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o EVENTS OF THE WEEK. [Fxom OUX Coxita»roKi»xs?.] PEES ON AL. Mr and Mrs G. W. Staniland left recently for Australia, on a two months' visit to their daughter. Residents will be ,glad to hear that Miss Elma Elson, who had her leg broken on Thursday afternoon, in • >l- - with a motor-car, is progressing favourably. After the accident the driver of the motor-car did everything possible in the direction of obtaining assistance. On Tuesday a boy named Saunders injured his head while playing at school and was taken to Mr L. HudBon, who attended to him. On Wednesday Eric Robinson slipped while running in the school grounds and fell, striking his chin and Inflicting a nasty wound, which had \o be stitched. Mr and Mrs G. Thompson have renoved from Grantley Street to Fendalton, after a six years' residence. Mrs "Thompson's successful association with the Scout movement will be long remembered. THE PACIFIC CLUB. The. members of the Pacific Club entertained a large number of their friends at a social evening in the Pier Hall on August 3. The occasion was also a farewell to two of their number. Masters B. Rowe and G. Bargrove. who have adopted the sea as a profession. Mesdames M'Cree.. Tablcy and Smith were the hostesses and were responsible for the very dainty -supper provided. The members of the club were most assiduous in their efforts to entertain their guests, all of whom spent a very enjoyable evening. Items were contributed by Misses Wvatt, Rowe, Chivers. " Whitta, Mathias. Bargrove, Eastwood and etrand. Messrs J. M'Cree, Chammen, Cade, C. M'Cree, C. Haig, F. Turner and B. Rowe. Mr G. . Bishop, the club's patron, in the course of a- speech had nothing but good to say of the formation of the club. The _ present clubroom should be the beginning of an institution on much larger lines, embodying a gymnasium. It was a' good sign when boys wanted to club together, as the boys of the Pacific Club were doing. At the conclusion of Mr Bishop's remarks. the club members welcomed the visitors with cheers and a war cry. The Rev H. 11. Mathias said he hoped fchat Masters Rowe and Hargrove, who tvere leaving Brighton to go to sea, and in whoso honour the function was Being held, would be .successful in the new life that was about to own beFore them. Both boys made suitable •peeches in reply. MINIATURE RIFLE CLASS. On Saturday evening, W. R Cooke tied three times with A. G. Munns and won the " Hottv " match with a score of 69. Ho also won the highest score button. Mr Sherwood, jun., won tho B grade button. The following are tho three highest scorers in the men's championship :—F. Ward IS9, A. G. Munns 196, W. R. Cooke 195. The •next shoot will bo fired ( on Wednesday. The Cadots' third and final competition was tired on ' xUonday, and resulted as follows:—A Grade: E. Kibblewhito 1, R. Tabley 2. B Grade: L. Davidson 1, Foley 2. Three moro shoots will b e held to conclude the championship. A match was fired between the E Battery and the New Brighton teams, on the Brighton range, which resulted in a win for Brighton by points. After the match the visitors werei entertained to supper in tho Maori tea rooms. Loyal and other toasts were honoured. * The following are the scores:— E Battcrv: H--65, Otley 54, Woodward 65, Miller 65 Williams 64, A. S. Williams 62, Candy S3, Passmore 64, Moss 54. Boon u*i"; total 610. New Brighton: Ward 65 Dooke 68, Harding 64, Hayes 63, Burnett 60, Bishop 65, Munns 68, Burmeister 66, Kibblewhito 63, Hawker 6&; total 650. REI> CROSS CONCERT. The concert to be given here noxtl Friday by the Commercial Travellers' Concert Party will comprise the sameitems as wore given by the party on the occasion of the concert given in tho Theatre lioyal,, and which netted £313. Solos will be sung by Messrs R. M'Cready, F. Whitehead, J. Codes, M. Orchard, H. Taylor and H. I). Gould, and Messrs Cocks and Gould will give a duet. Tho quartet party consists of Messrs 11. S. Field. 1-1. \ylor, J. Cocks and W. Soper. In all .j-party comprises twenty-eight voices Tinder the baton of Mr A. Worsley, A.It.M.C.M. The traveller:! deserve a bumper house, as apart from the merit of their oerforrnnne?, thi.-y have always been io thu We in all Ik'izhto^

patriotic efforts. Their assistance on i the last two gala days will always be* remembered with gratitude. LADY LIVERPOOL WORK. Nearly fifty parcels have been packed by Airs Bellamv and tho ladies of tho Lady Liverpool" Fund to send to New Brighton soldiers at the front. The parcels should reach the men by Lhnstmas, and will bo a welcome reminder that th?y aro not forgotten by the people of Hew Brighton. Each parcel contains 2 handkerchiefs, 1 pair socks, 1 tin Havelock tobacco, 1 tin cweets, 1 bar chewing gum, 1 tin loaf sugar, 1 iin sardines 1 tin cigarettes, 1 tin condensed milk, 1 tin paste, and costs 8s 2d. Toward the cost a sum of £l2 8s has been collected by Mrs Hall, Mrs Patterson, Mrs Arthur Hopkins, Mrs F. Ward and Mrs H. 8.. Clark. So it will be seen that there is need for further donations, which Mrs Bellamy will bo glad to receive. METHODIST CHURCH. An entertainment will be hold in the Methodist Schoolroom on Wednesday next, in aid of the fund for the renovation of the schoolroom. An interesting programme is promised. The nussionnry exercise, 1 Fetters that foil, will be repeated by special request. RED CROSS REPORT. The monthly meeting of tho Men's Red Cross Committee was held on Wednesday; present—Messrs F. Kibblewhite (Mayor), R. T. Lees, R. Cooper, A. Beeby, G. Anderson, A. G. Munns, C. Burmeister, O. March, E. Langford, J. Bosomworth, M. Ryan, H. Jennings. H. Osment and G. F. Robinson. A sum of £3l 4s Gd was handed in, bringing tho collections for three months to £169 18s B>}d. Tho quarterly statement showed the balance on May 10 to have been £63 3s 2d: collected to expenditure on material, advertising, etc. £123 10s sd; balance m hand, £lO9 lis s}d. It v.*,is reported that the receipts from Mr Wilson's concert wore £lO 10s. Tho Mayor drew attention to the fact that several collectors who had offered to • ■ s for subscriptions had not yet r. poi ied. Several streets were not bejr>'; : rded to, and a number of peo<'u had told him that no one had called upon them. He hoped that these gentlemen would como into line and do their duty. A number of tickets were issued for tho travellers' concert to be held on Friday next. The box plan for tho circle is at Mr R. Bargrovo's shop. Tho bright and breezy performances given by tho travellers in the past is a sufficient guarantee of the quality of the programme. It was decided to meet again tonight. Saturday, to make further arrangements for tho concert and tho Our Day " appeal. RED CROSS RETORT. Miss J. M. Reed (secretary) reports a good attendance at last Tuesday's meeting, when a start was made on the aprons, in view of the coming "Our Day" shop in September. These useful garments are mado up in white, blue and black, and already quite a number have been disposed of. The following goods were forwarded to the depot-Three pairs bed socks, 5 pairs mittens, 1 pair slippers, 6 pairs underpants, 1 pair pyjamas, 2 balaclavas, 8 undervests, 5 jug-covers, 46 plugs. Tho committee wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, a donation of os from Mrs Curtis. SOUTH BRIGHTON BURGESSES' ASSOCIATION. In his introductory remarks at the annual meeting of the South Brighton Burgesses' Association on Tuesday night tho Mayor (Mr F. lubblewhite) said the association had done good work in the past and the council would bo pleased to consider any suggestions brought forward from time to time. In regard to the establishment of the Marino Solar Salt Works, only a portion of the mud flats were to bo leased, which would not cost the ratepayers anything, and the bargain made would mean a revenue of £6OO per annum in the years to com© if the works were successful. The. Mayor then gave a full explanation of the scheme to lease a portion of the Esplanade Reserve for building auctions, on the principle of the Glasgow lease. .It was decided that the association should give the scheme its utmost support. After tho Mayor had withdrawn a full discussion of the loan proposals took place, a motion being oarriwl that the council should be asked to provide for roadways of a full width instead of 30ft formations, with wider footpaths. It was also decided to ask the council to receive the association at a conference before the public meeting to discuss tho loan takes place. DECLARATION OF WAR MEETING. The war resolution meeting was one of the largest and most repressive functions hold in New Brighton. Saturday night is, of course, the shopping night locally, and many are prevented from attending a ' meeting. Notwithstanding this fact the theatre was crowded. The inspiring manner in which the resolution was carried was a feature of the evening. Those present joined in the singing of the hymns, " O God our Help in Ages Past," " Fight tho Good Fight," " Nearer My God to Thee " and " Eternal Father Who dost Guide" in a hearty and earnest manner, while the remarks of the Mayor and the Rev 11. H. Mathias were often applauded. Good musters of all local organisations helped to make the procession a success. In addition to playing from tho pier, the band accompanied the singing at the ineoting. LADIES' MINIATURE RIFLE CLASS. The third competition was fired off on rues<lay. The following tied with their handicap, each 70:—Mrs Harding, Mrs Cooke, Miss E. Lisle, Miss E. Ward, Miss Sherwood and Miss Dennis. Tho shoot-off resulted in a win for Miss Elsie Ward, Miss E. Lisle being second. Mrs Harding (67) won the gold rifle and Miss E. Lisle (59) the silver brooch. With one shoot to go the position for the Ladies' Championship i-s as follows:—Mrs Harding 190 points, Mrs Fantham 179 and Mrs Cooke 177. In the Grand Aggregate the following are leading:—Mrs Harding 201, Mrs Cooke 200, Mrs Ward 194 and Mrs Anderson 194.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12083, 11 August 1917, Page 3

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BRIGHTON BRFEZES. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12083, 11 August 1917, Page 3

BRIGHTON BRFEZES. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12083, 11 August 1917, Page 3