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RAGING AND TROTTING. (By "ARGIJS.") FIXTURES. hngrui 15, 17—Metropolitan Trotting Oluh. >.ugu«t 16, 18—-Canterbury Jookey Club. NOMINATIONS. August 3—Canterbury Jockey Club. HANDICAPS. July 20—Canterbury 'Jockey Club July 23—Metropolitan Trotting Club. August B—Canterbury Jockey Club. ACCEPTANCES. August 3 —Canterbury Jockoy Club. Auguit B—Metropolitan Trotung Oluh, August 13—Canterbury Jockey Club.

Training operations at Ricearton woro conductor! under pleasant conditions this morning. Most ol the work was done on tho tan track, only a. few of tho Irainers patronising the sand. Thei'o was little of a.n exciting nature about tho proceedings, as not many of tlii) horses were stretched out in more than short sprints.

Sir Tarka and A sea tophus howled along freely over half a niile, and T('pworth finished up five furlongs strongly.

I>is<lainfill and Wardancer were companions in a. smart gallop over .-ryen furlongs 1 . They moved lively, Wardancer having a slight advantage at the finish.

Snub was worked alone, and pulled up Round after reeling off live lurlongs. nearly at liis best.

Epworth moved wol 1 in a five lurlong spin, finishing up his task strongly.

Furling was responsible for a smart gallop over half a mile, finishing just behind Samisen, who joined in over the last three furlongs.

Jea.nnot was a little bettor than Kaminoho a! the end of a useful gallop ovi r livo furlongs.

Fiorv Cross and Killjoy were responsible for a good performance over six furlongs. They finished almost, on terms, but Fiery Cross was going en i;i fine style at the end, his effort bring very pleasing.

King Star and Arthur George followed in a, similar task, King Star being in front at the finish, hut the time was much slower.

Pod Book dashed over half a, mile, moving in good style all the way.

Zulu ml and Ma tt y wore companions in a fair half-mile on the sand, where Thames and Procrastinate were given strong work.

Rrambletye was restricted to useful pacing over a couple of circuits.

Chief interest, in the morning's work was provided by Plymouth (R. M'Se.voney), St.operina, (L. Jlagerty) and Ebony (I I '. Kllis), who set. out for a round ol tho big fences. They started at tho brush in front of the stand, where Ebony bumped his rider off- The other pair went on in company, both .shaping moderately at the double, after which they gave a satisfactory display.' Ebony was subsequently taken back and jumped tho brush, double and sod wall all right., hut only at a hunting pace.

The horses who were racing at Trentham last week, including Mare Anthony, Kirkby, Art, Kilkee. ("'barley and Tip-up were given easy pacing. V A. J. Shearsby has arrived from tho North Island with Cherry Rlossom and Sleight of Hand, who were given steady tusks this morning.

C. Giesler has gone home to Wingat/ui, hut expects to return about the end of the week* with Rongahere. Tn rlie meantime. The Hrewi r. Marvelite, Seddel, Minesweeper and 'I urohau are enjoying an easy time n -t Ricearton.

Both tracks were open'at Addinpton this morning. The training track was in oxcollfiut order, and those trainers who were not. sending their horses along fast did all their work there. The rac-e track was heavy in patches, which it is protected by the trees, but afforded good going. It, dried, quickly as soon a,s the sun got, up, and was in much unproved state later in the morning.

(!. Robinson is working a thr^-vcer-oid filly by King Colo, "who looks likely to develop into a useful sort. She has not boon long in work. The same trainer sent his trotter, Our Goordio, along at a solid snood. The Harold Dillon mare inovo*l along freely, going without any mistake, but she looks very big in condition.

Michael Galindo, who is now being trained again by J. Ta-sker, covered a, little over a. mile, and a quarter, trotting in rosolufo style, but not showing a groat- amount of speed. Since lie was ItTsT. put into work this fine has not boon pulling so hard as formerlVj and although ho has not shown top speed lie is doing well and pulling up sound after each workout.

Capriccio, who has not been in work long, is coming back quickly to form. She may not race at her best at the August meeting, although she is a marc that quickly reaches her best form.

Lady Patricia and Nerval King went a little over a mile and a hall at a solid speed. The former is a long way from fit, carrying a lot of condition, but she trotted resolutely, although not showing the speed of her companion, who is looking very well and trotting in I,is best form. If -J. M'Dormott can get the big trotter to stay out the last part of a. two-mile journey, Nerval King will soon be returned a winner.

Nelson Brothers gave the Southlandowned pacer. Homeland, several sprints in company with King Lear, and both horses moved freely. King Lear, howover, still showed some fractioiLsnoss, and it looks as if this fast horse will give his trainer a good deal of trouble at the start of his races.

J. Wright is working a useful-looking sort of pacer by Potorota. Although not long in work, the horse already shows a good deal of speed

Maud Traccv was sprint-xl over several quarters, and patvrl fast, although her bad habit of knee-knocking was very apparent. The mare would soon win a good race if she could be cured of this bad fault

Paddy Lyiul, with his owner in the saddle, went, a mile and a half at a good speed. The cream trotter ,showcd an inclination to leave his feet and did not catch his gait at all quickly. The horse looks as though he had improved in manners.

The. trotters Arcadian (saddle) and Truganini (harness), .ind the pacers Master Park (harness) and Puwhenua. (saddle), all members of Fox's team, worked out a little over a. mile and a half in company at a good speed. All the horses wont avoll.

Admiral Wood and Mintaon were restricted to slow work.

George Hard, who does not look too sound, got through his task satisfactorily.

Harold Junior was given a good gallop for several circuits in harness, and then jogged for some time. The Auckland pacer is looking very fit.

Although J. O'Shea failed to ride a winner at the winter meeting of the

Wellington Racing Club, he lutd no difficulty in retaining liis position at the head of the list of winning jockeys riding on the flat for the present .senson. The leading horsemen are:—J. O'Shea 68. A. Reed GO, C. Emerson 57, .T. Olsen fe, and B. T)eele_y 50. The most Bttoceasful rider over the jumps was L. Traill with fourteen wins. He has not ridden sincp he met with an accident some time ago, and has gone into the taxi business in Wellington. E. Copestake and A. M'Donald each increased bis number ol wins to twelve at Trenthara.

The. American-bred horse, Rotomanuka. who has been in Christ-church for so 1110 time, first as an inmate of C. James's stable and later under the carp of R. Jarden. changed hands this wcniv and has hpon shipped to where, be will do stud duty next, season. Rotomannka was imported ,by the A\ aikato sportsman. J. ''eddv. and be lias won races in the Dominion at both pacing and trotting gaits. He has already done one or two light seasons at the stud, and there are some promising voungsters in the Auckland distiict claiming him as their sire.

The Marton Jockey Club, which will race on two days next season, has decided to hold two meetings, each of one day.'the iirst. early in September and the other on January 1. This distribution of dates is considered to bo in the interests of owners, and it is urged that other clubs might with advantage follow the lead. There however, be plenty of people who \yilregard the arrangement. as open to improvement. It would be all right in l the case of a club with plenty of local horses to draw on, but if it is sary to draw on owners from a distance,,the olio day meeting may not attract nearly so well as would he tiio with a programme providing for two days' racing for the same travelling.

Mr TT. Coyle has boon appointed handieappcr to the Munon Jockey Chib. Tli is is 0110 of the elnbs for which the late Mr George Morse acted.

Owing to the absence of Mr R. H. Skipwit.h, who is in cnmp at I'eatlmrston, the duties of clerk of the scales at T'rentham were ])erformed l)'' Mr H. M. Bishop. who for many years past) has acted in a similar capacity for the Hawke's 15av Jockey Club.

The South "Wairaxapa Trotting Club made a profit- of £l5O over its ann Mo.l race meeting, which w;is held last month, and li;is voted "tlie whole of it to patriotic funds.

Following on the announcement that the Government has sanctioned restricted programme of racing in England, amounting to iorty days for tha balance of this season, it, has been decided to run the AVar Derby at Newmarket. on July 31, and the Oaks on August L\

Hie Victoria Racing Club will nob grant licenses next season to bookmakers who are eligible as recruits for military service.

'Die English-bred horse, Polydamon, who arrived in Auckland last week, was secured at auction for 250gs, after winning a mile .selling race.

The Victorian sportsman, E. A. Connolly, whose horse, Bundon#, was only beaten by a head in the Victoria Grand National llurdlo Handicap, has been very unlucky in his efforts to capture big races during the last few years. . In 19M lie Supported two of his horses for the Caul field ('»P- i» which Anna Cariovna filled second place, while last autumn Court. Jester was second in the Australian Cup and third in the, Sydney Cup. Connolly is one of thei most dashing bettors in Australia, and is credited with being an exceptionally keen judge in all departments of tho racing game.

Since 1912, Mr A. Uolmont, chairman of tho New York Jockey Club, luis presented five thoroughbred stallions lo the United Stnt-os Ijovernmont lor the purposo of siring Army remounts. Octagon, Footprint, Vestibule, Henry of Navarro and Merry Task were tho horses donated l>y Mr Belmont.

At a meeting in Dublin of owners and trainers to protest against tlio discontinuance of ra/'ing, it was stated that, nearly .'IOO.OOO bad been shipped from Ireland to tho seat, of war since 191 J. Furthermore. that the stoppage of racing would throw out of work a. largo proportion of about 1 ."5,000 old men and young boys now employed by racing stables and breeding studs in Ireland.

METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. AUC.UST MEETING. Tho fnilowin:,' nominations were received Inst night lor the August, meeting of tho New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club: IMPROVERS' HANDICAP (in saddle), of 150 hovp f two miles— Springbok, ('rattan Chimes. Massey, Fairy Vhifpcrp, ilruk.i nu i, Jossio's Drcnni, Patard, Winiata, Mayvolo, Armaraenter, Hudson, Red 8011, i adcly Lynd, lviriltiriroa, Macwood, (>nnnii, Jinvans, Ciaibwoocl, Commander Bell. Wintail, Albcrtoria. Trracuro Seeker, Duboae, Aieadian and Trupanini.

TI?IAL HANDICAP (in harness), of '2OO povs; one, milo nlid a half Ciladeye, Mahanga. Erin's Queen, Dillon Maid, Willwvore, Papeete, Lord Miuto, Hialt-n, AVatc.hman, (il'in Mavia, Krlcen, Albert.Wallace, Nancy Stair, Annie K.. • t > l J vel ' S" 1 , 0 . 1 Lady Rothsoon, Energy, Chid, Qujncoy Belle, Hnnk Note, Chaos, Leo Bell, Red Prince, (iipsy King, Agnes Chief. Bridgewood. Peony, Harold Junior, Lady Moth, Prince WurbtM'k, The Linnet, (.ieneral AVylie, Maud Tracey, Neigh, Miss Havoc and King Lear. AUGUST HANDICAP (in harness), of 350 rovp; two miles—Princes Sherwood, General Link Emilius, Evelyn, Matrhlight, C.. St Kevin Childfdale, Cora Dillon. John Dillon. Agathos, Adelaide Direct, Reggie Huon, Monevmakor. Capriccio, Soda, Oinako, Tamarisk. Persuader. Stanley's Child, Master Park and Admiral Wood.

QUEEX MARY HAXDICAP (in saddle), of 150 soys; two miles—Wai'tcranui, Mahnnpa, Pitaroa, Willowvere, Darkness. Wooddrift, Glnn Mnvis, Erloen, Albeit. Wallace, Fernleigh, 801 l flower, Energy. Coldstream, Mope/, Planet Child, Zarn., Dainty Dillon, Chaos,' Schnapps. Rorke's Drift. Red Prince, Mystic Hells, Great Britain. Lucky Chance. Trooper Dillon, Sympathy, Stormy Way. Pax, Neigh. Branston, Imvood, Captain Stanley, Giilindo Belle, Sweet Pet and Chelston. STEWARDS' HANDICAP (in harness), of 17.) sovs; two miles—Clivc, Theseus. Lady Patricia, Bon Ami, Annie K„ Syrie. Gay Wilkes, lied Heather, Redchild, Lady Wilmington, Wild Tree, Louie Drift, Michael Galindo. Imperial Crown, Eruption, Auckland Girl, Norvnl King Woodchild, Commander Hell, Gnlician, Sof, Whispering Willie. Paul Hun 11, Tockl Bolls. Olive L„ Billy Parole, Hardy Wilkes find Truganini. INTERXATIOXAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 200 sovs; one mile and n. quarter •- Princess Sherwood, Jewel CViimw, Frandocia, Erin's Kinir, Eccentric, Ariadne. Einilius. Evelyn, Tomniv C., Sungod, St Kevin, Glendalough, Childsdale, Sherwood, Cora Dillon. General Wilkes, Author Dillon, Adelaide Direct, Wallace Wood, Moneymaker : Tamarisk, Little Kauri, St Ursula, 'Cello Sydney Wilkes, Master Park, Admiral Wood and Antonio. SPEEDWAY HAX'DTCAP (in harness}, of 1 r>o sovs; one mile—Prince Poole, St Michael, Lindetta, Blackford, Huon Patch, Gold Crest, Joan of Arc, Huia Grey, Harold Devon, Specification Junior, Rothannic, Disappear, Annie Dillon. Scoptre, Sir Ftilham, The Whip, Lord Dillon, Worxivere, Trix Pointer, Aberfeldy and Nancy Patch.

ELECTRIC HANDICAP (in saddle), of ISO povs; one mile—Huon Drift, Seychelles, Winston Mi., M'Conachie, Jack Ashore, Dunspey, Irvnr, Huon Patch, Gold Crest, Wingatui, General Wilkes, Lady Tempept, Hum Grey, Re.drhild, Granger, Disappear, Lady IVddington, Bright, Promotion, Icicle, Salcombe, 0.1.C., Sceptre, Lodestar, Law Chimes, Celtic, Dillon, Woodvere, Queen Tracey, Willie Lincoln, Mountain Rose and Mintson.

MIDWINTER HANDICAP (in saddle), ol l."> 0 sovs; two miles—Springbok, Masaey, Grattan Chimes, Fairy Whispers, Kaikanui, Jessie's Dream, Patard, Bow Bel!, Marvolo, Gay AVilkcs, Arniament:r, Kirikiriroa, Gemma, Havana, Red 8011, Hedchild, Wild Treo, Wiun AIL Woodcliild, Cmnmandcr Bell, Ai-

brricrin. Craibwojci, Trcasurs Seeker, Dtl« horz, Avcadian, Trujanini, Sol ar.d Tika. FEDERAL HANDICAP tin harness), ot sovs; one m.le and a quarter—lcicle, Princess Sherwood, Erin's Queen, Prince Pi.-CiO. Imperial Trneoy. Winston M., Oniudee, M'Conachio, .Jack Ashore, Irvflr, Lr-dy Ilaldane, Huon Patch, Cold Crest, Joai: of Arc, Chid, Louie Drift, Red Prince, Specification Jimr., Agnes Cbiof, Huia, Grey, Annie Di lon, Lady Teddington, Peony, Harold ,lunr., Harold Devon, The Liquet, 0.1.C'„ Urighl, ,Sceptre, Sir Fulhani, Celtic, 'lbe Whip, Trix I'oink-r and Willie Lincoln.

NATIONAL CUP HANDICAP (} n harnrs~), of 50<) sovb; two miles—-Fra-ndocia, O'.ijako. Erin's Kin?, Emiliii! l , Evelyn, 1 oiiiniy C., Sungocl, Shrrwocxl, Moneymaker, Author Dillon, Rejrjne Huon, Adelaido Diroct, Soda,» ( Stanley's Child. Penmader, Admiral AVood and Cathedral Chimes.

C'AXTF.R.BL'RY HANDICAP (in saddle), of 200 snva; Uvo miles—Lord Minto. Blackford, Albert Wallace. Lady Rothsoon. Bellflower, '(joldstrcani. Nutwood Junr., 4, Liuiy Commander iJoll, 0.1.C., Capriccio, Captain Stanley and Harold D.

ADDINGTON HANDICAP ( in harness), of 200 govs; two nnles-L-Eruption. Clive, o«.Tician, Master Raymond, Annie K., Syri'o Red Heather. Louie Drift. Michael Galindo,'"Redchild, Lady AYilmintrton. Paul Huon. YThiyperins Hillie. "W oodchild. Commander Bell, Auckland Girl. Norval Kinp, Olive L., Trea-: sure Seeker, Hardy Vi ilkes and Tniponini. ISLINGTON lIANIDCAP (in harness), of Q.iO sov.c; iwo miles—Krin a Queen, Huon. Drift.. Dillon Maid. Lindetta. Lord Minto. MafchlitrliL Peter Mac, Makomako. Irvnr] Lady Tlnldane, Acushla Machree, Gold Crest, Joan of Are, .Specification Junior, Granger,' George Hard, John Dillon. Agothos, Harold Junior, I.adv Tempest, "Wallace Wood, Dillon hddy, Prince Wtrbeck, Whisnerinp Willie, Sceptre. Sir Fulham. Pax, Tamarisk, The Whip and Master Park. LIGHTNING HANDICAP (in harness), of 2<W povs: one mile—General Link, Eccentric.. Frank Tracer, Dunspev, Glendalouph, St. Kevin, ChikWlale, Co'.mena, Moneymaker, Afrnthos ; Wallace Wood, Little Kauri, Tsni<ir:sk, Nancy Patch, Roso Dillon, Mountain Rose and Antonio.

FARKWF.LL HANDICAP (in saddle), of OHO s«vs: oi» mile —Frandocia, Princess Sherwood, Jewel Chimes, 7-lecontric. Ariadne. Bacchus, Jack Ashore, ■ Dunspev, Sungod, St. Kevin, General Wilkes, Adelaide Direct, Soda, Capriccio. Lodestar, Stanley's Child, Law Chimes. Tamarisk, St Ursula, Master Tark, Mountain Rose and Mintson.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12063, 19 July 1917, Page 6

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SPORTING GOSSIP. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12063, 19 July 1917, Page 6

SPORTING GOSSIP. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12063, 19 July 1917, Page 6