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THE METROPOLITAN MARKET. TO-DAY'S SALE. I [Peii the ''Star" Pigeon Exra£3s.] Considering tho heavy ruin that had fallen (luring tho groat or part of the previous twontv-four hours, ihe yarding- of Block flt tho Addinpton metropolitan market, to-day was surprisingly largo, although necessarily considerably below tho proportion of last week. The dccrcuso was most marked in th.> ca;w of hi ore sheep, the enlry of which was run more than ha.f «» largo is on Juno 11. There v.* a a tho customer}' ntsvdu 1)013. FAT CATTLE. The yarding of fa-t cottlo aggregated 3."S head, compared with 23-1 last week, 419 on Juno 7, Ud'J on May 31, 183 on Hay 2-1, 431 on Mav IV, and 4"G on Miiy 10. Tho quality was again exceptional, tho avorago quality beiu£ tho highest seen at. Addington tor some nioinhs, drid -ibe proportion of i tniimu.6 which realised prices over £ls being I cjuite unusually high. The market from the first i><ui to tin; last was very animated, and tho prices obtained were quite on <v level within those current during 1 the pastmonth. Quotations n.r?>:~~ Lxtra prime stoe.rg to £2O lis. Ordinary steers £9 .is to .£l2. Extra prime heifers to £l4 1.?.-. Ordinary heifers £7 Ts 6d to £lO s 6 . Extra prime cows io £l4. Ordinary cows £6 173 6d to £0 15s. Tho sales included tho undermentioned hues:—l'"ur J. 80-ag (Dunsandel), 2 steers at £lO 12s Gd, 3 heifers r.t, £11; R. AY. 'Lachhead (Hororato), 2 steers at £lO 15s, 1 heifer at £lO 17s Gd, -1 heifers at £9 12s 6d to £lO ss: client,. 8 heifers &t £8 15s to £l3 17s Gd; Cos Bros. (Chathams), 3 steers at £l2 17s. 6d, 3 heifers at £6 15s: F. Bull (Methven), 1 cow nt £lO ss; J. AY. "Watson (Methven), ] cow at £l3 10s; client, 6 cows at £?> 5s_ to £ll "s Gd, 2 steers at £ll 7s Cd; Crier,a of Tekou.. 21 steers at £ll 153 to £l6 7s fid, 6 rows at £lO 10s. 6 heifars at £l2 7s Oct to £l4 7s Gd; C. AYishart, (Chatham®). 3 steers at £9 5s to £lO 10s. 2 cows at £lO 7Gd; A. Todd fWaipara). 2 sfoers at £ll 10s, 1 hcitVr ut £7: A. J. Jncksoii (Yaklhurst), 2 cows 'at £l2 10s; P. C. Tloban (H-au-orden). 1 cow at £l3 15s: A. Anderson (Hawnrden), 1 t-o ivat £10: cliont, 11 steers flt £l3 5s to £ls 15s; S. Sparks (Hnlewoll), 8 cows flt £S 2s Od to £ll 12s Cd: C. J. \\o<d!aud (Glenuick). 1 steer nt-£IS 2* frl, 1 heifer at .?].(; Sowtol! heifers ot £0 and £ll 2* M: C. Mont-ith 2 cows n.t, es and £8 17s (id; R. Roberts (AshlcyV 10 steers at £ll 10* to £ls: NnWh Canterbury client, 7 steers nt £l.l 2= 6d to £l3 •15s, 5 cows at £R 2s (id to £lO 12s Cd YEALERS. Fat calves were represented by an averyar<lntr», ail c'r.?.ses from small io we!ip'owu j'.nnnaif! boin'4 penned in goodly nnmbnrs. Iho demand showed little variation from last week FAT' SHEEP. ! There n-a-s agoin .a full yarding of fat sheep, and thp quality was much tho s-amo ns last week, the bulk of the offerings being ewes of medium quality. The so-'a opened well. F<;\T LAMBS. The yarding" of fat lambo was not quite so largo a,a last week, and there was a falling off in quality, 'ihcre was liltlo change in values, but competition was not quite so keen. Tho range of prices was: Prime binbs, 2-ls to 295. Medium lambs, 20s to 23a Gd. Lighter, 17s io 19s Gd. The principal sides wero.—Fcr Mrs ABlack (Waikari), 9' at 20s: J. -ST. Haus«u (Spotswcod), 10 at 28s hi; P. Gilion (Greenpark), 11 nt 27s Id; A. K.wvo (Cheviot), 10 at 275; J. Ilogan (Cheviot). 16 at 25s fid; Pearson Bros. (Lincoln), ni f . "at 23s 1.1 to 255; P. C. Hoban (Woodfrrove). io at 23s 4d to 24s 0d; G. Arms (Waikavi). 13 at 2-ls Gd; 'J. Buckley I'Highbank), 42 at 2-ls 2d to 24s Gd; A. V. Richards (Methveu), 122 at 21s 5d to 24a 3d; L. B. Co? (Irwoll), 11 at 10s 6d to 23s 7d; AY. J. "Whyte (Aylesbury), 55) at 21s Id to 23s od; J. W. Sweeter (Greendale), 57 at. 2Ps od; A. Jtanson (Kirwec). 56 at- 23s '4d; J. Hepburn (Burnhsm), fiO at 21s Gd to 23s Id; Mrs Hoban (Hawartlen), 57 at- 21 s fid to 23s Id; S. Gibson (Cheviot), 75 at ISs 4d to 235; T. A. Shields (Woodgrove), 73 at 21s 2d to 225; C. Early (Gieeudalc), 65 at ! 19s 9d to 235; W. Hare (Culverden), 33 at 22s 7d to 235; A R. Fleming (Port, Levy), 10 at 235; T. Carter (Sonthbridge), 77 at 21s to 22s lid; AW L. Foster (Parnassus), 71 at 19s 4d t-o 22s lOd: \V. Elliott (Hav,-,arden), 19 at C2s lid; E. Fowler (Aylesbury), 43 at 19s Id to 22s Od; Gill Bros. (Chertsey), 49 nt 20a lid to 22s Gd; A. W. Steele and Co. (Horsford Down*,). 143 at 18s to 22s 7d: A. Mid?lov (LitUo River), 50 at 20s lid to 2-2? 7-1: It. IL Barker (' 120 at 20? 10d to 22s 4d; J. Ashwr.i-'h (S'efton), 131 at 20s to 225; "W. Robirts (Spreydon), 8G at 20s to 225; R v., Wight-man (Methven), at 21s to 2Js lOd ; 1 Ounu and Thompson (Oxford), 37 at 21s -id to 21s Od ; P. Ive.rach (Waia-u), 41..(it 19s 8d; F. C. -Suiith 77 at 19s" to 21s 8d; R. Kir.csbury (Bennetts). 40 at 19s 5d to 21s Sd: P. Chamberlain (Hll«=mere), 70 at 21s 6d; Stewart's Estafo (Scarffill), 19 at 225; Parr's Estate (Greenuark). ;[3 at 19s to 21 s 8rl; Goodwin Bros. (Pigeon Lay). 55 at 2U 7d; Mrs Gorton (Yiow Hill). 223 at 21s 4d; J. Vf. Wright (LitUe River). 31 at 21s Id: Cr-sslcy's Esiato (ScarltclifFe), (>3 «•„ 19s led to 21s'; client, 27 at 30s 9d. P. Callatrhan CMitchon), 40 at 20s 7d- J A. Fleming (Port Levy). 2] at 20s lOd ■' W. Bainbridff-i, jun. (Mtua), 139 at 19s 2d to 20s Gd; G. Clephono fEllosmere), 108 a* 50? fid-'T. E. L. Roberts (Scareill), 22 at 19s Bd-'H Tavlor fDomett). 24 nt 10s 8d: C. M'Donald (Culverden). 63 at 19s 7d; E. A. Brou-hton (Soutlibrulsro), 44 at 19.=.-: W. Drumtnond rfiyndhursl), 50 at 20s; J. Poff ten (Mc'bvan). 31 nt 17s jOd: J. J. M'GVaih (Parnassus). 22 at 17s:, E. D.' Giles (Parnassus). 20 at 17s. STORE SHEEP. Compared with the heavy entries which n.arked tlio store sheen gabs during- the last four weeks, the yarding was a relatively small one, and the sal? whs concluded shortly after noon, Lo-mbs formed a larger pro portion than at several recent sales, the .being made tip of ewes, and a fewpens of wethers. Quality was not as well re presented as at Jhh week's sal-?, an<J, except m a few checs tho yarding 1 was made up of 1 sheep of a medium class", with about Uncustomary proportion «..f inferior sho»p. A) thousrh quality was lacking in m<rat ca'-es. the demand showed 110 dii'position to weaken, end a good clearance was made at. prices which showed no docliuc on last week's values, while in. ret a fow instances sales were, made at quotations which wero in advance of rates recently current. Quotations are,. — Lambs, mixed sexes, 9s 3d to 19s lid. Wether lambs, 14s lOd to 20s Gd. Ewo lambs, 18s 4d to 245. Two and four-tooth ewes. 2>s. Two, four, si>c and eight-tooth e>wos, 20s Id to 2Gs Sd. Six and eight-tooth cwts. 20s Sd to 26s lOd. Sound-mouthed ewes 16s Sound and failing-mouthed ewes, 14s id to i 20s. Failing-mouthed ewes, l-ls Id to 20s. Two-tooth wethers, 18s 7d t-o 25s 6d. Four and six-tooth wethers, 21«. Six-tooth v,'ethers, 23s fid. Tho following 1 were amouq- thr sales: Ewes —16-1 failing-mouthed at ISs lOd, 114 fiiilinir-moulhed sit 13s. 105 fnikns:■mouthed at 15s 3d, SI two, four and six-to ith at 2Cs 3d, ;43 six a-nd at 2Gs 10a, 150 failing n-outhed at 15s 7d GO failin?-mouthc<l ;it 14s Id, 47 sound-mouthed at lCv< Bd, 158 sound iin<l failing-mouthed .nt 18s (id, 40 Iwo and four-tooth at 28s, 50 six and eigbt-rooth at ; 20s Bd, 15 sound and failinp-mout-hed at ! 90s, 85 four, six - and at 27s 9d, 10S tß'o, /our, six and eigh'-fcoih at 2Gs Sa. 115 sound and failing-mouthed nt 14s ]■ to 15s ; M4O failinsr-moutted at 15s 10d. 47 two. four, six ani e.ich t-tooth at 20= Id. "Wethers —20 ? ; x-tecr,h -i-' 23s Sd, 128 twetooth at 18s 7d, 39 four ar.d six-tooth at. 21s. 70 two-tooth at 23s sd, 30 forward at 22 u lOd. 120 two-tooth at 245, 61 two-tooth at ?5~ Ca. Lamb"-25 -at 16s Id, 30 iewes) at 21s id, 4.® I'wethers) at 13s Id, l'" 1 (ewes) at 19s 9d. 80 (forwur d wethers) at 18s, 104 (wethers) *1 17s Id, 107 at, 19s lid. 107 at 17s Id. 88 (wethers) at 17s 7d, ISS (ewes'* a'. ISs 4d, 235 (Vwe«> at, 02s fid. 40 (wethers) at 17s fid. fsW (eweo) at 20s. 53 (ewes) at. 19s 9rl, B0 (wethers* at- 17s 2d. 95 :«' 10s 3d. 17 nt 17s. 23 «i 245. -2n'i (wetherst at '2O? 6d. 130 at l is jod, 14 isiiial!' at 0-- 3-2. PIGS. There was a. small entry fat ni'.:?, and a keen demand. Quotations are:—Choppers, £3 to £5 18?.. Extra heavy baconcrs to £( 18-.. Heavy baconers, £i to £1 10s. Liffht baconers, £-' to £3 It's. (Trace per lb, Cid. Heavy porkers, 50s to Licht porkers, 40s to 17s Price per lb, 7kl to 7?d..

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11730, 21 June 1916, Page 6

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ADDINGTON YARDS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11730, 21 June 1916, Page 6

ADDINGTON YARDS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11730, 21 June 1916, Page 6