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m A &<&* I As being peculiarly appropriate to this season, our Lady Demonstrator (Miss E. M. A. Johnson, L.C.A.), Sliver Medallist, has selected ______ ___, ■__■ _mm «m— 4_M_l __ff__t for to-morrow's Gas Cookery Demonstration in our Lecture Hall, The menu will include— Ked_jree of Fish, Haddock Fritters, Fried Eggf, French Easter Cake. We cordially invite your presence at this interesting demonstration, admission is FREE. 77-79 togestpr si :et Phones 432 and 2140 m (REGISTERED). F la tho last word in' Skin Prrpara'iont. It heal* all' AND THE SKIN preparation de luxe for SUNBURN. A luxury, 00l V after shavintc. Once ueed el way* used. TRY IT I .>_■ 1 . Obtainable frpra all ChemUU end Stcret, price Ij; , or dir ct from ' rvl II /TMI7 DTV Ridi,v'« Building*. Lichfield and Manchester S'a. rll. P.O. Box 149 Telephone 2162

(HLB-f'S COLLEGE, LTD. 'NEXT CHIEF POST OFFICE, Cathedral Square, COMMERCIAL SIDE. OUR We hare had 128 yearn' experience in th© training of young people for business careers. You require' THOROUGH as Wl # a« rapid preparation. You "WATCHWORD need a teacber-apecialist for every branch of your work',— Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Business Arithmetic, Letter Writing and General IS Office Work. Send youT boys arid 5 girls to us and save them two or three years of unrenwnerativp. preparation "THOROUGH." Day and Evening , Classes. Correspondence Lessons. Railway Concessions to country students. Prospectus Freo on application to THE DIRECTOR. DIGBY'S COMMERCIAL . SCHOOL, Hallenstein's Building* (opp. D.1.C.) Principal: MISS M. D. DIGBY, P.C.T., U.S. (Typists' Section). OFFICE APPOINTMENTS. During the past Year over TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY permanent and temporary positions have been obtained by our students, including positions in Banks, Government Department?, Legal, Insurance and other Mercantile Offices, at commencing salaries of from £4<i to £BO per annum. NOTE.—Each year the number of pupils we have proves 'TOTALLY INADEQUATE to fill the many positions offering. SCHOOL PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION. 8 ALL PUPILS RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. L ANGER School of Dress-cutting.—Pupill taught to Cut and Make any Garment) with or without charts. . ! ' ANGER School of Dress-cutting.—Rail-■*-l way' Concessions to Country Pupils. Kindly "call for Prospectus. ■ ■ Cathedral Squtire.— Term commences any time. ■Pattern oo'd. Misses Pitts. ' X ARCHIBALD'S GARAGE. ) •PHONE 3556. 308. ST ASAPH' ST. ' i BQ "A il h.p., brand new, with' latest • O.ii.J Canoelet Side-car, will sell separately, cheap. * runs von- quiet, £llO. KING Dick, 5-S h.p., 3-speed, splendid order, £ls. I MATCHLESS, 8 h.p., special cblonial ] model, with Mountgomery Side-car, I £75. . ' < ■ • l/ITASWELL, 25 h.p., 2-seater. dual ignition, "■ denvenstrating model, £l5O. OVERLAND, mi Model, electric lights I and starter, £2OO. ■ j H UMBER Car, with light delivery bodv,' £OO. X" , S.KERRISON, ■-,! BUTCHER, „ 115, CALEDONIAN RD. 'Phene 3524. . Watch our Advertisements for Cheap ] Joints on Fridays and Saturdays. Prime I meat, only. Free deliverv. X ! J. P. CALVERT AND SON, ■' TINSMITHS. 642, COLOMBO STREET (near Lichfield Street). 'Phone 2185. I [ OR Stencil Plates ring up 2155. Calvert '. and Son, > Ti ns raiths ; _6i'2 t _Colombo Street. ; "ORASS Doorsteps fitted ;~p?ices i ■*-' from, ,10a 6d. -Calvert and Son, Tin-i 64Zi Colombo Street. _ "W E j Ma^e - and Tinware of every '• , description on the premises. Calvert an 1 Son, G42, Colombo Street. • ~ | \y ash i£ J u l .Dairymen to 'try Calvert end V Son, Tinsmiths, for Milk Cans,and Repairs. 642, Colombo Street, 'Phone -2185. FOR SALE. ' ____ A LWAYS in STOCK-New Rubber and *■ Iron-tyred Gigs, RaJli Cart, Governess Cart, Dog Cart, Whitechapel Milk Cart. Lorries, Station Waggons, Light Spring Drays and Baker's Carts. Motor-cai 6 Painted, Trimmed and Repaired. STEEL BROS., , Ccfochbuildets. Lincoln Road, XT FOR SALE. - A NIBBLE ON THE MAIN ROAD. NEW BRIGHTON, v . Between. Porter's Store and Schoolhouse. 3-ACRE BLOCK (3 by 2* chains), with 4 2 DWELLING-HOUSES thereon. Ample room for another.. N.B.—This Valuable Property belongs to a, Trust' Estate, and the Trustees % being desirous of settling with the Beneficiaries, have instructed me to Sell at the Government Valuation of £I2OO, which is nothing.' more nor less than a SACRIFICE. C. J. MARSHALL, X 77. Hereford Street. H. SUTHERLAND, . Tobacconist. OPPOSITE HIS THEATRE. Manchester Street, Christchurch. j - WANTED. ■). TRY ADAMS, LTD., for all MOTORCYCLE Accessories. Largest stock in New Zealand. X PERSONAL.— There is Profit in the "Camels" off DESERT GOLD' TEA Packets. £SO in Prizes. Got particulars. Order Desert Gold To-dav. Xl FOR 2a Weekly—Firat-clasa Suits, . Boots. Shces, Underwear, Hat*. I Line, purchsßeabie by easy weekly payments Balkind's, 629. Colombo Street. « TREES Lopped, Felled; Cut-up Wood purchased. Wilson Bros., Contractors, Buckley's Road, Linwocd. X HAVE you seen our Special Rabbit Gun, ; 12-gauge, Eingle-barrel Breech L.. only l 355? They're great. Mason, Strutheis and , Co.. Ltd. ' X2 I WANTED So!!. 2 Wood Kerbs, 2 S 6d aud ? ' 4s Gci. 19U, Wordsworth St., Syd.?n- I | ham. . ' X__ FOR' Broccoli, Leek. Celery and ottier Win- | ter Plants. Winder's Nursery, Percy j Street, Linwood. XM >TRARAN'S, Sydcrhnm. for Fi°h. j * Grocer Cutlets, Cd per lb. 'Phor.e 911. < XD Y to Lend--! assist, but- do not I>JL rush. £1 to £lO. J. K. Button, Bex 51, G.P.O. „__z._. x _. ™MART Crepe-de-Chiiie Bows, with fringed I 1 ends, in all shades, are only Is each J at Ballar.tyne's. X2 T -PIECE Suite in Saddlebags, made on the premises, £8 15s. H. Atkinson, Cash Furnishers, 127, Manchester Street. _ X L F'OUXD, Biggest Tea Value in "DESERT! COLD "—stimulating, fragrant, whole-] nome, economical. ' Get the 2s Grade. XI EIDERDOWN QUILTS. Sinple Size 21s, 27s 6d. 30s, 355. Double Size 30s. 355, 40s, 47s 6cl, to £l2 10s. . A. J. WHITE. LTD. WANTED to Sell. Lady g and Gent's Cycles, 35s and £2. 148, Aldwin's Rd., Linwood. X TIRST-RATE Carpef. Sweepers at Mir.son's. -»- Bissoll's a.nd Ewebank, 16s 6d, 18s 6d, 225, 24s 6d. The very 'best. X_ to Purchase for client (RiccavV » ton), 5-roonicd House (Bungalow preferred) Mi'.h J-acre land, not to exceed £*loo. Particulars to Lob rev Mangin Co., 21£. High St. ' X •JO-GAUGE 5.8.8.L. Guns. We have them, LA Sss each. Mason, Strut hers and Co., Ltd. _,._ _ X3_. MY lengthv experience in Building Trade assures" Satisfaction in Workmanship. C. E. Otley, JoineryJWcrks. Xl_ WANTED*," Ladies to" call at 25, Mersey St., St. Albans; lovely Suite, 8 pieces, in oak; quaint. J__ x .]^__ VKTANTED Sell. Good Go-Cart. 22s 6d. V> 19'). \Y"6*rds\vortli_SU Sydenham. X IriOß Teas p'.l 7oF~A ores small grazing run, ' splendid sheep country, vent £lO per annum. Apply soie agents, H. H. Cook and Co.. C'ssbol St. " 1 -" 2 ; 1 £J; . \RrTs BROS. Buy Second-hand Furniture in any quantity, and pay highest price. _ . _„ TLSON BROS., Gardeners, Aspbalters, Coniractors, and General Handymen. i Buckley's Rojßd,J[^ p Wood._ X_ i "l/IfANTCD to Sell, Dining-room Clock, ! VV striker, 15s Gd- 190, Wordsworth St., j Sydenham. _ X PROMPT' Quotation for all Building Material and Joinery Work. C. h. Otley, 381, i Madras Street North. X 5

H. BROMLEY, FAMILY BUTCHER. 199. Papanui Road, St A'.bans, Telephone 244 R. JRIMEST quality o{ .Meat guaranteed at _- lowest current- rates. Prompt daily delivery. Small Goods ? '.'i"'ty. Ring up for ycur r< *v——'• XT WASTED Sell, Agricultural Lime, 3s bag. John Cock, Produce Merchant, 18, Papa mis Road. " . ' » :__A_ ANTED Soil, Molasses lor stocK leeamg, ■ ■ four gallons ss. John Cock, 12, P«P»nui Road. . •__ , ANTED Sell, Sharps, Bran. Oats, Wheat, m current rates. John Cock,. 12, nui Road. __ X_ WANTEDl?olirOvster OriTos -cwt; Flint ..Grit. 25.6 d cwt". John'pek, 12, Pnp*nui Road. X ANTED sen, Blood JUea'... Meat J>iea ■ ' 50lb 9?, 10jb 17s. John Cock, 12, Papi nui Bead, / . X^ ~"TANTED~S«!I. ncw~Pctatoes and Onions^ • / current rate?,. John Cock, Produce Merchant, 1-2, Papanui Road. X_ '■ HAIR Specialist (G. H. Hal'.), Opera House iJuildincs. Tuam Street. IS th» Children's Hairdresser, lour girlies bair rut tho Amc'ricnn fashion, Buster Brown. Sixpence. C," EE how charming >l uiama ~uu«.-. ~,.,-v,. O look. Sec how it WfHY? Tt~'c&iiies~ tha hair to grow, * V thicker, longer and more curly. Price Fisrence._ ___ ._.'.- __ HAVE it done here, and ensure-that it is clone procerlyjfy an_ expert. WE" SpVc : alfse"~in Children's Hair. - . 'Have vcurs done now, and be in the fashion. WANTED— Rid!ev' s ' Mocha Coffee, freshl. ground . daily. Delicious breakfast refectiou, 2s 3d lb. Clock Tower._ WANTED— Ridley's long experience m blendinsr of Tc-as ensures the maximum ! result in strength antl_ flavour. Clock^Towfer; WANTED— Ridlev's "arc certain to stock th 6 very tea vour (ante requites, either eykni. Kock Tower. Genuine Indian Chutt v neys and Curries will delight tho tftaM ! oi the epicure.._Clock_T , ower :i __ __._ _J. WANTED— Rid'ev's Mocha Coffee. ireshly r6a?tr<l and ground daily. 2s 3d lb. There is noihin? to equajjt^jClock_Tower. Old-time Chinas aiid Vt Xcw Season's'Darjeelings just arrived. Broken Orange Pekoes, 2s 6d, 2s 3d, 2s lb. , Clock Tower. X 3 I WANTED— Useful Advice to Families— Use DESERT GOLD, (he Queen of J Tea 3. Delicious, Economical, Biggest Value. I Save Carnc's off the Packets. .- XI TRAHANIS, Sydenham, for Prime Kabs-» / bits. Is per pair. Orders delivered. 'Phone 911. XD \XT ANTED Sell, Triumph Motor,.in perfect V V order, bargain. 57, Wordsworth. St., Sydenham. ~ 319S CUT this Out—Strahan's, Sydenham, for Cheap Fish. Ovsters, Rabbits. 'Phono 911. XD A GENUINE bargain. 250 Acres, good buildings. 60 head cattle, 20 dairy cows, handy position, as sjoin;; concern, £750. H. H. Cook and Co.. Caahel Street.' 752-129 [IXANTED Sell, a".l models in Second-hand VV Motor-Cycles, all prices too. Adams Ltd X WILSON BROS.. Gardeners, ABphalters,. VV Contractors and General Handymen, X_ HpHE Central Auction Rooms, 168, Hereford 1. Street, aro tho Most Popular Rooms in Christchurch. ____?_ ALL-WOOL TRAVELLING RUGS, 13s 6d, 21s, 27s 6d, 85s. 425, 50s. A J. WHITE, LTD._ \I7'INDER'S Nursery Supply Plants for V R,vsalc at Special Pnce3. AddressPercy Street. Linwood. X" TV" ANTED' yen to bear in mind that wo' ! S\ have nr*Mie<i cur New S'aa son's Stock of Cycle Sundries. Atlcms. L*_d. X BALLANTYXE'S 50s made-to-measure Suit i* most exceptional value. It is well made, machine ?»wn suit, cut and fitlM by Bal'sntrnc's experts and made in Ballantyne's woikroorns. X TTrANTED to Sell. Waehstand, oilcloth top, »V !0s C-d. 190, Wordsworth St., Sydenham v X i'CVR Cheap Furniture, Household Sundries, call on* Economic Fuiiiture Exchange, Lincoln Doad. X2 BALLANTYXE'S allow a discount"of in off every £ for cash, vor on monthly accounts. X "t'7I7AXTE"b But, Bottles,. Brass, CopperT VV Lead. Etc. Paddington Bottle ESchange, Lincoln Road. SADDLEBAGS and Mohair VelTct Suite, > £B 12s Cd; Duchesse Chests, £1 2s 6d; Tiled-back Waphstands, 18s. At Atkinson's Kail-paid Sale. ' "eiderdown quilts. Single Size 21s, 27s 6d, 30s, 355. Double f«*>^l2los. A. J. WHITE. LTD. FOR Repairs see Woodard. Beat leathoq only used. Prices right as o2 old; a » war rates en. Road_ FULL~SIZE Wood Bed, Wire MaJlress, . best Samarang Kapoc Bedding, £4 12s od: railed and packed free. H. Atkinson, 172. Mnncheeter Street. TIYiLITARY Text-Books, the Latest and IVI Best, in great variety, at L. 11. Isitt, Ltd., Colombo Street. X_ I~ARGE~Stock of Figured Rimu Bungalcw J Doors, latest designs, from 255. C. E. ?2_ G~IARDENS Laid Out by Contract or Day T Work. Wilson Bros., Landscape Gardeneis, Buckley's Rosd. X299_ i TXT ANTED - Sell 8-piece Suit*, quaint, in | ?V. best oak, upholstered in leather. 25, Mersey Street, St Albans. XW IVAN TED to Sell, Lady's and' Gent's VV Cycles, 35s and £2. 14S, Aid-win's Road, Lir.wood. _X_ "TfANTED Exchange, nearly new 5-roomed i > House, v.-ith ail conveniences, Merivale, well let; £3700 clear title for small farm. H. H. Cook and Co.. Cashei at. 1597 "TRAHAN'S. Svdenham,' Sella Only the _> Best F;sh the Sea Produces. Id section. XD \\T ANTED Known—That our "Royal' > V Tyres at 10s 6d, g-uaranteed sis months, «re sterling value. Adams. Ltd X WHITE SATIN QUILTS. Single Size 5s 9d, 7s Gd, Ss 9d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d. Double Size 10s 6'd, 12s - Gd, 15s, 21s. i A. J. WHITE, LTD.

FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ■ >f\ ACRES OF MAGNIFICENT LAND. GROW 3 TREMENDOUS CROPS. WITH 4-ROOMED HOUSE AND ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS.' EVERYTHING IN SPLENDID ORDER. The Land has 30 chains frontage to main road, and, being situated only four miles frOni Titnaru, is admirably adapted for out'tiiig up into small sections in the near future. PRICE £6O PER ACRE. NO MORTGAGE ON THE PROPERTY. The owwr has decided to live near Christchurch, and is prepared to accept clear-title house property handy to Christclnirch as part payment on a, cash basis. Full particulars from P. L. DAYIES AND CO., 161, Cashol Street, Christchurch. y{7"ANTED—lronmongery.' The- right place » » to purchase is W. Congreve and Sons, U4. Hardware Patronise the Firm that - initiated marking goods in plain figures. TVTEW Shipnieht Tiles arured. Solection of ■*■' leading colour?. WA.M'LD Known—Tiled Firep.iaoes, perfect slabbing and cut rate prices. AY. Congrevc and Sons. Ltd. TA7A.NTED, Builders. New Stocks to hand. * ' Lock Sets, Casement Stays and Fanlight Openers. OUR Selection ot Builder? Requirements is of the! best. Inspection nud comparison invited. TftrANTEDTTlteiiable Range7~Sn*clJock'9 ' ' Orion. Agents, "\V. Conirreve and Sons, Ltd. '_ 1 WANTED —Carpenters, buy your require- , merits where goads are plain in figures. TXTANTED—Builders follow crowds of your » V colleagues to Congrovo's. 'Phone 671. W'ANTED"Kn^l^ThrßcsrWall Cover- ' ' ing is Hall's Sanitary "Washable Distemper. HOusehokiTaTir General ironmongery. Tools a Specialty. Try C<"Ugreve's. W'EOLESALF. and Retail" Ironmongers, Colombo Street. 'Phono 671. W. Congreve and Sons, Ltd. X 'MJN BRAND WHITE PEPPER IS PURE SINGAPORE WELL GROUND AND FINELY DRESSED. DO NOT BUY PACKAGES BRANDED PEPPER. IT WILL BE MIXED. ' r; '"i?KFOT!E INFERIOR. INSIST ON GETTING SUN BRAND SINGAPORE PURE WHIiE PEPPER IT IS THE BEST. I H&VB SEVERAL SUMS OF MONEY TO LEND Ofl Approved Freehold Security AT CURRENT RATES. O. E. 3AL.TRR, Barrister & Solicitor, Hereford St. (opp. Union Bank)


I' leave tha old folks now, I'd hotter bide ;i woo, Dud's got,' r onld, r.nd Mum's not well. And pipes the ither e'o. I'll fjanjr d°on to the corner storo, For Woods' Great Peppermint Cure, And Mum and Dad will '•greet" no more; Aye—they'll bo ridit for auro. 1


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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11671, 11 April 1916, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11671, 11 April 1916, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11671, 11 April 1916, Page 7