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THE METROPOLITAN MARKET. TO-DAY'S SALE. [Per the "Star" Pigkon Exfuess.] There wan nrrain n large attendance of the general public at the weekly sale at the Adciingion metropolitan market to-day, whilst the entries oik-o more assumed brge properlions, those of if(iri sheep especially being heavy. Although it is customary for store sheep to diminish in numbers oneo April arrives, the rule of the past does not hold good this season, p.* up to tho present there has been !itt:e diminution of FAT CATTLE.

The entries in the fat cattle section were of fairly lavpe proportions, the yarding aggregating S2l head, against .251 l<i6t w«k. 827 on March 29. 215 on March 22, 231 on March 15 and :.VjO or. M-a roll 8. Qua.ity. taking tho vatding as a whole, was excellently reprecer.ted. and included some exceptionally welljfrewn and '.veU-.inished bitilocks, whilst cn the other hand there was a smaller proportion of secondsry quality. The demand for pl'nrie beet was fairly keen, the- price showi'-'-, nn change compared wi'h the rates current at last'week's hut competition for secondary quality tec:' showed an all-round easing tendency.

Quotations arc:— Extrp. firinia steers fo £2O 5.*. Ordinary steers, ,fS ,17s 6d t-o .Cl2 10a. Extra prime hfiiera io £l7 15s. Ordina.y heifers, £7 to .-£ll. Kxtra prime cows to .£l7 Ins. Ordinary cows, £7 to £lO. . Tho included the following Unci:'Ftu A. E. Birdling (Birdiing's F.ail, «i eicera at £lB to X'2D sa, 5 cows at XI2 Ids to £l7 lii*, 2 heifers .it iUT Jos; W. Manliire (I'apamu), 2 cows at £J and £6 10s; Martin Bros. (l.'usfce'l's Flat), 1 steer at il.'i. 1 cow at i'lo 30t<, client, ti cows at £'iu 10s to £l2 ;>b, 20 ttcer.s -at i'l'- lon to ..'Ja 17s lid; ii. ..Ltogers (Lako Flat), 9 steers -at £MI 15h to .£l6 iu?. a cowa st £;) 10s to jfc'lß se; A. .11. Barnea, 6 eows at £7 15a to £!) os; S. Sparks (Cashmere), G cows at i' 7 to iill 2s 6(1. 2 heifers at £j 7a lid and £'3 ss; A. Atuir (Middleton), I cow at £i> 10s; J. 1). M'Cracken i,H«ylands), 4 steers at i'l-1 15s, 2"heifers at 412 Ja Cd and -CIS, 2 ccwii at i'G 12s 6d nnd i'O 17a 6<l; D. W. Mr.ikle vChaiharaS.i, 1 cow at. 4'7 ns, 2 .steers at £ll 10s snd £lB. ss; W. .U'illiainS (Stietrifiid), -2 cows r-t. i' 75s »nd £S; I'iratt iiros. (St James), 18 steers at i'Jl oti to A'lG; >V. GilmoUr ;'l'ai Tnpu). 1 heiior at- 4'l.'! 7s 6d: A. E. Harris (Motuknrara), 1 cow at .-Cfl. 1 steer at i'S 12s 6d; F. ~\Y. Hunt, ((rlentunnol), 5 steers at £7 12s Cu, 4 heifers at X' 7 to fh 10e; J; Stent (ilorewood), 1 cow ut 4'5 15s; if. Anderaon. (Ladbrooks),. 1 cow nt £§, 1/is; executors F. A. W. Cox (Chathams),.3 .«tct>rs at £l3 to £l7 10s. 1 eow at £'l2; F. J. Savill (St Helens), 19 s'feers at Xl 7 10s to £18; .1, fjantoa (C'hathams), 1 cow at £B. 1 heifer at ,£o ss, 4 steers ot i'lo 7a Gd fo £l2; F. Coop (l-'arainii), 8 cows at £9 to £ll ; clients, id steers at £ll os to £ls.' 1 cow at £lO 7s 6d. ISS heifers at £lO to £lO 12s' <sl, 20 steers at £!) 12«t 6<l to £l2 15s, G ateera at. £5 2>? (kl to £7, 2 heifers ,at £G, 3 cows at 4VJ 5s to £7, 1 heifer at £6 17s. Gd, 1 cow at £7 10a,. 5 s?teer» at £l4 5s '.o £U 17s Gd. 0 heifers at £lO to £ll 10s; A. AV. Stnbbs (East Oxford), .1 cows at £7 5s to £l3 2? Gd; VT. D. Cox -Chathaias), 3 steers «t .6S. 10a to £ls, 2 heifers at £9 2s Gd to £lO 12s Gd: W. Wright iXormah!a Eoad). 1 cow at £lO 15s; <4. Buckley (Styx), I cow at £10; H. AVhito (Xorrcan's Road). '2 heifer.a at £5 Lis; H. Toonnnter (Hreve's Road), 1 cc.w at £11; C. A. Brown (Cheney's), , •2 cows -at £7 5s avid £i) 12s Gd; G. Hampton (Dallinpton). l row at £10; B. Petrie (AVpod- j endi, 2 steers at £l7 2s Gd and £IB, 1 heifer at £7 os. 1 cow at £7; D. Stalker OVeodencil, 1 steer at £7 ICs. .T heifers at £7 5s to £7 15s. YEALERS. Veai calves v?ero excellently represented as far as nninber.H were concerned, all descriptions being penned. The competition showed no material f.-hanso from recent eales, and" values remained largely unchanged. Kepresentative prices were from 8s to 60s, extra to 655. FAT LAMBS. There wa3 a Eomewh,at 'flrijer yarding of fat lambs, and the quality ranged from prime to light-conditioned sorts that were practically only forward stores. The demand was gooi for prim? iambs, and unfinished were down a little. Tho range of prices was: Extra, prime lambs to 7d. I'rimo itvrabs, 21s to 24s 33. Others, lor, 4d to 20s 6d. The following were'the principal sales: For W. Nixon (Killinchy), 7 at 25s 6cl; Parish Bros (Oxford), 3 a-t 25a; E. "V\ ifjco (Omihi). 65 at 2lib id to 24s i'/d: Keenan Bros. (Little River), 157 at 10s to 2-ls 3d; J. Buckley (llighbank). 35 fit 21s 7d to 24s 2d: JD. 31'Laren (Cheviot), 5) ut- 21? 2d; . Dalzell (Lauriston), <l-4 at. 21s lOd io 21---; W. lirooks (Brooksidc), 20 at 2-1s 10d; Wiliujn. (Halbett). .50 at. 22s ild to 23s 8d: 12. Btirgess (Dunsandel), 75 at 21s 8d to 23s ild': Pemvell Bron. (Kaiapoi). 71 at 22s 4d to 23s 3d: A. .Scott (Sonthbndge), 26 at •23a -2rt: T. G. Dawnrn. juitr. (Ya'dburst), 60 at 20s 2d to 23s Id; Mrs Winter (Krooitside), 15 n.t 20s lOd to 2.15: A. W.. Steele (White. Rock), 177 at 20s lid to 2:is; T. Ji'.'lntosh (Akaroa), 101 at 22s 6d; M. Bethel) (PaliHU Fastures), 235 at 19s Gd to 22s 7d; J. H. Skinner (Dunsandel), 10 at 22s Sd; J. H. Orahanr \llorrelvillej. 71 at. 20? lid to 22s Gd; L. Leonards -(Akaroa), 299 at. 22sj_ Hutchison and Mnddison (iloekfordl. 15 at 225; 1\ Tully (Rakuia), 75 at 20s to"2s; H. J. Harmon (Rakais), 178 at 17s lOd to 21s 1.1 d; H. Taylor (Cheviot) Jo at 21s lOd; Thomas Murra..,- (Woodci'ove), !i.j at 21s fid; J. Sirtbbs (Eakaia), 143 at 20s lOd to 21s 7d; A. E. Pluck (Bumham), 83 at 21s 4d; W. .N. Hewitt (The Penks).. 69 at lt>s 7d to 21s Id; A. W. Ruth-srford (Mendip Hills), 110 at 17s Bc\ to 21s; .1. Brooks (Brookside), 28 at 21s 7d: \V. Lowthv.-ivito (Little River), 5-t at 15s -td to 21s; Juuk-s Cowie (Woodgrove), SO at 20s lOd: ' S.. E. Pcttingill (Cheviot), 71 at Iff.? 4d to 20s Sd; J. H. Mead (Hammer Springs), 109 at- 19s 3d to 20* 7d;- O. Anderson (\Vaiparo), 50 at 18s tid to 20s 6d: R. Coe (Burnham). 27 at 19s lOd to 20s Gd; C. and T. Anderson (Woodgrove). 217 at 18s 9d to 20s Gd; Mrs Cassidy (Rollestc-ii), 79 nt 20s Id; J. N. Boup (Burnsidn), 149 at 15? Id to 20s; F. W. Carpenter (Prebble.ton), 122 at ISs Id to 19a lid; Elliott's Esiate (Cheviot); U nt. 19s to 19s Cd; W. Rallock (Dunsannei)'. 03 at 19s 3d to 19i* 6d; «T. Galpin (Southbridge), 26 at-19.? 6d: O. Dorrctt (Hororata), ?0 at 19s to 19s- od; J. Ashworth (Seft-m). 220 at 17s to 19s 4d; Cnnneen Bror-. (Broadfield), 25 at.' 19s; F. J. Sarin (St. Helen*). 71 at 16s lid; S. Boon (Waipava). :1S at 19k; J. Tr-avers (Rnltaia\ 111 at 18s lOd: J. F. Beck (Bnnkside), 57 at ICs lild to 1P« lid: Pearson Bros. (Lincoln), 52 st l°s Sd: ("4-. B. Snnsom (ParnaMUs), 63 at ISs to 19s 4d; ,T. Storey (Sonthbridge). n.t IS C 2d; D. Hampton (Culvevden). .14, at IGs 2d io ; ITg lOd; Anderson Bros. (Prebhleton), at 15s Pd fo 17s Gd: T. Crean 'The Pefk*). H 6 at 17s Gd; R. .0. Rains (Tho MeadeV "1 at 17s Gd to in? .Id: Breadinfr Bro-. (Tiakaia), 72 at 17s sd; F. J. O'Afalle.v iWn.iattl, 251 at 17s 6d. FAT SHEEP. There were about nine races filled with fat sheep of average quality. STORE SHEEP. The yarding of storo sheep was an oxtrfmely large occupying 'almost every available pen. -tAves of aii grades acaiii formed the greator part of the yording,~tbs baiflnco being made up of a fair number of lambs, including some very forward lines and a relatively smaii proportion of wethers. The demand, owing no doubt to many buyers lieving already secured all the sheep the'v require for th-: current season, was scarcely a> good as last wc4:, competition i-ho-.vini' ler-s briskness. Titese remarks anpiy to ail classes ot sheep, but moro ©specially to ewer., th? all-round quality of which was better than for pome time pust. Tho National Mortgage and Agency Company sold, on account, of Mr A. \V. Rutherford, feen. (Hendip Iliiis), a- noticc.ab'y fine line of 124 four and ci.\-tooth ewes, which realised 25s Sd. The nates included the undermentioned linos:. — Ths range of prices was: Forward lambs, Ps to 15s Cd. Ordinary lambs, lis 6d to 12s Del. Cull lambs, 5a 9d to Us. Wether lambs, lis Id to lis 2d. Tvo-tooth ewes, 15s 9d. Four and sis-tOoth ewes, 20s Gd to 25s Sd. Six and eight-tooth ewes, 13s Bj to lis ."3d. • Four, six and cifht-tooth ewes, >ls* Bd. Six-tooth ewes, las Od to 21s. Four and six-tooth ewe-. 17s to 19« 9d. Tv.o-tooth wethers. Jss ?d to 16s -td. Four and six-tooth wethers, 13s 7d fo 20s Od. Ewop—six and eight-tooth at 20s 63, 12t sound-mouthed at 15s 3ci, 22 aged at 7s 9d, 320 merinoes et Is 9d fo Is lid, 150 sis ■uid eight-tooth a! 16s, 73 fniliw-r-mouthed ait lis 7(1. 125 two and four-tooth at 19s 9d. 250 six aiid eight-tooth at 17s, 208 fotir. six and eidit-tooth at lis 2;!. 258 two and four-tooth <it lGs r >d, 121 four and six-tooth at 25s t?d. T/amb.?-—2sr! at 12s lOd. 75 at 15s Pd, 86 (small) at 8?. 259 (wethers) at 11? Id. Wetiiers—-51 t'.vo-footb «t 15s Pd, 313 sour and six-tooth at 7d. PIGS. Fat. pigs were represented by .a large entry. The qualify was good, unfinished being lews numeioitH than usual, i was a. good ail rcund demund nud prices ah iwcd an improvement. Quotations are : Clio.npcrs . : >os to 130s. Extra hcuvy bacouers fo 105s. Heavy bai oners 75i; to 00«. L'i(>ht liaconer- to 70s. Price, per Jb (>jd to Old. Heavy porkcTH 46s to o2s. Light pcrkcrs 3?s to,- 7VI in IHJ.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11672, 12 April 1916, Page 2

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ADDINGTON YARDS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11672, 12 April 1916, Page 2

ADDINGTON YARDS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11672, 12 April 1916, Page 2