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(By ARGTJ9.)

Ma-: 3—R&sfton Jockey Club. .May 4, s—Ashburtoh County Raring Club. May 5, B—Hawke's Bay Jockey Club. In the MeiropoliUui Handicap, on tho second dav at Addington, tho Hawke s Pav-owned and Wellington turned pacer, Hal Zolock, led the field throughout and finally won fairly easily. "When Hal Zolock turned into tho straight tho last time ho was a few lengths in front of So Kevin, who was at that time well clear of tho rest ot the Hold. A. Pringle, who was driving Mr Farroll's horso, threw out a challenge to tho leader and pushed St Kevin along for nil he was able, but could not got up to Hal Zolock. Finding pursuit was hopeless, Pringle eased his horse in a most noticeable manner, evidently being under the impression that m/othpr horso in tho race could catch St Kevin. Tho strain being taken off St Kevin, he stopped vory quickly, and in the meantime Tommy C and Persuader, who had suffered some- interference coming round tho bend, set out after St Kevin, and both passed him en tho past. Tommy 0 getting second and Persuader third, hut'with only the narrowest of margins in their favour. 'lhere was a neeting of stewards after the race, and Prmglo was fined £2O tor an error of judgment in not pcrseverine with St Kevin. Rule 260 reads: "Riders and drivers shall ride and drive their horses out to the end of tho race if they have a reasonable chance of being placed, and shall in no case trust to chance of protest or objection." It was gratifying to see tho stewards deal with the case, as there has been far ' mi much of the pulling off business gCtng .n in races. .1 would like to make it perfectly clear that there was never any suggestion of Pringlo contemplating a fraudulent act, or pulling his horse up, in order that another hcrso should beat him. Tho only reason for his action was to prevent recording fast time against St Kevin, but it is doubtful if he gained any advantage as the handicapper was present, and aide to judge the horse's form. The action of tho driver of St Kevin caused his backers to lose the second dividend on the horse, and it was probably this fact that weighed with the stewards in coming to their decision to punish the driver for his lack of judgment. In another race, earlier in tho meeting, a well backed horse was beaten entering the straight, and the driver quickly ceased driving and finished well back, although, had ho persevered, there was a good chance of getting into a place. The sport .-s becoming so keen and success so difficult, .that drivers and riders endeavour to hold up their horses for future races when they find success in tho event in hand is impossible. It is doubtful if the incident which resulted in the fining of Pringlo has helped St Kevin in atry way for future handicaps. On tho oilier hand, it might bo reasonably assumed that had St Kevin's driver done his best at the end of the race, Tommy 0 and Persuader would not have come on as' fast as they did. and it would have been a false run race at the end, as far as those- two horses were concerned. ' The whole question shows to what a fine art race dm-ing has now been brought, and the appointment of expert officials to control the racing has not boon made any too soon. Riders and owners, in tho past, havo repeatedly broken the laws of racing without being in any way punished, but tho case under review shows that there is likely to bo a decided improvement in this "important department.

Rothschild. Harold, Dillon. O.Y.M. and Kenwood each sired two winners at the recent meeting at Addington, and Marvin "Wilkes, Castashore, Star Pointer. Franz, Young lrvington, Zolock, Electioneer and Prince Imperial one each.

I At the meeting just concluded at Addington 219 horses accepted for the 1 sixteen events, and 201 started during .the two days. On the first day there were fifteen scratchings, whilst on the second day only three acceptors failed to go to the post. It is worth mentioning that there were fields of eleven in no fewer than half tho races.

There are a good many trainers now using the old Heathco to racecourse as a training ground, and the track being in need of some attention, arrangements were made to havo it partially ploughed up and levelled. The work has been done by one of the trainers, who has had a good deal of experience with tracks, and those now using the ground will have a far better surface on which to work their horses. I have not been on the old racetrack for a great many years now, but havo been told that in many ways it is a most suitable training track.

The pacer Ned Corbett, who raced here for some time, but subsequently went to the West Coast, Las evidently come back to some form, as I notice lie won a race at the Westland Trotting Club's meeting and finished second in another event.

I was pleased to notice that R. Mills had some success with his team on the West Coast. Ho won a race with Ngaiora, and Bundura was successful in tho chief event at tho Westland Trotting Club's meeting.

At Ashburton yesterday Messrs H. Matson and Co. held a sase of trotting stock. Several young horses by VYoodbum Chief wore sold on behalf of Mr S. Scott, a three-year-old filly realising £l7, two-year-old filly £2l, yearling colt £6 10s and two-year-old colt £lB, while tho mare Brittany, with' foal at foot by Van Coronado, brought £l6. For Mr .T. Cass they disposed of a four-year-old marc by General Lyons for £5 lUs, two-year-old gelding by Lyonaise £1 10s, four-year-old mare by General Lyons £lO, three-year-old filly by Prince Imperial £l6, five-year-old gelding by Woodburn Chief £G, four-year-old gelding by General Lyons £l7 and roan filly by Gladiator £7. For another owner a gelding by Kerrwood was sold at £lO. The autumn meeting of the Ashburton County Racing Club will bo hold on Thursday and Friday of next week. A special train will leave Christ-church at 10.10 a.m. each day. Acceptances for the first- day's handicaps and entries for tho Lagmhor Plate will close tonight at nine o'clock. Eleven sires were represented by winners at the Canterbury Jockey Club's meeting this week. Ton events were credited to vix imported sires, these being Downshire (Seadown twice.i, Charlemagne 11. (Pod Charm twice). Martian (Battle Eve and Martius), Kil"broney (Ivilboy and Kilkna), Varco (Marc Anthony 1 ) nnd Sarto (Art). The five successful colonial-bred sires, who were represented by six winners, were Finland (llcval read Findhorn). Cunnio Chiel (Good flop-e>. Sant .'Mario (Crib/. Elvsian (Koesian) and Calibre (SiiemWay). J. Olson was the success!ul rider at- the Canterbury Jockey Club's mooting this week, piloting threo winners (Red Charm twice and Martius). Vjvo jockeys liad two wins each, these being F. E. Jones (Good Hope and Battle Eve). L. Wilson (Peval and Killena), X- Oliver (geadowu twice), A. Heed


(Mare Anthony and Kifboy) and 0. Emerson (Koesinn and Findhorn), while "H. Donovan (Silent Way), F. Wells (Crib) and D. M'Kay (Art) each had ono winning mount. Tho Southland-owned horse, Rorke's Drift, could ha-ro been sold at a good figure on Thursday. His owner was approached with an offer of £I2OO, whioh was subsequently increased to £ISOO, tho prospective buyer being prepared to give an oven larger sum, but lie was met with tho reply that tho Calibre gelding was not for sale at a.ny prico. Poronilla. showed plenty of speed when racing at Riccarton this week, but slio failed to hold her place in tho straight. As a two-year-old she was a very useful performer,-but though she has retained a lot of pace she is not a very promising prospect now. She must havo boon rather expensive lately to her admirers. Briar Patch was going well in tTie early part of tho Yaldhurst Welter Handicap on Thursday, but she was ono of the last to finish. Her failure was a sad disappointment to many people, as she was freely talked about in the paddock as a Ifkcly winner. Ringform has shown improved form lately. Tho son of Boniform—Ringdove ran two good races at Riccarton this month, and he may pick up another stake before long. ' Fabrfkoff cut up badly at the business end of the Yaldhurst "Welter Handicap, being one of the last horses to finish. He is a very disappointing horse, as there is no doubt that ho can gallop when the conditions suit him. "When taken to Trent-ham and Aw apuni, tho two-year-old Petruchio, by! Oanilie Chiel—Lady "Wayward, gave some trouble at the start of his races. He figured among the competitors in the Kussloy Plato at Riccarton this week, when he stood up to the barrier very quietly. All that he required, apparently, was the experience- of a fow races. The Ternploton Handicap, on the se* cond day of the Canterbury Jockey Club's meeting this week, provided an interesting study in riding tactics, but C. Emerson cams out of the engagement with all the honours. The two-year-old colt Thestius, by Martian—Lady showed plenty of pace in the Autumn Nursery Handicap on Thursday, but he does not seem partial to more than five furlongs. Egypt, the two-year-old brother to Desert Gold, raced very disappointingly at Riccarton this week. In the Champagne Stakes he never threatened danger, and though he was ona of the leading division iu the early stage? of the Challenge Stakes, he faded out of tho contest soon after tho straight was reached. Earlier .in the season Egypt was in the front rank among the juveniles, manv sound judges regarding him as the best of his age, but his last four performances, two at Awapum and two at Riccarton.,' have cost him many of his admirers. Though fields in the other races havo been of fair size, there has been a decided scarcity of performers for the chief events at recent meetings in Southland. At the Southland Racing Club's meeting there were only three competitor? ni th* principal race each day while three was again tho main in'the leading events at iUverton this week. Mr A. B. "Williams had a fortunate experience at the autumn meeting of the Auckland Racing Club, capturing the principal handicap each day, with the aid of Chortle and Multiply respectively. A coincidence was provided by the fact that Housewife finished second and Colonel Soult third on each occasion.

Bravest had an excellent winning chance extinguished in the Autumn Steeplechase, at the Auckland Racing Club's meeting, through his rider taking the wrong course, by steering for the straight a round too soon.

Crown Pearl was schooled over hurdles at Ellerslie this week and gave an excellent showing for a beginner.

J. O'bhea. rode four winners at the Auckland Racing Club's autumn meeting, and his total for the season is now 61. B. Deeley rode only one winner at Ellerslie, bringing his total to 54. O. Emerson is a good third on the list, with 52 w.ins to his credit. Among the hurdlers performing at the Feilding meeting was Golden March, by Advance—Gold Cord, and therefore a half-brother to The Native. He ran well enough to suggest that "ho will win over obstacles before long. The postponement of the second day's racing at Feilding from Tuesday to Wednesday this week left Mr R. H. STkipwith in an awkward fix, as he was due to act as starter at Avondale on that day. His duties at Feilding on Wednesday were undertaken by MiAngus Keith. Mr Skipwith will officiate at the barrier at Ashburton next week. With the exception of the Amberley steeplechase meeting, ho has never previously acted as a starter in tho South Island. Sea Pink, who is now trained in Melbourne for Mr E. .1. "Watt by G. I>p.l».ne>\ ran s?cond in tho SandownPark Handicap, one mile and a quarter, this month. As he was a rank outsider, his good form must have been a surpriso to backers. The imported horso Land- of Song. who showed good form when, raced in Melbourne at the end of last season, is to be retired to the stud. NORTH OTAGO JOCKEY CLUB, j [Per Press Association-.] OAMIARU, April 28. The following nominations havo been received : iJMPIfir. HURDLE rLANDICAP, of 175 sovs; one inile and three-quarters—Rongu-here, Crib, Peeriesa, Glenthorpe, Bore, Kilukuv. Coq tlio .SbaurhraiiD, Cast Iroa, C«>ppor Bov, Silver Shield, Kartoza, Commotion, Puro Gold. ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of ICO sovs; five furlongs—Ladv Trent, llorubeam, Somisen, Iciima, Chudic, Pyjania, Peronilla, Redshire, Spetxlometer. ij'.trgerine, Findless, Arrlir.oro. QAMARU CUP, of 300 sovs; one mile— Ard.mvhor, Cjuirinus. M'arv.o, S'pecialfovm, Gr.v!ime. TaniihausJr. Gunrfrfrf. Bullev. List'".. O.s-pr,ho;oe, Don Francisco, Ogier, RorWs Ur-f*, Bandy, RinsfforiMj Mugdala, Gnoiue, Robert 8011, Rcdcharm, Martins, Recorder. ; Ul/J"i.VAY HANDICAP, of 100 sovs; five i'r.rlo,i;Ts--Arthur George, Deviation. Bonsi i,'ii. To A-:n.:t. >'nl!eaf. Samisen, Jzdubur, P.Vaauvo Bout, ILighwater, Comely, Sir M*>h, Midtoe, Rcdsbin\ Bellshire. Borodino, Finieas, Fir.boy, Tawhaka, Stuniol, Micky Free. FKRNBROOK WELTER HANDICAP, of MO sovs; seven furlongs—Seamaid, Lady Trent, Deviation, Cortes. All AVa-r. Neuroma, S.irtom-nrt Aerial, Don Francisco, Firnilu-ld. Bandy, Ficrv C~qsb, Xantbos. Ila-P

Dim., Twelfth Nipht, Golden, Briar IVtch, Rir Hn.nilton, Lion. ■STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 200 toy a ; fix furlong—Marsti, Hornbeam, Clync-lish, Davtime, Duller, Oxenbope. ("Hjfer. Charmllin., Dorbv Dav. Rodshiro, o!>?<>no, MarUik, Robert, "8011. Peronilh, Red Charm, Speedometer, Afiirtnoriiw, Ardniore. PACIFIC HURDLE HANDICAP, of 1,15 sovs; mm milo and a Jin.lf—Ronpnhore, Pleasure. Bent. Crib, Peerless, Glenthorpe, Bore., Kilmonv. Coil 11m Shßxierhraur-, Cist Iron, St Caurifi.! Copper Boy, Silver Shield, Sartouta, Commotion, Puro Gokl. LANDOX HANDICAP, of 100 soys; six fuilonsß—Ladv Trent, Hornbeam, Daytime, Chudic, MMltofl, Twelfth Nifrht, Baritone. Obsono, Finless. Pyjuwa, Martuk, Rod Charm, Margerine, Recorder. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP, of 2Co.bovb; ono mile and a qunrt'.er— Ardenvhor, Quinnus, Marsa. Specinlfonn, Tannh.ausor, Gunrest, Pleasure. Bent, Oxenliope, Don Francisco, Ojjier, Rorke'fl Drift. Fierv Cross. Ringform, Ma R d«l, Gnome, British Hose., Martnw, Recorder. VICTORIA HANDICAP, of 100 sovb; six furlongs—Seamaid, Arthur George, Deviation, Bonsig-n. T<s Anati, Kuaweri, All \Var, Izdnbar. Leidinjr Bum. HigWtcr Comely, Sir Malt, Mill toe. Bellshire. Borodino, Red Shield.. Finlcss. Fire God, Placid, Tawhaki, Samiel. Micky Free. TE PUKE WELTER. HANDICAP of 100 sovs; &ven*ftirlonjra—Seamaid, Ludy xrent, Cortes, All War, Neuroim, Listen, S«rtomarj, Aerinl, DO7l Francisco., Ocrier, 1-jrmhold, Banclv. Fiery Greet, Thn- Ck>xi:et Xwithos, Hap Dha, Bellshire. Baritone, Golden Rupee, All Ready, Sartoeta. Gnome, Briar Patch, Sir Hamilton, Lion. Riugfrnn. MEMBERS' HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; five furlongs—Marsa. Lady Trent. Hornbeam, Bonawn, ClyJKdisb, Daytime. Samisen, Bullor, Iciima-, Oxenhop,*, Chudic, CbatraiUa, Derby Day. Redshire, Obsono. Pyjama, Robert Bell. Pcronilla. Speedometer, Margerine, Ardroore", Red Charm", Findboy.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 13

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SPORTING GOSSIP. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 13

SPORTING GOSSIP. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 13