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T OST, Carf. Whip, between Cutting tnS li Pratt Stmt. L.J., " Sta-r" Office. Heward. m 'J OST, on Tuesday, Kins,' Lorrift Perrot. J J Kinder rewarded 97, Huxley Slieei, .'J'afii. Pi" "I OS'i, in Ce'hcl Street, Paree.]. iotvU' 1 iJ uartiisllv knit-tt-d *r»rf. I*l«t fc« return to Rn'-aritj ne'e. ' >~ T OST. SunHfcv, Park Terr*cr.. Att:*- • J iiTvii'.'vh !- (..'<;&• li'ittor., D.ounteu. rr p'.tiim ro! urn ' )i.® i-lhce. I OST. L.-.Jy'fc'r V:,trir"VnH.F!, 11 iiV'wui, Api)!v \v.l < • h .:. f t ' ! !' T i)ST, lha f' Kiut". eet :? .1 i )-</?)>.» r.r.d 1 w;j.U- fojr,;K.rr'!. 1'» StiiV/iTli-j d. J'-.'-voJ. J#. Worcester ''' T OPT. Ti-dr.-. nor.i £'.3.'" i'a-..:. J j ri.ul i" I.rtv.-. pjj rla*? Chester Mr'ni, M.'r'.iii-, F:;ct'. c ? iF.-i-ny £• rr<- r..u M.aiirh«-et'-r SiV'i- dcr rowan!- d ur. returirip to 577, ,* Street. Li r word. WANTED r-;:!' (eec«r,d kind). Orceer'a or (ir.'irr Car: ; Three fte* BunW. tvrr-d Gig*. .Tone*, (.'amaze Builder. Svder.ANTED ""Self, ' f ~Bo*T«r : «,'~>e.p. »» f->~ n-' •>[-. rd T.i"-'r, Sr>r n«f Dray. Bni'der, Syderdiarv.. TV AN TED F "io\-rr. <;'*ti'f?ction 0"n-*en- » » icpri in Shoeimpr *nd RuiMera' Ironwork. Jones end Sun, Carr>*g« Buiidsi'a, I" vrfirhsun. TIJ A NTK D Pel] Grverr.e** C» r (rubber- * ' Krrd rind < eidid R-ibvev-t'-Tod Oißos, eeciind-h&nd., Cttriage Bui.der .S . dpnhuin. WA NTTT- <v\" P*l>i r; 7„"j* rw . ligh' Drrro 1 ami Waggon Top. cheap. Jones and Sotis, Carriage Bm'drr>. Syuenham. 153 vJ-t-LL. 3-hor-e Jlotor-cyc'e, L.M.<"„ r.e u-M order. £-y> and 2 I''c O-enrn C#rl« on-1 Churns, Jones, Carnage BuiJder, Syd«nhHiu.

w w TA XTKD. to - Sell. Firjt-cinss Siiv-:-r-p'i- to J <i'err,et. K.G.G._ _ i'4' : ' 'ANTED, Lady'# Bike; nnwt be in good condition. 373. G'.< uce'-ie- Street, e49 Work by good", sil-r- ir d man » » '*-!» ]>or day or cjntr: ct. ii.H.ll. 64t "l/VA./rKD to Buy. Kodak Camera and » V Outfit.' Sta'-e price and size. J.G.G. WANTED. H-y lor mr<t-agcp. App y Mr M"Harj. Erasers, Ltd., 136, Armagh treet. W 'ANTED, Housemaids afid Par ourmaida. lowa. Centrs.l Lab nr Agency, Yidor.a Square. 382-4 ANTED iseil, Section Milton Stre.t, hj, fating north; £6s. leims t \\[ ANTED"to Sell. Str"w I * * Oiiaff ; reasonable. W. J. 3ibir, Caehe] j TT/'ANTEI) by Superior Youiit Lady, posi»V lio.i .. as 'Probationer in Private Hosn'WL 11. F.F. 847 TV r A.\TED by .Superior Young Lady, posiV V tion as Companion-He p. Town or c iiTifry. G.K.K. ' 647 YTT ANTED, Rustic or White-chapel Cart, » V <-u.t hoiee Hi hands. Pr.ce, etc., to • J.J., " Office. 044 WANTED, Board and lodging. Single Young Man, Christian, h. and c. water. Ap:'y J.K.K., " Hur." ■ 849 Wa.V'iED. Eoarders, superior acromm.dat»on. Derby House, 243, Gloucefter S' 'Phano 2754. 842 V-TT"ANTED Se'l, Two Fu 1 i-acre Section*. »,» god '• cality and close 2d tram; cheap. J App'y F.K.K., " Star." 844 ANIivD Buy, Bacing Riding Breeches, waist 36jU, and B:x.t3, size 7. App y ' "St.r" Office. Csl WAITED Sell, Table Potatoes, 2s 9d sugar bag, guaranteed and delivered. j ) Hornbrook S reet, Opawa. 948 IX7ANTED SelT" Booth.~Macdona".d WindI ** mill, Mas.' and Pump, in order. t V J. Mrir. Ca,?bo'. Street. 823 TT7"ANTED, Smart Boy for machine mm. »V wnh v.ew tj learning tra&e. Fratere. L:u., 136, Armagh Street. 846__ ANTED" do Little Work after school. Eu c ere Spitz and Co., Ltd., /ad'es' Trilor!'. 77. C'gl'.el Street. £3O t"\7 A.> lEt—tbper.or Beard a. u Lodguige t V at Derby H-use for Married Couples, j _ J hone 2754. 249, Gloucester Street. 642 I WANT ED Let" near Metropolitan. Acre?, argxj trotting stable?, house 4 iXTAaTED to Buy, a Lady s and Gent's » V Seco -d-hand Bicycle, any condition, i ' h< - ar >- Ap ily K.F.F.. "Sat" Oftce. 846 I T/\7"ANT£.D Let. large euimy Bed-Sitting- ;* V rcooi, with fireplace; a two Single ioutns io Gentlemen. 903 Colombo Stree. •: N. 847 W W' r\7" ANTED to Sell, Lairy and Confec- | V* ticnerv Business. 4 .iviis rooms, fur•i.ehed, £"> Q. Owner caiied home. H.K.K. t Star." 846 WANTED Sell, Cottage and Th-ee Acres, tv,-e;ve chain.? ironia&e; or Two Acres j cheap, without cottage; near New Brighton. j.J f., " fctar." SSO_ VXT ANTED to Rent, with pu-chasing W c ause, ill Chrifltchurcili Suburbs, a iood Houro of six rooms and conveniences, 3or 4 acres ground, garden and fruit, o? g aaahoueo. No ideate. App.y F.G.G., are of this OSice. B^3

, JL\KS Automatic Pilot Jet Carburetter i-J for Sale. Spare Jets Bex 36. IT* XCIIA-S G E~<FT<7ntf ~Cottage, tree title, iJ Cashmere, lot Bu'.'.gaiOw. Good spec. Badger, 167, te, reek TXJR prcralOeiivery~give Mmgrove.a ring, and . try Bellbird Coal. Phcpo 11J7. EAV Shop-aoi ed any^reaI -wv* x,**, 4 - - ponablc oSer; gua.&iitc-ed. Hoar them. More and Co. I7lJlTSaieTßhode Island Red C-ock (Nixon 1 bird). 3', 3 Gloucester Street. 850 I?JK ba.e or Exchange, Buy Gelding, 10 i 1 hands, for Harness One. Apply 280, Selwvn Street. Black Orpington Hen # ■;nd "Pullets. 280, Sewyn Street 947 p~OK Sale, Modern 5-roomed Home, well i- bui t, practically new, every convenience; over £-acre section, fruit trees, iawna, etc. Everything ill first-class going order. An ideal home. Situate St Albans, "eniis t an fce arranged. The owner must quit. " Star " Office. 85°_ G~RITTiTII ToT" Safe,'23ft.- ai, Southampton Street, 544 AVE~yoiTaeen Crockett and Jones'? New Gxod.sed Mctui Polishing G&binct? c'r sa all bcot stores at Is lid. feSO H~£ilALl) Wicker Side-chair, in perfect condition', !otr position, lamp, _ com* ilete, £f> ]Os. A snip. G.F.F., " Star." of th« L»t«at and IML Brightest Piano So.ob, all Is Cd. K. ~10-e and Co. Splendid Layer#, "buff and InO dian Runner Ducks (Knight drake), Khocie Island Reds.- 373, Gloucester Street. QITiIXGS Utility vV. Leeliorns. 8. Wyars* O dottes, W\ Rock, W. Orpintfione, great avers, 3s 'M. Inspect. 14, Seadon St:eet, sydenk&in. Zi JTTiX'G S Bvff' Orpingtons, Black OrpingO tons,. R-'.cki. White Lsghorns, ~>rown Loghorjm. 42, L*edn -Street, Linwood, ,>ff Fitzgerald Avenue. 813 QPR EYDON —Good Building Section. SO 0 perches. A gcod chance for Builder. £JS 'or oi> ck feprstt mid Bsst., 62L C.-o orobo sYreet.__ **> rpo Let.. City, '2 Room*. }'2»: five rooms, 1 central, ft>a and lis; bis rooms, 20s; Bunga ,o\v all conveniences, 21>s, seven .coins, 30b Gd and 22 s fid; eight rooms £os; tiir« rcoma, £ ! 0. Ford and Harffield. rpO' Let.' Comfortable Small Cot age. conJ. vcniences; handy tram; E.K.K... " Times." !!iL_. AY~Men--.r.igbt shares> s 1 Destination Indicator, worth £1 10s e:ich, Rccc jt £1.5. Box i;l6. 'JUVLetTCity, 4-rooraea Cottages, m.e.. h.p., 1 mid *c.. etc., 7s fei «nd 8s fid week, a.wt o rooms, lis. Spiatt juid. Best. 621 Colombo Street. _ _® 45 rpo Let, Sydenham, 4 rooms,, 12e Cd; 1 fix row.*, iti: Bockeuham, 5 i\x-nis, Kitj; Addington / n.ciu( it li house, £7O; Sprcvdoit, 3 mm car, 5 rooms, ISs. T-'o-rci slid liadfc d. ' S V.) Let, utiar Ijinco 11 T\o»d, Good Scund X Howe -5 rooms, w.h. ar.d e , tub?, iiath, h.ri. ws 1 er. ga-s, etc.. 1-lf- wceik. £prat.t and opft. 821, Colombo Street. "\/\/ r HEN ord«.r;iig Del.bird, «ee v;bat you V » jt: no fc*K. Mu?gTOve. 'Phone 1137. XT7HITE Roche, Buff Orpingtons, Whi'e I f Leghorn*, Rhode 10-aud ißedtf and i:.d an Ka...n-v irom 6d. 43, Win ton Street, St Albans, _ \r'OUX3 Widow want# Houbckct;-cr's posiI tioi, in or n*w Town; thorough.y do-i)iCPtirate-<i. L.J.3., " bthr, EQUITY— P*pa:n:i, House, leasetl, £! irt; owner require fma-ii house. Badcer. IST. Mcnchwiter S reet. »> ACRES Good L»iid, w»l! it-rcea. all li; (-rase, facing i.or.h, be»i pan Spxeydon. V,Yi u-ortli in?pectioh. jC3)6 lot. hpraft and Best, ':2 i. iiiibo 'lO Loikl Freeh<),d. 6 per cent; r.t.-i Hono. i 0 Badger, 187, Mfinchcsicr f-iic-t __ 9 "r--ifEi'CCEH f oin £l7O—A Spienill)') 1. 0 sertion, 66!t ftor.t*jre. 64 pe'ehes, fe-nreci all round, beat part Bee-ken-ha;a. A frenuine bargain. Spr*tt ur.d Best, f-21, Co c" bo S tree'. fc4s iQ ACRES, T ~itb outbuilding*; G years !*■ l-*a.«9 to nr.:; insb*!" frorf Chr:BtohuTch. Quick s-a-s i'MV Sprtti and Beet, fiil. Colombo St:ee\ 681 GFREE Section*, North Brighton. £'?00 frr Bungalow. Badger, 167, Mnuchffter Street. 1 j 'J BtiVS sic- —-d Houte 4 room?, cSr'iwii o:nivenienc6R, op'endid recticn, fniit trees; (food pos-itjon. handy to rai.way, b,.-ratt «od Best, 621/ oUeet, Ma>

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11478, 28 August 1915, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11478, 28 August 1915, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 11478, 28 August 1915, Page 10