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For Women Folk


Miss Pofc Fullerton, who has linen oyer in Now Zealand fov a few months-' holiday, to see her father and sis tors at Dnnedtn, left on her return to San Francisco this week. , Mr and Mrs John Roberts, of Duncdin, motored up 10 stay with Mr and Mrs Hunter Weston, in Timaru. • • •' • * Mr and Mrs George Ritchie, of Dunediu, spent Easter motorics in South Canterbury. Ladv Stout is at present in Dnnodin ■staving at Albert House, St Clair. A southern engagement of interest i* that of Miss Joan Gilchrist, of Oamaru, to Major Orbell. third son of the late Mr Henry Orbell. of Waikouaiti. »** « • * Mrs Beauchamp Lane. Fendalton, is visiting Mrs C. P. Murray-Aynsloy at Parnassus. • • » • * Mrs Sweet and her little child are ttflviug. with. Mrs Elworthy, Papamu. Mrs H. Rose has returned to Christchurch from Timaru. •*■ . * Mrs W. Bond. Timaru. is visiting Mrs Elworthy, Papaiiui. «•. • • At Dunediu on Wednesday morning a, large number of people were on the station to bid adieu to Mrs- J. T. M. Fraser, who is going for a lew months kolidav to stay with her daughter, Mrs Regie' Back, in San Francisco. Qtptain and Mrs Cooper, who have just come out from England, have taken, rooms at St Clair, Dunediu. ■ » » * * Miss Maisie Sahuond. of Dnnodin. is Yisitinn- friends in Chiistehurch. a« • * The new nianagcr of the Opera, j Bouse. Mr Marsh, with Mrs Marsh has arrived from Sydney. Mr Marsh has J Jiad very good experience at the-head- j quarters of the Fuller-Broiman hrm in Svdnev. *•* * • After four wenks of a highly succ. ful season the Bletsoe Kcvne Company will tinish to-night at the Opera House.. They arc to have three days' holiday j in Christohurch prior to leaving for | Sydney. 'I he company l:as been very j popuJar during its stay here. .Miss Ivy i>avis. the leading lady was at her very j best last night. She sang splendidly ! rnd drossed charmingly. ■,• * * * « » The engagement i» aunnuiuvd of .Mi-,s O. L. Harrington olde>t. da lighter o| Mr and Mrs C. Harrington. Waitliaui. and Mr G. Lund, fifth son of Mr and Mrs Lund. Pleasant .Point. Timarn. ••.• . » » Madame Cope-Dowsing, who has been spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs A. Evans. Cashmere, will return to Wellington next Tuesday evening. ' • "~ • » •. At St Hilda's Church. Island Hay, Wellington, on Wednesday Miss Victoria ZJezar, youngest daughter of Mr Edwin Bezar. of Rintoul Street, was married to Mr John Thomas AVatson. architect, of Mastertoit. who recently enlisted in the Engineers. • « » • • At St Peter's Church. AVeliington. on Tuesday afternoon Miss Alice Red-j n.ond. daughter of Mrs Redmond. Oriental Terrace, was married to Mr J. B. Finlay. » * * * * Aliss Claude AVeston, of New Plymouth, left Auckland by the .Niagara en route lor. England. » « « • • Mrs and' Miss Brewster passed through Christchurch on their return to New Plymouth from Dunediu, where they had gone to hid farewell to Dr 'Brewster, who left in the honsital ship Maheno. • * » • » . The A'en Archdeacon York, of Greymouth, has returned to Wellington, where he will remain for sonic time. Latest advice indicates .that Mrs York is steadilv improving. • " * •" • * Mr and' Mrs C. Fox. of North Canterbury, are visiting friends in Napier. • • i • « A quiet wedding took place on Monday afternoon dt the residence of MiGeorge Rose, Featherston Street, Pa!merston North (brother of the bride), the bride being Miss Emily Matilda Rose, youngest daughter of Mr Henry Rose, of Petone. and Mr .Joseph Isaac, youngest scm of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Isaac, of New Plymouth. The Rev F. AY. Boys was the officiating clergyman. • * » » • A collection jn aid oil the minesweepers of our Navy and their dependents is being arranged-for May L'L' to May 29, by the AYomeirs National Reserve. A canvasser for eacli street is required. Will any one willing to help in this much needed cause call at :207, Manchester Street, between 2.30 and 4.90 p.m. any afternoon except Saturdays, or send name with street to the above address. • • • • «

Miss Dorothy Ware, of Kemuera. 'Auckland, is leavinc shortly for a lengthy stay in England, where she is intending to take up patriotic work. Miss Waro has many friends in Canterbury.

Mrs Rolleston. Dominion Buildings. returned to Christchurch this morning from tho north. » • • • •

A Svdney correspondent writes that: . MTVo ladies from Mildura, iti 'Victoria, have just arrived in Sydney in time'for the Easter show. They came j on' horseback ; the distance is possibly! something over GOO miles. They wanted to do some overlanding, so thoy just d»it.» . . CI..ARKSOX^"EEX. A Ten' prettv wedding was solemnised at St Matthew's Church, Stafford Street. Dunedin. on the morning of Thursday, April 27, when Mr Leonard Bowes Clarkwn. of Messrs J. B. darken and Co., Ltd., Wellington and Christchurch. was married to Mies Dorothy Murray Wren. youngest dauehter of Mr and Mrs .Limes Wren. of Dunedin. The ceremony was performed by Canon Curson Snggcrs. Mi Sidney Wolf officiating at the organ Thel bride was given away by her Attel wo « lW (,i c h ivns brautil,cl.l »t tho Saioj, »^ clisi „„. a1) „„t fullv decorate* ior•tnc o , »«r2»^"-s ti»»«bndo an dmmtfei , re ] at ves *iul ptu lafaons of the* Xi ,_ ' friends under » 1 «"» + c i effr amswcrc merous congratulatog tcie r/^_ received from all P» lts 01 land. , , •. in her . The bride looked chw* jiinoll : wedding gown of She daintily embroidered w h P *ore a Dutch .cap of to'ic w ary bridal veil, ■ and en^ e y desmaic i s Jul white bouquet, **n attired i-Pfl D « c k and jmm pinafore frocks, and biacK

"Ohryssa" will .bo glad to hoar from aßi I Interested In Women's Work and Life, and to rocolv© | Items or Interest and value to Women for publ!©&« | tlon, or reference In this column. |

pink picture lints. Miss Paulino East, a smaill bridesmaid, wore a damty frock ol' i>ink crone do rhiue ami lace. Mrs J. Wren, mother of the bride, wore a navy blue ' with gold r ' va ~ mines', hat to match, and seal • coat. Mrs .hunes Wren. son., grandmother of tho bride, wore a becoming black silk rowti; Mrs tfonliold (Auckland), hlaek silk. seal coat; Mrs H. C. Ea-i (lmr;.stchurch). mole frock and hut. fur coat; Mrs C. Wren, liuvv colonic, black velvet hat;. Mrs Percy Wren. ;>ayv costume, ermine furs; Mrs ,i. 11. .Kingsland (Inveroargill). mole costume, white hut: Miss Kingslami. navy costume, cerise ami blue hat :,Mrs KorbesWilliams, black costume, black fox furs-; Mrs Gaseoigno, nigger-brown cos- j tunic and hat to match ; Mrs Shrimpton, violet costume, twr coat; Mrs .It. Forbes tChristchurch), #ehcck. silk costume, violet hat: .Mrs Charley *nvbes. -rev costume; Mrs IB olio way. black si It; costume: Mr> A. -1. Morrison, «»"'? costume, smart black; Miss Steel rChristchurch) nigger-brown costume ami hat; Miss Irene Stool, mole costume, mole and pink hat. Tho bridegroom's gilt to the bnue was a beautiful diamond and pearl pendant. The brides present to the bridc-Toom was a gold' mounted pocket wallet. Tho bridesmaids received gold monogram brooches, mid tho small bridesmaid a gold bracelet. Mr and Mrs vlarkson loft for the north to join the Turakina on route tor Kimland.' Mr Clarkson intends to qualify for a pilot's license m one of the British living schools us soon us possible after his arrival in England 1 , and l will then offer for enlistment m the Uoval Armv Klving Corps. Mrs Clark- j soii wiM be tho -mr'-st of Mrs •'••*■■; Clarksoi). her mother-mlaw. at her i luodish home. Gable Km!, -»1, Ivmpler's Avenue. (Solders Groom London. I x - w .- ; . . ■• KNIGHTS .IKXNIXGS. In the presence of a large gathering of friends' at St Mathcw's Church St. Adians. Christchitreh. on Kastcr Menday, April '_M. Mis I'Vuella Ivaiiess (Vila Jenniiur-. eldest daughter of Mrs Lucy Jonniiiti.-, Chri-a church, and grunddar.giiUr of tho Icrto -Joseph GhikU, Lvrteltmi. was mairied to Mr Albert Kniirlas. second st,:i oi Mr Waller Knights, Melton Manor. Norfolk, England. The bride, who was given away by her mother, looked very dainty in a vh.ite embroidered- dress, with the usual wreath of orange blossoms and veil. The bride, who wa> attended by Miss Kssie M'Goorue as ehiei bridesmaid and Miss Peia Prisk. both froeked in white embroidered v(.ile. their hats of black velvet relieved with white silk. They

earned boquots of autumn flowers. Miss Marion Ludlow, being flower girl, wore j a white silk dress mid carried ;i ba>kot ol' autumn flowers. All bridesmaids wore gold l)rooe!ies. gifts of the bridegroom. Mr Peose Lloyd of ■ Christchurch, was man. and .Mr J. M'Georgo. of Christcbureh. was groomsman. * * * # ■ * i CRDWNTNC: OK-THE QUEUNS. i I'p till last- night ihe rehearsals for j tlic enthronement of the Queen of the Carnival so far as the Queens themselves were concerned have been carried on in the Art- Society's Gallery, and the rehearsals of the band under Lieutenant King, the orchestra, under .Mr AYorsley. the choir under l)r Bradshaw, who is the general musical director, and of the soldiers have been carried out in their various <|iiarters. Last night, for the first time, all these elements came together at the King Edward Barracks, ■which bad been transformed ! into a great and handsome .show place, i a huge stage, handsomely carpeted with a still higher platform for tlie throne, and with semi-circular tiers on either hand for the choirs, orchestra, baud and soldiers had been'erected. Thousands of chairs transformed the arena. The passages between them were carpeted, .and the whole of the girders ami root' space was draped in great festoons 01 j the colours of the various Queens. It | was difficult to recognise the drillshod on entering. The whole pageant was Mr i'\ W. iiobbs's boook of the crowning of the Queen of Gratitude was gone throng)). Everybody present was deeply impressed by the very iiue spectacular effect produced, and it was found that the speeches. v\c. contrary to expectation, could be distinctly heard in every part of the huge hall. The music was most impressive. The procession of Queens, children and soldiers was very iine. and the evolutions of the soldiers of the Kmpiro- took those who had not previously seen- them rehearse completely by surpirse. Perhaps fin 0.-t of al!. however, was the children's display, both in its dancing, grouping and staging. Th c pages to The various Queens are particularly sweet. Some Queens had boy pages, some girls dresved as hovs. and others girls as girls. Altngoihor the of a brilliant display to-niid>t, when it wjll be revealed who is to be enthroned as Queen. Di; WALDRON'K .Hair IWorrr. for darkening Grey Hair to its X a tarn I Shade. Mrs I'oikvston to notify Indie? thnt a. shipment ha?, ju.-t arrived. Price 7? (id Inrpe 'liottlc Mrs Hollcston, Heir Specialist, Dominion Buildings. X. « • * * » What fate •> ,ia die word " F.ipmyo!!!"* It tells of parting, pain and s-vul refrrcf: It oft f'ofcs the sound, of frk'nd.-diip's knell. Fare well., spelt this way. means othei-v^e. Faro v.-cil with health, uiaki-. »tre-;;:'l! H-cme-Jim-, checks, red lips and ur.iu.a'.y ryes Wrought by Woods' Peppermint ('are. S

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 5

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For Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 5

For Women Folk Star (Christchurch), Issue 11685, 29 April 1916, Page 5