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SPETRS, SAUNDERS it C< DEPOSIT in id si Payn.-ent <>t' I-;j fi'.l H YV I.IIV-: I! O-T >v 111 f I Koiim-, iniiui- t,, J'hji.-idu: W-'ii-i. penny truni. "'•«!• S..rii'>i:. j'rv.i l . tryi--', !«;ih, '.vtisiibou«», I '''■ Price C 250. -f-'fiOfl I .'!£ <-[> !" Offer V-» .) t "".1 jiik:. i:vim' < 111- pouti)' H»x:-I'linvn-.t<|. Tram Fuil :i;-aer.*, Ji. »r;'! Tenii*. --00 i..>).> Don-e, villi si! iuod«m gnuvl •['■.nr., 11 ■ j m>/m■ - J-"..)- S.i!.', s 1 t.llvin-_r spice. * ' 'Til profits, it.irii.;', t ■■■:■ .-i.le.-, repair*. ,-ir. (*„»». »rv -ii -1 ii- ■i. t'fliV). WW Ki-.'l S et.-iil I.ct-c i Bii.-iiic-~, iu Jit-art-t», ''«>iii-J- f,>r » nirrr -01 1 r.'- £i-l< r >. - ■ v-'ryt !i i I---, T\".iUi' In, .-it . ,-A( I?,; j(si,j 1, Sydi-iiluMii, '.'-'ill!. or oj!rr. A ; p'u-.liili-l ehnn-ce ,' ! r , 11 HISU who '.'' I'll:: it pi rd I'll. De;s(vit-i-\-f T :\KIV l!uo , 'aJ''iiv 1 ! ;-"0)M u , b. anil ,* '/ '■■■■■ "let-trie hght, pantry, scullery, l».'n«l.fu diinn;.; rootu; wlton, 0:t U 1. Ai, 1 !,\ A*S -Bini;..aioiv of 4 room*. 1/iiir j '* ytars modem, Iv*rge workshop, j -<spii;ii* jiftl.iip, . t-.' 1 .. i-pu./r con licet inn. J.'-ll' 1. I Terms.. j *?-J. ACRES, Corner Mkok, <"*».-*«] .Vrooror-d j '•'* House, h year?. old, 100 young; apple ! free?, st'v.-brrrv pi ,ri- , <;on i usnbci ry | cane--, currant-<, gooseberries. el-.\ XI; j LL _ i-Aere. in City arc*., v/orih £?» fA » clmiu lrot.tßK»'. For the lot, including- ] iiilfi?"'"* l ' House, £.175. Cost ovrner 1 BUYS r. 6-roonied Good House - rfrfOyU -j,, City. at once. It's. I ;i- ,-niii. O ,"t NKW Bungalow of 5 rooms, 2 , ■{ (.* miles from Squs.iv. It. ;-<>.ren(ly cost .SSfii. It is valued zX Jb'ilOl.l. i."RS ilcj posit. l.i>:vs it. WT AT/JjAXS.—Offerei wi-ntcd for Xt-v-' *■} r-'ioraed Bunyalov-, jusfc .'Oiniilct. I '.!, *'l<,i--trie Jigflit, etc. jSGSA aslst'-rl. Make on "ffn?. '7-Jr.OOJI J,J) 2-stort'y Housr* ia tbo < l i(.v, * }><T/--''ctly feouiKl, h. an:), c.. gad, bathTootn, otc., t'o9s. or Imvs' J-acrp. wanted - io Exchange ft AC ÜBS, (root'l G-rooiTLf-d Honw, h. and c-., «nd s,il cnnvoniencos, at tram terra inn a. Prieo £'l7.'.i!. Wfmld ta.kft at I'tSOO tri i,:7ii,') in r.xc]iaris;r. V\ r A NTK-ti--Hotisr in or n-'a-r •f.i;vr:i. ior • » Hous>e of o rcjoais and 2-aciv, ."i miles from Square. Price £550. N-early new. OWXE.R of City .lious-\ 6 roomri, 2-storey, It. aud c., etc. .Price ±'sso. Will Kxchaug« for House and 2 Acres or jr.ore, out of town. [ i ' » .Fruit Far.iu, with house, i« Excbavige. j for Gcod 5-roonierl U.r,u*o. ' Jiojns from tram, i'sso. | Wf AXTK.I), |3o\i?c in .suburbs in Kxehmige j for '2A Acres ct C.oocl! j Wi!J_ poy_ diifcrcnce in cask. r pO Buiidw"—»\Ve):tcd, a Clear Title- Sma.ll Houae at I's'X), in Eatcfaang-o for pnuity in 4 Sections (over i-;tc-ro each; ana t-zoonu'd.. House, on tram line. 7-JIOOMKD House tuid i-Acr« Se'.-tion, on corner, Will take piece of land for equity. SPEIRS, SAUNDERS & Co .169, CASHEL SI MEET. X j Special Reduced Prices for Hospital Ship. White Sheets 8s 6d and 10s pair, N.Z. Blankets 16s 6d and 18s 6d pair, Face Towels Towels 2s, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s 9d, White Quilts 6s, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, Kapoc Cushions 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, Warm Wool Rugs 13s 6d, 16s 6d, 21s, 30s. A. JV WHITE LTD. ACP.ES, Rich Land, lot fruit trees, *J-fe fowlhouscs, splendid 6-roomed semibungalow residence, modern offices, handy to tram; £I3OO. A. J. Tarrant, 186, Cashel Street. s^_ GOOD Opportunity—Busy Leasehold Store, with d. rooms, gtablea; good position. Takings £SO week. Lease, renewable. Low rent. A. J. Tarrant. 186, Cashel Street. 4 ACRES for Sale, near Fapanut, black loainy soil, suited for market gardening and {rait. 300 trees, in now; liaaidsome'Bun«a!ovr, storeshed; trapsiied and stable. Price only £llsO and easy terms. Allan Hopkins. (£5 N ' X WANTED, Milk Hound of about '2OO gal- » ' lons. -State price and full details to Konajd S. Badger, 187, M-.inchestcr Street. __ __________ x ACRES, good land, li acre orchard-, o--0 roomed "2 glasshouses, stables, near car; cheap place at £1275. Terms arranged. A. J. Tarrant, Jffi. Cashel Street; "1 Qfi ACHES for Sale or Exchange for IJO froiu -20 to- 80 clinrch, splendid dairy land, carrying 55 bead of cattle and 100 idea) residence and outbuildings. Price, £26 per acre. Kasy terms arranged. Allan Hopkins. (151; S X»9l A—GOOD 4-roomed House, with w.-"-Lhouse and copper, nice section, handy to city. A. J. Tarrniit, 186, Cashoi Street. 4. ACHES for Sale, near Paptuim, black loamy Foil, well suited for - market gardening and fruit, 300 trees in now; bandß-ome Bungalovr, ctoreshed. trap?bed a-nd stable. Price enly £llsO and easy terms. Allan Hopkins. (25) X 1 rrTcl^sTY^SALE'ra^RlC^ Ilu PBICE Xll2 lCs Per acre. Easy Terms. j This is absolutely the Best Land you can buy in the district. All sown in ©aSura to be a good crop. Applv W. J. JI.OPK.iXS AXD CO., Corner Manchester and Hereford Street?, 3974 4 ACRES for Sale, near Papanui, black loamy soil. well suited for market i gardening and fruit,' .W trees in now; ! handsome- storoshed. trap-shed u-nd i stable. Price only £ll3O and ca«v terms. ! Allun Hopkins. (25) X I XJV~ ANTED Se.'i, Steelyards, weigh 150lb, [ » Y new. ]-2a (id; Giw Pendants, , eaea;?. Hrettell. lf?0, Aruiogh Street. i ' X LET ue find a Buyer for your Old Car or Motor-cycle. As we h«ve numerous inquiries, small commission charged. B. G. ; Webber and C 0.," St Asayh Strett. G ACRES for Sale, «'l in hnit trees and crop--, It nul.-fi irom town and one mile from train. All usual buildings. A bargain at £ll CM. Small deponit, balance at 5 per cunt' :r>r 7 yearn. Allan Hopkins. X IX will piy you to get a quote from ns • if you arc <hinliing o£ having- your car painted. B. G. \'v ;bber and Co., 287, St Adaph Street. X Sale, Marshland, 15 Acres Heavy -I- Land. Well watered. Xew 5-roomed bunjitlow, cowshevls, etc. Price .£IBSO. Terms arriri<jed. Kf-lma-n and M.eClatchie, 133, C'aah<!i Stree+.. X'j £» ACRES for Sale, ail iu fruit trees and O crops, 4-1 miles from to-rn and one mile from trim.. AJI usual buildings. A bargain s.t. XIKM. SniaJl d.ipcsit. bai.i-nce at S per cen* for 7 years. Allan Hopkins. X TTfANT.KlT"^ld7^Wc~to - c»-r, 'irAcres.' - -! V'V -i'S-'Hi; t-enrip, a, snip. ]/c>brey Mangrin C'o., 218, 'li?.h Street, ne 1 ..t, VV, 11. Coo Vie* n-tid Soi'?. X \:\rAXfi:Tr~S,!!7 cbfiap; " Kitchen "TirWe?, V» • Sot'*. Chairs. Wardrobe, Ducbossc. Crockery. Cutlery, e?.\ Bret?ell. .If). Armagh Street. X REDUCED Price, owner leaving Dominion ' —Freehold Grocery Store, modern D. room*, h. and c., bath, slab V*. • full i-acre; sucrifico MlO v 'A. J. Tarrajit. Caahel Street. BETS !<»r Money i? Wr >uy. Betts for J.kxit- is Kxact'r Right. Addre^f: 47!;, Colombo Stj-v-t-t. Syner.liaiu. X AT EAi.l %biriey Cinlf Linkc —i-Acre,, neuriy i 3 chiiin? {routsge, faciiy; tram; spieu- j did '""iluii'-!-' position. Particuiurs, A. J. j r i'axrant, t,-'6, S" )'-v;. X i ACHES ior Sale or Ex.:!iar.g<- fcr iroir '2O tf &') Aerts i;e;n: Chri-it.-church. s?) 1 .!'!!.-! iu dairy liui-.i, carryiin- "i.", lieiid '-t rattle and 10) sheep; ideal rc-M----d.c-!!.'e and outbuilding*. I'rice, C'2(i uer acre. Easy urrftj'ged. Allun Hopkitiji. tfSi) __ , X HAHIU's BROS. Buy Seccr.d-hand Furniture in iiK>* quantity, and pay highest price. _ _ f ACRES ior Sale, aJ! in iu!-.f,'n. ; fic*>nt 0 orebfii-.i. v/e!' ke;'t and sheltered, new Bungal&w 20 mit>ul*!»' ride from Square Eisr tenr,«. A]l»n Hopkin?. (2-W X rpHE best Electric Lamp :s the Brims--1 down Wiram. British maiio. Brown 8r05.., Colombo Strait ** good Land , near fetaai; 14 sores O OTC-haa'dj 2 glasshouses, sfcabies. S-tocwd Cheap place, £1275. Terras arranged. A. J, Tyrant, IS6, Caebal Street. TEN ~Second-ha.nd Talking Machines and Records. Any I'ff&r? Hurry f K. Mor« >ad Co. , .3* n ACRES" for Sale, all in fruit trees and O crops, ii mileK from town and one mile froTA ti-jiui. All usual baildirips. A bargain at £llOO. Smell deposit, balance at $ per cent for 1 years. Allan Hopkins, X 'fiOOPS

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11509, 4 October 1915, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11509, 4 October 1915, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11509, 4 October 1915, Page 3