same day that Christ's College play Wellington Coil-ego, viz.. Saturday wicek. The dates for the. inier-collegiato matches were arranged fully two months ago, so that there'was ampin time in -which to find dates to fit in between the said matches for the, inter-High Schools contests. However, I understand that no other dates but those sot apart am now suitable to tho visiting .High School teams. It will mean, of course, a division of tho public, who keenly support these, secondary schools games. The draw for '.the High Schools tournament is being arranged by the Canterbury Rugby Union, and will be published when available. SECONDARY SCHOOLS' GIRLS' HOCKEY. TECHNICAL COLLEGE v. GULLS' HIGH SCHOOL. In. the aljov'o competition Girls' High School played a drawn game with Technical College last week, the score being one all. It was a spirited contest, from starts to finish. From the initial bully School attacked and Kept College busily-defending; for sumo time, a lino run by -Miss Rossiior taw School in danger. School conceded a. corner, but play gradually moved into midfield. College again and their efforts wore .rewarded with a goal. School now took a hand in attacking, and affor a brilliant run by Miss (!. ]Joyce, amid tho great enthusiasm of all tho Schools' supporters. School equalised. Halftime) sounded soon afterwards. In the second half School did most of the attacking, and missed' inn movable chance:; through weak circle, play. Towards the end both sides made detern.ined attempts .to score, but the game ended with no further score. School -were unfortunate in not having Miss Ford in their back division, as she is a. very quick and sure half. Miss Boyee was' easily the, best of the Schools' forwards. Miss Satche.U, at, centre, -was good in tho open field, but/ poor in the ciich 1 . Miss lvitchie. at left-inside did some good work in the, half, but in the. first half she, was verc poor, especially in shooting. Both wings worked willingly. None of the backs played very brilliantly, all being too fond of taking flying hits, which neariv always jailed. College were a very much smaller team. Miss Rossiter was the best forward; the centre ami left wing also did pood work. Miss Jackson and. Miss Anderson both played well in the halves, but all three halves were slow at tackling. Both full-backs and tho goalie played fairly and wero usually able to stem the School attacks. Technical Collcgo and Girls' High School meet again this afternoon. There were about 2o() spectators at the match last week. PRIMARY SCHOOLS FOOTBALL. RUGBY. The Senior championship has been decided, and the Junior and light-weight competitions will be brought, to a conclusion this week. The only matches played last week were two in the Junior grade, the following being the results: Opawa (3) v. Shirley (o).—The Opawa team showed much improved form in this match, which was not of a very exciting nature. The two sets of forwards battled hard, there being little to chooso between them. The back play was very ragged, though tho Opawa. boys appeared to possess a better knowledge of this department of the game than their opponents. Tho •nly try scored in tho match was registered by Hargreaves, who made a. very fine run from half-way. This player displayed much dash all through. Mr G. N. Ormandy was referee. Riccarton (6) v Normal (o).—This match ended abruptly after but ten minutes' play, the Normal team then being; withdrawn from the field. During tho short period of play S. Carlutou icorecT a couple of tries, both the result!

of strong runs through the opposition. Mr L. Guincy was referee. Fendalton had a* bye. The following table shows the positions of the teams: —

THIS WEEK'S MATCHES. Light-weight Grade. The final of the light-weight competition will be plavcd this afternoon, at llospi'tal Corner, at 3.30, between tho Svdmham and Marist Brothers' fifteens. Neither team has suffered defeat this season. When they met earlier in tho vear a. drawn game, resulted. Svdcnhani led 3—o almost up till the call of time, Marists drawing level with a magnificent effort, right at the end of the game. Mr G. N. Ormandy has been appointed referee lor to-day s match. Junior (Trade. Tho junior match between Shirley and Fendalton, to he phiyed on the Christchurch ground on 3.30 P-nr., will he tho last match of this competition and will determine wbich of thrso two teams shall occupy second position to Riccarton. At present Shirley arc half a point ahead of Fendalton. The game between Riccarfon and Opawa, which was drawn for this round, was played earlier in the season. Normal have a bye. REPORTING COMPETITION. Tho reporting competition will close this week, and the only results to be sent in being those in the Shirlcy-Fen-dalton junior match and the SydenhamMarist' Brothers light-weight match, tho result of the competition will be announced next week. SEVEN*A-BUDE TOURNAMENT. Entries aro invited for the various grades of a sovm-a-sido football tourney to be held on Saturday, August 25, commencing at !).30 a.m., on Hospital C'ornei'. Following are the grades:— 1. Undo- eleven years, on August 1, 1917. '_'.• Under'tweh'o years, on August 1, 1017. 3. t'nder fourteen years, on August 1, 1917. 4. Open to bona, fide scholars of any age-. (Primary schools only.) Note.--(a) Tho usual seven-a-side conditions—live minutes each way. and if then no score or equal points, a. forcedown counts as a score in the ensuing play. (b) No boy may play in more than one grade. (c) Each school should provide a hall, to be handed to the commit't-ee on tho day of the journey.... (d) Entries o'clock on Thursday next. is very little iimo to make arrangements, ahsohrtely nr» late entries will be received. Entries must be sent to Mr V. J. Gamble, acting honorary secretary, "West Christchureh .School. Tho following committee has been se't up to conduct the tournev: -Messrs V. W. Colville, G. N. Ormandy, P. Menkes. It. 11. North and V. J. Gamble. The number of grades this year are two fewer than last ..season, when the six competitions were:--- I'nder Lj years of age, under 11. under ll\ under LI. under 14, and open. For the, coming tournament the under 10 and under 13 grades have been eliminated. J rather fancy the committee. have, made a mistake in deleting the under 13 grade. The majority of junior players would lie eligible to compete under 13, but now they will be, compelled to play against hoys a year older than themselves. Many of tho senior players will be able to get in Milder fourteen, and this will make the task of the juniors under fourteen a particularly severe, one. Messrs F. T. Evans, F. D. Keste.ven, C. W. Ilervcy and A. P. Blank, members of the Canterbury Rugby Union, kindly provided medals for tho winners of last year's different grades. The cost of llio trophies this season will he deducted from the amount forwarded by tho New Zealand Rugby Union for the encouragement of the game in the schools. Making fair allowance for overtime play, the tournament should be finished early in the afternoon, and the. hoys will therefore have, the opportunity of attending the secondary schools matches which will be played the same afternoon.

ASSOCIATION. Representative M"atches. It has been decided to accept the invitations of the. Otago and Wellington Football Associations to send a primary schools representative team to each of those centres. The school from which any boy is selected for either trip will be' asked to defray the cost of that boy's travelling expenses. There will he no expenses incurred by the team in either D'.inedin or Wellington, as the visitors will be billeted out by the parents of the players in each of the centres mentioned. Last Week's Mutches. The results of the Schools' Association football matches are now coming in to tho secretary much more freely than has hitherto been the. case. to the withdrawal of West Christchureh A. St Albans and "Rovers, from tho Senior Grade, a rearrangement of that competition has been found necessary. There are four more rounds of Junior A Grade matches to be played, and six more in the, Junior B Grade. Following are tho results forwarded last) week: — Senior Grade. West Cbristcburcß(lO) v. Technical College B (0). Robertson (2), Hay (3), Gillies (2) and Tbompson (2) were tho scorers. Mr A. Newsome was referee. St Bede's and Technical College A had byes. Junior A Grade. West Christchureh (0) v. Richmond (o).—These teams met at North Park, a rathor one-sided game resulting. Tho winners' scoro would have heen much larger hut for tho solid defencei of the Richmond goal-keeper, who brought otf mauy\ excellent saves in the first half, but in the second spell his defenco was not nearly so good. There was no score at half-time. Hay (2). Farrant (2), Burgoyne and Champion scored for West Christchureh. Stevenson, Smith and Dalton played best for Richmond. Mr H. Silvester was referee. A postponed match between Somerfield and Richmond was to have been

plaved last week. The. referee, went to the ground, but tho teams did not put in an appearance. Junior B Grade. Spreydon (0) v. Shamrock A (o). This was a keenly contested game all through. The Spreydon backs played well, particularly tho full-backs and goalkeeper. Spreydon wero smaller than their opponents, some of whom havo recently been re-graded. Tt is hardly likely'that either of these teams will be defeated in its remaining matches, and so a play-off will he necessary at the end of the season. Mr W. G. Cookson was referee. Shamrock B (1) v. AVoolston A (o). The first spell was productive of fast up and down play, but neither side could score before half-time arrived. Both teams missed good scoring opportunities in the second spell, and some very fine defensive work was witnessed at each goal. Mallan scored for Shamrock shortly before time was called. Woolston B (2) v. Nazareth's (o). Woolston wore the heavier team, but tlio losers were very tricky at times, and although outclassed they played well and deserve credit. For Woolston Lumb, Sincoek, Dai is and Hissell played best, as did Mcra, Garvis, M'Gaine and Seymour for the losers. Mr R. Gillespie was referee. St Albans B (2) v. East Ohristchurch B (1). Owing to the results not having reached tho secretary week by week he is yet unable to furnish, me with tables showing the positions of the teams in the throo grades. Should any reader possess an accurate table I would bo pleased to publish it. PRIMARY SCHOOLS' HOCKEY. BOYS' COMPETITrOX. The primary schools bovs' hockev competition was advanced a further stage last week in fine weather. The surprise of tho day was the defeat of the hitherto unbeaten Christchureh team by Technical College, and the latter are to be congratulated on the fine effort. The last game between the. teams demonstrated "that there was little to choose between them and as Technical College havo gone' on 'improving- in the interim, they were able to hold their opponents in'last week's game. College clearly demonstrated their right to ho classed as the championship winners' most worthy rivals. Another unexpected victorv came the \v»y of Oxford Terrace, who defeated Sydenham by tlio substantial margin of three goals. Cranford accounted forSeljvyn B in an interesting game, while belwyn A romped home against Wharenin. This competition wiTI be brought to a close this week. The positions of tho teams are as follows: T«anj. '? . . £ „ «« c* Cliristchurch . Jl n 1 1 nG 4 !H Technical Col. . 12 9 22 4.'! 7 0 Selwyn A . . il ,s 3 ] (11 8 Fit Crnnford , .] t .-; Sydenham . . id \ 4 o ]jj 12 ."/ AVhuronui . . ■]■> -2 '.) ] ];j .jjj <u Selwyn B . .11 ■> o._ f> 53 o" Oxford Trrrni'R . 1! 2 0- - f) 02 2 GIRLS' COM I'ETmOX. A few additional results are. to hand, but the table is not complete, as the secretary has not yet been notified of the results of the first round matches. Linwood (1) heat Wharenui (0). Sydenham heat Wharenni. Linwood (7) beat, Woolston (0). The scorers in this match were Rertha "Wor.sfokl (four goals) and Annie, Jarden (three goals). Mr W. E. Cook was referee. The following table shows the positions of toams as accurately as can be ascertained:—• 7, f5 ■% . * « * o "> a 1 • d 'S «•- H £ Q 6.2 ug-g<g binv.ood .7 7 Sydenham .0 4 210 lO ."> 4 Wharenni . 7 \ .1 •-- 20 i> -t Woolston A Ci 2 I V.\ 21 2 Woolston 1! 4' Acidin-ton . 4* ■— 4 -- - - If) - * Withdrawn from tho coaipetition.

! Plaved. ! d o J s | \ i Points i for 3 2 c.5 P to <—i k i Champ, points. Riccarton Shirley Normal .Fond a It cm Op nun \V. Lyftcltmi Bpnkorilmrt . 8 S s 8 (i 8 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 7 1 .1 217 75 -II Si 34 20 3 oG .in 45 76 41 1S3 H 4?i 4 4 3 2h

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12086, 15 August 1917, Page 3

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IN SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND Star (Christchurch), Issue 12086, 15 August 1917, Page 3

IN SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND Star (Christchurch), Issue 12086, 15 August 1917, Page 3