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SECONDARY SCHOOLS. CHBISTCHUUCH B.H.S. v. WAITAKI B.H.S. The annual football match between Ihia Christohurch and WaiUilu Bo.vs High Schools villi bo played on Sat'.U'da.y next. By thn courtesy of the Christ's College authorities, the match will tako plaoo on the College. ground, ancl a sin .all charge will be mad; 1 in aid of tho Canterbiuy Rugby Union s funds. Apart from being una bio to make .an/ admission charge elsewhere at grounds controlled bv tho Rugby Union, it "would be> a great pit.y to play a inatoh of this description on any iipdd where tho game wonld ninvost certainly bo spoiled by the encroachment of tho spectators ovor the side lines. Tho Waitnkr boys are a fairly strong combination, that is, judging by their defeat of Lincoln College 1 , who proved a little too good for tho local School players in their competition match. Waitaki, like tho _ other secondary schools of tho Dominion, play tho very best and brightest of football, and ■raturday's play should. not be 1 missed by lovers of real Rugby. CHRIST'S COLLEGE v. OTAGO B.H.S.

The Christ's College first fifteen wi leave for Duncdin on Friday, and will ola-v their annual match with the Dtago Boys' High School on the CsmsSrook ground on Saturday. The Otago bids aro an unknown quantity, but are reputed to bo very good in the forward line, in which case they will strike something pretty solid in the College combination. The result of this match, which will bo published in Saturday evening's sports edition of tine; "Star, should give some indication of the local High School's prospects of .success igainst their southern rivals.



The annual football tournament between Christ's Collpge, Wanganui College and "Wellington College is tins year t(T bo played in Christehurch The rn-mes will" all b 0 decided on Christ s Collego ground. Christ's College will »lav "Wellington on Saturday, August 2o; Wellington will play Wanganuii c-n Monday, August 27; iind Christ s College will plav Wanganui on Ncdnes-3-iVy, Aiigust 29.


Tho annual tournament hetwecn tho Christehurch, Tiinani, Otago and Southland Boys' High Schools will ho played aero during the week commencing Monday, Augnist 27. As the local High School is not well provided for in the wav of a suitable playing field .it would he "an excellent idea if the School could work in with Christ's Collego and so make a complete week of secondary ichools football on the Collego ground, fn the week in which the High Schools are playing the. inter-College games Docupy but two days, leaving the necessary four for the inter-High Schools games. Therefore, a splendid opportunity offers itself for two of tho schools to play on Tuesday, August 2(5, the,-other two on tho Thursday following; the two losing teams on the Itfriaay, and the two winners could decide / the tournament honours on' tho Saturday. I hope my Buggestion will receive consideration by the parties concerned, because I think it, would be a great pity were two Colleges and two schools playing against one another on either th 0 Monday or tho Wednesday of that week. All lovers of high-class football want to see every ono of these contests,-• and" I do not think for a minute that seven of them, even in one week, will prove to ho too many for the crowds which are fftiro to attend them.. Another suggestion I would offer if my first is accepted, is that a season ticket (price ss)—made transferable because the purchaser may bo able to see perhaps only ono or two games—be issued, entitling the bearer to admission to tho whole seven games, the proceeds, if not required as expenses by tho several schools engaged, to be given to tho war funds, or to the Canterbury Rugby Union, which could do with a. financial lift along at the present time. PRIMARY SCHOOLS FOOTBALL. RUGBY. The ninth round of mulches in the Primary School*' Rugby Football competitions was played last week. The senior grade matches have now been completed, Sydenham being the winners. Sydenham, who won by default last week from Woolston, have scored 240 points, while not- a single point has been scored against them—a record which speaks for itself. A second round of the Junior Grade is being played, an interesting finish resulting in last week's match between Normal and Hhirley. Chief interest now centres in tho light-weight competition, in which »ome close games have yet to be played. Following are the results: Light-weight Grade.

Marist Bros. (2.3) beat Richmond (0) —Marists soon began the attack, and Payne scrambled over. Bichmond was continually defending, Chctwin showing up prominently by tho forceful way that lie tackled. Marists' forward.4 went well, but spoilt several chances by too hard kicking at their opponents' goal line. Scorers: Payne (2), Smith (2), o'Connor (2) and Madden. Payne converted two tries. Brother Leo was referee.

"West Christcliurch (6) beat Biccarton (0) —In the first spell "West's forward-') attacked with much oncrgy, and had Biccarton defending near the goal line. Several times the defenders were compelled to force down. In the second spell Rioearton came to light and West were defending for a while. Near tho pnd of the gamo things were particularly exciting, scrum after sciMm taking place near "West's line; but'tho defence was equal to the occasion. Of the winners, L. Pay, A. Hay, E. .Uiitton. B. Bennett and T. Colo wero the nick; while. T. Hannann, M. Can-, A. Rngg and S. Boon played well for tho iosers. Len IViy scored both tries. Mr G. X. Ormandy was referee.

Linwood (11) beat Addington (0) —• A scries of scrums took place soon aftf>r a start was made, and the ball coming out smartly to Linwood's wing three-quarter, a score resulted. Linivood thereafter kept up the attack rairly ■constantly, although Hearfield, an Addington boy, threatened trouble on more than ono occasion. Haro was another boy who gayo good service for bho losers. Desmond played a, grand came for the winners. Mr K. G. Shrnnpton way referee. AVoolston (27) beat Opawa (o)—The winners had the best of the game all through. The Opawa boys are a game lot, bsit they speculate too much in kicking, and have very little ooinbiiuilion in their backs. Their forwards nrw not smart enough in packing or in following up. Tho scorers were:— Chapman (4), Choat, Blazey and Hyde. Taylor converted one try and kk-ked a 'good' field goal. Messrs West and Pitt were referees.

Addington (6) v. Richmond (3)— This was a very even game, that probably wr/uld have resulted in a victory for Richmond.lad not Addington been re-inforced-from their seniors. Richmond

OUR RULERS OF THE FUTURE WHERE THEY ART BEING MOULDED The-Batth of Waterloo was won on the playing fieWs of England.—Wellington j (By Studsnt)

opened the attack and soon registered fl , score. Addington responded by scoring two tries. " This match was postponed from the first round. Scorers for the winners: Booth (2); for the Elwood. Mr J. Bowden was referee.

Sydenham won by default from Nor-, mal-

East Christchurch had a bye. The following table shows the present positions of the teams: —

Z s w 0- n g£ i i * -i & ' Q 0 CD" ° h 1 JEI * ° a Sydenham .98 i 197 C-, Si W. Christchurch ft 7 1 Marist Bros. .7 f» 1 172 3 (>i I'iccarton .752 Lin wood .7 ■! 2 Sf> 11 5 Addin«*ton . S 3 5 Woolston . S 3 5 E. Christchurch 8 2 6 Ttichmond .8 2 K Op aw a .8 1 7 Normal . Junior Grade. Shirley (9) beat Normal (8). —Normal had tho advantage of a strong wind in tho first spell and at half-time Jed by 8 points to three. Despite many severe onslaughts by their opponents Normal held their advantage for some time. Eventually Shirley obtained a try, and then just before time was up they registered another try. which aa.vo it'll em their closely won victory. Neutzr (2) and Pogler scored for Shirley, and Butcher secured both tries for Normal, converting his first try. Mr R. H. North was referee.

The Onawa-Fondalton match was postponed. Kiccarton had a bye. The following table shows the present positions of the teams: —

■ "H H « K"« £ ® g*i * I £ * J a Ricearton .7 7 Normal .7 4 3 Fon&alton .7 4 3 ,Shirley . 7 4 2 1 75 53 'H W.Lyttolton 6 2 3 1 29 41 2$ Opawa . 7 2 5 Beckenliam 7 Seuior Grade. Marist Bros. (6) boat West Christchurch (0.) —These tennis were moro evenly matched than was generally expecit'etl Would prove the* case. Tho game was chiefly a forward one in which tho Marist hacks gavo their forwards moro support than was the case vrii jil their opponents. Although tlve losers were attacking for tlieir share of flic maitch they never really looked like crossing the Marist lino. Marists scored t'hree points in eacli spell, Granger registering tho first try after* 1 strong run, Tn which ho bea/i. two or three opponents and outpaced th'ei remainder. J. M'Kny scored tho other try. Mr L. Gniney was referee. Elmwood (20) heat I/inwood (()).• — Elmwood were slightly heavier all round than their opponents, and this meant a good doal so far as forward play was concerned. Elmwood held tho advantage in it ho Peru ins, and were thus able to give their hacks plenty of opportunities. Th 0 passing of the Elmwood backs_was very creditable, and some fine tries wcro scored. M'Donakl (3), .Marshall, Robinson and Smith crossed tho Linwood line, Brown converting ono of the tries. Mr I>. M. Shirlaw was referee. Sydenham won by default from Woolston. Sb Albans won by default from Addington. Walt ham, a bye. The following table shows the positions of the teams to date:— o* . g 5 5 « 2 1 » ? * o S 2 'n u'Z'x 2'S sH -< p- w W i-i ~ Svdenliam , B 8 diarist Bros. . 8 7 1 AY. Christchurcfc. 8 5 2 1 101 1!) 51 Elmwoocl . 8 5 2 1 51 K) ;>5 Wiiitharu .6 2 4 Linwood , 0 2 4 Woolston . 8 2 0 St Albans . 0 1 5 :i 135 1 Addington .8 8 THIS WEEK'S FIXTURES. Following aro the matches set down for decision this week: Light-weight Grade. Riccarton v. Opawa, on Christclmreh ground. Marist Bros. v. "West Christchnrch, on Polo ground (east). Richmond v. East Chrietchurch, on 'Varsity ground. Aldington v. Woolston, on Sydenham Park. Linwood v. Normal, on Linwood Park. Sydenham, i; byo. Tho match between Marist Bros, and "West Christchnrch in this competition is sure to attract a great deal of attention, as its result will have an important bearing on tho championship. Marist Bros, aro level with Sydenham at tho head of the table, both boing half a point ahead of West Christclmreh. A win to tho latter team would give Sydenham the competition, while a win for Marist Bros, will mean their playing off with Sydenham. After this match neither Sydenham nor Marist Bros, is likely to bo defeated. Junior Grade. Shirley v. Opawa, on Christchnrch ground. Normal v. Riccarton, on Boys' High School Ground. Fendalton, a bye. Senior Grade. There are a few postponed matches vet to bo pkyed in this grade, but their results cannot affect the championship, which has been won by Sydenham. REPORTING COMPETITION, .So far as the senior reporters are concerned, tho reporting competition has now closed, but tho junior and lightweight reporters liavo still a few moro cards to send in. An analysis of the percentages shows that ihe top scorers for each grade aro among the first three, who receive 76.2, 75.5 and 74.4 per cent. Until the competition is complete, however, the names of the leading boys will bo withheld. Three cards received top marks this week. They were written bv William Desmond (Linwood), Ronald M'Kay (Marist Brothers seniors) and Jack M'Kenzio (West Christchnrch). Next came R. Butler (Woolston), ,K. Cliapple (Shirley), C. Dielil (Linwood), j T. Fisher (Elmwood) and C. Montgoni- J ery (Richmond). I

Tito best writers were W. Desmond (Limvood), V. Hahn (Addington) and J. M'Kenzle (West Christehurch).

Following are two of the best cards

I/imvood (11) v. Addington (10). — Linwood won the toss, and, playing with the wind, held the advantage. After a series of scrums. Desmond scored at the corner, but Logie failed to convert. Later, Desmond scored close in, and ho was successful with the kick. The Linwood forwards again pressed, and Addington was kept busy defending until half-time sounded. On resuming, Linwood pressed _ again, but Hcarfield saved. Later Addington came clown the field at a good pace, but Desmond saved in good' iimo The* samo boy- received a pass from Booth and,

cutting in, scored. The kick failed.— "W. Desmond, Linwood School. Marist Brothers (ti) v. West Christchurch (()).— Morists met and defeated West Christchurch at the Polo Ground bv 6 points to nil. This game was a great battle between the; forward teams, the ball seldom getting out to the. wings. The West forwards were heavier than their oponents, but' did not make use of this advantage. [n the second spell the Marist backs opened up tho game, and narrowly missed scoring several times. Granger and .T. M'Kay were the scorers. In tho forwards, Dwan and Polasocheck were easily the best, while O'Brien, Egan, Granger and .T. M'Kay played best in the backs.—Ronald M'Kay, Marist Brothers' School.



The primary school boys' hockey competition was advanced a further stage last. week. The leading team, Christchurch, gained a comfortable victory over Cranford, and are now in an almost unassailable position for championship honours. Selwyn A were unexpectedly defeated by Technical College in* a closely contested game. The winners showed very fine form, and on the day were too good for Selwyn, who play rather in and out at times. The other two games were won by default by Sydenham and Oxford Terrace respectively. Tho following table shows tho positions of the teams to date: —



Drar Student.—Having played "Soccer" for the- last few years, and having an afternoon to myself last "Wednesday. I journeyed to one of the many'parks whetv '■Soccer" is played, to watch some of our schoolboys in their matches. -Much to my surprise, T found that the- boys have a. wonderful idea of the grnio. and was delighted with some of the exhibitions which were as good, if not bettor, than some of those in the third grade competition of the O.F.A. But one thing which I noticed was. the great laxity of tho referees, who did not follow the games closely, apparently thinking it did not matter, seeing it was only a junior schools' match' or something of _ that sort. 1 think this is most undesirable as players who are allowed to act roughly, or disregard tho rules, when young, have a tendency to do the samo "when they ripen into older and more experienced players. Tho future of " Soccer" lies in our schools, and 1 think referees, who have tho game at heart, should exercise their powers more and thus tend to make our sport cleaner later on. There is nothing like a little t-.traight talk to some players, and I. think if the- referees, when they saw any -rough or unfair play, called the players together, and had a. heart to heart talk to them, it would do more good than all the free- kicks and penalties he would award.--! am, etc. " SOCCEKT.TE." JOTTINGS. A letter from a Christehurch Jligh School old boy has been kindly .shown mo by Mr 11. B- Whitta, wcil-known in cricket circles. 'I he writer is L. A. Caygill, In-other of 10. R. Caygill, and both familiar to followers ol the popular suinni.-'r game in these parts. The letter is dated "In the Field," April 24, 1917. and in the. course of his remarks Caygill says:--"!' am very pleased von old married men are keeping the game going, lor we will want to have another go when we get hack. Anyway, there is a -very good prospect of a game hero soon. Thov are. 1 think, picking a battalion team to play in a. day or two, and our battalion has some 'hot' members in it. For instance 'Joe' CJ. H. Bennett), ' Sandv ' (D. M. Sandman), Reg Ridley, _ and last, but not least, 11 addon. (Bennett, Sandman and Hnddon are Now Zealand representatives. Student). Football has been on the go up to now whenever we have had the opportunity to play. I was lucky enough to get a game with mv battalion in a match against another battalion, whom we defeated by 13 points to 8. AVe had not bad a game for six weeks and were not in anything like condition .... ' Joe '"is now in the bombers, and judging by the performance he put up in a 'competition a while ago lie should be able to jjefc a lew German wickets if he gets the- ehanc.e... He is by far the most accurate thrower in our company, if not battalion. ..."

Team, T3 O >. P-l . ■ EJ n « g g,j5 g IS S -3 .U'S S a S A ,2 o-T ao^.'S Christchurch Selwyn A. Technical Co. Sydenham Cranford Wharonni Selwyn P> Oxford Ter. . s . o . !) . 0 . 0 . :i . o . s 7 — 1 JS 3 '<i (! 2 J. 46 (I 6* 5 -2 2 .13 7 (I 4 2 17 R 5 3 ."> ] !) 47 Hi 2 0 1 13 :!0 2* 1 7 — 5 51 1 GIRLS COMPKTlTrOX. A second series nf last Friday. Ak vc been sent in, nn co compiled, but. "tin position of teams so tained :— n>niches was begun ry few results Imvu nplcte table can ho 'jilowiiiji shows the iar as can be ascerq ■v 5 f> iA ° o 2*3 Ci Li 11 w nod Wlidrouui Sydenham AVoolston A Addinston AVoolston P> ~~~7~c7 , K . 4 • J5 . ■! . 4 .( 2 _ 20 1) 4 1 — 1!) I! :( 2 I! — 13 M 2 0 -i — — 10 0 _ 4 — 0 42 0

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12068, 25 July 1917, Page 3

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IN SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND Star (Christchurch), Issue 12068, 25 July 1917, Page 3

IN SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND Star (Christchurch), Issue 12068, 25 July 1917, Page 3