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RACING AND TROTTING. NOTES BY "ASGU3." FIXTURES, 6«pt«mber I—Mutton Jockey Club. September 3—Rangitikei llant. September I?—Dnncerirlte li.'icinrr Chib. '■>—Dutnevirlsc Hurt. September 0, 10—A«hburton Coimty Raorcgr Chib. i """ "r 13 IS—Arornlule .Tockey O'.nb. j ficptem'wf 18-.-Ota.go H'rnf. | X-t, 21--Ger«,!diii» Racing 1 Clab. September 2S, ?. : j—Wsji'.-a">u .'ie-kc-v Club. I E«pt«mb«r 37. 28 —Otaki 7»ieori Racing Club. Scptemwr SO—Kurow Jockey Club. | S«ptemb<?r SO—Horowheriua Racing Club. The result of the election for the new hoard of the New Zealand I roti tins. Association did not aifect mapy of the. present members of the govern- ! ins body of t roiting. l'or the North j Island representatives there were three ! candidates tor the two scats. _ For a great, many ve/.rs Mesc-rs C. I'. Mark and J. U. Pollock have h"°n oa i lie hoard as representative-, of the North Island, but .ins; iirjor 'o las' rear', elActiosi Mr -L rl. Polioi-k i.ecr.'-c s'-t-i- ---| ill and has not yet roc.ov.-red h's i health. fh> was o;ily a hie io ;:tt. lid | one meeting during the year ami very I trisely decided not to seek nion. I i'hc, iwo- new «.*piranis ior ihe ro-itioH ! v.-ere Messrs H. J. Lahner and i', ■). Nathan. The fv-'-nanvd mf-man is an olneitd oi i ii.» Heat. \'a!'ey 'i rotting Club, whilst. Mr Nathan president. of the Mnna-watii Clu l '. 'i''ho ■ result ot the election proved ihar Mr .Mark srili reta.ns in." confidence ru ihe clubs, as he v.,v ihst, wldht A 1 r Palmer Mr Nathan by one ''ote. There was much buyer number ot cnndid. ts:, .Dr the .Souin Island reiwefontari'-fs than usual, no lc.«« than thirteen being nominated. Last year's members were opposed by Messrs W. H. Denion. la. Ciarkson tifid -I. I'd (duersou, who had j-.revicnely fie ,; n on the hoard, ar.c! 'o /;.e,--sr-. M'. ,1. Hopkins, J. fL Thomson and A. J. Marshall. Messrs W. E. Simes :vd J. M. Barron were defeated, dicir places being taken by .Messrs Dor ton r "id Hopkins. Tho latter eeniieci,'!! .s a well known business man in t'»i>. city, who also ha> considerable interests in the Kaikoura- district. Ho is an ofiicial of the Nov Brighton "i'rottine: Club, and also an ..-,v"r of several horsos. He. together wd.b ir A. d. ?farshall. was nominnr-ej hy tin Kuikoura Trotting Club, vtiifb lv as one of the trotting clnhs that received a permit- The. Ka'kotira r.nd "Waimato Plains Troiting Glt.hs did not record their vote-', and will therefore have to be dealt with, under Hule 28. hv the Trotting Con tew nee. It looks as 'mtudi Mr Barrou lost, his seat through "dr J. B. Thorn son being hi the field, and thus dividing the support which might otherwise ' have beeu wdidly j given to one Southland representative, ! as Barron is an official ef the Core Trotting Club, whilst- Mr Thomson is I president of the Southland Trotting Ciub. Mi" Sime-s. who ocenpied a h?gli position among the successful candidates the year before la it-, and who was j well up on the list hist year- suffered a I severe do I oat. Aithouch no mating of the association lapsed for the wane • a. quorum I;st year, the meetings j were not- well attended by members, i and it is to be hoped that, the new

t board will b ■ r;l;1e to show a marked imprm omen; in this direction. The. work of administration of the sport by the governing body has greatly increased during the last, few rears, and whilst a grea.l amount of the routine ! business, together with ether import - j ant matters, is nor.- don" by mj 1.-< --;;i----j mitteos, it is found that there ,h j ; «'f v. ork remaining i 1 -r ti-.e ni-mbers. | ! The exeentive ot tli l ' 1 Patriot ir: 'f roti | tmeeting, to 1,,-ju r;t Addin;--I • '.on on Oet-ob'T 0. has jr-iit an iti»-'it:. - I t ion to his Fx' elhii'y t't.• • (oA'ernrr. | Lord Liverpool. t" i ,! - pi'-'-. iif. [ ! iiiei'tiiig editing a lot- of ins err:-' I among ioJlo'vcr.-, r-{ trolling in Nonb j ( ani'-rbiiry. 1 hey Ivr.' l un'ii'riaken to ! pro', ide the prixes ter' <.r,e •"/ 11". 1 I t eveiils. and tn.-.piiies to ilie vidue | | £''W have ;j!re.->dv been promi-- 'i--1 ' 1 »•'•( sl'-fllii'. ro;c'"i)lV~.. ion.s. HI 1 h* | ' 'miape of Hhai :-i;ask"\ and Crow:: i IVari- ••<-'ionre,> . i"ive o,t:« >•.; .-ngi/ i support'."i in <.,r.:bles ditrin-z i lie !a>-. | f'-<\ drivs for [!•,'. priiiispai , vetit.- ;-if. j. the \L;.'ton lm-vting. 1 There appears to ly a .••iiriM'.'sing | unanimity of opinion concerning the-two-year-oJd.s in training this season in A'arious parts of the jOomnion. Froir. nenriy every quarter the iaie. t reportstate, that the juveniles aic inodr rat:'. One advantage about, this estimate is that it will the shoe. 1 ; should' it be justified hy events, wiiilo there will be special room for congratulation should the young ones turn out well. | Reports from Marton state- that I Glen more was ir, capital fettle when 'ne returned from tiie Grand Xriional | meeting. There is :s,/me La'k of the ('aptidii Webb gelding sent to .\j el bourne to co:sipoto at the siiring meeting of the Victoria Racing Club, lie won some distinction at L'Temington two years ago. when he carried 12st sueees'-i lilly in the Victoria u otee])lccijas;. The Great Northern St Leger, which will be decided for the first time this season, will figure on the programme of the Auckland iiachi£ Club's autumn meeting. The Great Northern Oaks has boon run at that meeting for several years, but after this season it will be removed to the spring programme. Wnr.step is a warm favourite for the New Zealand Cup. It is doubtful, in | fact, if any horse lias ever been quoted at such a short price so long before the date" of the race. A Sydney paper, in referring to the recent successes of the New Zeolaadbred pony, Margarita, describes her as a marvellous mare. Prosper is being hacked about the streets iu Palmerston North, and it is probable that lie will have another chance of gaining distinction on the turf. 1 According to the Auckland writer, i '' Phaeton,"' a doubt, h east on the j correctness of the breeding o> the New ' Zealand Grand National Steeplechase | winner, who is returned as hy Ngataj toa (son or Flintlock). It is consider- | ed in certain quarters that Ngatoa .was | got by Brookhy (son of -Sv Leger'). J.t | should net be a, very hard matte; 1 tr> i clear up the point., and 1 the man who ; bred Ngatoa, if still ir the land of the : living, may be expected to place the j disputed point, completciy at rest. | The stcantor Hurutiui. wind) reached ' | Sydney late this mnntlt. had cn board ! sercn : "tii out from Eng- ; land by Mr V.'.; --vivh ;he i,;1 ten lien of !».• i.g ivi :.-**•! toerc. I!::c is { mare. Au }{evoir (IPl'J>. hy Miireovii. j from T,ari*-.')ur 11. ; and ii.,- otiuirs are J foa!s of ]!!'!.'!, t.!;n~ Colt, by Le B!tI --Or:' l iVs.r.; colt: by l.'anbngtry-- ! 3lukden : colt, hy Long Tom- Disdain; , I celt, hv Le H!ircr»• -Fn ; r Dart ; wiit., hy . j Land League -Wafe- Nymph fU.S.A.), ■ j ami cell, lie St '"art;n. from Doubtful. . ! The colt ovt of t'rratress will be (rai'ie4 j ; by .L I orolinsoi), and those from I/is- • | da in. fair Dart- vV.-ito.r Nynmh, ;nid . Doub't'o! by .Marj< Thon'p-on. T' ! e : ' (iestnm; ion of the oihe ! > has uot 1 det.r:;ci. , j Mr Join Vri ;n. .liter eontributing; . ' r.lio*.s:!"*ds to ( ia'.-riot-ic funds. < ; went, 'nrthcr a work or two ago by ; ' !ii'f-tn;g at. the ?del'smnic Town 15nil ■ depot, Mr Wren, who .".cave his age I s* f'ii iy-ihreo. \ra ■. o.isf i'r] a- phystI <v.':i!y ill, and has to report for dety ! o-i Sento'vtber ]. lieemuiv the tift n! -m h a ii<:r.;br'r oi" rich ynm>:s V.irV)-. , hs v .*''.ny Lack Tir<K'uet ive of ncr'«- : p:; a;e; ihereforc one ean-|-r>: but. ,"im i-<-• •. he spirit, 'ksriayed by ' , Mr "\Vron, who, while not exactly j yoitng. i r credited with l>cing one of • ! Au^ ; lie.'= richest rror>. He controls j raco'-OMrse* in '.Heluourne and BrisI h'.n'' . stadiums in those two cities, and j in Br(Vivr-ino he f.vns a ner>-spa.per. the : " Daily \Jail." It was he who recently ! r ad'" 1 a present, of ,Col)l> to Corporal • i .Tackii. the first Australian to win. a Yf. in the present war. L < aero: too often pointed out thrii !cirse-vacing is not merely a.n or recreation, hut tiiai. n> prinuifily < l si>ts a« a ncces-aty adI -;cf j.j' r>ur crthorsi'-breefLuig in- | (h;.-.eev. ,s;i\ s the K'n.cb'-.b scribe,. ! 11 \"gi"i<-nv." fn tho «■!.-) hi Li:; < m'l i»du e * | tries many millions <a' capital ni- ! rested, and no more, striking example j can !v ;.'ivon of ih«- paralysing eifoct o. i the general slippage of racing on j the breeding industry tha.n that nlfordj ed by a. eouipnmm;i of Ujc first «J u ».V . • s-alefi la.«t month and the .same saiee*I actiy a year ago. A month before the i ; f'ermans viola ted t-h<» neutrality of Bei- I j pinr/i and I.uxernlnn'g 107 yearlings i wore sold at Newtnarkoi, for a total of j e.'L."."/(>gs. this i b>kling an average of a j fiimde over 34igs per head. Last, month 124 yearlings v/ere sold for the i ridiculously inadequate aggregate of n.2-51cs. or an average price of just ! over Otlgs apiece. The drop from 3-ilgs in lf'l4 to T'Ogs this year speaks for itself, and it is one only to the abandonment of racing everywhere except at. Newmarket. Truly a lamcntaiile state, of nfi'airs, spoiling dead' loss ; n a j multitude of im-iai-.c>". io the breeder?! of «he yen rd ng Take, for example.- j . ib.-- ivili fiv CirfM. onl, of Yellow Peril, j ■ wi:o iva.-, s<)l<i to 1- M-'igs. ' f he joe of his ■ sire, tor the year in wbtoh the dam was coverr. 1 -> as 'Jf-Ogs, and l.bon t here is the i 0..: of of t'ne mar.-' and her foa! to ii." on. Takinc the cases at ; random, a o:t hv Spearmint, whose ' fee. iv;;... •?.">' e . ;' Ins've), fetched 1 tuny '• ."'v>. and o'.'" h>' Loel'.rx'an 'fee !') sov -i \ ! o»'v Soother vcarlinsc 'from the ■ r " stud V>v < .initteer (tee 1 ■" lip) was f bf.-rat .>*!" of ar ; d t-o ; .':e '' . rh'.. where j : fee e'as ie-„- than * he aino'r ( i ! T' T'-l-nd h\ i L'O y.--i"ih;g hr'nc 'U th« j | leincrity. and ti'osr> in winch the ' ' : ipnte rhe except :ou. A- •* f .he '-hamo which has ; ■ laic'y m E.igli' h | ' •< la .a , f role'rod a few day> 1 ;.v i :t. the ivor ir 1 •! "> nenje: hv Mr y.-; rlitig" at Newmark-d , and ■a atters tvere re |••••»•! e: other br« e<, ! - •• >v.f ii t-> i !• •• M- dr;..•;, i id; ' o. !»••';.•. .' .'illv Wi'dav the *■ 11' j res?: Bird d th' FTnnd hoadi-n: the hs: i r r I,v-;s t he only fciri icj.'ires . :V':. u. bo: 1 coming ihe ! (d'ernae.ya colt at 70-rs. Ihe '?,.t t«w wj.. r .J as oi'o of thi" ! '■•••• t !ook : '. : r ed. - .Vere;' dnrina ih.' ! ' ,w ' r r,". a cu'ipte of y< ars ago uould | i rcfd-'d-'y hire r -rhsed at lera-t i ; i.hc a r. on in mei;;'ororl. lb- vr- j ' <*.! of the late Mr W. j • Tiiodrick. wh'O w;-"- on- of rhe | n ai.y who I"st thetr lives u Inm i he I Go -nian.- -.auk the Linitanie. Y,-pr';.. ~ j I h-- .Mllion.v Whtto Ea-le j : L">e ier,. B ••eheior's 1,).:.uh1e. Marec. j i I?-irjiijiti. .jfihn o' Gaunt- and Ciiaiie. r I !'"i!ised noti\Mir: near what it, cost, io ! site theui. while yownt.rtcrs by stallions { of les,s note were practically siven j a nay. The executors of the late Major j fv-HCice T,sent, up , ;o!( 'r\ | Wihias;. ?h •• Third from Cnickmi, J "'■' d fha f if' "silj* r.vx'ie •fTb'i.s. it-? ri-vdnet

ih<-' Mono* fn- -<vhK'h yonrling sister v.-as sol-], hc-t. WBWII, ~ of the ncndit 10.'l oi tin' L.n;.;lish bloodstock rriarlift. ,St Nev, rnnri ct m June and .Tu'v of las:; \*• j;• I~>~ ye-'>rVni j »old for u t/ita.l of --an j-.verago j -)f Ii n\-rr OH:'- b<\nd- bui; at • t h.~ t-.'i I yr»''.viin:;-- only ' t"tailed '(J v-T/.iv.t r j si\ < rj vi ;i) ;i ■-1' ■ii r; " - - igfal i'< V "V-k r " 1 n 'b- jj<3 .! J i!: n: ■ - i: I"! 1 ■ ~ ' A rati" >• vj»;- >| v 1 n «ur.r; are n;'i!n rj'l'■ Ivi' m : v. ;;d-' , < v.'i'yth:ii :! , 1.,; •»t: ovine ' ■> ' I w?u. Tiv- v«- r" c F ■ W'Vf ■v. :* - !;:i t r •. ■'■?.! I 'l' : r?'■ c;: i; p'l •r: b ' hd, hi - M 'v. i ■IJ i)l Wab • 1 i"> lO 11"! " ; • 1 ! '(-n . ,\t S 1 ;: :: ; ?!« )■" 1 ! f ■' I h"re | v.-i-.-'t ,i" .'1 1 ' :r ■ 1 r ! * b'• . v i s:s - j ' u roanipu l .;.-d !».• .-.'n/. • r.i« ii tlf. »v-h:: I tbf '"r-s I: ! im 11 ior:i i: " dm, b* < i '■ '!•■■■ ■' i ■ Af•1 • T.i'il illr-; tf. ir.o r i I Oraiii". I:;-- h or;. - hs-. en;.j' l •": .'1 1 :-- ! dor t.iif r:i - :} •-btJii'd, " tnn.iipl of :J!H; j to r«yo!2 the d -sirr••_{ I llw :>. hiT£s V'-r' i'fM'K'} | i;i ) li'> fitt:r, --1. ;i,:d " rvj in '.v-":- 1 i i'ov.ii-l ivi the flour d;rf«-t!y ''-i•:! ! 'i ! - j :'>■ .-"a! I .', t }"•*'! i■ ii v. ?d I !>;• j ,-r>-! . : t •; ;'-l j v i., jf, t t lie ,«. no w i .i' ! 'Vi"; uvfr]f>rilw'd. !:; ri:-: <)!' lij ; hi i'i'i; i i nifi'VO'] 1 1 j.'.;o:her part oi t!i<- bo!. v,-.-«ro p!n,'-g«fj uj> viih of bo;:; * which rwiot'y, :<»irj .vtuch Krro )io!:i ivi iiy is. ol :■ r;-; :v : s s;;:do nivarli. At! 5 l»o ai'i lxnoro .-oinr' ;l l > tv-.- iX- ! i-ic<i out- <.c rimo Iv-.'-k, v.h.f 1 ! Hie v.x*rs i'eiMry<:<i to r:i;oihcJ - pru't ci the b'tiloir.g. '! hrn. ci" oonn-f, vF"? gfritlc-maM hr.d to vac;;!" hi:- o)u (t'otioh ;ujd t.:'ko nj> a. wiv po.-ition. 'this |he began opcrotions by <■•«!« an | oponi?};;:: iit flip flooring boards inirnci ri::.:]cr i.he r.c.i' "r-n.-iUy j '.'.v secretary, and u'.dy « ioiv ioe't I B"*'ay i'roi'i the scaK*>. Again. « I cofrj)orta»:.- 'dug-out ' wns made, in | v.-Lich the investigators found evidences jof H'conl occupation. There was i;Lw> j ample eridonro to sliow that the gome j had be.en going on for :-.oir.e consider- ; able. time. hut. how iong can only bo ' conjectured." Sonic year:-; ago the Sydj iie.v courses were expidixed by the .scale- : fakers, jfoorefieid being tiie fh>t at i which the discovery was made. J-iight-i? r or wrongly, the idea prevails that | r.sndwjok was also worked," and that iat riemington one hor. ; c carried con- ; siderably less thnn its weight in a M.el- ! bourne Cup. -and even then conkl not j win. However, where racing is coni corned, rumours are often accepted as ; facts, and perhaps R.nidwick and Fleroi ington really did escape, the operations |of the manipulators. None the lesA I fhe foi'in of some horses, prior to the ; discovery of the scale dodgo puzzled | many racegoers a fow years, ego. At ; Wallsend :i few years one offender j was caught red-h:;tided, aa<l some of i fliusp. <-rodited with being associated with, tiie Imsines-. are still on the disqualified list. Tiie plan is for the jockey to come cut of the scales sb»: weight, the man underneath do jug the rest by atiaehir.g tl:~» ncwi-.-tary poundage to a M-jre conn.iM'ied with the lever, i and. it liisy be added, the swindle can i b.c worked without the trainer or owner having the slightest idea of what is going on, though, there !•< one trainer who now fully believes the dodge was adopted in connection wit h some reprej sentatires of hi« stable at a couple of I Australia*? principal tracks.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 11478, 28 August 1915, Page 5

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SPORTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11478, 28 August 1915, Page 5

SPORTING. Star (Christchurch), Issue 11478, 28 August 1915, Page 5