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yc oiBE m Ai m\ %Jf I =74 m. 'tfWWT'jffi mi at Auction Sale « o il fes# Commencing JgODflflV *>y 000 s:i mt k at 11 o'clock WORTH OF DRAPERY AT RETAIL PRICES CLOTH HABERDASHERY - MILLINERY, Etc, TO BE SOLD LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT Barifflaaasami rrr. raapigsu«& asjggsgmaairjfamai w E have been instructed by Messrs. W. W. Webb & Sons, the purchasers of the stock-in-trade in the ~ Bankrupt Estate ot W- F. Burns, Draper, to sell the same, without reserve, to the Public, in small lots to suit purchasers, At the §faop Premises, corner Colombo and Gash®! Sts., COMMENCING MONDAY NEXT, JULY 23 rd, at 11 o'clock And continuing dally for at least one month (excepting Tuesdays.) • TWo i* an immense stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Tweeds, Underclothing, Haberdashery, Mercerv and Drapery, including Millinery, Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, Damasks, I inp,K hrpss Materials, Silks, Hosiery, Costumes, Blouses, Skirts, Gloves, Laces, Fancy I-UlCllD, j Pl* f> i . .• 1 Goods Furnishing, etc., and thousands of lines lar too numerous to particularise. <\lso Big Lot of Fittings! including Mirrors, Brass Rods, Safe, Cabinets, Dress Figures, etc., etc. This is an unparalleled opportunity for the general public to buy present requirements of Drapery, etc., at their own price, as every lot will be offered absolutely without reserve. Full details In this morning's "Times." Auctioneer 'Sea There will be a half-hcur adjournment for Lunch at I p.m. each day, commencing ajfain at 1.30 p.m. on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS, and 2.30 p.m. on FRIDAYS. R □ w 1 HetCENZ r V 143 CASH EL STREET, Auctioneers for the Vendors (next Tattersali's)

SPECIAL AUGTiOINi SALS of Importable© to Electrical Engineers ' SATURDAY NEXT, 28th JULY, at 12.30 p.m. sharp In our Rooms, CASHEL STREET (next Tattersall $). /We have been instructed by Messrs. CRADDOCk & COY., ELEC- / TRICAL ENGINEERS, St. Asapli St., City, who have just landed t i large shipment of Conduit in excess of their requirements (having had to buy locally on account of delay in securing shipment), to dispose of a considerable portion by Auction The Lots comprise—l 6 gauge screwed welded %in. grip and %in. grip. Owing to the great scarcity of conduit in the Dominion at the •present time, from which position there is no definite of immediate relief, This will be an opportunity for Electrical Contractors to replenish their stocks. Fin 3i izle & Co, Mc I AUCTIONEERS, CASHEL STREET (next Tattersall's) Preliminary SlU&itr mt* fNlpflM %Q Pill 1 Mill.ißPilt B fis Hill nliUuvM wli Of TABLE GRAND PIANO VERY CHOICE ENGLISH OAK AFtfD WALNUT FURNITURE <& HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. TUESDAY, 7th AUGUST Commencing at 12.30 p.m. On the Premises, 12 Cooper's Head, Shirley, On account of Mr. A. Mitchell, who is leaving the district. Full details in future advertisements. R. S. iiz* & 00® Auctioneers, Cashel Street (Next Tiittcrsull's). <<2s **! 'i- V j" fi mi P 1a the Sp iservists: Division' We are experiencing an enormous demand for Second-hand Furniture. Should you be drawn in the Ballot, 7 m JRE loir furki. Owing to confihiual change in designs it only depreciates in Value. Sell now, while the market is good. Our central position, commodious Rooms with Expert handling, enables us to give you 10 to 15 percent, more in value than any other Auction firm in this city could possibly do fACTS SPEAK. WATCH OUR PROGRESS TELEPHONE 3414 R. S. McKenzie & Co M auctioneers, household furnishers, CASIEL STEEEf (pext Tattersall's)

AUCTIONS. ORADDOCK, M'CmOSTTE COY., LTD. AUCTION SALE. IN OUR ROOMS. TUESDAY NEXT, JULY OUh AT I P.M. OX ACCOUNT OF MR A. N. SMITH (Who is leaving- for tho North Island). THE WHOLE OF HIS ART FURNITURE, ALL PI? ACTIO ILLY NEW, IN SOLID OAKNEAIiIjY NEW PIANO, hy lIAAKE, WHITE ROTARY AUTOMATIC DROPHEAD SEW J NO- MACHINE, Oak Palm Ktcixls,, Hal! »r.d Ht:vnd combined in < v 'b, Oak I eUe-tUI:-!, .iiiwi.. o Rugs, Liskurl Slip Mats Axnyuß ev Hdl Carpet, *<*.&«** Chair*. 2 Onk Kerbs, - Conner Sot,--. Picture-is Pa.m Ho-.vls, U.n.dKOiiw Mirror m .oak (quaint 1«Pi.'n), Oak Extension ImljU:. Palm Stand, Settee in <>ak with •1 llirh-bock Oak Chairs with wi.yruM f.catn, 2 Morris Chair* in «ak ,n leather, 'J Wicker Easy Chiuv?, C «>ul Vp«». 0a.., Coal Cabinet, Aiu'.ms'.cr hnnncr, Runner, Carpet Pfluw©.. t-utlery, "V. Art Curtains, Oak rimtc. neliuhni; h. C..n U. . Wood Bed-,toad complete, \\ anlrcne ;• h ovc.l mirror, Duchosso with oval H.mor. Cab.ret WasbAt.xnd, Lovch' Doultoa \\ ari, An.~ Chair- Table, Chair:-, Crockery, LoeoLuOfauW «*■ ft rill car, Meet Safe. Ourdcn Tools Wrin"C-r, Kitchen. Uteosil.?, f.Oit .<«( Sn lU Gent's B.S.A. Bicyclo, otc„ etc. ON VIE;V IN OUR ROOMS ON MONDAY NEXT, ALL DAY, and in the EVENING from 7 p.m. until 0 p.m. ORADDOCK. McCROSTIE COY., LTD., Auctioneers, HI Corner CasM and Manchester Streets. AUCTION SALE OF BUNGALOW PROPERTY. PIANO AND SUPERIOR PCTRNITURE AND EFFECTS. THURSDAV NEXT, JULY CGth, a'. 1 p.m. On account ot C. S. BLACK, EtiQ., who i® leaving for th« North Inland, On the i'rcmiw.i, U>, WESTON ROAD, just ofl Pitpaiiui Itoad, St Albans. (11l conjunction with N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association. HIS Superior Oroomed ART BUNGALOW, tiled roof, paneled living room and hull, with every possible modem eoiivuu• ence, huv/er connect iom-:, hiKh-pref-aure wuti-r supply, etc., together with over i-acro in lovely gardfeu, well planted with fihrubti -and fruit tre.**, very liijrh "notion, double enLr&iK/?, etc.; also ENGLISH UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO by Buvrati uud Robinson, :1 Axmiriiiter Carpets, Axminster Ru o'.'s 0 '.'s Scrc-.r Uxtension Table, Ye'.v.-t '.'o-'e.r, Couch lis Utrecht velvet., -1 Chairs to match, KatUm Chairs, Secretaire,. Kerb;) and Brasses, Art Curtains, Mission Seagraaa Chans, Copper Kerb and Set, Coal Vat' 3, Palm Stands, Pal ma and Bowls, Occasional Tables, Framed Mirror, Carved Table, ilali Ax minster Carpet, Mirror Hall Stand, A.\niinsicr Runner, Pictures, China, Cutlery, Singur Dropliead Sewing Machine, -lit Cin Wood Bedmeiid Lv.mplete, iieaoon'-dk-kl Mirror Wardrobe, Llicval Thwhcss© with b drawers, .\larb.etopned Wiaah.stand t« mulch, Ware, -Ift Gin Wood Beds lead conipluie, Wood Cot, 2 ait Cin Wood B'idiloadfi complete, Baby DucheHse. Pedmtiil Cupboard, Chest Drawers, Wire Stretcher, Linoleum, Carpet Sweeper, Crockery, Ctensilo, 'Table, Chairs, Wringer, Mani/le, 'Garden Tools, Lawn Mower, Gent'a Bieycltt JJ.S.A. parts), Barrow, (Jar den Lit/lit. On view WEDNESDAY NEXT, JULY 25th, Fron 1 p.m. until 1 p.m. CRADDOCK. McCROSTIE COMPANY, LTD., Auctionocrs, 100 Corner Cushcl and Manchester Street*. TSUBURBAN LAND. 9 ACRES, specially suitod for POTATOES, ONIONS and Small DAIRY. Best Crop Land. Four milo3 from City. Immediate poss. Terms. MEAGHER AND CO., 155, Cashel St. X PAI'ANUI liistrict, Gooa House, 5 rooms, bath, w.-house, coppor find tuba, i-acre section; cheapest property in district, £525. Terms arranged. A. J. Tarrant, 186, CaHhcl Bt. X

AUCTIONS. CRADDOOTC, M'CROSTTE COY., LTD. AUCTION SALE. FRIDAY NEXT. JULY -7th, <U 1 p.m. On account of HIS LORDSHIP BISHOP .JULIUS, on (ho Promises, " BISHOPSCOURT." VICTOUIA STREET, CITY. •pHE UivilDUK .»f hi:, I'TUXISHIXGS, Including •iIiAiSD PIANO liY ERAUD, Doufolo Music Mod, Dining-room Suito of Two Carved Armebsirs sutd Jiight Chairs, nil covered in morocco. OLD SIDEBOARD IN MAHOGAX\, Alussc C.iiHi.rbiiry, Bedroom Sofa covorcd cK:to;jn<!, Two Bedroom Wnnlrobea, 2 trdrobes w:ih mirror xia-'ielo, 2 Washstands, 3 Diic!h : t-?o Tab:™, Drains Table with drawer?, ;> Singls Iron Bedsteads, 5 iro Mi',tl.riV3o.=., 5 ] I,oi'.;t'ha ir Mattresses, Lamb Knitting Viuchinn, 'WAG GOX ETTE lor doublo or <iin?lc harness (with hood), VICT( ififA FOR SIXGLF. HARNESS, GJG, I SET DOUBLE HARXESS. I SET SIN- <-• 7jJC HARNESS, 2 gents' addles (one of tlitEnglish;, 3 Side-saddle.!, Stablo Toola, - Litu'i; Mov, el?, ii<.>l: :, Garden Tool#, e'c., etc. CHAD!)'.»CK. McCROSTIE COMPANY, LTD.. Auctionoern, •l<Ti Corner Cashol and Manchester St roots. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. AI'CTiON .SALES. MESSRS RALPH .STRINGEH AND CO. nav.. t » « j»oj t aa AI'CTIOX 1, 1 IjPA11 I .\I.NT {'. !( the Su!t< of Properties) to !u; Hin on tin.! ccii.'ii.Tvaiivci :<nii r-ouiid lines winch prevail at Homo, whorebv the riiloty in Client.-;' Moneys is am-mrcd. 1l:n «'.or.;i not, hpoculstt-. 'lho Ksrm »»t f-ix-culatc. Nci'lier docs it, do Lir.v Work. Ackiht <i"< ■■■ it <!■ > J jaw "Work. It Sells on Commission only. Buyers r; rid .S"i!cr-, .i !o a:-.-;un'd of the fair- • ])o.-j;ib!c t:i.'u'ii-.''nt by die adoption of this policy. Mr Ralph briWve;- that his Firm '. I;! ri ' j >">t '"!»!• M:c . "ni'idcnce- but the tui I:inited': ot ;Ik> public, u» liirf c.vKt Jl -.i;, mi Auctioneer extended over a period of 10 years. A convenient lloow to bo known hh the -c:exthal_aih:tiox .mart" is in I lie A/oil r:!o oi alteration tit 170, Carhel Street. RALPH STRINGER AND CO., Specialists in Town Proportion, W. Oafhcl Street. 'Phono 3112. X LA.A H, -t'> acre;i ploughable, f-r.lxlivided ;j<tn ,!i paddocks, j;«.'od fence*, main metal road ironinge, -j\ tmics from dairy factory, wwiuhip un<! t-cliool; ]lon«a of 7 rooms, orchard wris 11 !ii> u.=c, ;ili couvcnience.H, ftplendidly situ-tied; magnificent view; cowjhod, implement shod, i Mucks of Hay, about 1000 .'ihe'tcr trees havo been j>lnntcfl. Xow cfti'rymjj about -j0 cou's and tiO hliocjj with other .stock. Very Low Price for Quick Sale. Owner }'oin;; tr> l-'ront. Apnly—n. E. RY'AIAN, ESQ., Po hang an a. 42U2X Via Aflhhursl. "FOR SALE. 9Af' ACRES l irrd-clans Land, fiO chaina OV/U frontage to main meta! roadn, only tv.o mile.! from town, cliceso factory and school, subdivided into 20 convenient p<tddocha, good fences, 1 \ milo from railway a'tation. All \ve!l watered. Woulri au l>divido into I f.'nod dairy iarmn. iinildinga comprtrn large well-built homo of 7 rooms, ha'liroom, :<.-u!lery, telephone, nnlendidly laid out groundn, 2 acren of good orchard, c ftr-t-clai--» modern home; 18 bail cowuhod, h«y u'.ore, motor nlied, Tho property is now wintering 750 sheep, 70 head of cattle, 7 horscfl on grar/i alone, a.'id i;j tnuch luider-ftoeked. PRICE ,£.3,7 PER ACRE Apnlv NORMAN J. GILBERT, ESQ., 42G5X' Wootlvil.'o. !• 0 II SAL K. 152 ACRES, all p'.oughahlo and in good grass, l'i paddocks. Main. Metal Road Frontage. Ono mil® from School and Cheeso I 1 actory. FOUIMIOOJIEH) COTTAGE, Wool shod, S tablet'. Tho Property is only five miles from DANNEV HIKE, in well y-vatored, and ill good order. Apply UMUTAOROA, 20CGS " Tijniw " OfEco, Chriatchurch.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 16