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NEXT TO POST OFFICE. If you wish to dispose of any Second-hand Furniture give an a call —Prices are still good. We always have mumerou* buyers for good second-hand articles. We ore experts in handling Furniture—always get a fair value for a good article. At the same time we treat our buyers fairly. If there is anything wrong, if an article is damaged ■or contains borer, we. tell them ; the result is they keep on coming back for more. We give the Highest Prices for Second-hand Furniture, and we will buy straight out for caeh if you prefer it. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO OUR AUCTION SALES, CATHEDRAL SQUARE (next Post Office) EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY, commencing at J o'clock. AUCTIONEERS, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, next Post Offic© Auctions. CRA.DDOCK, McCROSTIE COMPANY AUCTION SALE. FURNITURE AXD EFFECTS. MONDAY NEXT, May Ist. at 1 p.m. ON ACCOL'XT MRS W. TONKS (wo Imvicg eolcl the Property) ON THE PREMISES. LEINSTER ROAD, JUST OFF PAPANUI ROAD, ST ALBANS,' J TOE WHOLE OF THE FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. MAIN ITEMS—I AXMINSTER CARPETS. BRASS KERB AlvD SET. ORNAMENTS, PICTURES, OCC. CHAIRS, PALMSTANDS, OCC. TABLES, FOLDING SCREEN, 2 CHESTERFIELDS, WING j ARM CHAIR, MADRAS CURTAINS, LINOLEUMS, MIRROR. HALLSTAND. AX. HALL CARPET, AX. RUNNER, LINOLEUMS, HALL CHAIR; PLUSH HALL CURTAINS, COPPER KERB, AUST. ; CHAIRS, AX. RUGS, DINING TABLE AND • COVER. MIRROR SIDEBOARD, CHINA DINNER WARE. F..V. WARE, I CUTLERY, EX. DINING TABLE, SETi TEE. DROPHEAD SINGER MACHINE, EASY CHAIRS, BOOKS. CHIFFONIER. 3 DUCHESSE CHESTS, BFT WOOD BEDSTEAD (COMPLETE). 3FT IRON DO., I3EDROM SUITE IN MAHOGANY, 4FT 6TN WOOD • BEDSTEAD (COMPLETE), PEDESTAL CUPBOARD, TABLE, CHAIRS, CROCKERY. UTENSILS. ORpQUET SET, BARROW, WRINGER, WATER-BALLAST ROLLER, LAWN MOWER. 2 BICYCLES. WIRE NETTING, STEPS, TENNIS, ETC., ETC , ETC. C.RADDOCK, McCROSTIE COX., 117 Auctioneers. Auctions, TO HOTELKEEPERS, BOADIXG. HOUSE KEEPERS, AN THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF LACE CURTAINS. TABLE CENTRES, RUNNERS, ETC. THIS DAyTTi 2.;50 p.m. Also, MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 1 anil 2, At 2 p.m. each day. AT THE CENTRAL AUCTION ROOMS, 158, HEREFORD STREET. TTARRIS BROS, have been favoured with •*■/•.. instructions from Messrs Rowley and Co., Nottingham, England, to Sell, by Public Auction, as above, 1000 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, consisting- of Madras and Cable Notts. Also, Table Centres, Runners, etc. ABSOLUTELY NO RESERVE! J. G. ANDERSON. Auctioneer. Wanted to BuyT*f ANTED to Buy, 2 Second-hand Jog *' ■ Training Carts; must be Bryant's make. Bryant and Co, Papanui Rd. ' !H33 "\T/"|ANTE.D to ißuy, Ladies', Gout.'s and *' ' Children's Left-oft' Clothing- and Boots. Owen, M,_ Manchester St. '""'" TAT - ANTED, a 5-roomed House; must he *' sound: close to pennv section. No a°'ents._ W.X., " Star."' ■ ' 3497 XTST'ANTEi) to Buv,"~~LadyV Second-hand »' Cycles. Apply Old Cycles, "Star." X WANTED, Lipht 12ft Ladder. State . -;.J irico '^L-iLI-'l" Slal '-'' 3175 171 J ANTE f), for caTh7T<)Tf Trfun7pTf Motor \_i___nnd Side-car. T.X.. "Star." .'Uf>o WANTED to"'Buy, Bh7ek~KiTte~ni7i.h7. ' ; Price, etc., Kitoiit, "Star." 3-1% "WANTED. Well-bred Retriever Puppv, -' ' ■ black-, male. T.W., " Star." 349-3 T-VANTED to v a~Second-haiHl \,\AAi\'J'l';D Buy. Piano. Price £2O ti * cash. State make. C.T.T.. " S'iii AUCTION SALE. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NEXT, MAY 4th and sth. COMMENCING AT 12 NOON. HIGH-CLASS "pURNITURE AND ' * cash. State make. C.T.T., " S'i;ir." "117"ANTED'to Bm\~frTumnh" Motor-bike ; 'J_' free engine. Apply H.S., "Times," WANTED to Second-hand Cycles. Apply Old Cycles, "Star." X \T7"ANTED, Cord Firewood, S-incl7. State '* pricn delivered to .121, Papaiini Rd. ED to Buy. LacVs Second-hand -'-!_J:'-L c i e _ s - Apply Old Cycles, "Star." X 174/ ANTED to Buy, Pig-, vernier cr store. ' ' IST, Barring-ton St.. Spreydon. ,147 v, WANTED to Buv. Lady's Second-hand Cycles. Apply Old Cycles, " Star. '_ X Tir'ANTED to Buy, a Punt, 'state-" price » » ; and where to be seen. E.W.. " Star." Mrs .)'. Bnynes, 59, Road. IT Cycles. Apply Old Cycles, -'Star." X WANTED Buy, Light Cycle Car, fair ' » condition. Price, particulars, Yisitor, " Star." 315S T/VT ANTED Buy, Singer Drophead Sewing *' ■ Machine. State cash price. T.R., WANTED to Bur, by a, Poor Woman, ' Infant's Outfit, State price. W.N.X., EFFECTS, "_ s^ r -" ; W±_ WANTED to Buy. Lady's Second-hand' > > Cycles. Apply Old Cycles. " Star." X \\f ANTED to"-Buy, Bungalow, in Sl~AlPETS, UP- V > | jau c ; £so deposit and £1 a week. R.T., 10 LOVELY AXMINSTER CARPETS, UP- VV 0!m , ; £SO d epog i t ATid ° £x a week. R.T., RIGHT GRAND MILNER AND "Star." _ 3196 THOMPSON PIANO (IN BURR WAL- WANTED Purchase, Fox TenieTNUT). OAK DINING-ROOM SUITE, '' . male. Price, particulars Duncan, BLACK OAK HALL FURNITURE, " - s<i "'-" . JH5i ' SHERATON CHINA CABINET, ROSE- WAKED to Buy, Few Acres of Land in WOOD CHINA CABINET, ROLL-TOP ,' / • Riccarton or Fendalton districts. R.X., iiT.'t-i.' nnr ,\A-n wat.-vttt u-mv. "Star. . .'SI'.)G BOARDS, CHOICE VASES AND OK- WANTED Buy. -Roll-top Desk; also OfNAMENTS. ROYAL DOULTOX, „ s 7 h ,? a ' Safo ' Stfde cnsh P rice - '•-*•«■. ROYAL WORCESTER. MINTOS, ETC., , -—- QUANTITY SILVER AND E.P. WARE. FURNISHINGS OF S BEDROOMS, M' W " Star" ™L~ KITCHEN UTENSILS, GARDEN RE. WANTED to Acres and QUISITES, ETC., ETC. » > . House. Bur wood or Shirley districts. KITCHEN UTENSILS, GARDEN QUISITES, ETC., ETC. 1 > . House. Bur wood or Shirley districts, TTfANTED to Purchase, 500 e.p. .DviianTo. ,„„„ ' L-awrence's Exehanec, corner Hip]) and TO BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES, Tnam Sts. v r- T..i)ivn itmn WANTED "To Buy. Lady's Second-hand No. 60, PAPAXU ROAD. }} Cycles Apply_ Old _Cyc!os. "Star." X PLANTED. Pair F7en7h^Yindo'w" Doors, » ' each about 7ft by -JO in. Price, etc., A.R., " Stnr." '.U7r> On account MRS I. GIBRS (wo liaring •tTrTviiTn'T*')}: g — T\r''~ —r ---'- \/\/ AMED to Buy. hound House. ■! rooms, sold the Property). ON VIEW ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, FROM 1 P.M. UNTIL 1.30 P.M. CATALOGUES NOW READY. CRADDOCK, McCROSTIE CO., Auctioneers, Corner Manchester a.rl Cf-fn-l .Strci-l.* IT.rANTED to Buy. Sound House. ■! rooms, ' ' handy to penny .section. K t about £MOO. J i-jj":;_'lS ta-rr_ 319 ft YfrANTED to .Purchase. Old VohinTe?r ' ' - Snider Rifle, with three cornered bayonet. M.S., '' Star'" ;)(!=(-, VIT"ANTED to Buy, stack of » » to 1,-> tons. Apply A. Hawken. Hill's Road, Marshland. 7046 "ITfWANTED Buy, Phonofjranh and""Records, » ' 2 and -t minute. Must be cheap for cash. P.W., " Star." ' .'M'jf, ITrANTED~to — Bu~Ladv'"sTcoT;d-l-ajid »Jj Cycles Apply Old Cycles. " Star." X to Buy, a Small GramoplTonc, ' » with or without records, in £Ood order. Apply X.S.. "Star." ;ud" YXrANTED to Buy. Snpariito'r." in good ' » order, 22 pillions an hour nrcforred. Wanted tot Sell. »/»,- -i.\ li\\i 10 x>uy, sajiararor, m >joocf ' » order, 22 pullons an hour preferred 8.W., "Ti-nos" Office 7041 \TTANTED Purcha«e.'''"Zßlio'med"'"CoTfn'S>". ' ' about £M\ in good locality. Good fronta<re. A.W.. " Slar."' ;j(73 \YrAXTFI") Buy, for cash. Section, about |- » ' .icre, Ricliuiond haiu'ly to 2d inun Sr-c----tion. E.S.S.. " Star." 3.(0,5 • RIGHTON, E-splnnade, close pier, Cot- tir ■*-* tajre. 4 rooms, conveniences, £365. Evelyn Clark, Robinson and Co., Brighton. Y^O]r'~Salo7"G _ ood7l3'uiorCow.TnT'uii""pro'rU. J- -I"), Conway St.. Sproy<ton. 3-t.S<> Sale, Fawn Vu% Puppies, purebreil: prize stock. P.K., " Star." ;MDI lij^ - Sftie.~lTWMlo^ -L ing strain. X.S.. " Times." :!-ino Sale. Set of Spring Trap Harness. •'- First hou-e on right, Frai'kley St.. Spreydon. .'M?li TVANTED to Buy. i-Roomed Bungalow, ' » wiih k '" *-ivcve land, within 2d s^c\TTANTED Buy, Chests-field Couch,"Side- »»• lizard. Bedroom Furniture, etc. by new arrival. C.T.T., "" ;!196 WAXTKD lo nuy7'l7idlj7."'GeuT's'an7l »> C'liildron-s l.oft-off Clothii- and Boots. Owen. S"), Manchester St. :\^-> > T I;.\- G,as Engine. Lawrence's Exchange, corner Hi till and Tuam Sts. ' ' water. GO in Cumberlnnd St., Ilichmond. r. Jubiloc. rdcr. cheap 17-OR Sale, or Let. Bishop St.. St Alban?, ™7 ; rvVrMrT ;L ',7' "~ - ' I 5 Rooms, nil conveniences; private. \\ -\ N l •-" »" B«v, Machine «ln. •Phone 571. 3193 7.' hovA }>, .? ?oori mcchii _ ■ stronger. limes Gfliee. 7qt( l/OR Sale,- Hand Scwin<r .Machine, perfect -..--.■.r - •-; — -"- .1- order. £l. Tvelvn Ciaik, Robinson and VI AA "\ U '., a ->-i'-o.inpd. Bun-a low. 1 p n Rvi.rtitrp ' X jerrv-liuilt, five minutes from penny sc Co.. Brighton TX)KS7Ie7 10 Cowcll-M'CHiichan Shares -- „'■ - '■■',■ '-"-'ll.' n '.' ''- -I- fullr paid: best rller. JOT.. Coleridge. W A « ' 1 "'- 7 ;! ' K,,l K '"' dt rvi'':: ' ' Preuner Moior-cycle. Lawrrnce's HxSt., Sydenham. .'il'Jo "I?OR Sale. Musical .Instruments, Moving .' Picture Machines, Clothin?, Cameras. I6 q . (Gloucester St, opp. Colosseum. .1193 Sale, g-icat bargain, Xfw Piano, cost .'.'jo, take .1*35. Evelyn Chirk, Robinson and Co.. New Brighton. 'Phono .'Wilv. X uod Cotta?.-, wnxhhousc, copper; J-acre; central. Reduced to £ICO. Wins Folio 9.">. Lohrcy, Mnngin Co., 218, HighSSt..._._. ..._._ x I'f-OR Sale, Oak Wardrobe, hrge bevelled mirror, brand new; cost £i> 10s, take, jfo ss. Evelyn Clark. Robinson and Co., Brighton. _ _ X I^oll, Sale, Full }Vpiate Camera, Reck", ions. .! ni"astirc, disli, cost i'.'i IDs; tnkc 2oS. Evelyn Clark, Robinson and Co., Brighton. corner lli;.'h and Tuam TED Bnv."'" Furnished C \T7"ANTED Bnv, Furnished Contents of i I * ' or -.> Rooms trom ov. Ncr leaving. Would j nifo lo:i-v house, if suit»i>!c. P.W.. "Stnr. i7on "\VAXTED loßuy. 2 SVcond-hand" 7lo S v * '» TrniuiiiK' Carts; must lie Bryant's --- make. Bryant, and Co.. Papanui Rd. ,'!!s.'i "Ti TTrAXTF.n to Purchase, fo,- Cnt-h Client. l> o > > sto It) Acres, with .Vr.-om:d Hotr.-, lin t v"' I {.OO fsr out. Particulars U> L<'hrev. Maii"in "., j I Co.. 21S. Hi?h SK_ - o ;ake. j T"\ r AXTED to Buy. (Good, Sceonil-luind Co., : ' » Foldicir Pu-h-chair, lirlit woi-riit. X I Statu reasonable price and where to be c r ,, r ' ens. I i'M ' 2os. j for client. 5-r. Bungalow;7u-Tm on. ■ » * louse for 12 months with coiupul«ory X purchase en £3O deposi'. .-ind 17s 6d weekly. 17 OR Sale, owner £onp to Avar, •l-roonied . Bung-'low, even- convenience, stable, etc., i-ncre land. Will take £-2"> over .M<u'TED to Buy. Paddock, about 2 acres, .mod soil, within 2 miles ->[ Citv. ■'tiLjo. Price il'2s. Deposit £(0, terms. Loh- | Sprevdon district preferred, .Lowest price m\ Muni'in Co., 21S, Hit'll St. X 0.V.8., "Times" Office. 700S

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 12