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WANTED TO SELL. MAIIKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, f*H _ COLu.viiiU STREET 60S Next to Pnuco of \Valc3 Hotel. I \UCiiEasi. Cites is, fair size. 323 6d to 39a ; - Pino Duchcsse I'a-ira, well wonh iiispe«uun, J. 7 lUs and £4; pair oi really yood articles ot turiniure. Dining Table:-, each 7ft s 3ft (hit. 4oj, tiaric, in good orcier; Cook's j.u,.ciu i'.x.ensioii j.ubio, good order, 37& txl; Liuiiig, Kitchen and Occss. Tallies. \l' i' Garue:i Hcse, Jin, 28s Cd, -Jin 33a fid; "C/ 2 Steel Crowbars, good order, 6s 6d and lis Ba, yood viuue; 400-gauon Painted tanks, C-.f3, 70s. A XjII.sSTj.vR Carpets, !:p-*.c>p order, 12 x —L>, rue>i /ju;ui;y, Oriental design, £7 Ills Axrjiii.-;or i lis 6d, 12s Od; Miii., 0;i 3.t, .;n each. ALL-BRASS Avery Scales and Weights, '-•> .-Ui. uuic.Mer, or coniec;ioner, 32n ;.d to iOs; 3 Liirjja Pjain Minors, siut busiiUlH ' l, ' s t'.ii'Jj- '/ Ml) DnslNG and Kitchen Chairs, 2s to m\j(J (jti, jtt fitt va.ue, .! Muaic Canter-bui-ys, I**?, if Is, 253; Sideboards, 473 fid, 555, 120s and jO"a. | MlES'l' f. ii I'' IL L»t >, £4 IDs; Window Seat, cusifn-ti. aetvinu jia.dnne, od oaicr, 25c>; Hail Standi l , ltis, 37u Cd, T'-> 6a. «\\'S Wardrobe, fined drawers, shelves, hangers, wuitan stand, tip-top order, ■£s; ;! Lilian Pleases or Cupboards, 40s, 57s Od; (,'uuhoaid, IDs. IV! EAT Secrotaire, 32s tkl, fitted, good order; -iA i>amp?-., t( thanes, Aimer bu.ncra. il» ul to 223 Cd; Table Lamps, Fenders, Kerbs f'iro Bra'sses. G.ENCiNE Cowhide Brief Bags, 13s, 1-la, J as, los; Kit JLi;i 24 s, C7s Od; Gladstone , r oou siz;<. .«U od ; Suu ase4> ill mat, iibie, iea.her, 5u od to 32s lid; Hampers, Carryalls. BEDSTEADS, ul! fi^oa; Y/iro Stretchers, Bedding; S Chi.aivn's Co to and Bed l dm;?, wood and iron, Ms i/.l to 30?, w?h wortn inspection; Stands. A HCII Eli" JJurUer'a Chair, buffalo hide -*■-*- neat, good order, XI; Lady's Hair DrosFer Drier, t,;ood order, 7s f/.l; Hurricano Victor Lamps, new, soiled, 'is each. PERFECTION lvrrosone Heater, good v.'orkiny order. &s (id to l()a 6d; "Matador." 13s fed;' now (.i&» Rings, tha; Rive satisfaction, Cf=«, 3s; Tnbinj, 5d foot. LAW a'-MOWERS, />ood , workinpr order, ' 12a (k! to :57.' Ocl; Hakes and Hoes, Is M, ta nd ;. Fork?, -is tV.I, 4«i Pd, ."is tkl; Axes, •I.', «>:»; .shovels, 4s Otl: Tomahawks, 2s 3d, 2r- 6d; New Saw?, 2* fid; Boot Lasts, '2s (Id. ATEU' Wrinjrers, 12 und M inch, wood and " ' iron frv.mes, lid, 225, 23s Od; tworoiicr 32s Gd: Whi'e and Go'ci China Ciip.« a ltd .SaucT.rH, 7u ; Cups only, f,<!; Crockery. (> !«'■■? .v-'ivc. J-FCl.i) .Oraiiyhi .Sc-.ccnr', new. !■'« b'd to 27s Od', v,v.rtk insp'.-etion; l-'ancv H'cndpnir.ied Silk Fir* Scroeic 1 , ;'.s ?1 to 10» 6d, n.'irlier's Stones, (5d J-'J- to 2s i''l cacit; Trivei s Is each; Coir Mat:-, Ciiituin.', Tuv.'clf,, Cornice Odd White New Che.:n'crs, :V. each. A FINE M:;h'if[any "Toilr! Mirrors, large size, Tt i'/y to 2>-, or.-U-r, worth iriapoction: 11 f: ißrooms, 2s Cd, 2s; Brushwaro, Kitchen CtMisilf. T7 EROSENE Emulsion for Spraying, 2r, tin: Inrco T>a<lv's Travelling' Box, 10s; 2 Fiiio Kauri M'ood i'osoa, suitu'olo for liiK-.i; rjEADEO Edg,; *' Contir.or.tnl " P.ilto 2S :: l'j or JS, 6« Od each; 2ft 6d to 3r>s; Toilet W-ore, Cutlery, E.'P. W.\ re._ Fovkr., Spoons. ready"cAsir buyep^Tf SECOND-HAND FURXITUHK TO ANY AMOUNT 18 MA] IKS. 6'Ji COLOMBO STPEBT 606 Next to Prince of Wales Hotel. £9O "jf>ROODY 8.0. Hen for Sa!o. Apply in JL? ovMiing, '214, Anti'.ua Street loot Sunday}. _ 587 VV'ANTED to Sell, eight volumes Cassoll's ' V Cyclopar-dia of Mechanics. Apply 12, Wilmcr Si., City. 565 "f \?'AN'IED Sell, New Plasterer's Ortralla, ' » coxt tii'/ti 7, cheap; alp.o 12 Coiourod, Quills, J2s. ]j.X.X. 57S_ Soil, Singer Hand Machine?, ' • f;ixid workincr'orde.r, Kiichon Sofa, £"2 5s lot. J.W.W., " Stav£ o7S 'i^ T AN'i'ED to Sell, 45 .CI War Loan Corli- » ' ilcate.H, }»ayablf in 4 yctire; v?i!l £3ti. J.T.T., "Star.'' 573 WANTED Sacrifice, Superior Modern English Haminericsa Gun. Apply .171, Bieifoe. Avenue, Spreydon. 675_ y.\/ r ANTIvD to Sell, Pouy, ;» yours old; been *'» well handled. A. Puliord, opposilo B'iJ3h But, I'pper Riccarton. _ BeS Sell, Glats. 15,'JiX> Pieces, CJ x »' 12, P er 1C ' 0; suitable for tomato framcM. etc. Crown Studio?. £<W_ 11 TATF. 1)~to 'Sel 1. Fox Terrier Pup; also * V GJ; pair Silver Wyandotte Pullets (laying). 27, Dover St., sy6 sy6 \\J'ANTED Sell, N«w Collapsible Baby netian Blinds, cheap, D.C., " Star/' o'~C \\fJ\T\TED~eH, Settings Utility Silver »V W'yandotfes. Inspection invited. W. Ilowinp.on, 35. Fusion St., Kiccarton. 578 "\7\TAXTED, Sell, privately, Bungalow, Vf North Brighton, electric litfht, gas, handy tram. Deposit, terms. S.W.W., _ 3650 YY r AXTKn Sell, cheap, Chiffonier, > V complete. 2 Hanging Lamps, 1 Pajiel Dtv.v (sout)di, 2 Aurora Lump;. Apply 187, Peterborough St. 588 Vi7"ANTED, Sell, ii'jv,- Rubber-Tyred Ralli W Car Goveriies- Cars, and Lieht Spring Drays. Steel Bros., C'oachbtiildovs, Addington. _ T7J r ANTE D to Sell, l-roomcd Modern Bun- \ V "a,:.»w, 1-e-t part Spreydon, olcctrio liph'i, X'ood' section, asphalt paths. Pries to.jfi; £'J\ dc-i/Osit No Agents. N.S.S., " s'ai*." WANTED, Soil, second-hand (iigs, 3 Whiterhapel, 2 Saion Waggons, Grocern' and Milk CurtF. Rubber-Tyred Goverr.ess Car. Steel Bros., Coachbuilders, Adcl i n i! t u x'i . 3887 ■VjL'AGALOW for Sale, cheap, 4 rooms, J i -.vith porch. Good seel ion. K.X.X., "Star." _ 5-'\. CIAS! t~ii KGI S'L'E lI—W an ted a Rood Socor.dlUr.d Carli Paiticular. to ISos 371. Post Office, Cbrktcbnrch. 3817 /•ASniONABLE Sot Fox Fnv-s for • :i]o. pcisonabln t)iie.K I'.D.. KHJiTCi.'h En (iab.ani.-ed iron Piping. 1 What, offers'.' Piping. _o "170R Sale. 1 Brcw;i Lcjthoru Rooster, 7s Cd. • IS, HaaM St.. Linv.ood. 677 J"""OH, Sale, Gun ami Cricket Ba', ir. j:o jd i 1 order. 31, Cecil St., Waltham. 559 T,iOi; Sale, S;,ri:i;: Drav. tteaiiy jje-.y. W. T. ("'•mrch, C"achbi;ihh-r, I'flpaniii. rpon Half., prri fv-'t'-ycar-old Wl.ire Leghorns I f(ii |,r,v .ii;:/. 31. C-cil St . 'AValthani. "J.T i|i[ Side, St A .ban:., Cheup BtiD'ra'ow, I r-lcctri''. lifjht. Must, fell H.W.W., • _ SSO "L I OP, Sale, a Lar;e Green Wicker Go-enrt-i- .Tuiii, in rood order,. 30s. P.T.T., Ktar.' : _sb4 Sale, G = es, Market Garden; hcilthy localitv; low price. ■ Alf. L-ord, lftVE.vell. ' 5« F Sale, Child's Iron Cot. and Small i)ndie.is2 Che.'i. IW, JMeteoo Avenne, . 57d J/OR Sale, Pony Spring Cart, p.tntable for i M.'i'dl pony; clie'.p, £4. Apply 155, !{(]., Sty:,-. 1&7 _ "|7i.)R Saie, owner leaving district, 5 Koojns. cvc 'in e.iiic.i in !:ood I'irt, very ( S.IMf., " Star." .ISO sj'on Long-shaftcr Clip, sui'rblo i'or ' in, <;o ul order, £O. W. Buclt- -> Ki/thvh St.. Uu-wood. "irs.'JK Sale, i.500 Slice 3 Iron, Post'. Scantli:;u;. Sl-.yli'.'h's, Tramway Sheds, in '-'(|i;:,re. Peek 'utd i''l!in"'f< rd. 38^5 V {}] \ Sale, Papanui, 5 Acres Best Lar.o, 9 cha riH frcnl°.;;e, on 'rftmline; fi-roomed hottjp, '■• able, e'e. An ileal block of land. Oarer anxious to sail. Keduced from £I4OO to £I2OO. Term?. Apply Lohrcy, Mar.frin Co. Sale, 4 roomed Bnngalov.', plastered, hot and cold v.-a/er, electric !i;;ht, bathroom. pantry, eci'liery, pantry, h.p., sower, tiled hearths and rcngu,- ntotor-«hed and drive, comer section of 4-aero land district). Reduced for sale. Prico £540. Terr.:?. 1.,0hi-cy, Mangin Co. ORTGAG EE'S Sale —5 Hoonif,' all eotiv.''.os, in good stroet. Bargain. .S., " Star." SSO J! PIG Potatoes, 2s sack cash, bring sacks. IC2, Hill's Rd., norlh of Warrington St. . 589_ EABBIT-TRAPPING Plant for Sale; larsro ' area ground available. 8.C., " Star." QTRONG Macrocarpas, transplanted in bo;:oa, 10s per 100. 366, River Rd., Avonskle. 54SX OITIINGS Brown Leghorns, Shaw and O Vorrall ftrains. . 48, Brown's Rd., Si .übri'is. 'Phone 2 2" 585 Vj i'RoNG, Ileal hj.., W«..i*bred Pups for Sale; raw '.tble price. Seen Sunday, 277, Cii.tubrid re Terrace. F.D., "Star." sfit> (SITTINGS for Sale Whitn Orpingtons, White Leghorns; also 5 Pairs Black Orpington Pullets, Nixon strain, just started laying. f>ij. Fit7,;;rruM Avenue, 538_ " BA Kivß IVROS.. HOUSE SALESMEN.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12083, 11 August 1917, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12083, 11 August 1917, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12083, 11 August 1917, Page 12