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F. J. GLACKIN CONSULTING OPTICIAN RIMLESS AND SPECTACLE WORK A SPECIALTY We are OPTICIANS ONLY 277 HIGH STREET (TRJANGLE) OPPOSITE STEWART DAWSON'S. 'PHONE 4013 £l®® NEVEK BETTERED THIS Wc have a client who has instructed us to sell his property situate in FENDALTON at £ 1250 with a deposit of £ 100 ; balance as rent, as he WANTS TO QUIT. IF ANYONE IN N.Z, REQUIRES 3 Acre® laid out in garden and orchard with houses and runs for 500 fowls, stables, pig-styes and buildings galore of a superior quality, to say nothing of a H brick dairy and a LUXURIOUS 7-roomed House with hot and cold water supplies, they should communicate with RALPH STRINGER & CO. Specialists in Town Properties

170 Cashe! Street 'Phone 3112

Late advehtis'ments. WE 4 DDIXGTOX Uargchfcs' «<d o( H«?d trots J'ro'jress; n Kucbra and Dance, in S.'jwi'!! St. ifa. 1 ., Tuesday, .July 2t.h, » ?hr:; i;. Jir-»;. \\ >v>d«, Or ■.•lies rn. V.'. .i. .'•h".lio*. See. __ _ 1 t >J»BLE>, Saiurd.r. Sc-xi,>, H-'chu- " lu.e li :tu, Si Asaph .t't., Ijh-.-.voc;!. 3C'S DAY "0. Sunn;;" Packets---f, Gold W'.', Dis-ntoad if::,;-. OR!c \\ Lady's Cycle, Sev-jnT Machine, 7 I'MHI.K Sole. Sari!.-.-iny Ne.v, jl»rh:i- *' hi.e rtnli, M„ A.-aph hi-., Linv.'.o.'l. ?.tv; TO Lot, ]!'.*nso, i..', r/invrnioiict s. f Ilk-h •Stroo:, City. AI vevk. Saia I'iimit-nre, (..'arpc*ir<, l. , no.c\ißi:>, --to., r i\ y misos. Mondavi -.Mrd. .M.'lvcnrlo and _ 3(V) QA AAA V>l KPliish Krcatpjl "■ ' J •" Kv"r Every bhi.hng Jjn-i-dai a Vi'in» Ki'day .';r.o \\j ANTED. inimcdi.v.dy, M,vhinM, * ' Finishers, Cos. Hanc:' :md Api rcn-ijc.?. pro* port h for L -;i aKe hand.-'. Apyiiy il. Vincent. Ltd., Cos.utno -.fcunitt'actv.m-h, S3, Lichfield St. WANTED io So!?, '2-;<;fiff>r I hvri.:n;l, gtod condition, a real,:.'iin, ij'.'. (.-mtland, " S.»r." :G0 X\} ANIhD, a. Woman t ,vo half-days tvH-k.y. ' * 20, Winter'-) I'd.. Piipi'r.ui. ANTED to Uuy, cr-.-'.i'.vr M.'.ricrn t'crd. order, £>r cindi. La.di. " S:ai \\< AVJ'Ei>, Sn.'Diy, -•;rn;.-:' l e-i iiomi, ' !ireplace. Apply S.M.M.. "" -01 TTI/'ANTKU, about Act-\ with .1 rooms, en » ' X.y) dopo»it. to Worker, i5o:; 11. W X\J ANTE!) to svji, a (-<«d W3:or.!ii barrow, I.'h, a '..-mail'. 11. Chas.'T .SI., << It r ANTI:,I.) S.-!:, 'to.vl l_ycle. Aji- ' V pi;.. -Jay n.o'.nu: .-. •!•-', lia!.<--viT 54..,S 4 .., Sydcnnr.':;. "(>< VVT ANTED to Hull, i-s-ratc-r jror!:i-r.l, d » » condition, a rcn! i('v-'.r-land, "_S:ar." ' -<)> C'apuT.:« (Ilri to rssift: fir:;'!i » ' ffttJiily, j.oo:l v.r:Apciv "32, << coslct ht. Eli .-It. \7i7'ANTEi), (our or t:vc D»ir B'.uck Orpin?VV lon or Wyandotte Pallet's. Pik.* .n llod'-rato, Dox il. YVfA.N J>;!) near St IV.t-r:'f. Vvooiston. f V i r.-'ums, convcjil.jni.e«. Apply ;V«-J, | M'>«rhous« v. iG'j I \\f ANTED Soil, -i-whorlc-a C'ovctC-u ' 1, 40(>-ga!. Tanks. Supply Stores, Sydenham. -ol* "f/frANTEI) to h'c.!. ilori'.i:lnrr.iiii Chair, » i in thorough good c rd-ir. Apply Uobo-v.-arnc! St., Sproyd.:':i. .'it.'i WANTED I'apanui, for Ao:.) ar.d IJous(>, town. • Badger, lfi7, Manchcs or £t. TSTANTKi Exolinngo, < r.:i:t:y Siora ' ' for town Prop-, rty, r-ov.i'. ■-. stock plant, ,£fi(Ki. Biid'/i.-r, .Mftnclihslcr .Si. liAiviiit iJIiUS.. HO US K SA3J?:S.MEN. WANTED, <-m:ti 1 Ilonso Property, udict® » ' £l4O jnort»»;jo ar.d tree mention accepted. PiiniculnrH to Bo:c 1!. ISfANTED kschanti''-, _v, ( ,Sub;ir!>an ' T fc'toro for Solo agent, Ronald Jiadgcs, Mancbci-tc.r (St. 11f,3 'J ED to Buy. a .Separator, In «ckt«l ord-.r, not lo.s-. t'.ian 1;-: galiona pvr '23, V.'irt'.-r's fid., } J ap«n'»ll ■t'lr'AXTKI ;o boil, at, C'hlld'-i Pusli- » ' chair in ccod order, only lfs i;d. Apply to N<_. 'J7, P.icliardr.on St., off Ensor'n k.i., VVoolstcn. '2>>.) TXT'ANTED I'cnt, '2 F'.:niich;yi ' ' Hittisig-rocn;, uvj cf kitchen ,und conveniences ; north or v.«st prt-ferred. Alpha. P.O. ]V»x 102(>. m W"~ A>f r l'lirD~ " immodiatyly," MadHrilt, Finishers, Coat Ilitr.M and Apprentice. Good prospectb for sui üble liand<. Ai»>!.v H. Vincent. Jyid.,

LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED So!!, Ilnlf-plate Triple Extcni • s.on Camera, complete, (jO:.;. 2'.)7. ]!iir'oadci.'.-! Si. 2 3'J 'i \ .s i KIJ fi Sell, Cash Krister, in go<xl V V cider, i"i. 11.-ijlv Chrap, " S2,V> U?AN TilI)~Soli ~4:1 a If- p1 aie~Tr; pie Eiu-u- ---'' <.ui'i Camera, coiup!ct». LOs. Barbadoes St. • 'lyj T,lf ANTED Sell, Tabic Fot sloes, <-i:c:;p; i 1 Carrotn Bran on, Sharps lis pel ;-r;oir> OS, Lichfield St. liltUS7, liltUS7, THE HUME EUSDEIIS /t, POPI'LAIi Bargain Event—death's j 1 Busy Sale. B UNO ALOW, St Albaus, 4 rooms, mouern ornvenifiic"", high eocnou, good locsli'.v, A'">2s; tonus. Spratt and Be;*, 6-2'., Colombo .Si. BUXOALOW, Beckenham, •! rooms. every ronvcmrnce. concrete paths, K-etion I out; £V.)o. Sprait and Host, ('.21, C'oio-.yiw St. . AIWA IN Luis arc Everywhere at iita'li'a Sale. HLME on .\;onday for iomo ol Jioath s Better Bsirirains. 12(31 B C s-a.ii;, Cily, Coitago for removal. Of. ior.i wanted. and IV. st, C:, i l.V.nnibo St. i "S OI N tli« l.n-y Throng at Beath".* Sul« 'tf Next Vi'i-.i'ij. j ? o.' JOIN our Xmas Hani Club ; open r.. Wr'rht, f'oik Butcher, Sydenham. X Li.\ u Oul.»--S<.-c.ion. i-acrc. partly knee.!, Owner leaving Christehnreb. ,Vr?tion ;i0 parches, near Lincoln Ud„ A'.'m. Sprats and U<>.<;. 621, Colombo St. Ol s'H-CiiAHl, adjustable back, r.vr.y new, for hrt'o, chv.p. Apply A.X., "Star." ;;i CJLi'l'3 I<> '•.io;;sTiro, with ia.\'.ra Tu i.t-'t-rs ing Factory's Winter bale. ]jAIVEU HOUSE SALESMEN. ____ POTATOES (table;, Lucerne, Chaff, Wheat, Sharp l -, Bran, Oat. 1 -, Aianjolds, cheap. | King, 9b, Lichfield St. '2G2 PETifOL, Petrol, just tlio thing for Ciea.v my ir.ovc.s, Clo.hcs, etc., Cd foouie. ; Ksvsoh c-nd Low, _Cathedral »Sq. | !.vaO, Collard ar.d Collard, new, ■ •«- mod>.!. c-osi jt'So, taJto JL'7O, or near oiler.«r at front. Apply 21, l''s JW.. Si .Martins. Q "V. IiOOfitEIT, Carolin-Har.son, pu! el O. hreeckr. utility, prizes. 40. LeinVcr Rd. CI'LENDI!) "B.S.A. Cycle left wit h me fur = bargain; £l. G. Ba.ll, 001, Mtdras St. ! QEF.DS. —Niinino and Blair. This season's ju.-t arrived. (I. Burt, Fruitcror. WaMhoin .ltd. 2j:) QIiTS t<> Mc»«aro, with Extra Trcn.-x-i'J .Kreo, for 09s Ctl, at New Zealand Kaclorv's Winter Sale. I'JW iJAKEIt JiiiUS., _ HOUSE SALESMEN. CJA NI) Alf I) Poultry Farm can f.upnly O Jig-i? Irorn 12 Breeding Pens, at si.cdcrato pivces. J. Nciicarrow, iiti. Quocn M., Burwood. _ '2(-i . B.S.A. Cycio itfi .with n:e :V.v 0 saie, bai'g'ain; SI. G. Ball, 3:u, St. _ TI!AINERS Should Sea our Line ot 'J'rovtnif,' 8e1...--, at 12» Gd pair. Itawsou :tr.d Caiht-dral Scj. Let, 5 L(ircro Kooms, every c.nvcnii. ericf, 4-pcrd, 20#: -i ro<oiir, ;.nf. ~ov,v; !>:; Spratt and Best, 621, Colombo St. TO Lftt, City, 6-roorned .Residence, 21s. Baker Bros., 168, Manchest'.T St. CH rji.O Let, Cit'-, 5 Booms, aii couven;ences : 1 15s. Bak«»r Bros., 1(;8, ilanchcstcr St. r rb Lot, iSydc-nhum, J-aero, MousOj 4 rcoias, X i-ac-re, 10s Cd. Spratt and Best, C2I, Colomijc

B A.RGAIN Lots nrc Kverywhcrc ;i'. Prat Rale. I'.il UAivEK liKUfr., THE HOME FINPKHS. BARGAIN Lots nrc Everywhere at Berth's Sa!fi._ If.fl A F&W Pairs of Trotting Bells left, at -* V- (kl pair. Low, Cathedral ~A POPULAR j-'V Busy Sale. Umuij 8 TricycJo, CJ; Strong i{ ticking JlorMi, r»s, g..r«! order. 5.0.0. -Xtl CiOME on Monday for eo:n« of Bcath'a •' Better I.'nrc:-.tins. 1061 1?Oft Sale, iVroosnerl Bnnga-ow, fit A'.'.kks, cheap; easy terms. I'.M.Jf., "Star. part., £105; tu?y t<-rin». P..N.N., " _ TfOil Sale, Cypher lsc-übator, complete, 30 ' dozen i-izo, (ninnmtccd pood •working j order, nearly neu", cu."li Reply S.L.Li., " Star." 1:61 Sale, r.env Lancaster Park, Kail way and Tram HLieds, llonse, J large rooms, all conveniences, J-ncro, grwd'-n, fruit tro<!s, (ibed, ;ar(:» -frontagp, 3d .vection. S.X.NI " Star." ___ "iJAKEK HHOS.7 HOUSE BALESMEN. _ '2-rooinrd CVttapc to Let, X convenience;; suit married con pic. t 241, Hereford St. CC'2 rhoap; P-ano, £'lo, owner ies/rinpr. No agents. 8.R., " Star." <?&} JOIN tho Busy Throng at BeatiiV"Sale' X'eri V'eck. jcgj JOIN our Xmas Ham Club ;*• open now. JPork Butcher, Sydenham. X "VrORTGAGEE'S Sale, 5 Rooms, con vein--k'J- ences, Sydenham; must sell. P.L.L., " Star." MANGEILS for Sale, i'l ton; Carrote £2, delivered. Apply G. VTray, Winter's Rd., Papfcnui. OWNER Suburban LeaeebrJd Storcj good turnover, tako 5 to 10 Acres; great chance. Grocer, Bos 14. OWNERS, Trainers, gave money, a Fine Line of Trotting Bolls at 12s 6d pair. R'awsou and Low, Cathedral Sq. 260

I atj r j 1 C) Let. near Railway, 5 Rooms, all co:i -1- vc;iici:cc¥, 15s. linker liroF., 16S, Hanchostcr St. i ~ JJAivElt iiiiUS., THE HOME Ei NDE"RB. i Let, OfSco (ground floor), fireplace, | *- htrong room; Hereford St. Ilino ana j Co.. f.s, Hertford St. 262 j fpo ileaiJifOto, House, G looms, c./n"j .1. i-acre.. 12s; Sydenham, I ro-yms, conveniences, j-acre, 11 6 tid. Sora-tt I'.nd Best, (;21, Colombo St. j r pO Lot, h-!;>oniori ilo;iso, :.l! roTiver.ience?, :i\ Iliffli Street, City, £1 week. Sala Fundture, Carpet?, Linoleums, etc., on promises, Monday, 2'jrd, 12.30. il'lienzic And "Willis. 36.5 Let, 4 Rooms, h. and c., Id section. 11.?; J- p Roams, bath, copper, tubs, City, lUj •Id. S'pratt and ISesl, C2l-, Colombo St." I rjiO Let. S-roomcd House, all convenience.*, 'llisrh St root, _ City, .£1 week. Sr.le Furniture, Otupels, Linoleums, etc., on premises, Monday, 2ird, 12.30. IL' Kenzio a-tid \\ !lli i. 3t)3 Let, Small House, Sydenham, 4, rooms, -i- h. and <\, bath, copper and tubs; over i-t-.crc fruit. trr n s; rent os. the Germans by {,'rov.'i>!(r your own Potatoes, etc. •Spcirs, Sa-ur.dero and Co., ICO, Cashel St. \\T j -' ,Mr.ko (.'ash Oilers for Second-hand ' * Cydus. Jlav.-gon -and Low, Cathedral &'q- 260 WK.L Buy Mixlern House of 6 rooms. si 11 conveniences, including deep well; :iye minuter' Vslk to Id tram; Ion;?. frontage, room for double poles. Apply Avonsldc. oflice of this paper. 803 BAKEOROS., THE HOME FINDERS. > A~ —Good 5-roomcd House, City, rental lfa, bath, copper, tub*. 'ra?, rooms large; £25 deposit. Snratt and lic-if.t, G2i, Colombo St. OA AA A "SURPRISE Greatest uUiUUIf Valu? Ever. ,£vcry Shilling L?nds a Winner. Friday Next.. 335 i'l A/VA BUYS Modern Residence, Mcric#*.l\JUU vale district, every convenience; vory high section. Splendid property. Spratt and Best, 621, Colombo St. •f'ilOn Offer—l Rooms, all concha: UU veniences. J-acro, electric light. Spratt and Beat. 621, Ccloinbo St,

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 7 Star (Christchurch), Issue 12065, 21 July 1917, Page 13